is it really worth it?



  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    i think we all have our moments. I have been eating like crazy the past few days, but I have also tried to get in as much exercise as possible. Everyone has those days where you just want to eat what you like and not be accountable for anything, but everyone also has to ask themselves what they want to get out of the MFP experience. No one likes logging everyday, but if your ultimate goal is to be healthy then it matters. The choice is always up to you? Do you think it's worth it?
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I wanted to also add another reason all this has been worth it for me is, I ran into my ex a few months ago, and he took a double glance at me and said "Man I was stupid to ever let you go." to hear those words, was more then worth it. I'm happily married with 2 kids now, but still that felt really good! Especially since he broke my heart.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    You get to decide if it is important to you to change or stay the same. I still eat what I want, but if I indulge, that means I have calories to burn to make up for it later...and I'm good about that. BUT, if YOU decide to stay AS IS...don't complain about it. It's your body, your health, and your decision. If you need support and want to change...this is definitely the right place to be. Good luck to you!! :smile:
  • I just joined this web site and Iam a little sad for you to feel like you do. But we have all been there at one point or another. Those are the days you need to stay strong and focused. It will all be worth it. And for not having any friends to keep you focused you will have to find them, for me I found some great friends through parks and rec.and volunteering at the local school. The more you are out the more you will find people with the same intrests as you. Seems you like your dog(s) find a dog park. That gets you out and your dog. It would be great for both of you.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Life may be a lot shorter if you don't pay attention to what you eat.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    My dad had a similar view. Mine changed big-time when a stroke that resulted from his uncontrolled diabetes took his mind, his personality, his ability to pursue any of his hobbies, his ability to sleep on any kind of schedule that would allow my mom to keep her sanity, his ability to control his bowels. This happened when he was 58. He'll be 64 in August.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    I do what I do and eat what I eat every day because I am totally worth it.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    It's a good question. Only you really can answer that. It depends on your priorities. Longevity has been touched upon - do you want to be alive long enough to see your grand children? Of course, obese people do live into their 90s (I know of one) but it's about probability. But then as you suggest, it can be a miserable existence having to watch your food. Or perhaps, the fact that you need certain foods suggests inner "misery"?

    For me, I find it interesting, a challenge and a desire to look good. I've always been interested in health and fitness to varying degrees so for me, losing weight/getting fit/getting lean is an interest much like someone might enjoy chess!

    In your shoes, I would weigh up the pros and cons and consider what you gain and lose from each outcome. :-)
  • JessicaPiche89
    JessicaPiche89 Posts: 59 Member
    To me it is very 'worth it'.

    I have 2 young boys and with the path that I was on, I wouldn't have lived the life I want to with them. I want to see them grow up. So yes, very worth it.
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    I really could care less about a long life or any of the other reasons people have put out there. What makes it all worth it is the look of shock on people's faces when they see me after a long time away, and I've lost about 1/3-1/4 of my total weight to start with. that and the jealousy I get from some of them because I've lost so much and they haven't lost anything. I have never been a junk food junky. Can't stand fast food, don't really have a sweet tooth, and don't have any ridiculous cravings. All of my weight came from eating seconds, thirds, and fourths of "healthy" food. Portion control is way more important than fad dieting.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    The best exercise tool is a dog, and dogs are GREAT friends. I have two dogs, a doberman and a doberman/Shep. They are my motivators and they are my workout buddies.

    I just lost my baby three months ago. he was 16 and thats him in my pic. He used to be really good for excersise but the last few years he got slowere and slower. The last year was more sniffing than walking bless him, I am not ready yet to let another dog into my life, i think i am still grieving, sounds daft but i am

    awww that is so sad!! I'm a huge animal lover!! Losing a beloved pet is like losing a family member. And although you can never replace him....maybe getting another dog would raise your spirits, offer companionship, and you would have a walking buddy!!

    Join a gym! Or a local park district! Find a walking group. Join a fitness support group that has weekly meeting so you can get out and socialize!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I think it's worth it to track everything in the short run. It lets you know what's in everything and gives you a basic knowledge of portion sizes. However, I don't want to spend the rest of my life tracking calories. I think of this time as an investment for a healthy future without having to be anal about counting everything!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    If you eat foods you don't enjoy and do exercise you hate, it's hard to find it worth it. You have to find a middle ground you can live with. Try to ditch the 'black and white' thinking. Eat what you like, just less of it. Find new foods you like that are not 'deal killers.' Do the activities you enjoy, not the ones you hate. Walking is plenty good for now.

    It takes patience and creativity and making a lifestyle that you can enjoy but that isn't at odds with your health goals. It's possible!
  • sweetpea5445
    sweetpea5445 Posts: 36 Member
    If you have a dog, take a walk with him/her. Dogs make great friends and walking buddies. That's what I should do too. Walk with my dog. I think I will do that tonight after it cools down some.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    well I have just pigged on half a chicken, potatoe wedges and onion rings, wine also/. now i feel sick and worthless. thank you all for your support i do take it on board. I have saved a few of those motivational pics thanx.
    I started eating healthier a month ago and lost 4lb in the first week but nothing since, i have gone up a lb actually
  • ANB22
    ANB22 Posts: 64
    simply put YES it is worth it.... I look at it the same way on my bad days but then I see my kids playing and I try to run...granted I run more than I did but they still out run me and I want to be able to run with my grandkids so yes its freaking annoying right now b/c it is still new BUT in the long run I will get used to this new lifestyle and I will love myself me for it.... with that i bid u ferewell and have a great day :)
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    It's worth it to me every time my body responds to whatever challenge I set it --- I'm old enough now to not be so concerned about how I look (though I'll admit - I do still care about it, just not enough to drive myself nuts) but I am totally aware of how I FEEL. I feel good after a workout, my mood and sleep are better without all the junk food. It's about smart choices - and I am worth the effort!
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    Of course it's worth it. If you feel like you're depriving yourself of things you enjoy, then you're doing it wrong. You shouldn't be on a should be making healthy choices for the rest of your life. Have the things you like in moderation, and find excercise that you enjoy doing (then it doesn't "feel" like excercise!). You can do this!
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    If you have a dog, take a walk with him/her. Dogs make great friends and walking buddies. That's what I should do too. Walk with my dog. I think I will do that tonight after it cools down some.

    please refer to one of my earlier posts
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    I can totally relate to how you are feeling, but I also have to remind myself that when I didn't focus on what I ate and what I didn't do for exercise I lost track of how I looked, and felt. So yes there are times where McDonalds or a Snickers Bar or whatever my craving is at that time I have to tell myself why am I feeling these things? Is it because I am bored, frustrated, mad or just too antsy to do anything? If any of these apply then I just pre-plan my meals and drink that water and say there is no real reason because those emotions are why I am here today. But if none of those emotions apply and I just want it, then I get it just enough to satisfy not to binge out of control. And that doesn't mean I try to workout extra, I just log it and keep my calories where they need to be. I recently did that and I was fine with just a little bit so that I could say I had "Fun Food". Interesting though, today I don't feel like doing anything. But I know me... I will still push past tired or bored and do some sort of cardio, or strength training.