Calling All REAL animal lovers!!!



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    Do you know who your father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father was? You don't? But you do know he existed since you're here right?

    You know air exist? Tell me one time when you saw it.

    While the person quoting bible is inappropriate but so is what you're saying.

    LOL but you see they arent god. AIR is proven to exist because we breathe it in and can remake it easily. Things that cant be seen can be proven to be seen scientifically (bacteria ect). Can I look at God in a microscope or scientifically prove he exists? Facts and data about god? All there is a book someone wrote... do you know that person even wrote the real tale? Were they just a lonely person stuck underground making up stories about a person called Jesus. Your argument is invalid.

    Can I see god and breathe in god? and then I read a book about god, holy cow its real! I read plenty of non fiction.
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    I do agree animals and humans are mean to coexist and benefit from one another, and I think the mistreatment of animals is pretty terrible. Unfortunately sometimes you just have to accept that people are going to have different points of views from you and you can't do anything to change it.

    From an eating animals point of view, I'm all about the circle of life and native american approach. They used the WHOLE animal when they killed it, and in many tribes the main food source (buffalo in the plains, salmon in the pacific northwest, etc) was seen as a sacred animal and often even incorporated into their creation stories. These animals were the bringers and providers of life, and it's still that way today. I hate factory farming, I think that's just essentially legal animal abuse. I wish humane meat was more available and cheaper. I've never been a big meat eater though, so I don't eat much meat anyway.
    YES!!! I definitely agree. The Native Americans used every single part of the bison they hunted. They respected the creature. They let it live its natural life and used it only when it was necessary to them, and even then used every part of it.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    We treat animals a lot like animals treat each other.
    Earth creatures eat one another.
    Welcome to reality.
    If somebody does not want to eat animal flesh, fine. Just don't snivel over the fact that most humans do.
    Life at the top of the food chain has its benefits.
    Buon Appetito

    I'm sure you would love being mistreated, underfed, farmed and then killed for your flesh to be eaten by creatures bigger than you. I have been vegetarian all my life have no problems with omnivornes. Just because you're a human doesnt mean you have to be ignorant. I do too believe animals were ment to be eaten, but to the extent.. Now they are farmed soley for meat.

    What do you think would happen to these domesticated species if we stopped farming them for food? Do you think that these domesticated species will be able to suddenly fend for themselves? Doubtful. Just like I doubt that my Chihuahua could fend for himself without having a human to care for him.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Do you know who your father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father's father was? You don't? But you do know he existed since you're here right?

    You know air exist? Tell me one time when you saw it.

    While the person quoting bible is inappropriate but so is what you're saying.

    LOL but you see they arent god. AIR is proven to exist because we breathe it in and can remake it easily. Things that cant be seen can be proven to be seen scientifically (bacteria ect). Can I look at God in a microscope or scientifically prove he exists? Facts and data about god? All there is a book someone wrote... do you know that person even wrote the real tale? Were they just a lonely person stuck underground making up stories about a person called Jesus. Your argument is invalid.

    Can I see god and breathe in god? and then I read a book about god, holy cow its real! I read plenty of non fiction.

    Did I miss where science disproved the theory of a higher power?
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    When did this become a vegetarian argument? I believe the OP was trying to get the point across that she believes very strongly in animal rights and animals having the right to reside without us claiming domain/ownership over them. I disagree wholly BUT this has never been about bacon, meat, what to or not to eat in the OP's original thread.

    Our ancestors domesticated many animals. This domestication means they can no longer survive without humans. Many domesticated pets enjoy having a way to make their human counter part happy OR to have a job to do. This is why we domesticated them.

    I do believe they have a right to be respected and seen as a living breathing being with feelings and the capability to form attachments and love. Also we choose to bring them into our lives and they can not defend themselves which in a whole makes animal abuse all the more disgusting.

    Long story short respect living creatures and animal abuse sucks *kitten*....
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    You contribute nothing to this thread. Why bother finding images to post here without a proper argument?

    Because it's funny?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
  • cosmiquemuffin
    cosmiquemuffin Posts: 3 Member
    I have a dog who doesn't kill animals, she don't seem to the have the instinct for it. When she spots something she just barks at it and hopes I'll prepare it for her while other dog is like a little hunter. So I'm unsure if all animals who eat meat are quick to pounce if they haven't been taught.

    My dogs are like that too! The female is a feisty little killer - she brings me mice and rabbits all the time. But our other boy? He likes to chase and bark, but freaks out when he actually catches anything.

    I have the most mild-mannered, loving dog, but the first time Tank saw a chicken, he went COMPLETELY primal and dispatched it in a way that did his wolf ancestors proud... it was really weird to see. Like Jekyll and Hyde...
  • mandydoll
    mandydoll Posts: 25
    Humans are only at the top of the food chain because we have weapons. Take those objects away and we would get our *kitten* kicked. I really hope man kind gets a wake up call, and soon.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    You contribute nothing to this thread. Why bother finding images to post here without a proper argument?

