Embarrassed to exercise



  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    I didn't read anything past the 1st page so don't attack me, MFP!

    There's no shame in going out and exercising. When I go to the gym, the only time I ever look at someone in a negative light would be for one of the following reasons:

    a) They look ridiculous -- I was at the gym yesterday and I saw a gentleman walk around and take all of the 45 lbs. plates in the entire gym to put it on the leg press machine... to the point where the plates wouldn't actually fit anymore so he stacked plates on plates (I should've taken a picture). Keep in mind, this fellow was much more lankier than I (I've been at this for quite some time)

    b) They are doing something that could potentially hurt themselves or, worse, another person -- kettlebell snatches with a dumbbell is a poor alternative.

    c) They clearly come to the gym to creep on other people -- too many stories, won't bother with it.

    When I see people who are heavier, or whatever it is they may be, I look at them with a much better attitude. I'm sure you'll hear it many times over but I'll just reiterate the point again... You could be at home chowing down on a bag of Doritos, watching Dr. Oz, trying to discover the easy way out or you could just take it back to basics and work the hard way through a healthier and fit lifestyle.

    Basically what I'm getting at is: Don't be embarrassed of anything, trying is far more commendable than just giving up and making excuses.
  • kinghavok
    kinghavok Posts: 104
    :( I guess the way to do it is to do stuff alone at home at first til you feel happier with how fit you are and then get more public with it. Good luck!

    Do not worry about what anyone says or anyone thinks. This should be all about you. Start slow, walking pick up the pace once there get in a gym and knock it out the box. I am 50 years old, I was 207lbs and 5'5 bad knees when I started. I am now 170 and do the gym daily with my best friends son it motivates me and gets him out of the house.

    Someone told me the hardest part was getting in the gym, from there it's all easy. I believe it.
  • EvelynPierce
    Go to the YMCA, That's what I do! Your all there for the same reason!! for me as a student it costs 15 a month!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    I love Leslie Sansone's walking DVDs! When I first started I weighed over 300 pounds and was embarrassed to just go out in public...never mind exercising. I got one of her DVDs and started from there.

    You are worth it and you can do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    I used to be... but then I thought. I am out here, I am DOING it... which is way more than what most people do.. SO, Just do it.. AND i've found that most people at the gym are there to do their own thing and aren't concerned with anyone else.
  • Living4Liz2012
    I was when I first started out, but I just kept telling myself..."It is either now or never." I can continue on this horrible path or I can take today and start a healthy on. It takes time, but surrounding yourself with positive people will HELP BIG TIME:)
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I'm on school break, but up until mid-May I worked out at my school's gym. I had to share it with a bunch of skinny track girls and super-fit softball team members...but I told myself I helped pay for the gym and equipment out of my tuition, so I had every right to use it too. I went into the cardio room with my jaw set and my music pumped up...and no one gave me any ****, even though I'm a very overweight middle-aged mom hoofing it on the treadmill or doing a pilates workout in the aerobics room.

    I'm kinda ashamed it took me this long to get to this point, but I've decided that I will do whatever I need to do to be healthy, everyone else be damned! :)
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    Is anyone else embarrassed to actually start going to the gym/running in public? I am happy swimming but at the moment I'm somewhere without a pool nearby, so that's not an option. I don't feel comfortable with exercising in public but I'm not sure what to do otherwise.
    Also, swimming/joining a gym = spending money, which, as a student, I definitely don't have much of to spare!!
    Are other people in the same situation? Or does anyone have any tips for me?

    Aw, sorry you are feeling this way. Let me tell you, I've recently picked up jogging (6 weeks ago) and for the first time I ran on a treadmill Tuesday night and was able to see myself in the mirror... I LOOKED REDICULOUS, but you know what? You are lapping everyone on the couch! It doesn't matter what you look like when you are exercising, what matters is that you are doing it :-) Don't worry!!! xo
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I understand 100%, I started the C25K 9 weeks ago and I would only run at night. Now that I don't look sounds like a dying cow trying to run I don't mind doing it when theres a chance people might see me. It's actually kind of nice when I see someone I know because not only do they encourage me it then is accountability, because I don;t wnat to see that persone in a few months and them think to themself "wow the running thing didn't work".
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    As someone that has been going to a gym for almost 30 years, I can say you shouldn't be embarrassed about starting out. The people that have been going know how difficult it is to exercise and and have the utmost respect for anyone that is trying to improve their health - regardless of what type of shape you are in. Don't let the meatheads that are there throwing weights around discourage you!

    You also don't need an expensive gym to improve your health. Take advantage of what God has provided...go for a walk, a run, row a canoe, ride a bike, eat an apple or an orange...etc.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    Running when late is an option too actually. I'm most self conscious about my boobs - they're too big for running really, and the sports bra I've got doesn't really do the job properly!

