Embarrassed to exercise



  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I had to tell you I LOVED this post! I was the same when I started running. I thought I was too fat, I was too slow, I looked stupid and people were going to laugh at me but after two marathons, five halfs, four 25k's and more than I can count smaller races...who's laughing now :laugh: Last year I bought my first true road bike and kind of had much the same thought, that cyclists would judge me or something because my bike didn't cost thousands of dollars but then I said who cares! Now whether I'm running or biking I always say hi to the other runners/cyclists and am just happy to see people out there getting exercise :smile: If people want to judge me because my bike didn't cost as much as my car or because I'm not running a six minute mile than let them, it in no way stops me from doing what I love to do!
    Just do it!

    When I started running, I really though I looked stupid - but did it anyway.
    It didn't take me long to realise that most people who are out on the streets in the morning are exercising too, or are on their way somewhere. And they are usually quite self absorbed and don't really care what anyone else is doing!

    Now I'll usually smile and nod and say good morning when I pass someone, especially another runner. And if they are looking thin and cool and like it's easy, I'll just wish I could do that too. If they are looking red faced and sweaty and overweight, I think "hey, me too, aren't we the smart ones to be out here doing something about it!"

    Don't let other people put you off doing something that is good for you.
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165

    Many of us can relate to feeling awkward, I feel worse in a dressing room than I do running in public , so I'll go for that run.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    go to a thrift store and look for some videos!! or tape Gilad Bodies in Motion on discovery fitness channel on TV.. he's on at 6 am.. 2 different programs.. I like to do his program because he does give you a good workout....
  • SgtMindy
    SgtMindy Posts: 53
    No money and embarrassed to work out in public? Exercise DVDs are your best bet, but you'll need a library card. Your local library should have a decent assortment of DVDs to try completely for free.
  • blair_bear
    blair_bear Posts: 165
    No money and embarrassed to work out in public? Exercise DVDs are your best bet, but you'll need a library card. Your local library should have a decent assortment of DVDs to try completely for free.
    Or youtube has a ton, that's where I get mine.
  • hyper24
    hyper24 Posts: 27

    Honestly, no one is judging you. People go to the gym for a reason, so please get over it, you have nothing to feel embarrassed about. Once you get a job do make it a point to join a gym, it is really motivating when you workout amongst others. You can make friends and they will motivate you to reach your goals.

    Meanwhile, you don't even need to invest in a fitness DVD (unless you want to), you have everything you need online. Decide on how many days you plan on working out and for how long (45 mins -1hour is more than enough). Once you've decided that, go to bodybuilding.com (click on supersite) and/or bodyrock.tv, and search for exercises you can do at home. Bodybuilding.com has all the necessary info you will never require like articles, videos, etc. Bodyrock.tv focuses on home workouts (there are videos that you can follow). Moreover you can also search on youtube for workout videos, there are plenty.

    Lastly, for cardio, you can always run outdoors, but if you are concern about your breasts (or if its raining or snowing), then you can always run in your building IF there are stairs. I do that on the days I don't go the gym. Running up and down that stairs is tiring and will help you burn off calories.

    I hope this helps, and well this goes without saying, but watch what you eat since it all boils down to calorie intake.

    Good Luck !!! :D
  • Snacke
    Snacke Posts: 5 Member
    I have a friend that comes to my house and we do walking exercises in my living room. I am also embarrassed to go to a gym. Find a buddy to do home DVD's with or we use the Comcast on demand Kendra Kimmerley or Leslie Sansone walking videos are fun, short and give you a nice work out. If you lived in Jacksonville I would be happy to let you join us!! Good luck!
  • mminter22
    mminter22 Posts: 29
    I was nervous to start jogging, especially as i knew I wouldnt last more than a few seconds! BUT I just went when it got dark, just around the block and before i knew it, I could run for a few minutes, then a few more! then I started going at weekends and if I saw anyone, I would use that as a goal to push myself to keep running until I got past them, even if i thought my legs were going to fall off.. :D and how you have to think of it is that yes you may be all hot and sweaty and red but the people you see are not caring about that, its THEM who are feeling bad because they are thinking 'that should be meee' - think of that..

    but yeah I cant face the gym.. now that is scary :D

    I TOTALLY agree! I felt like an *kitten* at first running in public, but then I thought, who cares! If anyone has anything to say about it, they won't when I'm done! At least I am out there doing it, and actually, yes, having those people see me running, though I do keep to lower traffic areas, or walking paths where most people are at least working out, gave me motivation to go further! :)
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    Seriously, I know you may feel self conscious at the gym, but just give it a try! Everyone feels self conscious but nobody is looking. I have just started working out with a trainer and he has me doing all these weights while balancing on the stabilizer balls. I cannot tell you how many times I've fallen/ rolled off and ended up on my face (I keep trying to convince him that I have a balance problem but he's not buying it ha ha). He just shakes his head. And my gym is CROWDED but I don't care. I feel so clumsy and goofy but who cares--I'm working to get in better shape. I promise you that when I see people who I know are beginners, I feel such admiration for them. I know how hard it is to get in there and do it! You'll be happy you did!
  • anamram23
    anamram23 Posts: 1
    You can do it!!!!
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    :laugh: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You choose how to live.

