Calling All REAL animal lovers!!!



  • happytire
    happytire Posts: 3 Member
    I completely agree with you. Animals have an innate right to exist that is completely separate from humans' desires to use their skins and eat their flesh. I've been a vegetarian for twenty-five years because in my heart I can't justify eating cows, pigs and chickens but then letting dogs and cats sleep in my bed. They are all animals and deserve kindness and respect and once you realize that you can't pretend there is any difference between the animals we call our companions and the animals we call food.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    2. EITHER WAY, if we WERE supposed to eat animals that in no way excuses us from torturing them as we do. It's horrendous.

    And anyone who is using the bible as their excuse... unless you're willing to follow EVERYTHING ELSE the bible tells you to then don't even go there. Besides, the most famous phrases from the bible are "Love thy neighbor" and "Thou shalt not kill."

    What I really hate is these people who think animal cruelty toward cats/dogs/horses is absolutely terrible but when it comes to chickens/cows/things we eat it's okay
    If you're against the slaughter of horses you should DEFINITELY be vegan... even if you're against animal cruelty in general. Don't call yourself an 'animal lover' if you support the torture that these animals you 'love' endure every single day.
    But the fact that animal flesh taste so good trumps all your arguments. That's why nothing will ever change.
    Deal with it.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I'm a total animal lover, but I realize, as a human, I'm naturally an omnivore. But I try to buy free-range and cruelty-free whenever possible. All my eggs come from my sister-in-law's chickens - and they're so much better tasting than the mass market chicken farms! I also regularly purchase locally hunted deer meat. :)

    But I think the whole point of this thread is not whether you eat meat, but whether we have a right to treat animals only as slaves. Personally, I don't. Animals are beautiful and intelligent in their own ways. They have souls and can show affection and kindness just like any human. I definitely plan to have chickens and sheep/goats (and maybe a pig!) in the future - but they will not be for eating, they will be loving. :D

    Yep! That's exactly what this was about! Nothing to do with vegetarianism. :) I like your post.

  • MissGraziano
    I completely agree with you. Animals have an innate right to exist that is completely separate from humans' desires to use their skins and eat their flesh. I've been a vegetarian for twenty-five years because in my heart I can't justify eating cows, pigs and chickens but then letting dogs and cats sleep in my bed. They are all animals and deserve kindness and respect and once you realize that you can't pretend there is any difference between the animals we call our companions and the animals we call food.

    Love this!!!!!! :)
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    BTW, if the killing of animals for eats is keeping you awake, then maybe you should take a walk outside and see other atrocities happening. Poverty, child hunger, drug abuse, uncureable diseases. There are alot of problems really one can lose sleep over. Not saying animal love isn't a noble cause but considering this is something that has been going on since the cave men time and something that a lot of other animals participate over too, maybe you should focus on real issues rather than telling others what to eat

    Hmm, I don't really care that much. As for uncurable diseases, I watched and held my father's hand a few months ago as he died of cancer. I have a lot of other problems that I lose sleep over, but they mostly don't have to do with random people I don't care about. And if you could read, you'd see I said that this had nothing to do with vegetarianism.

    Sorry for your loss. Went through the same thing with my abuela and it really is a horrible experience. Hope you're staying strong, time heals most all wounds.

    Anyways, as far as the topic goes I'm pretty sure the OP isn't saying that eating meat is wrong, as many people seem to have interpreted her post as saying, but is instead saying that the way in which animals are treated and make their way from the "field" to our plates is wrong ie. the inhumane treatment put upon them. At least that's what I gathered she was trying to say. I for one love meat and wouldn't give it up for anything but I do agree that there are serious issues with the way in which animals are treated.
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    My cat started to kill a bird today, but then he thought about how the bird has rights and chose a cucumber from our garden instead.

    :laugh: :laugh:
    except that's entirely different because your cat didn't mass breed birds for the sole purpose of slaughter, torturing them, injecting them with all kinds of chemical ****, including growth hormones that cause their legs to break right under their weight... honestly torture them to death, carelessly, just for fun, painfully chopping off their beaks when they get a bit too feisty, kicking them around for a good laugh... don't you see? There's a difference between a cat killing a bird to survive (cats are carnivores) and humans mass producing and torturing and inhumanely caring for and then slaughtering birds just because they're tasty (no, we do not need meat to survive).
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Hate to say it, but even in the Bible animals are used as sacrifice or as a working animal.
    How do you define a "real" animal lover?
    Because I love animals. SO much I almost became a vet once-upon-a-time, I don't support certain things and I don't support the inhumane treatment of animals either. But how do you define a true lover?

    The bible? The bible is a joke. Saying that animals are slaves of men because the bible says so is like saying women will always be inferior and are the reason sin exists.

    I feel ya, OP. We have no right controlling the fate of animals. I, however, stopped caring that no one agrees with me.. You might as well sleep.

    At least I can sleep a little better knowing someone else thinks the bible is a joke.

    This ^
    no it is a joke being played on the whole world. There's no savior only a message to hear. Sadly the message got lost and the messenger became some deity. We Buddhist do not worship Buddha he was just a wonderful messenger. What is important is the message. Surly one day the message will become important instead of the messenger.

