Anyone here who lives their life free of alcohol?



  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    I also do not drink. Never really liked the stuff. My hubby is not a drinker anymore either
  • smuckyrun
    smuckyrun Posts: 30 Member
    I don't drink anymore. When i was in my early 20's i did but have long since left that lifestyle.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I don't drink anymore! I started drinking when I was 11 or 12 because our grandparents let us drink their alcohol, then I lost interest in it and picked it back up in my late teens early 20's. Now that I'm saved, I live clean and alcohol free. I look back at all the money I wasted at the convenience store, nightclub, and liquor store, that I will never get back. All the drunken nights of risking my life and the lives of others driving home drunk. All the hung over mornings w/ pounding headaches, horrible diarrhea, and vomiting in the toilet. Nah, I don't miss those days a bit!
  • finz96
    finz96 Posts: 102
    Not a drinker either. Couple times a year at most. Of course, that makes me boring to some people, but I can live with that. ;)
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I fulfilled my lifetime quota by the time I hit 37. Other than the taste I don't really miss it, but it really does astound me that some folks just can't grasp the concept that life can be full of joy and fun without it.

    While I appreciate where you're coming from with that, not everybody drinks just to get drunk. I LOVE beer. I work for a beer distributor. I enjoy tasting new and interesting beers, and I also enjoy the taste of various wines and champagnes. I have a glass of wine with dinner a few nights a week, and a few beers on the weekends with my friends. Good, quality beer. Some people prefer cheesecake. Or pizza. Or ice cream. My "diet cheat", if you will, is beer or wine.

    If your favorite food was cheesecake, wouldn't you be really sad if you never ate cheesecake again? For me, I would be pretty sad without beer and/or wine because I genuinely enjoy the flavor. I make up for the calories via exercise and clean eating, just as one would with cheesecake or pizza. Enjoying alcoholic beverages doesn't automatically mean drinking to get drunk for everyone. When people say they don't see the point, well, what's the point of eating pizza? What's the point of eating french fries? Because you ENJOY them. Same with many people and alcoholic beverages.

    Amen, sister. I love going to different parts of the country and tasting local brews. Its fun to see how different beer can taste. Same with wine.
  • suenix24
    suenix24 Posts: 121 Member
    yes, I do. it does nothing for me.
  • rgrange
    rgrange Posts: 236 Member
    While I appreciate where you're coming from with that, not everybody drinks just to get drunk. I LOVE beer. I work for a beer distributor. I enjoy tasting new and interesting beers, and I also enjoy the taste of various wines and champagnes. I have a glass of wine with dinner a few nights a week, and a few beers on the weekends with my friends. Good, quality beer. Some people prefer cheesecake. Or pizza. Or ice cream. My "diet cheat", if you will, is beer or wine.

    If your favorite food was cheesecake, wouldn't you be really sad if you never ate cheesecake again? For me, I would be pretty sad without beer and/or wine because I genuinely enjoy the flavor. I make up for the calories via exercise and clean eating, just as one would with cheesecake or pizza. Enjoying alcoholic beverages doesn't automatically mean drinking to get drunk for everyone. When people say they don't see the point, well, what's the point of eating pizza? What's the point of eating french fries? Because you ENJOY them. Same with many people and alcoholic beverages.

  • Gergal73
    Gergal73 Posts: 36 Member
    I have never had a drop of alcohol. None of my family or friends drink so it's not something that I care to try. :smile:
  • ToFatOrNotToFat
    I do drink socially with friends, and maybe that's because I grew up around parents and family who drank, but didn't drink excessively and didn't have issues with it. A beer after a run is one of my favorite drinks too. If I run in the morning I have chocolate milk afterwards, and if I run in the evening I have a beer after. I just try to keep it in moderation.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I've never drank. :)
  • GermanicKnight
    My life would be less than awesome without bacon and the occasional craft beer.

    I did not drink a drop of alcohol until I was 27. Now I have about 5-7 beers a week. Good craft beer... MMMMmmmmm! Bacon.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Not a drinker! Funny, I don't as think I've missed out on anything! Glad I have my coffee though! :drinker:
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    LOL I read that as anyone here who lives with their wife free of alcohol. Bahahaha!!!
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    While I appreciate where you're coming from with that, not everybody drinks just to get drunk. I LOVE beer. I work for a beer distributor. I enjoy tasting new and interesting beers, and I also enjoy the taste of various wines and champagnes. I have a glass of wine with dinner a few nights a week, and a few beers on the weekends with my friends. Good, quality beer. Some people prefer cheesecake. Or pizza. Or ice cream. My "diet cheat", if you will, is beer or wine.

    If your favorite food was cheesecake, wouldn't you be really sad if you never ate cheesecake again? For me, I would be pretty sad without beer and/or wine because I genuinely enjoy the flavor. I make up for the calories via exercise and clean eating, just as one would with cheesecake or pizza. Enjoying alcoholic beverages doesn't automatically mean drinking to get drunk for everyone. When people say they don't see the point, well, what's the point of eating pizza? What's the point of eating french fries? Because you ENJOY them. Same with many people and alcoholic beverages.


  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
  • Mindykay69
    I drank back in my younger days but after watching my dad die from cirrhosis of the liver I no longer had the desire to drink. I have health issues now that I can't drink with the meds I take but I don't miss drinking at all. I see people in bars plastered from drinking and acting so stupid and not remembering the next day what they've done. That lifestyle just isn't for me. :smile:
  • determined136
    Never had any interest!
  • mandydoll
    mandydoll Posts: 25
    i don't drink, don't actually like the taste of alcohol.
  • msdavis79
    msdavis79 Posts: 7
    I am a recovering alcoholic who drank for many years and destroyed his body. I havent found it necessary to pick up the bottle in 35 months. I wake everyday feeling alive and free and quite possibly in the best shape of my life.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I fulfilled my lifetime quota by the time I hit 37. Other than the taste I don't really miss it, but it really does astound me that some folks just can't grasp the concept that life can be full of joy and fun without it.

    While I appreciate where you're coming from with that, not everybody drinks just to get drunk. I LOVE beer. I work for a beer distributor. I enjoy tasting new and interesting beers, and I also enjoy the taste of various wines and champagnes. I have a glass of wine with dinner a few nights a week, and a few beers on the weekends with my friends. Good, quality beer. Some people prefer cheesecake. Or pizza. Or ice cream. My "diet cheat", if you will, is beer or wine.

    If your favorite food was cheesecake, wouldn't you be really sad if you never ate cheesecake again? For me, I would be pretty sad without beer and/or wine because I genuinely enjoy the flavor. I make up for the calories via exercise and clean eating, just as one would with cheesecake or pizza. Enjoying alcoholic beverages doesn't automatically mean drinking to get drunk for everyone. When people say they don't see the point, well, what's the point of eating pizza? What's the point of eating french fries? Because you ENJOY them. Same with many people and alcoholic beverages.

    I agree.... I can count on one finger the number of times I have been drunk.... I didn't like that feeling (especially afterwards)... but I do enjoy the occasional adult beverage.