Anyone here who lives their life free of alcohol?



  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    I'm surprised at how many people don't drink at all, rarely, or every once in a while. I thought I didn't drink very much, but I guess I do more than a lot of other people. My boyfriend will have a couple beers after work some days and also drink with friends. I used to drink every month or two when I was 18, then I went months and months without drinking anything. Since I've turned 21 I drink a little more often, but even on the days I do I only get drunk about once every month.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I personally don't mind people drinking. I just don't do it. I have nothing against it, I just have too much responsibility andn ever get a "night to go out". I'm a single parent, and a responsible person who won't drink and drive so I just tend to stay away from it.

    I am a single mother with a full time job, full course load at school, gym time and don't drink and drive either....... I still manage to be able to have a drink or two here and there. Responsibility does not deminish because one occassionally imbibes.

    Amen sister. Drinking alcohol doesn't automatically mean going out and being some crazy party animal. I did when I was like 20, but those were much different times lol
  • lizw123
    lizw123 Posts: 20 Member
    I used to have a very occasional drink but I don't bother now. I don't really like alcohol much, except for drinks like Baileys. Even that makes my head swim and feel muzzy. It's also so bad calorie wise that I think I'm better off without it. I also feel that if I'm going to drive, I should have NO alcohol whatsoever. The only way alcohol passes these lips now is if it's been used in cooking!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I won't say that I live completely alcohol free. I will drink 2 or 3 times a year. I've just never been a big fan of the sick feeling that comes with it. I could only imagine how sick people with alcoholism must feel every day.
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Something to consider.

    Alcohol. If it were to be erased from time, I'm guessing 98% of us would cease to exist on the spot. Why you ask? Only because at some point, in the long lineage we all have, we had a relative that drank copious amounts of booze to procreate.

    Whether it be the courage to ask the lass/lad to dance? To muster up the courage to fight for the hand another... or were so desperate to get some drank booze and set sail the morals of the time period. Why do you think it is called Liquid Courage?


    Booze = Life.

    Lol, so true. Plus, beer may have been around before bread, so technically bread is solid unfermented beer. :drinker:
  • lizw123
    lizw123 Posts: 20 Member
    PS: I've never been drunk.
  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    I don't drink either!
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    I used to drink my fair share when I was young but I grew out of it by the time I was twenty and maybe have a glass of wine Christmas. then 5 years ago I married into a family that drank, and quite a lot. to be sociable I tried it again but it wasnt long before I found its really not worth trying to keep up with the Joneses. not for me. quite happy to keep to my tea and hubby always has a designated driver :)
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    As a regular drinker (see earlier post about real ale), it strikes me as odd that a few commenters don't seem to recognise that most people just have a couple of drinks and enjoy them, and then stop, just like most people eat a slice or two of pizza or a single serving of ice cream and then stop. Obviously, there are quite a few people on here who can’t stop at just a single serving of pizza (me included) or else they wouldn’t be here, but it does strike me as an unbalanced attitude to take a moral high ground over what is for the majority of people just a pleasant occasional indulgence.
  • macsgirl526
    I really don't drink either. I may have a drink or two a month if that. Sometimes maybe 1 drink a week. It usually has to be frozen and fruity.:wink: I honestly I have never been drunk and I am ok with that. I also disagree that you are cooler and have a better life than me or anyone else who doesn't drink.:ohwell: Plus, I would rather have chocolate for calories sometimes instead of drinking them.LOL. its just a personal choice for me. Good if you do and good if you don't. :happy:
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I drank back in my younger days but after watching my dad die from cirrhosis of the liver I no longer had the desire to drink. I have health issues now that I can't drink with the meds I take but I don't miss drinking at all. I see people in bars plastered from drinking and acting so stupid and not remembering the next day what they've done. That lifestyle just isn't for me. :smile:
    Drinking doesn't automatically equal being plastered, acting stupid, and not remembering anything the next day. Drinking in EXCESS does. Quite a difference in abusing alcohol and enjoying it responsibly.
    This difference often gets lost in these discussions. I think there are people who have had alcohol abuse in their past (themselves or a loved one) that consider alcohol a bad thing. Alcohol has been used in damaging many people's lives. But it isn't responsible for that damage. That's like me stabbing you with a fork and blaming forks for the damage.

