30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Day 13 (3 at level 2) done!!! :happy:

    Congrats on your results so far!!! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    I've lost count, but I think I'm on my 5th official Shred day, so I'm very much behind. Last night I watched Biggest Loser, which motivated me to workout hard, so immediately following the show, I worked out for the first time in my newly organized workout room! My mom joined in and we did Level 1. I'm still struggling with the side lunges and only using 2-3 lb. weights with those, but have moved to 5 lbs. for all other moves. I burned 368 calories in last night's workout, which is more than usual, but I really pushed myself harder in the cardio than I've done before. It felt so good!

    My sister has decided that she wants to become healthier, so she is going to start by working on portion control and then join in on some of the easier workouts with us. She is very out of shape, eats terribly, drinks several cans of soda per day and smokes. Typically, she eats chips while she watches me workout! She has decided today is her first day of watching her portions, so I'm hoping we can support each other through this journey. If she follows through, it will mean my whole household is on board! Yay!

    Tonight is volunteer night, so lots of walking for the evening, providing it doesn't rain. I'm going to try to remember to wear my HRM to see how I do tonight. I made a healthy chicken wrap for lunch, along with sides of pineapple and carrots. I'm really going to focus on staying on task with the workouts and have healthier lunches at work. Baby steps!

    Happy exercising!
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanx for the support, skywalker, good job shreddin' level 2!
    Guess what peeps....did level 3 today!!!! Day 16! level 3 is the most pain I have EVER been in a workout, but it went by so fast. I did the whole thing and most excercises with Natalie. It works completely different muscles, and there are more excercises in the 20minutes so you are switching it up a lot so goes by fast. It takes more skill and you really have to concentrate on your movements so you don't get hurt, then I made a big mistake. I felt so energized from level 3 then I went to level 2 also. During the beginning of level 2 I'm like whoa feeling really sore but pushed my way through now I feel on top of the world. Awesome workout!!!!

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  • Iwkido
    Iwkido Posts: 53 Member
    Day 13 (3 on level 2) done! :drinker:
    Tough, but nice too!
    Great job everyone!!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 10, L1 - Okay so here are my stats from when I started on 09/10 (started late, but I think I have done pretty well for technically only being involved for 13 days! I am going to start L2 tomorrow. Weighed in last night:

    When I started: Neck=13.5"/Waist = 33.5/Hips= 42.5/Weight = 165.2
    Now after 13 days: Neck = 13/Waist = 32.5/ Hips = 41.00/Weight = 162.4

    So, I have lost some inches and lost 2.8 lbs. Woo-hoo! I have to keep going with this now!

    It's so nice to have all of your motiviation and inspiration to keep me moving... :bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Great job, april_mesk!! :drinker:

    I'm going to wait until I complete 15 workouts before I take "official" measurements. Although, I confess that I took a few this morning and saw some progress. :happy:

    I didn't Shred yesterday in favor of a bike ride, but my legs felt pretty fatigued (from Level2 I'm sure). I think I may take a complete rest day today so I can be fresh for my next Shred.

    Great job, everyone!! I love this thread! :heart: I agree with april... it keeps me going!! :drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    No Shred last night, but walked at volunteering for 135 minutes. Of course, it would have been better had I not had buffalo wings last night. Why can't I say no to them?!?

    I really need to kick it in gear and keep up with all of you who are doing so awesome.

    Tonight is another night of volunteering, but I should be home early enough for a workout before bed.

    Happy exercising,
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Day 17 Level 3. Yuck feeling icky today so don't feel like I gave it 110% but oh well always tomorrow to push harder.

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  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    After much slacking off... Level 2 Day 1 over!!!!!

    Wooooh!!! The cardio in this one is more difficult but the strength training is manageable as compared to L1...

    The bad news (for me), is that me and 11 of my college buddies will have a reunion today.. It will definitely have those calorie - laden foods delivered from pizza hut (their favorite party food BTW).. Oh man! :sad:
    The thing is, they don't have issues with regards to weight and being fat and all that... Hmmm... I'll just starve to death while watching (and envying) them eat their pizza wholeheartedly hahaha.. or I'll be a sucker (for them) and order myself a salad and turn a deaf ear while they tease me for being so involved in my healthy lifestyle... :bigsmile:

    ..stay with me... :mad:

    19 days to go before being shredded!!!!
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Okay, so I already posted for day 10 of L1 earlier today. However, I ended up doing L2 tonight also. Was really not that bad. I felt as if I had to do more to make up for the chips I ate tonight. Once in awhile I get a bad craving but, I am going to move on from this and keep going... uggh...
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    day 19 done, still on level 1 though... i can pretty much do everything with natalie except the pushups, so i am thinking i need to move to level 2 soon :sad: :sad: :laugh: although, i don't take a lot of rest days becuase this is mainly how i get my exercise in, so i am worried that i will have to on level 2 and wont know what to do... anyone have words of wisdom?
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Rest days are just as important as workout days. That's when yours muscles repair and rebuild. :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    I have volunteering last night, so only did walking as my exercise. However, I did stay well within my calories last night, so I can't feel too bad about it! I'm planning on doing Shred again tonight. I'm picking up one of Jillian's books on the way home and am looking forward to it. Always adding to my collection...now if only I could motivate myself to workout more!

