Calling All REAL animal lovers!!!



  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    BTW, if the killing of animals for eats is keeping you awake, then maybe you should take a walk outside and see other atrocities happening. Poverty, child hunger, drug abuse, uncureable diseases. There are alot of problems really one can lose sleep over. Not saying animal love isn't a noble cause but considering this is something that has been going on since the cave men time and something that a lot of other animals participate over too, maybe you should focus on real issues rather than telling others what to eat

    Hmm, I don't really care that much. As for uncurable diseases, I watched and held my father's hand a few months ago as he died of cancer. I have a lot of other problems that I lose sleep over, but they mostly don't have to do with random people I don't care about. And if you could read, you'd see I said that this had nothing to do with vegetarianism.

    Yeah...we all have family members who've been through these things. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer that later on led to a fatal brain cancer. Everybody got problems, you're not a snow flake in the world with problems.

    But since you have all these problems, you chose to lose sleep over this topic shows how many problems you REALLY have

    Remember your quote from earlier?
    I love the self-righteousness in this thread

    "Bash anyone who wants to eat meat"

    "Bash anyone who believes in religion"

    "All of my personal believes are perfectly fine and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my mentality. Its everybody else who is crazy!"

    Seems a bit hypocritical.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Exactly. Why can't you disagree with someone without being rude about it?
    I'm pretty sure there's a rule about this. It's the internet, silly! It's totally anonymous, so, like, we can all be ****s to one another :)

    It's mostly humorous that it's both sides. Mostly.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
  • aubreykkkk
    aubreykkkk Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, animal rights activist, and animal lover. But, I have an issue with how you say that humans are not superior. We are. It's a simple fact. We are smarter and more advanced. However, I do agree that it isn't our place to take advantage of that. I do agree that we shouldn't cause animals any harm whatsoever. Thank you for posting!
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Did you not see the recent news? You know, of the man that was shot 6 times whilst eating another man's face?
    Alright, then, tell me this -- all true carnivores, along with much larger canines than ours, also have an instinct to kill. Every time you see a squirrel hop past you, is your first instinct to chase after it, tear it apart with your bear hands and canines and pick it clean off its bones?

    Our food behavior is learned, also with many animals and I'm sure if I was hungry and that has been my food source I would want to find a way to kill it and eat it. Heck, I can look at pigs and think of them as food and how tasty they are.
    Yes, but when you look at a pig do you imagine eating tearing it apart and eating it raw, blood, tendons, muscles, organs and all? That's what all other carnivores do. But to humans, the idea of killing an eating an animal raw on the spot is just mortifying.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, animal rights activist, and animal lover. But, I have an issue with how you say that humans are not superior. We are. It's a simple fact. We are smarter and more advanced. However, I do agree that it isn't our place to take advantage of that. I do agree that we shouldn't cause animals any harm whatsoever. Thank you for posting!

    What about rats that carry bubonic plague, or bats with rabies ect? We should let them run a muck right?
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    A friend of mine has converted 30 meat-eaters to vegan himself. The veg population IS growing.
    That sounds awful. Not really my, or any others', place to try to convert other people, is it? I think that most converts who aren't doing it of their own volition are going to revert back to their previous lifestyle, anyway. If for no other reason than it's easier.

    I know all about how animals are treated in the food processes. I was eating a steak when I watched Food, Inc. I ate (homemade) hamburgers when I watched Super Size Me. I didn't think about what I was watching when I clicked play.

    It's disturbing what happens, but it unfortunately does. Largely it's because of the institutionalization within the government and such, but all in all most of us allow it to happen in some way. People are becoming more educated about it, maybe in a hundred years conditions will be better. I doubt it, but we can be hopeful. In the meantime I would focus more on informing people of better conditions for animals, as opposed to converting to vegetarianism, that's more likely to have a long term and positive effect.
    Perhaps 'convert' wasn't the right word -- his blog exposes the harsh truth of what goes on in the meat and dairy industries. People have discovered his blog and discovered the truth and have decided to go vegan. It's not like he pressured his beliefs on them, that's not what I was trying to say, but I guess it came out that way, haha.

    You're right, many of us know what's going on and still allow it to happen -- however, every day, more and more people discover what's going on and are NOT okay with it. It's not about being hopeful -- do you think women were just 'hopeful' that one day they would have equal rights as men? No, they took a stand, they fought for what they believed in. And that's what the animal activist community is doing.

    Please don't compare the animal rights movement to the feminist movement, it's offensive.

