Let the bloodbath begin....



  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I absolutely loathe cleaning, so it's really not a regular part of my day. I tend to clean huge chunks of the house on my days off - which usually entails constant movement for several hours. If I break a sweat doing it, I don't see why I can't log it. Scrubbing your floors is definitely an arm workout!

    If I did it everyday, then no, I probably wouldn't log it since I would include it in my daily activity level. But I definitely don't do it everyday.

    Really, though, you burn calories doing literally anything and everything. Why can't we just be supportive that someone is making the effort to do at least a little something? Who cares if they log it or not?
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I just think people need to stop judging others. I look at it this way : some activity, including cleaning, is better than sitting on your *kitten*. If cleaning (for example, because that one comes up a lot) counts as activity and burns calories for an otherwise sedentary person, then good for him/her!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I think logging clean or walking ur dog, stuff like tht is like a sorry excuse for exercise. Cleaning & walking is part of daily life. It something we all do. Now if they person is older or has an injury and walking is the only exercise they can do, then I can understand tht. But if ur healthy, then it doesn't cut it imo, but i dont call ppl out on it or anything. I do think it though. I know when I was fat & this was about 3 yrs ago b4 I even began dieting & I was just tryin to be able to fit in my wedding dress, i would walk a mile for exercise. I only did it cuz it was easy & I was lazy. I say if u wanna lose weight, then u should really go for it. Go hard or go home! (if ur physically able).
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Weekdays sitting for 8 hours a day burns 2200 calories.
    Weekends cleaning and taking care of kids burns 2900 calories.

    700 calories is a significant burn.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    I log every time I garden. I consider it a workout because I don't do it everyday and most of the time I am lugging heavy bags of dirt or moving pots and sweating my butt off. Ever tried weeding a huge yard? It's not that simple.

    I also consider cleaning a workout as long as I don't do it everyday. When I remove everything from a room and sweep, clean floors and dust everything and move all the furniture back it is a workout. However, the sweeping I do everyday I don't count.

    I think people need to do whats best for them. If someone hasn't worked out in 40 years and needs to start slow and they feel good about themselves for cleaning for an hour then they should log it as exercise. If it is motivating you then keep at it and eff whoever disagrees with you.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I don't log cleaning unless its a big clean and I am completely exhausted after, like when I work out.
    Just understand some people dont normally clean, and arent really active. So cleaning is their exercise. I know sometimes when I clean I crank up the tunes and move more.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    When I spend the day cleaning & doing household chores it can increase my burn by up to 500 calories... but, since I don't do that every single day, I could understand if someone wanted to log it that day. Something I do every single day like making coffee & doing a load of dishes/clothes... no. But really... log what you want. It's your right to do so, of course. I think it's kind of time consuming to log every thing you typically do in a day, but whatever.
  • I agree. It doesn't seem like something people should be getting into a tizzy fit about. Personally, I only log cleaning if it takes longer than like half an hour or forty five minutes. If I'm legit cleaning (scrubbing or something else like that), I'll usually work up a bit of a sweat. That's a workout. It might not be a high-calorie burning workout, or the kind that gets you in shape to do tons of cardio, or anything like that, but it's still burning calories.

    And I also agree with everyone that's questioning why people even care. If they don't think it's a workout, then they can continue not logging it. But what does it hurt them for other people to log it??? It doesn't. Just seems like another instance of people wanting people to do everything their way.
  • I say you are RIGHT ON!, because the whole thing I am trying to re-orient myself toward is the idea that I need to think of my calorie burning as activity rather than as exercise. Exercise is a loaded word for me that has emotional baggage tied to our culture and my child hood and my young adult hood and the past in general. However, the word activity is neutral. I want to have stable weight in my life. Calories are super-available and so is activity. I don't clean the house at all, because my spouse does all that. If I added that activity, then I would be adding the burning of about 150 calories per hour. That is the way my life is today due to my new orientation about balancing activity and calories. I am a 6'7" 209lbs 45 year old who sits behind a desk all day. I have lost 21 lbs since April by using the myfitnesspal app on my phone and increasing my activity.

    Rock on and make it bloody!!!!

    Beets are good too (cooked and raw) ; don't eat them around white material.:
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    so why the heck shouldn't I log doing chores as exercise????

    Why the heck do you care what someone on the internet thinks you should do?
    Log what you want, it's your diary.