    This is coming form someone with a Doctorate in World religion/Metaphysics and has 25 + years studying this book called "The Holy Bible".

    It is the circle of life and none are superior because we all depend upon each other.

    Yes I eat meat because my nutrition type is high protein. Without it i will continue to lose weight and I want to gain it instead.

    I am an animal lover we have 14 tarantulas, 2 Veiled chameleons, 1 bearded dragon, 1 fire belly toad, and 1 gerbil.:laugh:
  • MissGraziano
    I was a vegetarian since 1993. This thread just convinced me to start eating meat.
    I never cared what anyone else put in there bodies.

    Read the original post. Nothing to do with vegetarianism.
  • MissGraziano
    My cat started to kill a bird today, but then he thought about how the bird has rights and chose a cucumber from our garden instead.

    :laugh: :laugh:
    except that's entirely different because your cat didn't mass breed birds for the sole purpose of slaughter, torturing them, injecting them with all kinds of chemical ****, including growth hormones that cause their legs to break right under their weight... honestly torture them to death, carelessly, just for fun, painfully chopping off their beaks when they get a bit too feisty, kicking them around for a good laugh... don't you see? There's a difference between a cat killing a bird to survive (cats are carnivores) and humans mass producing and torturing and inhumanely caring for and then slaughtering birds just because they're tasty (no, we do not need meat to survive).

    Hell yes.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I'm a total animal lover, but I realize, as a human, I'm naturally an omnivore. But I try to buy free-range and cruelty-free whenever possible. All my eggs come from my sister-in-law's chickens - and they're so much better tasting than the mass market chicken farms! I also regularly purchase locally hunted deer meat. :)

    But I think the whole point of this thread is not whether you eat meat, but whether we have a right to treat animals only as slaves. Personally, I don't. Animals are beautiful and intelligent in their own ways. They have souls and can show affection and kindness just like any human. I definitely plan to have chickens and sheep/goats (and maybe a pig!) in the future - but they will not be for eating, they will be loving. :D

    In India (home of one of earliest vegetarians btw) we use animals to help us and in return, we provide protection, food, shelter. I guess it can be seen as slavery except if you go there and see if for yourself you will see for yourself the difference.

    We use elephants to move big trees and clear roads or pathways in remote areas. In himalayas we have to rely on goats and donkeys to travel and get food. Horses have been used for too long to even try to recall and a friend. Dog have been considered a mans best friend. Rescue dogs and those helper dogs for the blinds. I don't know, doesn't seem very slavish to me. It all boils down to the way they're treated I guess. In philipines a dog took a bite from a snake to protect an infant. These kinds of acts aren't done by "slaves" and god knows alot of these animals cannot be made slaves, specially not in the older days
  • lovecrescendo
    lovecrescendo Posts: 31 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    2. EITHER WAY, if we WERE supposed to eat animals that in no way excuses us from torturing them as we do. It's horrendous.

    And anyone who is using the bible as their excuse... unless you're willing to follow EVERYTHING ELSE the bible tells you to then don't even go there. Besides, the most famous phrases from the bible are "Love thy neighbor" and "Thou shalt not kill."

    What I really hate is these people who think animal cruelty toward cats/dogs/horses is absolutely terrible but when it comes to chickens/cows/things we eat it's okay
    If you're against the slaughter of horses you should DEFINITELY be vegan... even if you're against animal cruelty in general. Don't call yourself an 'animal lover' if you support the torture that these animals you 'love' endure every single day.
    But the fact that animal flesh taste so good trumps all your arguments. That's why nothing will ever change.
    Deal with it.
    Not a fact, an opinion -- many people get sick to their stomach at the mere thought of eating another animal's flesh. You're obviously too ignorant to put up a good argument, so you go to the typical meat-eater response -- "it tastes good so YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID." there are plenty reasons for teens not to have sex -- would it be a valid argument if they said "BUT IT FEELS GOOD SO YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID! HAH!"
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    ‎"If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?" ~John Cleese

    What do you think we are made out of? Chopped liver?
    Awe, my liver isnt chopped, but your brain is obviously scrambled. I eat all kinds of meat, and I LOVE it! I've even raised and butchered my own pigs, cows, and goats, butchered a calf once too, and its soooooooo good! They only wiggle for a minute.

    That kind of comment is completely unnecessary..
    Yes,I completely agree! The comment about us being made out of chopped liver WAS completely unnecessary, at least my comment was truthful.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Animal lover and supporter of animal rights, over here! I do eat meat (not a lot), but I stick to organic, free range meats and sustainable foods. I always check labels for the "not tested on animals" tag!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    2. EITHER WAY, if we WERE supposed to eat animals that in no way excuses us from torturing them as we do. It's horrendous.

    And anyone who is using the bible as their excuse... unless you're willing to follow EVERYTHING ELSE the bible tells you to then don't even go there. Besides, the most famous phrases from the bible are "Love thy neighbor" and "Thou shalt not kill."

