is it really worth it?



  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    Ummm yeah, you have your dogs. I don't have anyone to exercise with either but my dog LOVES a good hour-2 walk. I can't run with him because he wont but talk radio is my friend for that, that's MY time. I did videos in my room alone when I first started. Who needs friends to get out. Do it for you.

    This is no one elses journey but yours so you can decide to give up and quit or you can find some strength within yourself and trudge on until you gte to the point that the rest of us are. You are here so you must have been or still are unhappy with your body and health.

    I thought like that for about 2 months, I would not give up though and now, before I do anything when I get home, I either run, walk or do some crosstraining. Bike riding, weights...something! It's all i think about anymore and I am sooo freaking glad of that!

    Good Luck, I do hope you push through and find a healthy exercise habit..
  • mommy7713
    mommy7713 Posts: 9
    My thoughts would be life is too short not to eat healthfully and exercise your body. But I guess if you are feeling down you may be wanting to just give up. Don't do it, you'll live the life of a starfish sitting there watching the fancy dolphins all happy and mobile!!!

    :smile: yay silly metaphors....

    CUTE!! :laugh:
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
    GOOD! You're a fighter, so YOU CAN DO IT! Now just get back in the game. You just have to decide how badly you want it. I gave up so many times, I've lost count.

    oooo sneaky but I like it. he he
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
    GOOD! You're a fighter, so YOU CAN DO IT! Now just get back in the game. You just have to decide how badly you want it. I gave up so many times, I've lost count.

    oooo sneaky but I like it. he he
    Now go do some push ups to pay for all that chocolate you just ate!
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    Ummm yeah, you have your dogs. I don't have anyone to exercise with either but my dog LOVES a good hour-2 walk. I can't run with him because he wont but talk radio is my friend for that, that's MY time.

    Sorry but I lost my baby 3 months ago so no I dont have anyone.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
    GOOD! You're a fighter, so YOU CAN DO IT! Now just get back in the game. You just have to decide how badly you want it. I gave up so many times, I've lost count.

    oooo sneaky but I like it. he he
    Now go do some push ups to pay for all that chocolate you just ate!

    Oh but I feel sick lol. thank you for chearing me up
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I get sick of watching everything I eat sometimes, I really do. I love food, and drink, and at one time I was too lazy to exercise. You can learn to love exercise though (I have) and you can learn to tolerate/appreciate/maybe even love different kinds of food than you do now. Or, you can just learn to fit whatever kind of foods you like into your calorie goal. I'm not saying it's always easy, but it can be done. It is still very tedious at times. I think you've just got to decide if you want it enough - by "it", I mean the results. What does losing weight/getting healthy/getting fit mean to you? How important is it? I never thought I'd be a calorie counter, and sometimes I really resent not being able to eat as much as I want. For me though, the end result is worth it. Being healthier, looking better, getting to wear nicer clothes etc is all worth the sacrifice of watching what I eat.

    It also helps that it's working. For me, counting calories and logging on MFP has worked like nothing else has before. I know I can keep doing this until I reach my goal, and beyond. If you've not been able to make this work for you yet, then it's no wonder that you're feeling so frustrated by it. Counting calories and eating what you don't want to eat, and doing exercise you don't want to do... it doesn't really sound worth it if you're not seeing results.

    From your posts, it also sounds like your head is not quite in the right place for committing to losing weight. I was like that all last year. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't get my head around it. It sounds like you're feeling a bit down about the loss of your dog, and maybe struggling sometimes when you're on your own. You're definitely wouldn't be the only person on these boards to use food as a comfort (me included)! It sounds like you've got stuff to sort out before (or while) you tackle the weight.