    I think alcohol is wonderful. It's used for celebration, ritual, health, taste, social connections, etc. Personally, I can't handle it. For whatever reason, I abuse it. After being hospitalized for that many years ago, I choose not consume alcohol. My wife does. Many of my friends do. Just because my own personal relationship with alcohol resulted in me getting naked and crashing cars doesn't mean everyone else uses alcohol the same way.
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I have about 2 drinks that I like and I might have one if I am at a place that serves them. That might be once or twice a year. I don't like the taste of most drinks I have had. I do love cooking with wine though, so we usually have it in the house for that reason.

    I like the recent poster who said that she wants people to understand enjoying a drink or two and then stopping and being satisfied with it. It's good and you allow yourself to have it, just like I allow myself ice cream each week. My husband LOVES a good beer and will have one a few times a week because he likes it. It's not because he thinks it's cool, or he wants to get a buzz on, it's because after mowing the grass, it's what he enjoys. Or out at one of the good breweries in town, he treats himself to that.

    I get tired of people way past the age where they are just doing it to show off, thinking they will drink like crazy because it's cool.
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    I do not drink. Have not since I was 22 for many reasons. I'm not bothered by others drinking, unless they become really obnoxious. I actually like to people watch and it's always more fun watching the drunk people!! :bigsmile:
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    As a regular drinker (see earlier post about real ale), it strikes me as odd that a few commenters don't seem to recognise that most people just have a couple of drinks and enjoy them, and then stop, just like most people eat a slice or two of pizza or a single serving of ice cream and then stop. Obviously, there are quite a few people on here who can’t stop at just a single serving of pizza (me included) or else they wouldn’t be here, but it does strike me as an unbalanced attitude to take a moral high ground over what is for the majority of people just a pleasant occasional indulgence.
    Totally agree with you on this!!!
  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258
    ", the cause and solution to all of life's problems." - Homer Simpson.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I drank back in my younger days but after watching my dad die from cirrhosis of the liver I no longer had the desire to drink. I have health issues now that I can't drink with the meds I take but I don't miss drinking at all. I see people in bars plastered from drinking and acting so stupid and not remembering the next day what they've done. That lifestyle just isn't for me. :smile:
    Drinking doesn't automatically equal being plastered, acting stupid, and not remembering anything the next day. Drinking in EXCESS does. Quite a difference in abusing alcohol and enjoying it responsibly.
    This difference often gets lost in these discussions. I think there are people who have had alcohol abuse in their past (themselves or a loved one) that consider alcohol a bad thing. Alcohol has been used in damaging many people's lives. But it isn't responsible for that damage. That's like me stabbing you with a fork and blaming forks for the damage.

    I think alcohol is wonderful. It's used for celebration, ritual, health, taste, social connections, etc. Personally, I can't handle it. For whatever reason, I abuse it. After being hospitalized for that many years ago, I choose not consume alcohol. My wife does. Many of my friends do. Just because my own personal relationship with alcohol resulted in me getting naked and crashing cars doesn't mean everyone else uses alcohol the same way.

  • cristileigh
    cristileigh Posts: 158 Member
    I hardly ever drink alcohol. On a rare occasion I will have a drink. I would assume I have the equivalent to 4 drinks a year.
    I find others that drink ... with a continuous alcohol flow... annoy the hell out of me.
    My dad was an alcoholic and the sound of a beer can opening is one of the most annoying sounds on the planet.
    Don't dare tell one of my kids to "grab you a beer" because I will flip my lid. My kids are not bartenders!!!!
    I spent my childhood fetching beers.... Do I have issues? I think so.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I don't drink at all. Grew up in a home ravaged by alcohol. My grandparents on my mothers side were both functional alcoholics, my parents on the other hand were very dysfunctional alcoholics. I made the choice early on that this was not something I wanted as part of my life.
  • Maude_Lewbowski
    Maude_Lewbowski Posts: 395 Member
    This is so passive aggressive it's making me gag.

    I live my life free of Scientology but I do partake in the group Anonomyous on occasion. I do it because some of my friends don't like Tom Cruise and they pressure me to join their mask wearing rallies so once in a while I give in. Peer pressure is a *****!
  • CombatKatie
    I am a 27 yr. old Christian young lady and because of my faith, I have never had a drop of alcohol in my life and I strongly believe one should stay away from the stuff.