Too Fat to go to the gym??? WHAT!?!?



  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I'm 150lbs and I feel too intimidated to go to the gym. It is in my head.
    I don't want people judging me for being unfit. And my mum goes to our gym and she is super critical and I don't want her to pick at me for not going fast enough or for long enough.
    I'd rather stick to the sanctuary of my own living room.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    I have never been athletic, so going to a gym was a huge step for me. I never felt uncomfortable around the other people working out, but when I first started going to a gym (this was a few years ago), I asked one of the trainers who was covering the floor to show me how to use some of the machines properly, and she got so huffy with me. She hopped on and off the machines so fast that I couldn't follow exactly what she was doing. She finished by telling me to book an appointment with a trainer to learn how to work out. In hindsight, I should have complained to management. Isn't that why they have staff on the floor, to answer questions and give advice? But at that point, I felt quite inadequate and I left after doing a short stint on the elliptical. It's bad when the staff isn't encouraging the clients.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    I do agree, some people think that everyone is staring at them. For me, i'm a bigger guy and if people stare at me, I'm ok with it. I'm working towards my goal and the only person i have to impress is me (and possibly my wife :happy: )
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    What a great topic! As a thin person trapped in an obese body, I have gone through most of the same negative emotions I've read here. I didn't want to go to the gym because I was sure all the trim, fit people there would be judging me. I finally convinced myself to go anyway and do what many others here have said. I just focus on my workout and who gives a hoot what some immature, inconsiderate people might think or say. I'm working out for my own health, not for their approval. As a young person I was athletic and thin, and it's hard to accept that I can't do the things I did then. These days I just do what I am able to do and keep on til I reach the next goal. MFP has been a wonderful website and I'm so glad I found it and all the helpful people here cheering each other on. Thanks to all my MFPals and to others who have inspired me and also made me laugh with some of their comments.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I first started going to the gym, I will admit I was terrified. I figured people who stare and laugh at me. But once I got there, I realized it was all in my head. I'm a fat person in a gym. What's there to be ashamed of? I'm sure a couple people giggled on the inside when I struggled to use the elliptical for the first time. Or when I struggled to use the AMT machine for the first time. But you know what? F@CK 'EM! I'm in a gym for a reason, obviously!

    Read my post called "Hey Fat *kitten*, Get on the Sidewalk!"
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    i dont go to the local gym just because im a night owl and its easier to do exercises at home and since im up all night anyways and frankly id go to gym if i wanted to I've got a who gives a rats attitude towards other ppls opinions of me
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Yep just this morning I had a couple whispering and laughing and both were looking my way... Ps.. I was the only one in the gym..... Yes it bothered my I would lie if I said it didn't but I'm going to walk in there with my head held high because I deserve to be there too... Sorry I'm not as thin as them..... Because one day to I will be fit and if I see someone struggling like I was I won't laugh I will give them encouragement!!!!!
  • nicholettebell
    I never got that at the gym. Thank goodness because that may have discouraged me from ever going back. I didn't start running outside until recently and haven't gotten any rude remarks...yet. But I run early in the mornings when the rude people are still sleeping.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I find that people who make comments like that are not only stupid but are usually the most insecure people you will meet. They make stupid statements to try to make themselves better. Besides what does he think a gym is for anyway?
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Put earbuds in and just do your thing. Completely ignore everyone around you. If you don't have your earbuds and someone makes a stupid remark, just say "huh?. what'd you say?" If they repeat it, just keep saying "huh? Can't hear" and point to your ears. Look sincere in your "effort" to hear them. They'll end up looking like the fool they are.
  • sandiegosummer
    I feel this way about classes more than the gym (probably b/c with cardio I can put in ear buds and zone out) but I always feel judged in classes if I can't do the steps right, or don't have the perfect yoga pose, or get winded at the first bit of trx.... I keep thinking everyone is laughing at me or pitying me which has led me to abandon that aspect of the gym...which i know is probably really dumb b/c, loath as I am to admit it, those people probably don't give two s about me...i am sadly not the center of everyone's universe hahah booo
  • gtchs
    gtchs Posts: 116 Member
    I'm over 400 pounds and just joined and started going to a gym this past week. Everyone has been great so far. I haven't heard any comments but I don't think it would bother me anyway. I'm not going there to make them happy so I couldn't care less what they think.
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I started working out like a fitness Nazi a few days ago because I just found out I'm going on a cruise in 5 weeks!

