is it really worth it?



  • mommy7713
    mommy7713 Posts: 9
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    The best exercise tool is a dog, and dogs are GREAT friends. I have two dogs, a doberman and a doberman/Shep. They are my motivators and they are my workout buddies.

    I just lost my baby three months ago. he was 16 and thats him in my pic. He used to be really good for excersise but the last few years he got slowere and slower. The last year was more sniffing than walking bless him, I am not ready yet to let another dog into my life, i think i am still grieving, sounds daft but i am

    I understand the grieving thing, I have lost beloved K9 Kids throughout my life. Very sorry for your loss. Just remember the good times and happy memories. Here is some food for thought though- when your ready to open your heart to another pooch, consider a shelter dog. I'm sure you could find one that would melt your heart and motivate you to be the best you that you can be, and at the same time you'd be saving a life.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Yes. It is.

    It's hard work to start, but it gets easier.

    And then, when the pounds start vanishing and you start working out for better health, you find you can do more interesting things.

    Being morbidly obese or obese for 30+ years has cost me many, many things. I've been unable to do so many things I wanted to, and I've had to set goals for my physical activity that were far less than I wanted.

    In the past few years, and especially in the past few months that I've been using calorie counting to lose weight, a lot of those limitations are falling away along with the pounds.

    My only regret is waiting so long. I'm now firmly on the wrong side of 40, and if I ever encountered 15-year-old me I'd like to smack his fat little *kitten* for not doing this when it would have been easier, and bought me so very much more out of life.

    Sadly, we can only move forward. So I'm enjoying my new midlife crisis car - a new body. I paid for it by eating less.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    We all have `down days` when the scale hasn`t moved for a while and everything seems really not worth it.

    Maybe add some online friends to help keep you motivated.

    Don`t despair OK you have `pigged out` today as you said but tomorrow is another day!!!

    It`s not so hard once you get into it, maybe you just haven`t got your self in the right place at the moment...Keep trying Rome wasn`t built in a day!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    So sign up for some fitness classes, take a college course in a subject you've always liked (art, photography, geneology, etc), go to library activites (most have art shows, free concerts, classes, etc), join a church, a walking group, etc.

    You have to get out there to have friends. Do some things you like doing and you will find similar minded people along the way.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    I can totally relate to how you are feeling, but I also have to remind myself that when I didn't focus on what I ate and what I didn't do for exercise I lost track of how I looked, and felt. So yes there are times where McDonalds or a Snickers Bar or whatever my craving is at that time I have to tell myself why am I feeling these things? Is it because I am bored, frustrated, mad or just too antsy to do anything? If any of these apply then I just pre-plan my meals and drink that water and say there is no real reason because those emotions are why I am here today. But if none of those emotions apply and I just want it, then I get it just enough to satisfy not to binge out of control. And that doesn't mean I try to workout extra, I just log it and keep my calories where they need to be. I recently did that and I was fine with just a little bit so that I could say I had "Fun Food". Interesting though, today I don't feel like doing anything. But I know me... I will still push past tired or bored and do some sort of cardio, or strength training.

    You know what i have just realised i do this every time i am on my own! my hubby has gone away for the weekend and here i go with the wine and binges. when he is home i am pretty good with what i eat but every thursday and teusday when he goes to run the locaL poker i binge.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    well I have just pigged on half a chicken, potatoe wedges and onion rings, wine also/. now i feel sick and worthless. thank you all for your support i do take it on board. I have saved a few of those motivational pics thanx.
    I started eating healthier a month ago and lost 4lb in the first week but nothing since, i have gone up a lb actually

    Nowt wrong with eating chicken, wedges and onion rings as long as you maintain a daily calorie deficit... in other words, don't eat too much. Losing weight doesn't have to be just about lettuce and carrots. I eat cakes regularly. Today, I had chips (chunky fries) and battered cod plus a cheese cake. About 800 calories, given the portion size. I'll have a lighter dinner of chicken and salad after some HIIT and weights. :-)

    PS Your doggy was cute. :-D
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    thank you all. i am going to sound really sad now but some of mentioned getting out and stuff but I dont have any freinds to do anything with.

    The best exercise tool is a dog, and dogs are GREAT friends. I have two dogs, a doberman and a doberman/Shep. They are my motivators and they are my workout buddies.

    I just lost my baby three months ago. he was 16 and thats him in my pic. He used to be really good for excersise but the last few years he got slowere and slower. The last year was more sniffing than walking bless him, I am not ready yet to let another dog into my life, i think i am still grieving, sounds daft but i am

    I understand the grieving thing, I have lost beloved K9 Kids throughout my life. Very sorry for your loss. Just remember the good times and happy memories. Here is some food for thought though- when your ready to open your heart to another pooch, consider a shelter dog. I'm sure you could find one that would melt your heart and motivate you to be the best you that you can be, and at the same time you'd be saving a life.

    oh I will thats for sure. just not ready yet though, i would like a good holiday first as we havent been away for the last 6 years because i couldnt bear to leave him
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Its all about moderation..... You can still have a cupcake. Just not 2-3, and not everyday.

