Too Fat to go to the gym??? WHAT!?!?



  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    I have seen 1st hand some of the looks a few of my larger friends would get at the gym. Normally it was made by girls in nothing more than shorts and a sports bra with make up on while running on the treadmill. I'd tell my friend to just use that stupid arrogant girls looks/glances in our direction to help fuel her workout and go farther. Alas, it didn't work out very well and she ended up quitting (she was moving out of town soon, so that was part of it as well). I HATE that there are people out there like that.
    I also saw a report of a club down in the lower 48 somewhere that was catered to very heavy people. You had to be so much weight to be in that gym. Once you got down to a certain weight you had to switch gyms. Kind of weird.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    The first time I stepped into a gym, I was nearly 370 lbs. I actually had the reaction where I'd see people watching me and some would even come up to me and try to encourage me (a lot of old, retired navy guys for some reason). I'm a pretty shy person so someone saying they have been watching me and think I'm doing great made me feel a little weird.

    Now one time though, I was at a gym with a friend who weighed about my weight at the time (330) but I was more muscular so I wore 2 sizes smaller than her. She was very sedentary and even walking a mile was a great feat. Anyway, a couple guys at the gym did snicker at her and I went and talked to them and they apologized to her.

    I'm pretty self conscious about myself being bigger at the gym but whatever.
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    I've gotten some looks, but I am never sure what they are thinking. I "TRY" not to fill in the blanks. They could be dazed by my stunning eyelashes for all I know...

    I understand the fear though, and I think you just have to not give a rats patootie who is looking and go anyway. At some point, it comes down to it's either their comfort or yours.

    I think now, if someone were to snicker at me, I would make direct eye contact and hold their gaze, say something to them about it in a non-aggressive way, or just completely ignore them and work towards making them eat their snicker later on down the road.

    Get fuel from the haters!

    Edit to say *** I belong to a gym that is attached to a hospital. We have the pool, sauna, weights, you name it...but there are more people there who are older, have health issues, obese and a healthy mix of already in shape people. So it's probably easier for me.
  • sskk2000
    going to the gym fat I have never thought about what other people say, think or care about. I am working out for me. Never felt like anyone was making fun of me.

    The only time I notice people working out is when they are walking or running on the sidewalks and trails when I am driving my car. I look to see for safety about them crossing the street, changing trails, and do not want to hit anyone. That is when I notice the people in shape, people trying hard that are not in shape and working their a** off - and I feel bad. It makes me feel like I am not doing enough. Then I hope they don't over do it.

    We have 105 heat right now and for overweight people exercising outside it concerns me if they know to hydrate and be aware of heat stroke. They may think it is hot and I am fat so I feel bad. Well heat stroke makes you feel bad and kills you regardless of size, weight, or age. I hope that everyone knows that.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I've had people stare and point and someone even scoff in my face, but the gym I joined in March has had none of that. Even the muscle men who workout behind our group are really supportive. =)
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    With me, my kids tell me it's ME and not so much others making fun of me and really i have to agree. Because of my own insecurities and paranoia, I almost always think someone is "watching me" and paying attention to my "problem areas"--initially i wouldn't even wear my work out clothes--I put a SKIRT over my shorts LOL

    The reality is this--they aren't paying any attention to "Jaki" --good topic; back to the gym I go LOL
  • AngelsHaveToFly74
    I am the Biggest person at my gym....But that won't stop me.....I havn't had a problem with people looking at me or making fun of me.....I go to work out and sometimes I work out way harder then they do.....Us Big girls have the heart to go to a gym full of skinny people.....It's all about getting healthy and dropping this weight!!!! :wink: WE CAN DO IT ONE POUND AT A TIME....
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    This is how I feel. I came across this blog and thought I'd share ...
  • faylenechung
    faylenechung Posts: 107 Member
    Im fat and I have never been made fun of. I actually find that people want to help me at the gym. Sounds like crazy talk to me.
  • jdelot
    jdelot Posts: 397 Member
    I've never been a gym-rat, but when I was going to the gym, I had nothing but respect for the bigger people. They're right where they need to be. I did have a problem with the fitness Barbie, smacking her gum and giggling with the 3 guys leaning on the elliptical she was using....
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I've had some snarky people cast glances and laugh at me. It makes me dread going because I think a lot of those muscle head guys that are doing nothing but weights and may not have ever been "fat" in their life, look at anyone who is fat and thinks some terrible things. You can usually tell who was and was not fat, the ones who are in shape and cheer you on may be doing it because they once were in your shoes, the ones who laugh and make jokes at you... they're either flat out *kitten*, or have no idea what you're going through. I had a couple yesterday when I was jogging laugh at me cause I got a bit winded since it's not my normal, but know what... at least I'm attempting today and not putting it off to get larger. So yea, I've had people laugh at me, I've had some comments made by other girls, but whatever, the gym isn't just for small people, it's for anyone looking to get in and stay in shape!
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I've never been a gym-rat, but when I was going to the gym, I had nothing but respect for the bigger people. They're right where they need to be. I did have a problem with the fitness Barbie, smacking her gum and giggling with the 3 guys leaning on the elliptical she was using....