    Two of my three nights of volunteering will be coming to an end in two weeks, so I should have more time for myself after that. I'm looking forward to spending more time on me, but I'll miss all of the people I volunteer with!

    This weekend, I plan on going horseback riding with a friend, so that will burn some mega calories. Contrary to popular belief, horseback riding is one of the activities that burns the most calories per hour (if you're doing it right). Plus, we're going to a park I've never been to before, so it should be a good time.

    Happy exercising,
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    I agree with Skywalker - it helps to energize you if you take a break day. Sometimes I feel guilty when I take one, but, it's something you should be doing to rest. Level 2, I think is easier than L1. This is just my opinion. I still can't do the pushups like Natalie... and the V arm raises with squats kill me on 2. I mean L2 is not easy, but I think it flows better than 1 for some reason. Good luck
  • bribaby24
    bribaby24 Posts: 47 Member
    Day 18 Level 2 and level 3 shredded! Much better today, a lot more energy to my movements. I also like Level2 better than level 1 and now level 3 is my fav! So uhoh guys it is the weekend! Oh please let me not eat greasy food and drink tons of beer...please! My husband and I already decided we are cooking all weekend, so no fast food or going out. This should help! Fingers crossed happy weekend all! :drinker:


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  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I agree with Skywalker - it helps to energize you if you take a break day. Sometimes I feel guilty when I take one, but, it's something you should be doing to rest. Level 2, I think is easier than L1. This is just my opinion. I still can't do the pushups like Natalie... and the V arm raises with squats kill me on 2. I mean L2 is not easy, but I think it flows better than 1 for some reason. Good luck

    Now that I'm a few days into Level 2, I like it better. I agree about the flow and I think it goes by faster. Apparently, my shoulders are not very strong, so I definitely feel more of a burn than level 1, but that's a good thing! :laugh:
    Feeling under the weather today and haven't decided whether or not I'll be shredding. I may do it anyway. We'll see. :happy:
  • sudzie88
    sudzie88 Posts: 185 Member
    did level 2 today!!!! it actually wasnt as bad as i remembered (maybe that means i got stronger?!?!), although that last circuit really kills me with the shoulder lifts and then all the plank pose!!! i am feelin it. i may take a rest day tomorrow from the shred and just do some cardio at the gym or something.

    feelin great!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Day 11, L2:
    Feel bad that I didn't work out Friday or Saturday. I had what my daughter and husband had - nasty cold w/sore throat and nauseau/headache. Thank god that is over. I couldn't even bring myself off of the couch yesterday - so not like me. Anyhow, I am better now. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I have questions!!!!!!!!!!!
    I bought the dvd months ago & just broke it out yesterday. I did level 1, exhausted but okay except for the pushups.
    And the buttkickers. I couldn't keep up.
    And the jumping jacks. I couldn't quite finish.
    Then I also rode the bike for 30 minutes.
    Today I'm so sore I can hardly move.
    So I rode the bike for 40 minutes after some heavy yard work.
    1. How many days a week do you do the Shred?
    2. When you say you're on Day 11 (or whatever) does that mean you've done the workout 11 times?
    3. It's only 20 minutes & my goal is to exercise 30 minutes or more a day.
    4. Can you give me some advice?
    Thanks! You're all so inspiring!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Everyone is going at their own pace. I've been trying to do the shred for 2 days, then take 1 day off, and keep repeating that cycle. I think most of us plan on taking more than 30 days to do this. Even Jillian Michaels stresses the importance of rest days. I'm trying to do 10 days on each level, but , by that I mean 10 days of the actual video. I don't count the rest days in with the 10. I also do cycling for cardio and am getting back into yoga to get a good stretch on days I don't do the Shred or ride. Hope that helps. Join in if you'd like. :drinker:

    Sounds like you and I had a similar weekend. :sick: I've pretty much been on the couch since I got out of work on friday. I hope to be Shredding tomorrow. :happy:
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