    My argument is this:

    PETA are effin idiots

    Animal Cruelty sucks, I have pitbull rescues.

    I eat meat, its tasty, and has many nutrients that the body needs

    People in this thread have first world problems.
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    We treat animals a lot like animals treat each other.
    Earth creatures eat one another.
    Welcome to reality.
    If somebody does not want to eat animal flesh, fine. Just don't snivel over the fact that most humans do.
    Life at the top of the food chain has its benefits.
    Buon Appetito

    I'm sure you would love being mistreated, underfed, farmed and then killed for your flesh to be eaten by creatures bigger than you. I have been vegetarian all my life have no problems with omnivornes. Just because you're a human doesnt mean you have to be ignorant. I do too believe animals were ment to be eaten, but to the extent.. Now they are farmed soley for meat.

    What do you think would happen to these domesticated species if we stopped farming them for food? Do you think that these domesticated species will be able to suddenly fend for themselves? Doubtful. Just like I doubt that my Chihuahua could fend for himself without having a human to care for him.
    We purposefully raised these animals for the sole purpose of slaughter. If we stopped raising them for food, these 'domesticated' animals wouldn't exist. There would only be wild ones.
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    Okay name one time that God came to earth and annouced himself to all humans... until then dont force your belief on anyone.

    I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone but I do feel the need to spread the Word of God that being said here are a couple of the examples you wanted.
    Gen 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.

    And there is also Christ whole ministry on Earth from his birth to his death and resurrection. You can read all about that in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Humans are only at the top of the food chain because we have weapons. Take those objects away and we would get our *kitten* kicked. I really hope man kind gets a wake up call, and soon.


    Humans are at the top of the food chain because we have a highly developed brain, that allowed us to develop tools/innovate better ways to kill animals, to further our status at the top of the food chain.

    Where do you come up with this crap?

    Thats like saying, if Lions did have badass teeth and awesome reflexes they would be crap
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    Humans are only at the top of the food chain because we have weapons. Take those objects away and we would get our *kitten* kicked. I really hope man kind gets a wake up call, and soon.

    Because we evolved the intellect to make and use those weapons. If you take away those objects we'll find a stick, sharpen it, and have a new weapon. Like, do you think we just won the animal lottery and got these weapons handed down from the sky to us? Come on, now.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    True, however that still is different than attacking a cow and ripping it to shreds with your bare hands and canines and devouring it... internal organs, muscles, tendons, blood and all.
    On the contrary, I find that the only reasons we're okay with eating some animals and not others is because of how society views it now. Most americans have accepted cow and chicken as a part of their everyday diet, but when it comes to a cat or dog, it sounds disgusting and cruel.
    And yes, if it came down to it, and it were a matter of life or death, most of us would be trying to kill an animal to survive. The difference is we're not killing animals to survive. We're killing them because they're tasty.

    Actually, that is exactly what I'm saying. It's all culturally based. Raw meat is culturally unacceptable here in America on a mass level, but in other countries, raw heart is a delicacy. Cows and pigs are acceptable here, but to other cultures, the idea of eating those same animals is unclean and blasphemous. You can't view society from an American-only viewpoint. Does eating dog sound horrible to me? Sure. But am I going to judge another culture for eating it? Not at all.

    We're killing them because they're tasty, and because it's what the human species has really always done. Ever since humans have been around, we've used the earth and ALL of its provisions. It's not about whether eating meat is wrong, or if we should or not, it's about it we chose to do so, respecting where it came from.
  • tweakz20
    tweakz20 Posts: 152 Member
    -removed post so I don't get another naughtgram- disregard
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sorry dear, all animals are part of the food chain. Some less likely to be eaten than others.

    If it makes you feel any better; I am for kindness to the animals I don't eat. And, I love all animals, but believe some are to be eaten as part of a balanced diet.

    Don't forget about kindness to the animals that you do eat. Just because they're killed eventually doesn't mean their lives should be miserable up until then. Yet sadly, most of them are. And I'm also for eating meat, just being nice to it, too.
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Humans are only at the top of the food chain because we have weapons. Take those objects away and we would get our *kitten* kicked. I really hope man kind gets a wake up call, and soon.

    A wake up call? Like an animal revolution where they take over the world?
  • twiztid_princess
    Sorry dear, all animals are part of the food chain. Some less likely to be eaten than others.

    Every animal is edible. Even I'm edible. But that my dear friend is called cannibalism. And it is frowned upon in most societies...

    I love when Charlie and the Chocolate factory is referenced.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    I don't want to force my beliefs on anyone but I do feel the need to spread the Word of God that being said here are a couple of the examples you wanted.
    Gen 17:1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless.

    And there is also Christ whole ministry on Earth from his birth to his death. You can read all about that in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

    Dont want to force my beliefs on anyone...

    Spread word of god...

    Another bible quote....
This discussion has been closed.