    Hate when people use the gym for a way to meet "attractive" people, it's like going to the bar to meet your future spouse when you're totally drunk.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    This so hit home for me. Tuesday is my Zumba night and I love it!! I have the best time shaking and dancing and sweating off those extra pounds. Most of the people at our gym are wonderful and supportive but last Tuesday this one woman who always acts like she walks on water brought her 20 something daughter with her.

    Well of course she had to park herself right in front of me and laughed at every move I made. All I could do was smile at her, because she was a pretty girl and very curvey. She had BIG legs and looked too much like I did when I was her age. All I kept thinking was give it time young one...Karma don't like ugly!! Would love to see her in 20 years!!!!
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    This is how I feel. I came across this blog and thought I'd share ...

    This brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for bringing this up. I really appreciate it. :flowerforyou:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I used to say this and then I got over myself.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I actually have 2 gym's that I frequent! The main gym I go to is near my office and I go at lunch time, it is an older more mature crowd age range somewhere between 21 to 60's. Everyone at this gym is super supportive and very friendly. While the other gym I go to in near my house, I go sometimes in the evenings and weekends and the age range is a lot younger probably 15-16ish to late 20's. While working out here I have been made fun of and been teased until I showed those stupid kids that I could keep up with Unfortunately getting made fun of does happen but it is your decision to let it get to you or not! I chose not, I am doing this for myself and no one else and if those kids don't like it then look the other way!
  • LeslieC1970
    I agree. I see more criticism of people "posing" (for lack of a better term) while working out than any heavy person putting in the effort to be healthy and lose weight. I have actually had many people approach me and ask if I will take groups classes with them or work out together for company. And I am over 200 lbs.
    Even the experienced muscled guys will come over to help explain how to use weight machines and help you. Overall, I am sure there are some critical people but they wouldn't find many supporters if they spoke out loud.
    I say get out there and do it for yourself. You will actually make new friends.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    With me, my kids tell me it's ME and not so much others making fun of me and really i have to agree. Because of my own insecurities and paranoia, I almost always think someone is "watching me" and paying attention to my "problem areas"--initially i wouldn't even wear my work out clothes--I put a SKIRT over my shorts LOL

    The reality is this--they aren't paying any attention to "Jaki" --good topic; back to the gym I go LOL
    I've come to the conclusion that this is correct. For me at least, I'm imagining things that other people are thinking, and so it turns out that it was ME who was pre-judging others. I think mostly other people just don't care.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I lost over 100 pounds and still had about 30 I wanted to take off when I became a personal trainer at my independent gym. I had been training clients there for about a year when some musclehead trainer showed up and started training his clients there. He would put his papers and stuff on equpiment I was using with my clients. I would always politely ask him if I could move it. I swear he was doing it on purpose. One day he just lit into me and told me that I was getting in HIS way. I told him that I had been there long before he showed up and had just as much right to be there as he did. He told me, loudly, in front of my client that I was training, and several people standing nearby, "Well it's obviously not doing you any good." He had no idea how far I had come. I'm no tiny little Barbie, but there is a LOT of muscle on my frame. I was devastated. I quit taking new clients. I started hiding out to train my existing ones. The other thing he didn't know was that I was trying very hard to lose the last weight and inexplicably, it was just not coming off. A year later I started gaining, even though I was working hard. I saw several doctors but no one could explain what was happening. I gained 25 pounds and dropped all my clients and quit going to the gym. I didn't want them all looking at me. I was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto's in July, and with the medication have gotten about half the 25 back off. And I'm going back to the gym next week and he can kiss my round *kitten*. I still don't look like a fitness model, but I'm fit and healthy and look good in my clothes, and I never gave up and I'm continuing to work on myself.
  • mandorla
    mandorla Posts: 81 Member
    I have a friend who is overweight, diabetic and has bad knees. She moves very slowly in everyday life and not much faster on a treadmill. She wasn’t made fun of at the gym but was disheartened by the discussion the trainer at our work gym was having about all the people who come in and don’t get their heart rate high enough and don’t they know they won’t lose weight if they don’t get their heart rate into the up to 80%. I was so sad when I heard her relate that story.