    Yep....sometimes i make my own titles like Jules burned 575 calories taking things up and down the stairs...if you dont like it bite me:bigsmile:
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I take it as a bonus and don't stress over the days I go over by a bit. That's my choice and it's my weight loss. I really don't care who logs what and for what reason, I just don't think logging standing or shopping counts so I choose not to log it.
  • Family_Man
    Family_Man Posts: 53
    Moving is moving. Getting off the couch and staying busy.

    Maybe people take for granted some things others find difficult. I know a person who weighed almost 400 pounds and to walk to the street to get the mail was a workout. Then it became walking to the next mailbox (no, not to steal mail lol) and then back. She added another mailbox and kept it going . She is now under 200 pounds and if she didn't start her "mailbox" workout, she may have never seen the onederlands.....

    She is my aunt and I'm proud of her!
  • zela
    zela Posts: 92 Member
    I worked construction labor in the summers on heavy bridge and highway work 10-12 hour days, 5-6 days per week, (very physically demanding) and not a single calorie from physical activity was tracked those summers. I don't even understand why people would be so ridiculous to input a cardio session or a lifting workout??? You can't even begin to calculate the additional calories burned from those activities correctly. I think its a excuse for people to indulge more food, maybe self control is the issue and plugging those calories is an excuse.

    Here is an idea, stick to a regular training schedule and adjust your caloric intake based on what the scale shows. Saved your self the time and free up your life, in my opinion you are going to an extreme that will eventually lead you to burn out and quit. Many other things to be enjoyed in life than going through the trouble of counting calories burned from chewing your dinner, trust me.
  • HC82
    HC82 Posts: 22
    I don't understand why people get mad about it either. OK ya, if you counted changing the toilet paper roll as exercise that would be pretty stupid but I'm pretty sure sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, going back up and down stairs with full laundry baskets, etc. is all active thus burns calories. On the days when I clean my whole house from top to bottom, I am motoring for hours straight and I usually break a sweat so damn right I'm gonna log that **** as exercise!

    I usually log cleaning a couple of weeknights per week when I have a particularly hectic evening: some nights between entertaining the kids, cooking, cleaning, taking kids to the park, bathing them, rushing around to 10000 things I have to do, I know that I haven't sat down in 3-4 hours so I'll log an hour or two as cleaning and I'm pretty sure that is fair. My day job is sitting but my second shift as mother is sometimes physically exhausting so I count it.

    Also, not that it really matters, but Livestrong has a lot more things to count as calories burned...groceries, childcare, sex (hah!), etc. ( I used that last year for a while but quit and then joined here)
    IAMDDAY Posts: 771
    1. Why do I care what someone else is putting into their log. their life their business

    2. Who am I to say what is exercise to one person that is not to another. Soccer for me is not exercise it is fun and I never realize how tired i am during or after. Same thing with golf i walk 18 holes and never think of it as exercise. Now am i wrong for not logging that? .. No you know why because its not your life or business.

    3. If you are here to support people.The fact they are up and moving and logging their food should be what you do as a friend on a friends list. I will help you get to your goal by telling you to keep going and push harder or as the great Shawn T would say dig deeper. But how you choose to get there is up to you!

    Sorry for the rant but if you log mopping or whatever.. fine do it.. if you do it every day change your daily routine and get the extra calories without logging it or not its up to you and you only.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    I would log the chore if it is something that I don't do on an everyday basis e.g. chopping wood, shoveling snow, etc.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    People log differently, and as long as you are consistent in how you do it, I don't think it matters. I have my self set to moderately active to cover chasing around DS, cleaning, running, errands, etc. I do log yard work or anything REALLY out of the ordinary for me. A friend of mine on here is set to sedentary and logs shopping, cleaning, slow walking, etc. But we are both losing weight! As long as you don't "double dip" and count the burn twice, I think whichever way you want to do it is fine.
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    If you want to log your chores as exercise then do it, I don't know why you need to start a debate on the forums to justify it.

    And its not like people couldnt walk, run or swim before the time of gyms so that point really is just irrelevant.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Despite the fact that I seldom clean beyond keeping up with the dishes and laundry, I dont log it (I totally half *kitten* all cleaning). But I also say to each their own.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I do a lot of "chores" and count them as exercise. My chores are very labor intensive in my open though, mowing the yard, stacking 75-100 lb bales of hay, hearding sheep, building fences, that kind of thing. I guess to each is own, but I think the thing people are getting at is that standing isn't going to burn that many calories. I was curious after I read it, and the difference for me in a 10 minute period using my HRM was 2 calories so its only a 36 calorie difference.