Let the bloodbath begin....



  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    If you set your profile up as a SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE- this means you sit around ALL DAY, do NOTHING ,then you log your chores!
    If you set it up as active, then it already includes your chores.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I say you are RIGHT ON!, because the whole thing I am trying to re-orient myself toward is the idea that I need to think of my calorie burning as activity rather than as exercise. Exercise is a loaded word for me that has emotional baggage tied to our culture and my child hood and my young adult hood and the past in general. However, the word activity is neutral. I want to have stable weight in my life. Calories are super-available and so is activity. I don't clean the house at all, because my spouse does all that. If I added that activity, then I would be adding the burning of about 150 calories per hour. That is the way my life is today due to my new orientation about balancing activity and calories. I am a 6'7" 209lbs 45 year old who sits behind a desk all day. I have lost 21 lbs since April by using the myfitnesspal app on my phone and increasing my activity.

    Rock on and make it bloody!!!!

    Beets are good too (cooked and raw) ; don't eat them around white material.:

    I LOVE this! It is so me. Before I had my health issues I was a runner - if I wasn't running it wasn't exercise. It didn't matter what the heck I was doing; and it had to be at LEAST 4 miles or it wasn't even a run. What?!? lol My perspective on the word exercise has certainly changed. Just getting off the couch is now "activity" (I think I like that word better).

    Congrats on the weight loss and enjoy those beets (away from all things white of course!)
  • SteveO5198
    SteveO5198 Posts: 16
    Working outside in the heat and sweating your *kitten* off is exercise...nuff said!
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Chores count... especially if you are doing some hard-care work. I did a clean up at a local park one saturday and that definitely took a lot out of me!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    If you want to log your chores as exercise then do it, I don't know why you need to start a debate on the forums to justify it.

    And its not like people couldnt walk, run or swim before the time of gyms so that point really is just irrelevant.

    It's not irrelevant. People didn't do these activities for "exercise" they did them to survive which is my point!!! Walking and running (not so much swimming) were part of people's chores and lives. They didn't go for an after dinner walk to burn a few extra calories.
  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    Why on earth do people get so upset about what others log as exercise? Goodness gracious, why do you care? We are all on different journeys. We're not all heavy lifters or marathon runners for crying out loud. It's a ridiculous topic.
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    haha, chores are so NOT a part of my daily routine.

    I work full time and go to school full time.
    In the school holidays is usually the only time I have to clean my room which will usually take some 5+ hours. I use my HRM, put some music on, wiggle away and my HRM says that I burn 1000+ calories so why shouldn't I log it? It makes me sweat for sure.

    if you're cleaning for 5+ hours, that's not "cleaning" anymore. Just like walking to the bathroom isn't "walking"
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    If you're logging it so you feel better about eating more, than you probably shouldn't log it.

    ^^Winning answer is...^^

  • Arleigh7
    Arleigh7 Posts: 150 Member
    Well I log a certain pleasurable chore as "Cardio" but unfortunately it doesn't happen as often as I would like! :)
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I put my hrm on and folded laundry for a half while listening to music and wiggling my bootang and I burned over 200 calories. Damn straight I logged it. :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Because chores are a part of your daily routine. You don't account for them because it's a normal part of your day. You might as well log your trips to the bathroom as Walking, 2 mph, slow pace (2 minutes). It's basically the same thing. I think anything you have to go out of the way to do that requires strenuous effort can be logged. Everything else is null.

    My house isn't that dirty that chores have to be daily activity. Dishes are, trash when needed, light sleep when needed and a wipe of the counter, but deep down scrubbing, mopping, vacuum running up and down the stairs for laundry however are not. What I do everyday is walk and I walk fast. I don't log any of this. I only log when purposely set out to walk or run for 30 minutes or more but that is me and my choice.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Trying to herd a cranky 4 year old into the bathtub when Yo Gabba Gabba is on... makes marathons look like skipping to the mailbox.... :bigsmile:
  • I am with whoever said it depends on the kind of cleaning...I have two little ones so I constantly pick up, wipe off, sweep here and there, dishes, laundry ect..and no i do not count it, I just figure if I do lose more doing these extra things I will be pleasantly surprised in the end..I do however have a day of mopping all the floors and i do log that because its more strenuous and I also log when I rearrange and/or move furniture to do major cleans. It just make sense to me.....but feel free to disagree..lol I have however, thought of logging lugging around my giant 13 month old who doesn't have walking down queit yet! LOL
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I am with whoever said it depends on the kind of cleaning...I have two little ones so I constantly pick up, wipe off, sweep here and there, dishes, laundry ect..and no i do not count it, I just figure if I do lose more doing these extra things I will be pleasantly surprised in the end..I do however have a day of mopping all the floors and i do log that because its more strenuous and I also log when I rearrange and/or move furniture to do major cleans. It just make sense to me.....but feel free to disagree..lol I have however, thought of logging lugging around my giant 13 month old who doesn't have walking down queit yet! LOL

    I hear ya! My 5 month old is over 18lbs! lol!
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    cleaning will get you jacked that's why...duh
  • jpbeck
    jpbeck Posts: 30
    One of my MFP peeps logs her lawn mowing. It's great though cause she burns around 1100 calories doing it (she has a big lawn). I just look at that and go damn. But then I got to thinking general landscaping you can actually burn a lot of calories standing, stooping, mowing the lawn, planting plants, tending the garden, etc. It can actually be a decent workout if you do it long enough.

    Now for me I do walks for now because of my weight but I also have a fitbit that logs daily activity, from its perspective of course. It seems to be pretty accurate. It's great because I go to university and the fitbit logs my daily activity of the university outside the walk I do around the campus. Walking to class and back does burn calories. Walking from the bus stop to home burns calories. You get the picture.

    I guess for me what it boils down to is that there is exercise beyond just walking, running, sports, etc. that we all are familiar with. It burns calories so why not count it. Well that's my theory.
  • Well I log a certain pleasurable chore as "Cardio" but unfortunately it doesn't happen as often as I would like! :)

    LOL...really, don't laugh...I have wondering if you can log this..especially, you know the really "creative" kind. It's not in the database though, I have checked! LOL
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    sometimes my exercise diary says " dinosnopro burned 30 calories doing five minutes of alone time " :wink: I log everything. YOLO
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    Chores count... especially if you are doing some hard-care work. I did a clean up at a local park one saturday and that definitely took a lot out of me!

    cleaning a park is not the same as Sweep Floor, 5 minutes