Things you shouldn't say to someone "on a diet?"



  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    This is such a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I was really healthy in my early teens, but I allowed that to get sabotaged by comments from my family about "getting too skinny", etc. Then I went on to put on 120 lbs.

    I don't know why people think they need to comment on everything. I hate being told what I should or should not eat ***in a particular way***. There is a way to do it, and a time to do it. Some people do it all the darn time!

    The other thing, like the OP said, is most people have NO idea what activity or food I have or have not been eating/doing. They may not know that I am being *extra* good to save for another 400 cals later in the week. They may not know that I had cake yesterday (I didn't, just an example). The point is, people talk when they just plain don't know what's going on.

    Usually fit and healthy people are the LAST people to be obsessively nosy or pushy (you don't need to eat low fat! all the time my mom says, and I'll honestly do either). Of course anyone can be a jerk or accidentaly say something mean sometimes... but this truly gets my goat! lol...grrrrrr!!!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    "One cupcake is not going to hurt you."

    I hear that and I think. NO. I don't WANT the darn cupcake! I'm trying to be good! lol.

    *empathizes with you*
  • cdnwinter79
    My hubby and I had chinese food for dinner one night. I posted the fact that I had such yumminess (and not a lot at that) someone I thought was a good friend said to me:

    Her: I thought you were on a diet?
    Me: I am, but I'm getting back at it tomorrow!
    Her: Well, you should go for a long walk tonight or you'll hate yourself!

    Really? REALLY??!!

    Yeah, not impressed at all.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    One of mine is more about exercise than diet, but I hate it when people say "why do you go to the gym, why don't you just go for a run"... I generally say, "going for a run won't make me a better weight-lifter, will it?"...
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    I'm sad that you didn't get to enjoy your cake. :(
  • justrun52
    justrun52 Posts: 74 Member
    It bothers me that I feel like I can never talk about wanting to lose weight or anything diet-related around family and friends because I am already skinny, and they think that if I talk about diet/weight loss, I am only fishing for compliments. This makes me feel isolated sometimes because I feel like I'm not "allowed" to want to lose weight because I'm at a healthy weight. Yet I'll get lots of comments about the the parts of my eating habits (I'm not perfect) that are unhealthy and need to be changed. It bums me out.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    I'm sad that you didn't get to enjoy your cake. :(

    I have to second this. It's your freakin birthday! Glad you have a nice future mom in law but sounds like the sister in law might have a few rough edges. That would hurt my feelings for sure if I heard that.

    Maybe you should go out and treat yourself to one slice of some really good cake, and enjoy it. You turned 21! Happy belated bday :)
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    "Are you eating enough? You've already lost so much." Yes Im thin. I still have belly fat. And I dont see how 1600-1800 cals per day isnt enough

    "Can you have that!?!?!" Yes. I can have one slice of pizza every six months. Or a few oreos here and there jeez

    "Do you still workout?" I dont think this needs explaining....
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Last week was my 21st birthday and I was celebrating it with my fiance and his family. His mother is the nicest person I know and she knows I've been eating less and been on a "diet", so she asked me what kinda of cake i wanted for my birthday. I told her a mini one lol. So she did! It was only 6 inches in diameter and it was a pretty healthy cake, as far at they could go. There wasn't any frosting, just some light whipped cream and fresh cut up strawberries. I planned on sharing it at my birthday part with my fiance, who would eat half of it anyway. After I got my cake though my future sister-in-law said "Wow, a whole cake to yourself!?" Then make some pig noises afterward. That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    Needless to say, if it's someone's birthday or special occasion and they seem like they deserve a treat, don't make fun of them even if you're joking.It can really hurt someones feelings.

    WHOA! Dude on my last birthday I had eggs benedict and homefries for breakfast, olive garden for supper and a very large slice of ice cream cake.

    If anyone said boo to me you can bet they're face would have had a pretty solid introduction to the back of my hand.
  • ckerrcanchaser
    That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    I'm sad that you didn't get to enjoy your cake. :(

    I have to second this. It's your freakin birthday! Glad you have a nice future mom in law but sounds like the sister in law might have a few rough edges. That would hurt my feelings for sure if I heard that.

    Maybe you should go out and treat yourself to one slice of some really good cake, and enjoy it. You turned 21! Happy belated bday :)

    Thank you very much, the both of you. It made me feel a lot better. future sister-in-law is definitely not my favorite person (and my fiance agrees lol) but I don't have to see her much.She eats a lot more than I do and does nothing to keep it off, so she has some extra weight here and there so that makes me feel a tiny bit better lol even though it probably shouldn't .

    Anyway, thank you both again :) Sadly I accidentally dropped the rest of my cake on the way home so I didn't get to have another bite of it. My fiance treated me to dinner though so I was still happy :D
  • starla5881
    starla5881 Posts: 190 Member
    Last week, after eating some heavy foods on Father's Day weekend, I told my grandma-in-law that I couldn't wait to eat a nice, light salad. The next day, my MIL invited us over for dinner (hot dogs), and said to me "oh, but I heard that you're on a diet and can only eat salads.". So much lost in translation...
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    "I thought you were on a diet."