    The whole point of tracking what you eat is so that you can re-learn how to eat and use moderation for things.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I generally love what I eat, but I also make a conscious effort to find foods I like that are also good for me. Sure, there are still some occasional times when I miss something (like a hot buttered roll at Texas Roadhouse last weekend), but honestly, I could have eaten one or two without my life spiraling into a pit of despair.

    I don't mean this the wrong way, but if you absolutely hate the food you're eating and feel like you're being deprived of something, then you might be doing it wrong. Focus on foods that are good for you and taste good, not on what you can't have.
  • It really is worth it, it doesn't seem like it when you are trying to get to your goal weight but once you get there you will look back and realize it really was worth all the hard work and determination. Don't give up when you have days like this, when you fall off the wagon you just have to get back on the next day and keep going. Everyone has good days & bad days just don't let the bad ones get the best of you. You can do this, it isn't easy but it can be done. Good luck :)
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.

    No, I don't.

    My new diet is awesome and I don't feel deprived one bit. Have kept it going for a year with very little tracking, but intelligent choices and occasional splurges. If my weight creeps up beyond 170, I start logging again.

    Life is good! I can do this untli I die.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    There are definitley days I feel just like you do, especially when I see other people enjoying foods I no longer eat. But since I've been eating healthy and exercising more, I feel so much better. My clothes are all hanging loose, I have more energy, I am really enjoying so many more activities. In the long run, I'm doing this for me. I have to make the choice each day that I want to stick with this and continue feeling and looking better or if I'm going to cave in to old, not-so-healthy habits. I also consider, would eating/drinking that _____ really make me feel better? Chances are, no, it won't. I'll just feel guilty, tired and frustrated. Still, I completely understand how you feel. Maybe you need to give yourself a mini-vacation from all the self discipline and just take a day off.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member

    No, I don't.

    My new diet is awesome and I don't feel deprived one bit. Have kept it going for a year with very little tracking, but intelligent choices and occasional splurges. If my weight creeps up beyond 170, I start logging again.

    Life is good! I can do this untli I die.

    I like the above. Sounds like you've hit the right balance between healthiness and obsessiveness. Your final sentence is particularly worth highlighting as it is about a lifestyle choice not a quick hit diet plan.
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    So I just a a fun size twix,time out,dairy milk and kit kat, and i dont even like milk chocolate I like the really dark 85% stuff. I have issues hear that need solving. Thank you all sooo much for your support.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hmmm, I feel better when I exercise. I have more energy for the rest of the day, I am in a better mood, and I have the strength to do what needs to be done, whether it's moving furniture or riding my bike to something because I have no car.

    I enjoy a great variety of food, and sometimes even "junk." I haven't, and won't, cut anything out of my diet completely. I avoid most processed sugar, but on my kid's birthday I enjoy cake; I eat whole grains and I think they taste better; I eat chips, but only one serving instead of cramming myself full of them.

    All of this makes my quality of life better, in my opinion. I'm not sick as often, I have fewer tummy aches and less heartburn. I feel better about myself in general, and my sex life is better :blushing: So it's worth the bit of aggravation of having only a single scoop of icecream when we go to Baskin Robins (I still do that!) or giving up 30 minutes of sleep to exercise, or logging what I eat.
  • ilovedogs
    ilovedogs Posts: 77
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
  • 13inchestogo
    13inchestogo Posts: 296 Member
    My thoughts would be life is too short not to eat healthfully and exercise your body. But I guess if you are feeling down you may be wanting to just give up. Don't do it, you'll live the life of a starfish sitting there watching the fancy dolphins all happy and mobile!!!

    :smile: yay silly metaphors....
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    does anyone else get sick of watching what they eat? I mean is life to short to just drink water eat meat and veg and excersise? Today i am feeling like well this is me and so be it. I enjoy my food i like a drink and i am too lazy to excersise so if i am meant to be this weight well there it is.
    No it's not worth it. You should just quit. i know, i'm a jerk! that's what you want to hear isn't it?

    Nooo thats not what I want to hear. Maybe the post was a pathetic cry for help
    GOOD! You're a fighter, so YOU CAN DO IT! Now just get back in the game. You just have to decide how badly you want it. I gave up so many times, I've lost count.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    One could also say that life is too short to be fat and unhappy with yourself.

    Or that life is bound to be short, if you don't take care of yourself.

    Its subterfuge. You CAN do this. Its in you. Just reach for it, and try your best! :)

    This^ My doctors thought I was having a heart attack. I was having excruciating pain from acid reflux. Mostly caused from being 85 lbs overweight. I have lost 20 lbs, I feel great, its most definitely worth it. I want to feel good and live to see my grandchildren.