is it really worth it?



  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I know you are all correct but I just feel like I am flogging a dead horse so to speak. I have tried every diet there is. i was 9-10 stone up untill 2009 and now i am 12, just cant seem to shift a lb, and i get really down and think sod it its not going to happen so what the hell

    That's because you're DIETING. Dieting means "short term". This is something that you need to commit to for the long haul. It's a lifestyle change. It's not a quick fix, something that you do and when you reach your goal you can go back to the way you were eating before it's a change for life. It's very frustrating when you don't see any movement on the scale but how long have you seriously committed to your change? How often are your weighing yourself and are you expecting to see results immediately?

    You're right though when you say it's not going to happen so why bother. If that's the way you think and feel then the results you'll get will be zero.

    Do you want a quick fix or do you want a life time of health? The choice is yours but you really need to shake the negativity and realize that it's going to take time and work to lose weight and be healthy. People don't just wake up obese. It takes a long time to get that way so why should losing it be any different?
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    I was in that boat....I took up running, started running alone and then joined a local running club. I've made friends and now attend various races and socials with them. It's helped a LOT :)
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I had to find out the hard way that living a healthier life is worth doing...

    I am not going to say that losing weight is easy... It is not...

    I am not going to say that all of your emotional problems will be solved by changing your exercise and eating habits. No, but at least living a healthier life will give you the time you need... In my case, I still have a long ways to go...

    In any case, I have found that living a healthier life is worth doing.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Simple answer is YES it is that important. There will always be rough days where you wonder "What in the hell am I doing? This isn't worth it" You don't want to look back on your life and wish you made the changes when you could. Staying away from the diseases and illnesses you can get from being overweight is WELL worth all the irritation, pain, and bad days of watching what you eat. Dieting doesnt mean you have to completely limit yourself from everything. I eat whatever I want (only in moderation). I allow myself a treat here and there to keep me on track and I have managed to lose 36 pounds so far... and I think it's worth every meal plan, every minute I have spent in the gym, every drop of sweat that has run off my body. It is well worth it. Stick with it!! You can do this! Your body will thank you later :)

    Cute dog by the way :wink:
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I have tried every diet there is.

    This made me think... what diets have you tried? 'Diets' as such don't often work... they're restrictive and unrealistic.

    I still eat everything I have always eaten, just less of it (portion control was my main downfall!). I'm not 'on a diet', I've changed my lifestyle. It's something I know I can keep up for the rest of my life, without ever feeling like I'm missing out, or that life is too short.

    Try not to see this as a diet... that makes it sound like it has a beginning and end, and that you will go back to your old ways afterwards and pile weight back on. You don't need to stop eating your favourite foods, or stick to some crazy eating regime. These thinks work best if they are kept simple... eat better, move more.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    Simple answer is YES it is that important. There will always be rough days where you wonder "What in the hell am I doing? This isn't worth it" You don't want to look back on your life and wish you made the changes when you could. Staying away from the diseases and illnesses you can get from being overweight is WELL worth all the irritation, pain, and bad days of watching what you eat. Dieting doesnt mean you have to completely limit yourself from everything. I eat whatever I want (only in moderation). I allow myself a treat here and there to keep me on track and I have managed to lose 36 pounds so far... and I think it's worth every meal plan, every minute I have spent in the gym, every drop of sweat that has run off my body. It is well worth it. Stick with it!! You can do this! Your body will thank you later :)

    Cute dog by the way :wink:

    Shouldn't have called it "dieting"... should be "healthy eating" because you want to focus on the long term.
  • CL87
    CL87 Posts: 9 Member
    I eat what I want but in moderation. I love chocolate, but I no longer eat a a big bar, I eat a small one. I love pasta, and I now eat one "serving" (size dependant on if it is a main course) and I do not go back for seconds. I drink my beer on the weekends.

    You can have just about anything as long as you do not go overboard. Just pay attention to the amount, and you should be fing. Keep track of your cals and stay as close to your goal as you can. Good luck and happy weight loss!

