Anyone here who lives their life free of alcohol?



  • hardwork797
    Never ever
  • jac264
    jac264 Posts: 86 Member
    I go through periods of really bad insomnia. If you've ever been drunk and then unable to sleep, you will probably not ever want to drink again. Alcohol seems to set off the insomnia - and my hangovers are a million times worse. If I have more than 2 or 3 drinks, I pretty much can't move out of bed for the entire day. It's poison to me :/

    However, I used to party and drink in college pretty much every weekend (very much a work hard play hard school). I will occasionally have a (good) beer if I am watching a soccer or baseball game or at a nice brewery - maybe after a long hike. I like pisco sours because they remind me of Peru.

    But I'm having a really hard time as a 26 year old in San Francisco. Every event is centered around drinking (or smoking). I can't even go to running club or play a pickup soccer game without feeling pressured to go to a happy hour right after. If my co-workers (10 years older than me) and I go to a baseball game, someone will buy a round and when I politely decline, I get the angriest looks. I almost feel like crying every time. But I just don't want to drink ALL the time. I'm finding it just so hard to socialize :/ I joined the chorus and take Italian classes and try to do hikes and yoga clubs, or volunteer on the weekends so I can be social, but all my friends just want to party. Since when can people not enjoy a concert unless they are drunk? I understood it in college, but not anymore.

    Ok rant over :)
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    No.( but I :heart: Nyquil ,does that count)
    I use to drink. But I quit it and alot of other things when I became a follower of Jesus.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I don't drink. Neither does my husband. Or most of our families, both sides. There's lots of people who drink, but plenty of people who don't.

    I wish my father's side didn't. They're all full-blood or half-blood Italians and wine and cocktails are a must. My grandmother loved to drink wine all day until she was told to stop by her doctor. My mother's side enjoys wine occasionally, my Uncle and male cousin like trying seasonal and exotic beers as appreciators more than drinkers but they never break out the alcohol on holidays or anything. Then again my mother's side is a religious Baptist family and my Uncle's a minister in his church.
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    Alcohol used to be the focal point of my life. It was more important then family or friends. I finally woke up to the lie that it is. If I could live my life over I would definitely never include alcohol in it. Since quitting drinking my family life has improved beyond what I thought possible. I haven't felt this good or been this healthy in 33 years. If anyone is thinking about quitting, but unsure, I say go for it, you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose. :wink:
    1CALIJIBARO2 Posts: 132
    20yrs and change.....AL-KEY-HALL FREE........WEEH WEEH WEEH WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........:drinker: :drinker: :smokin: :glasses:
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    I take some medication that doesn't mesh well with alcohol so I certainly try to.
    I'm now reduced to girly drinks. For someone who was able to handle a bottle of vodka in a night, that's a a*huge* jump.
    Even when I drank a lot I didn't drink often. Sometimes a friend will buy me a girly drink at the bowling alley on the weekend, but that's only a sometimes thing and outside of that, I really don't drink.
  • jaygregz
    jaygregz Posts: 104
    I go through periods of really bad insomnia. If you've ever been drunk and then unable to sleep, you will probably not ever want to drink again. Alcohol seems to set off the insomnia - and my hangovers are a million times worse. If I have more than 2 or 3 drinks, I pretty much can't move out of bed for the entire day. It's poison to me :/

    However, I used to party and drink in college pretty much every weekend (very much a work hard play hard school). I will occasionally have a (good) beer if I am watching a soccer or baseball game or at a nice brewery - maybe after a long hike. I like pisco sours because they remind me of Peru.

    But I'm having a really hard time as a 26 year old in San Francisco. Every event is centered around drinking (or smoking). I can't even go to running club or play a pickup soccer game without feeling pressured to go to a happy hour right after. If my co-workers (10 years older than me) and I go to a baseball game, someone will buy a round and when I politely decline, I get the angriest looks. I almost feel like crying every time. But I just don't want to drink ALL the time. I'm finding it just so hard to socialize :/ I joined the chorus and take Italian classes and try to do hikes and yoga clubs, or volunteer on the weekends so I can be social, but all my friends just want to party. Since when can people not enjoy a concert unless they are drunk? I understood it in college, but not anymore.

    Ok rant over :)

    I liked your rant.. and for the record those people sound like jerks!
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    In college, I was a professional drinker. I rarely drank after college until divorce came calling. I drank for a few months. Then I got involved with a woman that drank all the time, so I joined her. Eventually we called it quits and I added alcohol to the list of quitting.

    For the last 7 years, though, I have had probably 3 beers a year...nothing for the last 3-4 months, though. I don't mind having a beer with dinner, yet I haven't in some time.

    No, it's not a religious reason, it's a personal choice. Doesn't mean I won't drink socially again. I'm sure I will. But I won't drink to feel different.
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I don't drink alcohol. It makes me feel sick. Even a sip makes my stomach turn. I've never tried anything that I like.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I haven't consumed alcohol in many years, mostly because I thrive on social awkwardness.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I don't drink often. I live at home with my mum, so out of respect for her, her wishes I don't drink. I will drink socially but haven't since I moved back home. And it's been a year and a half.
  • raggyanndoll
    raggyanndoll Posts: 176
    Like several others who have posted, I grew up watching people drink and then act stupid or cruel. When I was six years old, I decided that if alcohol made people act like that, I would never drink. Tried a few tastes in high school to act cool, but other than that, I've never drank.
  • reynoldsaram
    I don't drink anymore because it does not interact well with my medications.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    I'm not opposed to it, but neither do I do it. I used to, but not as a habit, not very often. I never really saw the point. For me, anything you have to 'develop a taste for' isn't worth the bother. Using alcohol to get buzzed or drunk seems like you don't like your mind in its natural state. Coming home from work and declaring "I really need a drink!" is a sign of weakness and the alcohol becomes a crutch.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    health issues make it so I can not drink, I do it by choice though I could and it wouldn't kill me right away but who wants to live in pain.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I stopped drinking after I seen a drunk female, staggering out of a bar drunk. She looked a damn idiot. Every time I even think about drinking, I think about her.
  • snaxandpop
    snaxandpop Posts: 71 Member
    Not a drinker
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    i think if i quit drinking i could easily lose my last three or four pounds but then what would i do? I drink about a six pack a week i guess.. . but i am steadily say no more and more just because of the last few pounds. not much else to cut out of my diet cept beer>
  • schume89
    schume89 Posts: 118 Member
    I barely drink and being 22 its difficult to be around my friends when they are drinking. I may have a sip or maybe half of a margarita, but not really any more than that. I lost interest when I was 17 and had to drive my bf at the time to rehab the morning after Thanksgiving. Good times.