    Also, out of curiosity, what are you doing outside of complaining on the internet to help animals?
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    But the Bible is true. I believe the bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eye witnesses during the life time of other eye witnesses. That reports supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claim to be divine rather than human in origin, like Psalm 22 which is a description of Christ crucifixion written by a man who had never seen a crucifixion because it had not been invented yet. The bible has more than 6000 manuscripts, which are all the same, proving it hasn’t been changed. The bible was written by 40+ authors in a time frame of 1600 years and three continents, and it all lines up so it must be God-breathed therefore true.

    And thats your belief.. Other people surprisingly have different beliefs about god. This isnt a religious debate so why does god have to be thrown into it?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    I eat meat and am an animal lover.
    I don't believe that eating them is wrong, because it is (as you have said) part of the food chain, though I was a vegetarian at one point!
    I have adopted many abused cats, and have had hamster, degus, you name it I love it. It's a life no matter how small and should be treated with respect. Just because I eat meat doesn't mean I am okay with inhumane treatment of another life, if I find out a brand or company I was eating is inhumane, I will stop buying their products.
    I try and steer clear from animal testing as well.
  • MissGraziano
    Hahaha I love this!!! If I ate bacon I'd totally make one. I freakin love narwhals.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I guess it was more of a statement. This whole "cruelty" part of farmed animals where chickens and other animals don't get to move and are pumped with steroids or what not is obviously something that is disturbing and not just ethically but rather also in dietary sense it is bad for us but while I would certainly prefer to eat those free range chickens and cows that have seen more than 10 feet of space, its just not practical with the economy. A lot of these farmers themselves are trying to find new professions because in order to stay in business they've to commit such cruel acts.

    I think the devil isn't animal cruelty itself but rather the way the economy is working. We need cheap meat. I know I won't get away from eating meat no matter if its farmed or free range. I can also tell you that these "farmed" animal extreme conditions are mostly employed in US only. Maybe a few other countries but then again, most of our food is altered so much that its hard to even call it food anymore. Heck hersheys have the nerve to call its products chocolate ffs....

    But yeah, back to the point. While I don't have a solution myself, I personally think that its just the nature of the beast to have such farmed animals in the US. You cannot have cost affective meat without such practices which is really a damn shame because the free ranged meats are alot healthier, nutritious and tastier

    Oh, it's totally hard to afford grass-fed beef and free-range chicken! I'm lucky with eggs just because it's in the family. The majority of the time, we do have to do with cheaper meat if bills are tight. But when I have that little bit of extra cash for groceries, I like to buy organic. The economy sucks, and it really does make it hard for the everyday person to even begin to eat healthy.
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz

    But the Bible is true. I believe the bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eye witnesses during the life time of other eye witnesses. That reports supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claim to be divine rather than human in origin, like Psalm 22 which is a description of Christ crucifixion written by a man who had never seen a crucifixion because it had not been invented yet. The bible has more than 6000 manuscripts, which are all the same, proving it hasn’t been changed. The bible was written by 40+ authors in a time frame of 1600 years and three continents, and it all lines up so it must be God-breathed therefore true.

    And thats your belief.. Other people surprisingly have different beliefs about god. This isnt a religious debate so why does god have to be thrown into it?

    Have to agree. This has nothing to do with god or the bible.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member

    You contribute nothing to this thread. Why bother finding images to post here without a proper argument?
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, animal rights activist, and animal lover. But, I have an issue with how you say that humans are not superior. We are. It's a simple fact. We are smarter and more advanced. However, I do agree that it isn't our place to take advantage of that. I do agree that we shouldn't cause animals any harm whatsoever. Thank you for posting!

    What about rats that carry bubonic plague, or bats with rabies ect? We should let them run a muck right?
    That's different, because they pose a danger to us, they are a threat. If I was out camping with you and you were being attacked by a bear I wouldn't be like "Aw hell naw, I'm vegan man! I'm not going to lay a FINGER on that bear even though it's about to kill you!!" (Quoting Gary Yorovsky)
    If something's posing a threat to you, then yes, it needs to be dealt with. But that's entirely different from the reasons we slaughter and take advantage of animals.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Bible is the way!
    Leviticus 19:20-22: "And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free. And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, even a ram for a trespass offering. And the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the LORD for his sin which he hath done: and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him."
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Did you not see the recent news? You know, of the man that was shot 6 times whilst eating another man's face?
    Alright, then, tell me this -- all true carnivores, along with much larger canines than ours, also have an instinct to kill. Every time you see a squirrel hop past you, is your first instinct to chase after it, tear it apart with your bear hands and canines and pick it clean off its bones?

    Our food behavior is learned, also with many animals and I'm sure if I was hungry and that has been my food source I would want to find a way to kill it and eat it. Heck, I can look at pigs and think of them as food and how tasty they are.
    Yes, but when you look at a pig do you imagine eating tearing it apart and eating it raw, blood, tendons, muscles, organs and all? That's what all other carnivores do. But to humans, the idea of killing an eating an animal raw on the spot is just mortifying.