    This guy kept staring at this morning... It was making me a little self conscious... Then he comes up to me and says "Damn Girl look at you go! I think you lost some weight just in the last few days I've seen you here!"

    Awesome start to my morning! Those stares aren't all bad.
  • Jackson_Rhoads
    I have experienced being made fun of by athletic people pretty much right away at the gym. I have a similar situation to what somebody said in an earlier post about the two girls staring at you, laughing, and bumping elbows while you work out. I get up at 5 am to go work out and rather than avoid those kind of people by going earlier... I am forced to share the gym with them. It isn't just in my head because I always work out with my mp3 player but I could still hear them gossiping about me and I can't help but notice them laughing. I don't feel the least bit intimidated because at the end of the day I go to the gym only for myself.

    The way I see it though they don't understand my situation because they have never been fat. These girls are like 105 pounds. I was born an overweight baby, I was an overweight kid, and my whole family is overweight. Go ahead and laugh at me tell your jokes but I don't sit on the couch and blame genetics. I made a decision to change my eat habits and put myself on an intense work out program. I have lost 35 pounds since and am well on my way to getting in shape. If you want to make fun of me for bettering myself go ahead. Anyways they don't give a **** at my gym the worker gives me dirty looks too and they put a chocolate bar machine right at the front door lol.

    Just allow the fat guy to tell you that you aren't working out properly. Now THAT is funny. I have seen them too and they always do the same machines every single day. It's always one hour on the elyptical machine where they have clearly reached their plateau and don't even really work up a sweat. They are too busy playing gossip girl to get a good work out in. I don't even pay attention anymore because if you are watching other people at the gym... you are not working out hard enough.
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member
    Has anyone on here actually been made fun of for being out of shape at the gym personally? Or is a lot of it in their heads that they think people will make fun of them there?

    I haven't ever been made fun of at the gym (prior to weight loss). I think that I felt very awkward and self conscious at first, but then you just have to focus on why you're there and bettering yourself and just don't think about the other people even being there at all. I felt the same way when I started running outside, at 200+ lbs.

    My friend was running with me at one point and some guys yelled out the window at him (kind of "Hey Fatty!" and "Run Forest Run!") and it made me so mad that I just sprinted as fast as I could after the car yelling. Seriously, it's a crazy hard long road as it is, no one should disrespect other people like that.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Has anyone on here actually been made fun of for being out of shape at the gym personally? Or is a lot of it in their heads that they think people will make fun of them there?

    Naw, unless it was a high school gym. Most of it is in the mind.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    My friend was running with me at one point and some guys yelled out the window at him (kind of "Hey Fatty!" and "Run Forest Run!") and it made me so mad that I just sprinted as fast as I could after the car yelling. Seriously, it's a crazy hard long road as it is, no one should disrespect other people like that.

    It's not too funny how common that is. I was running through Davis Square in Somerville, MA once, and this out of shape half drunk irish dude says, "Keep running fat *kitten*." Probably thinking my ipod was on. He was rather surprised when I stopped, turned, and threatened his health and safety.

    I think more large runners need to do that.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    This guy kept staring at this morning... It was making me a little self conscious... Then he comes up to me and says "Damn Girl look at you go! I think you lost some weight just in the last few days I've seen you here!"

    Awesome start to my morning! Those stares aren't all bad.
    Damn straight. I had the same experience a time or two. Someone telling me I had obviously lost weight, which is awesome, and someone telling me I was doing great on the treadmill when they saw me running.

    Those stares aren't all bad :)
  • mrsgrimsdale
    Yup I had snickers behind my back and even outright comments to my face, I was 90lb lighter then than I am now and trying to exercise at the pool not the gym, I resorted to swimming with a T-shirt over my costume to try and hide but eventually it got me down too much and I just stopped exercising. I can't do too much on land 'cos my knees and hips give out , I am so mad that I let them stop me from keeping fit, and getting slimmer. I need to get back in the pool but I won't even if I lose weight unless I can get rid of the sack of excess skin, I just can't stand the thought of going through the indignity of having someone say to me I am 'too ugly to be seen in public', again.