What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    In fourth grade we were learning about mean, median, and mode and the teacher decided to do it with everyone's weight. Everyone had to state their weight in pounds out loud in class. I weighed the most in the class at 125. I still remember feeling so ashamed and trying to say my weight as quietly as possible.
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    About six weeks ago I was walking down the street with my son... I was trying to get prepared for the quarter marathon I was walking soon thereafter. Across the way a truck with a bed full of teenage boys drove by and they started shouting things at me... Bad enough it happened to me, but my fit and healthy 10 year old didn't understand why they were doing it. When I explained, he was horrified and embarrassed for me. He wanted to yell backbut I said to let it be...

    Apparently it was such fun the first time, they came back around two more times. Sad really since I was finishing up a 5.5 mile walk and ended up sad rather than proud.

    Sometimes I really dislike people...
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Worse thing ever? I was sleeping with this guy and had THE biggest thing for him....I was positive we had so much chemistry and that it was going somewhere when one day he said, "I really, really like you, but before we can officially be together, I think there's some things we should both work on." Well, after an hour or so of trying to figure it out, I finally guessed it....he wanted me to lose weight. I was so mortified and disgusted....it became clear to me then why he he had avoided going out in public with me.

    (I have been with my now-boyfriend for eight months now.....ironically my now-boyfriend was at that time my best friend and my shoulder to cry on about it....now he's the love of my life and LOVES taking me out in public because he finds me irresistibly gorgeous ;)
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    I feel like I just had a lot of flashbacks after reading about airplanes, restaurant booths, and roller coasters! Here are the few other things I remember:

    1- Going back in to the car rental company thinking there was something WRONG with the seatbelt because I'd never had one that didn't fit. Turned out it was just ME so they upgraded me to a different car after embarassing me by talking out in the open about it (I didn't care or ask for that part but was humiliated!).

    2- Getting stuck in a desk in my high school just long enough to fall out in front of everyone. My teacher was calling each person back to give grades, and when they called me, I tried to slide out of the chair but didn't make it and the desk with me in it hit the ground sideways.

    3- I was at a friend's house studying for finals with our whole study group (8-10 of us), and we sat on the back patio of one of the girls. The plastic chair split right under me in front of everyone. She tried to be nice and say that the chairs needed replaced but honestly, it only made me feel worse...
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    When my fiance told me "Never wear those jean again, you look f*cking horrible"
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    Awe, you know I have been there all throughout my school years. Your right it does stick with you. I remember one kid in paticular when I would walk he would oink like a pig or loudly say "Boom-Boom" everytime I took a step. One time I was on my way to the gym (this was after I was done school) and some guys probably in their 20's were calling me fat at the bus stop they didn't know I was on my way to the gym because I was trying to better my life and health. People can be so cruel. I'm glad you told her no thanks. I have always believed if someone can't accept me for who I am on the outside they have no right to get to know who I am on the inside.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    About six weeks ago I was walking down the street with my son... I was trying to get prepared for the quarter marathon I was walking soon thereafter. Across the way a truck with a bed full of teenage boys drove by and they started shouting things at me... Bad enough it happened to me, but my fit and healthy 10 year old didn't understand why they were doing it. When I explained, he was horrified and embarrassed for me. He wanted to yell backbut I said to let it be...

    Apparently it was such fun the first time, they came back around two more times. Sad really since I was finishing up a 5.5 mile walk and ended up sad rather than proud.

    Sometimes I really dislike people...

    That's awful, particularly while you had your son with you.
    Strangely though, I did smile when I was reading this because your son was horrified by it, just shows he will grow up into a nice considerate guy and be nothing like those teenagers! :smile:
  • Living4Liz2012
    When I started my weight loss journey I was at a gas station with my best friends little boy getting a snack, and heading out for the day. As we waited in a very long line I could hear the two older women whispering behind me saying

    "I think she is pregnant."
    then the other replied," How can you tell she is big all over?"

    Yup I left there feeling like ****, but no more of that now:)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Another was me at my fattest weight - over 270, looking like a human manatee, trying to do a flip off the diving board.
    I bounced up and down, then went for the maneuver only to corkscrew half way and land SPLAT on my back to the joy and giggles of all present.
    One of my son's friends had his call phone cam....:devil:
    I became a YouTube star for a day.
    That was the title, and once I saw it, I laughed but looked my son in the eye and said real serious, "that'd better come down".
    It did after all the kids had their laugh.
    NSV: this summer I challenged the kid who shot the vid to a race swimming; he's a stud on the swim team age 17.
    He BARELY beat me and was stunned. I asked him if he wanted a rematch but with somebody taking video to put on YouTube:bigsmile:
    He said NO WAY!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    Another was me at my fattest weight - over 270, looking like a human manatee, trying to do a flip off the diving board.
    I bounced up and down, then went for the maneuver only to corkscrew half way and land SPLAT on my back to the joy and giggles of all present.
    One of my son's friends had his call phone cam....:devil:
    I became a YouTube star for a day.
    That was the title, and once I saw it, I laughed but looked my son in the eye and said real serious, "that'd better come down".
    It did after all the kids had their laugh.
    NSV: this summer I challenged the kid who shot the vid to a race swimming; he's a stud on the swim team age 17.
    He BARELY beat me and was stunned. I asked him if he wanted a rematch but with somebody taking video to put on YouTube:bigsmile:
    He said NO WAY!