    I love chocolate too! Instead of a candy bar (cause I'd want to eat the whole thing) I spend a little extra money and buy high quality chocolate chips to snack on. That way I'm not tempted to eat the entire bar of chocolate. :love:
  • mommy7713
    mommy7713 Posts: 9
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    The best exercise tool is a dog, and dogs are GREAT friends. I have two dogs, a doberman and a doberman/Shep. They are my motivators and they are my workout buddies. Don't look at exercise as a bad thing, find something that you ENJOY doing. For me its dancing my tail end off and walking at least a mile with the pups daily. Keep your chin up and realize that there will be discouraging days like the one you face today. As far as food goes, no one said you cannot have the foods you enjoy. Just do so in moderation. Days that you are over your calorie goal- oh well, there is always tomorrow dont beat yourself up or feel guilty. Be happy and strive for what you desire. Good luck to you!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Yes. That is all. :drinker:
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    YES - It is worth it! Positivity is the key!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    you probably have to be more aware or watch. think of, measure, re-arrange and avoid foods at the beginning. There's a point where this becomes a lifestyle and just like riding a bike you don't have to focus so much on what you're doing, you just do it!
    But you gotta hang in there for a little while before it becomes automatic.
    Stick with it, we all have days where we think like you are feeling right now but then again many of us have to push through it and say "No, I won't listen to you. I can do it. I'm worth it. I have what it takes. I'm not wasting my time by doing this!".
    Add me if you like.
    We all need support.
    check this thread too it may do something for you :)
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    It is worth it. I have more energy and I am healthier than I have ever been. I have cut out some of my medications and others cut in half. I still have my treats, I just exercise more that day to make up for it. I hope you can find the motivation to get into it.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    The best exercise tool is a dog, and dogs are GREAT friends. I have two dogs, a doberman and a doberman/Shep. They are my motivators and they are my workout buddies.

    I just lost my baby three months ago. he was 16 and thats him in my pic. He used to be really good for excersise but the last few years he got slowere and slower. The last year was more sniffing than walking bless him, I am not ready yet to let another dog into my life, i think i am still grieving, sounds daft but i am
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    When you restrict your cravings, they just become stronger. I don't deprive myself of anything - if I want a candy bar, I eat one just only 1/2 of one. I still have steak, cheeseburgers, sweets, etc.

    Only you can decided if this is worth it. I can tell you for me it has definitely been worth the trials/tribulations I have faced. I am much more healthier now than I have ever been, and I am being a good role model for my babies. I am the only parent they have, and I need to be around a very long time.

    As for exercising, find something you like to do - if you like to dance, do zumba. If you want something less intense, try pilates or yoga. I know several people who do the Wii as exercise, and are doing just fine that way. If you aren't ready to incorporate exercise in yet, just focus on your eating (that is what I did for the first 5 months of this journey). Once I got my eating under control, I started doing workout dvd at home.

    Again, this comes down to your decision, but I can tell you it is so worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!
  • momof2winsplus
    momof2winsplus Posts: 137 Member

    Or that life is bound to be short, if you don't take care of yourself.

    That's why I do it!
  • It is so worth it. Getting on the scale in the morning and seeing that those numbers have fallen feels amazing. Comparing side my side bathing suit pictures and seeing noticeable change feels amazing. Those feelings beat out feeling bloated and disgusting after eating too much any day! You can still eat what you want, just in moderation! No need to go cold turkey on yummy "guilt" foods, life's too short for that, but eat in moderation. :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Yes, life is too short to just eat meat and veggies and drink water. That's why I enjoy treats in moderation and find ways to fit my favorite foods in to my calories.

    Because yes, being healthy and not fat is totally worth it.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    No it's really not worth it!... If I had know the hate I would have over how I look now vrs when I was +84 lbs.. the fear, anxiety, and general "oh god I can't eat that ".. I would have STAYED bigger!!!...
    I could find clothes that fit better when I was larger, I liked my body image back then.. yeah..

    The only reason I keep logging is if I stop (like I did about 18months ago) I'm afraid of the gain I'll have.. I was down 105lbs but then I fell in love and stopped logging for 6 months.. and guess what!.. I gained 40lbs back!!!!! ><

    And it's not like I 'went crazy' just ate 'normally' (1600-2200/day 3xweek walk or something active)

  • jamm2000
    jamm2000 Posts: 79
    It is a lot of work to be healthy, and yes, sometimes I get so sick of it. I'll stop exercising, eat what I want, and before I know it, my pants are too tight and I'm back to feeling sluggish, self-conscious and depressed. So yes, it is totally worth it. As the old saying goes "If it's worth having, it's worth fighting for." Best of luck to you.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I can honestly say no I don't.

    In fact I have become fascinated by how easy it is when you have the right information and support network. The excercise is the hardest but I know that even if I didn't excercise I could still lose weight.

    My body is changing becoming stronger, firmer and smaller who could get fed up with that. I wish I had stuck with it years ago so I could have been enjoying the benefits for longer.

    But at least I am doing it now and if it gives me an extra few years of life it is worth every counted calorie, every drop of sweat, every sore muscle and every hard food choice.

    So yes it is worth it, a hundredfold.