Embarrassed to exercise



  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    I live in an area that if you don't see people out running or walking theres something wrong.
    I am not a runner by any means but I try and when I want to run I just get out there and do it, I do notice other runners and they notice me but its only for a few seconds and then its over and I move on and pass the next person coming my way. I guess my point is that others will see us but very rarely will they remember us or think about us.....your doing it for you, not them. Enjoy the momet.

    That's a very good point :) thank you!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137

    Also I was saying that I DO speak to people in Body Pump. In a class there are people of all shapes and sizes, but because everyone is doing the same thing, it feels less intimidating/competitive. So if anyone is a bit nervous about going into the gym - like the weights or cardio room, it might be worthwhile joining a few classes, find some friends in there, then go into the main gym!

    Good luck :drinker:

    Oh no I mean you could take that friendship outside of the class environment and into the actual gym itself in addition to the classes. Just thought it might be something that would help you feel more comfortable in the gym!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    A while back when I wanted to get into running, I began by running around the block after dark. Didn't want anyone to see me panting. It didn't take long until I was comfortable running in daylight. Recently I have started to run again. I have been using the C25k program (available for smartphones and as a podcast) to get back into shape. Week one is mostly walking with a few one minute run intervals. Each week has longer run segments until you run for 30 min continously. Numerous people on this site use this program. Give it a try... :happy:

    That sounds doable actually - I'll look into it! I have a windows phone so hopefully there's an app for me :)
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    As far as your upstairs jiggle problem - my sister has this same issue, also makes it uncomfortable to run or speed walk. She utilizes two sports bras, the first in the size she needs then she tops that with a second one slightly smaller. This has stopped most of her jiggle and big bounces. Like everyone else, DVD's and walking are the most inexpensive options, you can even find some of the workouts on YouTube.
    "upstairs jiggle problem" love the phrasing, hehe :) That's actually a really good idea, I'll try that when I have the money for the bras. Which may need to come out of my overdraft because I'd rather start getting fit now than having to wait until all this motivation has disappeared...
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    I am the same way and have never been able to get over it. I have always been extremely self conscious in my life. BUT.. I bought a bike and now bikeride every day. I still have to "hide", I make sure I have my helmut on and sunglasses, I feel no one will recognize me that way. lol! It's terrible to feel that way so I sympathize with you.. but I found something aerobic to do that I'm comfortable doing.. hope that helps!:smile:

    I find cycling is actually really good for that - you're past people so fast they don't really see you anyway! And southampton is very bike friendly, so I'm lucky in that way.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    (I'm sorry I hit report by mistake!)

    My husband is embarrassed to go to the gym and work out - and he is a tai chi instructor. Excellent shape, but belly fat. However, he decided that exercising and looking dumb was better than not exercising and getting sick.

    After my kids were born and I needed to tone up, I did acquacize - in the pool aerobics. It was perfect for me because it was GREAT exercise and low impact. And I'm not a good swimmer.

    Big plus is that your body is hidden under water and everyone doing it looks silly - even the instructor.
  • fewolfe
    fewolfe Posts: 2
    I used to wonder and worry if people were watching me and then I decided I didn't care. I had a goal and the only way I was going to meet it was to work out. I am single and I think of working out the same way I think of going out to a restaraunt alone. Why shouldn't I be able to go out and enjoy myself just because I don't have a date or a friend with me. Who cares what others think! What matters is that you are doing what you need to do to get to where you want/need to be. So forget everyone else and jump in! Besides if you are ok with going into a pool in public, the gym is a breeze!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    i bought a used treadmill off Craigslist and have been walking and walking and walking and walking! lol have done a little running/jogging too, but not much... i'll work up to that! i hear ya as far as going out! my problem is having young kids so its easier to do it at home! just as long as you're moving, you're doing good! good luck to you, you CAN do it!!!

    Thank you for the luck, good luck to you too! I guess I have an advantage being unemployed, a student, with no children... haha. I have a lot of free time at the moment. So really I have no excuse...
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    That was something I struggled with for a while, especially in the beginning. And I won't lie and say that people didn't say evil hateful things to me. What I will say is that your life is yours, not theirs. Put the headphones on and set the course of your ship to the correct one.

    I'll try my hardest. Thank you for your honesty :)
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    You shouldnt' be embarrassed but if you are there are options that don't involve money or working out with others...
    Have you tried working out at home? There are tons of resources online for free workouts....

    Some great sites with FULL workouts that I use are listed in the article below:


    Thank you, that's now bookmarked :D
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137

    I have really big boobs too and I'm a student but the one thing you should really invest in is a really good sports bra. You can damage your boobs by tearing the connective tissue and ligaments through not having proper support. I'm not sure where you are in the world but this site gives you a lot of info about sports bras:


    This site is also really good for the UK:


    Or alternatively just google sports bras and read some reviews. It's so important to have the proper support and totally worth the investment. I know exactly how you feel about the gym. For a student it's not always worth it so running, if you can, is definitely a good option. Just be kind to your ladies and they'll be kind to you! :-)

    Oh my gosh you are my saviour!! So glad I'm not the only one. I'll definitely have a look at those sites!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    okay so I think this has got too big for me to reply to every post - I have read (or will be reading!!!) every single one and I'd like to thank everyone for their support, advice and help. I never expected such a big response so THANK YOU ALL :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'll definitely be investing in a workout dvd after trying vids on youtube. I've downloaded the Total C25K app and it will be used once I have a bra that works! I'm still on the fence about the gym but I know that there are loads of other options out there now, rather than just cycling and swimming which is all I was doing before.

    So yes, thank you so far! You're all fab :wink:
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I dont like the feeling of working out at the gym either. I found a program that was fun and motivating and works that I do in the privacy of my own home.
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    I dont like the feeling of working out at the gym either. I found a program that was fun and motivating and works that I do in the privacy of my own home.

    I found one too but its not something I can put on a family board :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Nope, not embarassed. I do modify my bra choice, though. Sports bras ain't gonna cut it. I use a minimizer bra. Bali makes a good one.

    I went to the gym today and not one of the many fit and skinny females gave me a second glance. The fit, skinny lady at the desk was sweet as can be, and the only looks I got from guys were probably because my darn shirt is still a little too tight (I'm happy to be back out of the 1x, 2x, 3x category, so hey, they'll deal with it.)

    I did get some funny looks on the rowing machine, though. No one else seems to use those anymore. Does everybody know something about them I don't? Like, are they now considered useless, joint destroying relics or something?