    In the meantime, stick around MFP, get as much support here as you can. Keep logging your food if you can, and you might still find your habits changing. If you're logging everything and you're at you're calorie goal, and still not losing, you might find some good ideas on these boards for things you can tweak. While you're at it - why don't you go for a nice walk? You don't need friends or a dog - I go for a walk nearly every day all on my lonesome! Probably about half the people I pass are on their own too. Getting exercise, and getting out in the fresh air, will probably help you feel a lot better too. The calorie burn is just a bonus!
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
    GOOD! You're a fighter, so YOU CAN DO IT! Now just get back in the game. You just have to decide how badly you want it. I gave up so many times, I've lost count.

    oooo sneaky but I like it. he he
    Now go do some push ups to pay for all that chocolate you just ate!

    Oh but I feel sick lol. thank you for chearing me up
    You wouldn't feel sick if you didn't eat so much chocolate all at once! LOL
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    OMG this is so me right now...I want skinny too bad to stop!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    It's not just appearance, it's everything else that comes along with it.

    Better mood
    and so much more..

    Yes, it's worth it.
  • drsteph01
    drsteph01 Posts: 82
    YES, it is worth it. I was never excessively overweight, but for many years I struggled with finding my way to being within the healthy range all the time. About a year ago, I stopped trying to 'diet' and instead focused on daily exercise, conscious eating by using MFP, and utilizing a network of online support through MFP and Team Beachbody. It worked for me. I think the most important piece was the support and having others help to hold me accountable for my choices. Ultimately, that is what is really is...a choice. Choose long term health or choose the short-term pleasure of indulgent eating. I won't even mention exercise because once you start doing it regularly, it's addictive and you won't want to stop for longer than a day or two at a time.

    You can do this! Just take one small step at a time and you will get there. Feel free to add me as an MFP buddy.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Is building wealth worth the effort?
    Is optimal health worth all the sacrifice?
    Is a happy marriage worth the work?
    Answer for yourself. To most of the world, the answer is NO!
    Most people will die fat, broke and divorced. Not me.
    My goals in life remain the most important focus no matter what the challenges.
    Decide where you want to be.
    Success is always a choice.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    There are days I feel like this, but then like someone else said I have to decide what's more worth it, being fat and miserable just so I can enjoy a meal or being healthy and happy so I can find happiness else where with my kids and family longer. I am not saying I eat perfect by any means. In fact some days I eat like crap but still manage to stay with in my calories.

    It's not easy, nothing in life that is worth having comes easy, and if it's easy more then likely it's not worth having. We have to chose our hard, it's not really easy being fat either, you have higher risks of heart problems, diabetes, and other things, so you can pay it forward now by getting yourself on track, or pay them hospital bills later. We have to chose our hard's.

    Is this your picture in your tracker?? If so, how did you do that? I know i'm off track of the conversation..........but so many have already given such sound advice I can't contribute anythign more to the conversation.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I still eat what I want in moderation. I didn't get fat by the amount of food I ate, but by the quality of food I was eating. Joining this site has made me so much more aware of how many calories are in things. Each week I try to learn a healthier way to cook foods I enjoy.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    You wouldn't feel sick if you didn't eat so much chocolate all at once! LOL

    Maybe this wine will settle my stomach ha ha
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Why ask us? The question is something YOU need to define for yourself. If you find no self value, then you will never achieve. /endthread
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    Is garbage food really worth early onset diabetes, heart disease, high cholestrol and overall feeling like S%it?
  • kiminikimkim
    kiminikimkim Posts: 746 Member
    For myself, I find it is really, really worth it. I feel great and I am happy with the results.

    My friends are in their early 30's, obese and they are suffering from high blood pressure. For them it is worth it to smoke, overeat and drink alcohol despite their doctor's warnings.

    To each, their own.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    Why ask us? The question is something YOU need to define for yourself. If you find no self value, then you will never achieve. /endthread
    Maybe just for some support eh!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You need to find a way to eat healthier and fit in some sort of exercise that you enjoy, because you are worth it to invest that time in yourself. If you try to put yourself on a strict diet or exercise regimen, of course it's not going to last. That's more of a "diet" in the fad sense. Making positive changes that you can live with is how you get healthier and lose the excess weight. Dramatic changes will lead to failure and this imprisoned way of thinking.