    I first started biking, I went a whole 2.5 miles, got to the top of a hill near the house turn around cause I did not want to go down the other side to have to climb the hill again.

    Now I ride at least an hour a day, from 13 to 18 miles every day. Weekend go 30 to 50 miles. I feels so much better.

    Dont care how you look now think about how you will feel healthy.:happy:

  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    I just went to my aparemtn gym the other day and there was a bunch of fit people working out. We never said anything to one another but I felt so uncomfrotable. I was sweating after only brisk walking for 5 minutes and they have been there for at least an hour. But, I didn't stop with my exercise. :) I kept going...wasn't going to let a bunch of strangers scare me from doing what I wanted to do!
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    You shouldnt feel embarrassed. To be honest no body really takes any notice of others at the gym. Today these two ladies were having a shower with the curtain open and i think i was more embarrassed than them. :)

    I used to feel like you untill i thought screw everyone else this is my workout and if i end my workout looking like a sweaty betty than i know iv done good. :)
  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    No one will laugh, they will look at you with envy! Go a la celerity, sun glasses and ball cap with your hair tucked in. No one will recognize you. Trust me after a few weeks you will want people to recognize you and admire your accomplishments.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    At first I was embarrassed, then it hit me: What's to be embarrassed about? You're doing more than they are!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    Change your mind set and you see the results. Your focus is to get fit, if in the process you lose weight well all and good. If you want to get fit then go to the gym and concentrate on what you are there for to get fit. That is what everyone else there is doing :smile: . Getting fit.
    Stay blessed. :bigsmile:

    That's an interesting idea actually, I'll try that :) Maybe that'll be what makes it work this time...
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    It's understandable. As a fat guy, I was an easy target for ridicule, and we know people do it.
    Dance, buy a mini trampoline and do calisthenics at home if that bothers you.
    Just get moving.
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    Calisthenics..? Forgive my ignorance! :D
    d'aww a flower, how kind :blushing:
    Not everybody is USMC?:bigsmile:
    Here is a great site for ladies...

  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    Like you I didn't want anyone to see the fatty huffing and puffing her way round the neighbourhood so I started off exercising at home.

    Fortunately for me I've got a PS3 so I started with EA Sports Active 2 and worked my way through some of the programs on it. I also walked and walked and walked.

    Once I started to feel a bit fitter I decided to do the 30 day shred. Awesome workout and dirt cheap - abuot a fiver at Tesco or Amazon. After that I figured that running is a great exercise so I should try to do that - I started couch to 5K http://www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/c25k/Pages/couch-to-5k.aspx but still felt really self conscious so I only ran at night when it was dark while wearing dark clothing and a baseball cap - I was like a slow, fat ninja!

    Don't feel like you have to join a gym - it's not necessary. I don't like gym workouts / gym classes and don't think I'd have the motivation to go regularly if I joined one, so I use the council pool and I have a pay as you go membership for the council gym; I've been to the gym once since March, but I guess it'll be useful in the winter if we get another bad one.

    The most important thing is that you do *something*. Find what you enjoy and get out and do it. Or stay in and do it!

    I've actually heard a lot on here about the 30 day shred, it seems popular - I'll give it a go hopefully. Is it a DVD?
    Ha, slow fat ninja - that is an amazing description!! Maybe I'll be one too one day :P

    Yeah I think if I did join a gym it'd be a winter thing - I much much MUCH prefer to be outdoors. But like you say, weather can be discouraging.

    I do cycle a lot when I'm at uni - can't afford the bus, so my bike (which is knackered and nearly falling apart) is my only option because I usually don't leave myself enough time to walk anywhere!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    Do you have netflix? They have a variety of exercise videos there!
    I don't but people have pointed me towards youtube so I'll try that. Thanks though :)
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    Go for a walk. This burns cals.

    I lost most of my weight through diet anyway.

    Have you thought about an excersise bike? You can probably pick up a 2nd hand one easily!

    Exercise bike wouldn't really be practical as I move around a lot as a student and if I bought one I'd want it to last longer than a year. But yes walking is good :) I'm hoping diet will be the main thing for me too, as it's what's been the problem in the first place! Thank you for your advice :happy: