Anyone here who lives their life free of alcohol?



  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I watch the person I love get hammered every night for years. I never drink because someone needs to be the adult and parent.

    If I do drink (almost never) it is a half a beer... and then it is only really good beer.
  • Laurielronic
    Laurielronic Posts: 61 Member
    I don't drink much at all. I can go years and years and not even think about it. I have recently tried wines. I have friends that go to wine tasting and thought that might be interesting. Reds are suppose to be good for your heart, but I have not found a red I like and usually take a sip and pour the bottle out. Quite gross! The only one I have found to like besides the fruity drinks is the bubbly moscato.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Haven't drank since I was 22. When I turned 21 I drank and partied with friends but after a year I was tired of it. Haven't drank since and don't miss it. I never did like the taste of beer so that was never a problem either.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Question for all you who do not drink..what happens on vacation?like vegas for example,no drinking and a cigar?that is my biggest fear if i quit drinking.

    I'll have 5 years, 9 months tomorrow.

    The better question is, "Did I ever have any actual fun on vacation when I was drinking?"

    Now, I DO more, have more fun and sleep a LOT less; that means even more time to do MORE stuff. Why waste my vacation away hungover? Why spend half my vacation in a dark, smelly bar? I do more in a month these days than I used to do in a year.

    Ever go for a run on the strip at 6am? It's pretty cool. You have the place almost to yourself.