    That's awesome!!! Glad you made such progress!!!
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    About six weeks ago I was walking down the street with my son... I was trying to get prepared for the quarter marathon I was walking soon thereafter. Across the way a truck with a bed full of teenage boys drove by and they started shouting things at me... Bad enough it happened to me, but my fit and healthy 10 year old didn't understand why they were doing it. When I explained, he was horrified and embarrassed for me. He wanted to yell backbut I said to let it be...

    Apparently it was such fun the first time, they came back around two more times. Sad really since I was finishing up a 5.5 mile walk and ended up sad rather than proud.

    Sometimes I really dislike people...

    That's awful, particularly while you had your son with you.
    Strangely though, I did smile when I was reading this because your son was horrified by it, just shows he will grow up into a nice considerate guy and be nothing like those teenagers! :smile:

    Yeah, my kids know this is a topic I'm touchy about. I talk to them about how it affects my life and some of the things I could've done to not get to this point. They've been picked on at school because of their 'fat mom'. Talk about a little extra helping of guilt.

    Something I do that my parents didn't was teaching them to love healthy, fresh fruits (without sweeteners or additives), fresh veggies, I cook from scratch and try to make healthy, low-fat recipe substitutions, etc. They still have a sweet tooth, but overall, I think they are going to be much more educated. All 3 of my children are also kept active in sports and none of them are overweight. It's my mission to make sure they never have to feel about themselves the way that I do and have most of my life.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    So many things...but I will give the examples that finally made me realized it was time to do something.

    We bought a brand new bed. I actually broke it.
    I went to my niece's wedding and broke the chair I was sitting in.
    These memories even though I can still feel the pain, were a life saving experience. Because I had hit rock bottom.:embarassed:

    I broke a chair in the mall food court once. One of the legs was damaged and it ****ed up when I sat on it. A man laughed at me but he was much fatter than me and it could have happened to anyone.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    My worst was going on a blind date (after warning the guy I was big), he took one look at me and his face was full of revulsion. Instead of deciding to end the date then and there, he carried on, chose the movie, sat 3 seats away from me and at the end of the movie just walked off and left me in a dark street late at night.

    Never dating again after that one.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I don't really have to words to express what I am feeling right now. I was never overweight as a child or in high school. My weight gain came later in my life. I have worked with children my whole adult life as a teacher and I know that children can be cruel. I was so moved (to tears at times) while reading all of your stories. Young, old, it doesn't matter. I pray that you all know how special you are - just as you are - where you are. It makes me very sad that so much of our population is obese and yet, there is still such stigma attached to being overweight. I have had moments of self doubt, self hate, all of the things so elequently expressed in this thread. I want to hug all the innocent children hiding inside all the people on this forum and tell them that they are precious. Keep going. Make your body as strong as you have always had to be on the inside. :flowerforyou:
  • beachloe
    beachloe Posts: 51 Member
    Some of these make me so angry. I can't believe people say such things!

    I know, but they do!
  • fitpilatesqueen
    Too many moments like that. Too many horrifying humiliating moments like that. Have been treated like worth nothing for way too many times.
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    I want to hug all the innocent children hiding inside all the people on this forum and tell them that they are precious. Keep going. Make your body as strong as you have always had to be on the inside. :flowerforyou:

    love this
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    Isn't revenge sweet? :laugh:
  • kealey1318
    kealey1318 Posts: 290 Member
    My worst was going on a blind date (after warning the guy I was big), he took one look at me and his face was full of revulsion. Instead of deciding to end the date then and there, he carried on, chose the movie, sat 3 seats away from me and at the end of the movie just walked off and left me in a dark street late at night.

    Never dating again after that one.

    What a creep! You gave full-disclosure so I wouldn't take his attitude as 'normal'. You can date, and find a great guy, at any size. There are plenty of men who would treasure you! Don't give up because you have one bad, ok awful, experience!

    If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar experience about 15 years ago, but when the guy showed up at my office he was hands-down the biggest dork I'd ever seen. I decided to put on my happy face and give it a chance. We have lunch, lots of stilted conversation, then he returns me to work. I get an e-mail an hour later telling me that he could never be with someone who obviously didn't care about taking care of themself. LOL You just have to let those 'winners' go... :o)

    I married a man who, while not necessarily loving my size, loves ME. He wants me to be happy and healthy! That's the type of man I want to be with.
  • bouncybabymama
    bouncybabymama Posts: 18 Member
    My most embarrassing "fat" moment was when I walked into work and a girl yelled "Look at you Crystal. You finally look pregnant and not just fat." What was bad is that she actually thought she was complimenting me. Granted I was pregnant at the time but it was still a horrible "fat" moment.

    But the worst part for me is that I have not always been overweight. I thought I was the fattest girl in high school and I only weighed 135 lbs. Now I'm almost 250 lbs. Every time I see someone from high school I'm embarrassed because I feel like they're looking at me wondering what I've been eating over the last 11 years. Not a good feeling.