    If I'm having a 12g treat size piece of chocolate, I've bloody well earned it. So everyone else can shut up and be jealous while I enjoy it.

    Also, people who give patronizing advice which is both unsolicited AND incorrect are a major peeve of mine. I don't tell people that I'm trying to lose weight, but lose enough of it and they start to notice. Then start to tell me everything that I've been supposedly doing 'wrong'. I may not be absolutely 100% perfect every single day when it comes to food and exercise, but I don't have to sacrifice every single aspect of my life in order to drop the pounds and improve my fitness.
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    I'm sad that you didn't get to enjoy your cake. :(

    Sounds like shes not happy with herself and taking it out on you
    I have to second this. It's your freakin birthday! Glad you have a nice future mom in law but sounds like the sister in law might have a few rough edges. That would hurt my feelings for sure if I heard that.

    Maybe you should go out and treat yourself to one slice of some really good cake, and enjoy it. You turned 21! Happy belated bday :)

    Thank you very much, the both of you. It made me feel a lot better. future sister-in-law is definitely not my favorite person (and my fiance agrees lol) but I don't have to see her much.She eats a lot more than I do and does nothing to keep it off, so she has some extra weight here and there so that makes me feel a tiny bit better lol even though it probably shouldn't .

    Anyway, thank you both again :) Sadly I accidentally dropped the rest of my cake on the way home so I didn't get to have another bite of it. My fiance treated me to dinner though so I was still happy :D
  • tlc12078
    tlc12078 Posts: 334 Member
    well sorry got bumped, I wanted to say it sounds like shes not happy with herself and is taking it out on you.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    My parents who yo-yo diet like it's their job criticized my choices at Ruby Tuesday the other day. I ordered some chicken dish (it's under 400 cals), some sort of veggie and a side of mac and cheese (a bit under 500cals). Mac and cheese is my absolute favorite food and I need to eat it sometimes to retain my sanity. They actually asked me why I bothered ordering a low calorie meal if I was going to get mac and cheese on the side! Well, because I hadn't had it in a while and if I got a "regular" meal I would have been looking at 2000+ calories instead of the 900-1000 I ate. Duh. They think either you're on a "diet" 100% without wiggle room or you might as well go wild and eat whatever you want.
  • xosmsox
    xosmsox Posts: 119
    Last week was my 21st birthday and I was celebrating it with my fiance and his family. His mother is the nicest person I know and she knows I've been eating less and been on a "diet", so she asked me what kinda of cake i wanted for my birthday. I told her a mini one lol. So she did! It was only 6 inches in diameter and it was a pretty healthy cake, as far at they could go. There wasn't any frosting, just some light whipped cream and fresh cut up strawberries. I planned on sharing it at my birthday part with my fiance, who would eat half of it anyway. After I got my cake though my future sister-in-law said "Wow, a whole cake to yourself!?" Then make some pig noises afterward. That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    Needless to say, if it's someone's birthday or special occasion and they seem like they deserve a treat, don't make fun of them even if you're joking.It can really hurt someones feelings.

    What a ****! !
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    My people have been very supportive. However, I don't like it when men (I'm a lady) ask how much I've lost.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'd be telling people to mind their own freaking business. I'm so over people thinking it's ok to say whatever the hell they want to someone else, no matter how rude it is.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    My parents who yo-yo diet like it's their job criticized my choices at Ruby Tuesday the other day. I ordered some chicken dish (it's under 400 cals), some sort of veggie and a side of mac and cheese (a bit under 500cals). Mac and cheese is my absolute favorite food and I need to eat it sometimes to retain my sanity. They actually asked me why I bothered ordering a low calorie meal if I was going to get mac and cheese on the side! Well, because I hadn't had it in a while and if I got a "regular" meal I would have been looking at 2000+ calories instead of the 900-1000 I ate. Duh. They think either you're on a "diet" 100% without wiggle room or you might as well go wild and eat whatever you want.

    Yep. Like the saying, "Oh you dropped your phone. Why don't you hit it with a hammer til it breaks?". We all need a break when we choose to take a break how we want to take a break. And just because we take a break doesn't mean we have to just break the rest of the day either! lol.
  • mjcorbs228
    mjcorbs228 Posts: 21
    My mother does weird things.. Any time I'm hesitant to eat much, or eat healthy food, or try to exercise I get the "hahaha! Are you on a diet? Are you trying to lose weight"?"
    Any time I have a less healthy snack or lay around the house I get a "you really should eat healthier. How many calories are in that? Get up and go exercise or something."
    I'm confused. Do you, or do you not want me to be healthy, mom. Make up your mind. D:

    But then yeah. The tempting boyfriend. It's really hard because we go out to eat a bunch because we both just really LOVE food.