    I also find the thought of eating an unwashed, dirt-covered carrot mortifying. Better not eat anything ever.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

    1.) quote is irrelevant
    2.) quote has to do with massive reproduction, not superiority. If higher population = superior, bacteria are way more superior than humans.


    "RULE OVER..." when someone rules they are usually superior

    When something isn't scientifically proven and derived on facts it usually isn't true.

    But the Bible is true. I believe the bible because it is a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eye witnesses during the life time of other eye witnesses. That reports supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claim to be divine rather than human in origin, like Psalm 22 which is a description of Christ crucifixion written by a man who had never seen a crucifixion because it had not been invented yet. The bible has more than 6000 manuscripts, which are all the same, proving it hasn’t been changed. The bible was written by 40+ authors in a time frame of 1600 years and three continents, and it all lines up so it must be God-breathed therefore true.

    The people who wrote the bible were never eye witnesses to anything that had happened, the true authors are not those who claim they are and the bible has been changed many times. There are no two identical bibles from back in the day.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    A friend of mine has converted 30 meat-eaters to vegan himself. The veg population IS growing.
    That sounds awful. Not really my, or any others', place to try to convert other people, is it? I think that most converts who aren't doing it of their own volition are going to revert back to their previous lifestyle, anyway. If for no other reason than it's easier.

    I know all about how animals are treated in the food processes. I was eating a steak when I watched Food, Inc. I ate (homemade) hamburgers when I watched Super Size Me. I didn't think about what I was watching when I clicked play.

    It's disturbing what happens, but it unfortunately does. Largely it's because of the institutionalization within the government and such, but all in all most of us allow it to happen in some way. People are becoming more educated about it, maybe in a hundred years conditions will be better. I doubt it, but we can be hopeful. In the meantime I would focus more on informing people of better conditions for animals, as opposed to converting to vegetarianism, that's more likely to have a long term and positive effect.
    Perhaps 'convert' wasn't the right word -- his blog exposes the harsh truth of what goes on in the meat and dairy industries. People have discovered his blog and discovered the truth and have decided to go vegan. It's not like he pressured his beliefs on them, that's not what I was trying to say, but I guess it came out that way, haha.

    You're right, many of us know what's going on and still allow it to happen -- however, every day, more and more people discover what's going on and are NOT okay with it. It's not about being hopeful -- do you think women were just 'hopeful' that one day they would have equal rights as men? No, they took a stand, they fought for what they believed in. And that's what the animal activist community is doing.

  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Humans dont need those real canines and claws, humans evolved to use tools.

    As for real animal cruelty, I dont think anyone really condones that and due to having friends who work in the meat industry in Australia I do know what happens to the animals and how the law makes it humane for the animals here. A lot of the stuff being told abut animal cruelty is out of date scaremongering too and not applicable to all countries.
    That's the main argument I hear, but it's also been proven that a vegan diet is honestly like 100x healthier than the typical diet with red and white meats incorporated. There's been extensive research done. A true vegan's chance of cancer, heart failure, obesity etc. are slim to none. Doesn't that say something about our diets?? About meat?? That there's something seriously wrong if eating this much meat has been proven directly related to these serious health conditions? On top of that, many people have gone vegan simply because they FELT so much better. Doesn't that say something about the foods our body really craves, really wants?

    And as far as your animal cruelty statement goes, I believe you are misguided. First of all, we know America and our big industries are all about money -- finding the cheapest, fastest ways to do things. In the meat and dairy industries, this has been done at the expense of other animals. PETA's not exactly my favourite organization in the world, but check out some of these investigations: All dates are posted and many are quite recent.

    I don't live in america and I don't eat american meat.

    Also I have read many studies about cancer/disease and veganism/vegetarianism and I have still not found one that can conclusively rule in favour of a vegan or vegetarian diet as being healthier. Even vegans and vegetarians are at risk of cancer and disease. My mother's two bouts of cancer (of which they could find no hereditary or diet or lifestyle cause for) and eventual death is proof of that to me. That's my findings though and if you believe all your studies you have read and your life is happier for it then that is great. Everyone should get educated enough to make their own informed choices and it sounds like you have, just like I have.

    I don't care what anyone chooses to eat or how they eat it. I was just making a statement about why we don't have real canines or claws or other things that other animals happen to have and also my experience in Australia with our meat industry. Every animal evolved in the way it has in order for it to survive. We got to get opposable thumbs and thinking processes in order to make and use tools so we could survive.
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