    I have the same problem. I work around it by wearing a REALLY supportive sports bra (and buy new ones as soon as they start wearing out- don't wait!) and then I wear an exercise fitted tank top over it, which is built to "support" without a bra as well, but would really only work for a A cup on it's own. The combo keeps the girls from getting out of control, and more importantly, it isn't PAINFUL.
  • Teresa3612
    Teresa3612 Posts: 21 Member
    I used to be. I was worried what others thought of seeing a 400+ lbs man out there exercising. I only worked out late at night, went to the gym super early to avoid people seeing me. I am near sighted and I wear contacts most of the time. I remember when I was in my 400's, I was in a rush to get to the gym to avoid people. I popped in my contacts without washing my hands first. They burned my eyes soon as I got there. I took them out and had to do my routine super slow since I could not see at all. People started trickling in and I got nervous. I then laughed. I couldn't see them I felt stupid worrying all this time.

    Since then I stopped caring what others think or say. My health is more important. I even been going to a Zumba class at my YMCA for a while now. 1 guy in a class of 20-30 women. I suck at it but I have fun and most important of all, it burns calories. Sure there's probably people pointing and laughing at me but I can't see or hear them over the sound of how awesome I am.

    Don't worry if you are the only guy there. We love to see a guy in class!

    I think I need to get over that barrier of caring about what other people think of me. You're right, health is far more important. I've heard that zumba is meant to be really fun, I might look into joining a class once I have enough £££! I doubt there's people laughing at you, like others have said here, everyone who does exercise is doing so for the same sorts of reasons.

    I got to Zumba and I love it!

    Let me know if you find a good sports bra. I don't run for the same reason:)
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    As long as your hygiene is on point don't worry about the other stuff just focus on the change.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    You know, it gets better with normal routines. Think about this, how often do you see somebody exercising and think,, " what an idiot, they look dumb"? I personaly am thinking, " good for them, keep it up."

    Just get out there, or in there, and make it happen. Friends and neighbors will secretly be impressed, and you may end up motivating someone else to do the same.
    Good luck!

    Quick addition: Try looking into P90X or Insanity form Team Beachbody. I have done both of these programs and they are outstanding. You can do these in the pprivacy of your own home in about an hour a day for 60-90 days, get ripped, and wear your confidence around for all to see through the rest of your life.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    So I used to have the same fear, and it actually started when I was a super fit, inshape swimmer, it started because I sweat...a lot. Like me and a 600 pound man could probably go neck and neck over who sweats the most. For example, in zumba class yesterday I was drenched, through my shirt, dripping down my face, etc. the girls around me looked like they just walked out of a magazine add, but whatever, I just don't care anymore.

    What finally got me over my fear was me realizing that when I drive around and look at people running, or I'm at the gym and a person is working hard (and isn't obnoxious and trying to peacock all over the gym) I don't look at them and go "wow look how stupid or fat or whatever that person is" instead, I say "wow look at that person working out, they're really working hard, good for them getting out and running, OMG I could never run outside right now, its 6:30am, way to go" No one thinks anything negative about you, and honestly if they are going to, its not worth it to even talk to them or take anything they say seriously, because they are probably said person peacocking around the gym like the big douche bag they are.

    As far as being a student - does your campus have a gym? Thats a GREAT way to workout and its included in your student fees, or your apartment complex? The other option is if there is a planet fitness nearby, its literally only $10 a month to join and they're open 24 hours. If those aren't options theres a ton of workout videos you can get, most of jillian michaels are in the $10-15 range and they will kick your butt.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    There are a lot of free workout videos around the Internet - all you'd really need would be a bit of floor space.
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    You know, it gets better with normal routines. Think about this, how often do you see somebody exercising and think,, " what an idiot, they look dumb"? I personaly am thinking, " good for them, keep it up."

    Just get out there, or in there, and make it happen. Friends and neighbors will secretly be impressed, and you may end up motivating someone else to do the same.
    Good luck!
    Yeah, this summed up my long essay into a couple short sentences. I second this completely.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i see more out of shape people running and biking in my neighborhood than in shape people.

    get over it and exercise.
  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    Do not feel embarrassed to go to a gym! Remember, everyone there shares the same goal! I love my gym and, honestly, when I see someone heavier working out, in my head, I'm thinking, "you go, girl!" And am proud of a complete stranger! It's motivation for me to keep going, because if they have the motivation, then why shouldn't I? Some people amaze me because they have much more stamina than I do! I'm not sure if you think people will judge you, but trust me, it's all about YOU! One of my instructor said, if it's not jiggling, it's not gonna go anywhere! Lol! Another said, it's not sweat, it's the fat melting! Idk what to say to make you understand that no one at the gym judges, if they thought they were perfect, THEY WOULDN'T BE THERE EITHER!

    Couldn't have said it better!!! Im the same way, if I see someone heavier, im proud of them for wanting to take the time out and get healthy. If they can do it then i have no excuse. Everyone is there for the same thing and that is to get healthy and remain healthy. I used to be embarrassed to go because I thought people were judging but they really are in there just doing their own thing.