    What I really hate is these people who think animal cruelty toward cats/dogs/horses is absolutely terrible but when it comes to chickens/cows/things we eat it's okay
    If you're against the slaughter of horses you should DEFINITELY be vegan... even if you're against animal cruelty in general. Don't call yourself an 'animal lover' if you support the torture that these animals you 'love' endure every single day.
    But the fact that animal flesh taste so good trumps all your arguments. That's why nothing will ever change.
    Deal with it.

    MY god.......

  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    ‎"If God did not intend for us to eat animals, then why did he make them out of meat?" ~John Cleese

    What do you think we are made out of? Chopped liver?
    Awe, my liver isnt chopped, but your brain is obviously scrambled. I eat all kinds of meat, and I LOVE it! I've even raised and butchered my own pigs, cows, and goats, butchered a calf once too, and its soooooooo good! They only wiggle for a minute.

    That kind of comment is completely unnecessary..
    Yes,I completely agree! The comment about us being made out of chopped liver WAS completely unnecessary, at least my comment was truthful.

    Chopped liver was an analogy, if you didnt realise that theres no hope for you in this world.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    How did I know this was going to be the most obnoxious thread on the boards?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Hate to say it, but even in the Bible animals are used as sacrifice or as a working animal.
    How do you define a "real" animal lover?
    Because I love animals. SO much I almost became a vet once-upon-a-time, I don't support certain things and I don't support the inhumane treatment of animals either. But how do you define a true lover?

    The bible? The bible is a joke. Saying that animals are slaves of men because the bible says so is like saying women will always be inferior and are the reason sin exists.

    I feel ya, OP. We have no right controlling the fate of animals. I, however, stopped caring that no one agrees with me.. You might as well sleep.

    At least I can sleep a little better knowing someone else thinks the bible is a joke.

    This ^
    no it is a joke being played on the whole world. There's no savior only a message to hear. Sadly the message got lost and the messenger became some deity. We Buddhist do not worship Buddha he was just a wonderful messenger. What is important is the message. Surly one day the message will become important instead of the messenger.

    This is coming form someone with a Doctorate in World religion/Metaphysics and has 25 + years studying this book called "The Holy Bible".

    It is the circle of life and none are superior because we all depend upon each other.

    Yes I eat meat because my nutrition type is high protein. Without it i will continue to lose weight and I want to gain it instead.

    I am an animal lover we have 14 tarantulas, 2 Veiled chameleons, 1 bearded dragon, 1 fire belly toad, and 1 gerbil.:laugh:

    Do share how everybody who have believed in religion is a joke. BTW, your doctorate or your years of studying have squat to do with religion bashing or animal loving. But thanks for sharing your thoughts
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    To OP humans are superior to animals

    Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. RULE OVER the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I am TOTALLY on the same boat with you girl!! Like, COMPLETELY.

    And everyone says that animals are part of the food chain... but...
    1. If you look at a human's body vs. a carnivore's body (an animal that is SUPPOSED to eat other animals) we are not equipped to eat meat... much longer intestinal tract... no canines (don't give me the crap about our 'canines' --- REAL flesh-eating canines do just that -- rip through raw skin and flesh and muscle. Try that with a human's puny 'canines', won't work), no claws, etc...

    Did you not see the recent news? You know, of the man that was shot 6 times whilst eating another man's face?
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I'm a total animal lover, but I realize, as a human, I'm naturally an omnivore. But I try to buy free-range and cruelty-free whenever possible. All my eggs come from my sister-in-law's chickens - and they're so much better tasting than the mass market chicken farms! I also regularly purchase locally hunted deer meat. :)

    But I think the whole point of this thread is not whether you eat meat, but whether we have a right to treat animals only as slaves. Personally, I don't. Animals are beautiful and intelligent in their own ways. They have souls and can show affection and kindness just like any human. I definitely plan to have chickens and sheep/goats (and maybe a pig!) in the future - but they will not be for eating, they will be loving. :D

    In India (home of one of earliest vegetarians btw) we use animals to help us and in return, we provide protection, food, shelter. I guess it can be seen as slavery except if you go there and see if for yourself you will see for yourself the difference.

    We use elephants to move big trees and clear roads or pathways in remote areas. In himalayas we have to rely on goats and donkeys to travel and get food. Horses have been used for too long to even try to recall and a friend. Dog have been considered a mans best friend. Rescue dogs and those helper dogs for the blinds. I don't know, doesn't seem very slavish to me. It all boils down to the way they're treated I guess. In philipines a dog took a bite from a snake to protect an infant. These kinds of acts aren't done by "slaves" and god knows alot of these animals cannot be made slaves, specially not in the older days

    I can't actually tell if you're agreeing with my comment or not, but that's pretty much exactly what I meant. It's not about eating meat or not, but about respecting what an animal can provide for you. It's more so the meat industry that treats animals as slaves, disfiguring them and basically putting them through torture before killing them for the assembly line.

    If you're using an animal, but not giving it a healthy, happy lifestyle in return, then yeah, it's kind of slavery. Working a horse to its bones is not right, but using a horse for labor while still feeding and caring for it properly is totally a-okay in my book.
This discussion has been closed.