What type of 'body' are you attracted to?



  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    I've dated beanpoles, muscleheads, average guys, and finally my fiancee, who is a very chubby fella. I join the "I don't have a body type" folks.

    That said.

    If you just showed me several neck-down physiques, I like tall, and broad shoulders. Bulky. With a combo of muscle and fat. I like a lil belly on a guy, I admit it! More than a six pack, even!

    ^^This!! I like my men a bit fluffy xD My hubs isnt huge but he is overweight, like me he carries it well and we compliment one another very nicely. Even when i was MUCH smaller we looked very good beside one another :)
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    This has been fun, you have all made me smile
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I like cuddly men. Muscular men tend to scare me. Like if I were to make them mad they'll tear me to shreds in a Hulk rage. >.<

    I've only dated pudgy cuddly men and thin men, soo yeah. >.>
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    Heartbeat, pulmonary inflation, cellular division... that sort of thing.

    So, this is the response I enjoyed. I didn't quote it right the first time. This made me smile.

    Agreed. You are right on point!
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I was always attracted to chubbier/thick guys, but I think it was more of a "I think this is the best looking type of guy I think I can get". So, that said my standards have gone up a bit with my self confidence!

    I am 5'10 and I prefer TALL men, and I think this goes with wanting to be smaller than the guy I'm with. Big/thick men are my preference but now just with more muscle rather than more fat!
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    i haven't lost a lot of weight yet. but i am (always have been) attracted to guys over 6ft and muscular build...i like the strong silent type :).
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I've dated beanpoles, muscleheads, average guys, and finally my fiancee, who is a very chubby fella. I join the "I don't have a body type" folks.

    That said.

    If you just showed me several neck-down physiques, I like tall, and broad shoulders. Bulky. With a combo of muscle and fat. I like a lil belly on a guy, I admit it! More than a six pack, even!

    ^^This!! I like my men a bit fluffy xD My hubs isnt huge but he is overweight, like me he carries it well and we compliment one another very nicely. Even when i was MUCH smaller we looked very good beside one another :)

    I totally agree with this too. I love a little squish on a man. It just makes them warm and.... comfortable.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    Im attracted to whatever body type carries large packages.
  • spiffysara27
    spiffysara27 Posts: 19 Member
    Skinny guys with big beards :)
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    mmmm, tattooes and piercings and YUM!
  • keri1908
    keri1908 Posts: 9
    My husband has a 'bit' of a beer belly,but he's tall and broad which i love,very manly!:love: I'm not keen on skinny guys!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    So, what I've learned from this is that there is someone for everyone.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    My ideal body type in a woman is short, brunette (long hair), big breasts, bubble butt, small waist, large outgoing personality. <<<<<This melts me like butter.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I fell in love with my husband when he had the arms and legs of "Popeye"
    I thought he was warm and cuddly when he gained a 100lbs (I didn't gain anything...then)
    But I find him SEXY as hell with his current lean athletic body.
    Love doesn't know a "body type". You can't help who you love and if you love them truly, you take them any way you can.
    (15 years married, 18 together)

    Quick edit: My hubby liked tall blondes with big breasts (min of a DD) on the more chubby side, but he married the flat-chested brunette. go figure.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Blah blah blah we all love our significant others. That isn't what the OP asked. If you are straight, you are attracted to the opposite sex. If you are homosexual, you are attracted to the same sex. If you like blondes, you can love a brunette. Physical attraction is a biological response and (for many of us) has nothing to do with love. Just stick to the OP without all the "you're so shallow".

    ^Thank you. Don't know why everyone has to be so freakin' diplomatic and PC. No-one cares - you're allowed to have PREFERENCES AND ATTRACTIONS.
  • BROscience_PHD
    BROscience_PHD Posts: 215 Member
    size 10 ish im a simple guy..
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    ANYWAY, as for me, I'm attracted to tall men with a little bit of muscle, but not too much. Nor too lean. I like them to be ever so slightly defined. And I love white men with stubble, or that sexy business man look. Like this :love: :love:


    Or men with creamy brown skin like mine.

    And I just like them to be masculine in looks, but with pretty eyes with long eyelashes.

    I think I've digressed :laugh:

    Oh, and although I'm straight, I think females with small waists and big hips are ****ing hot.
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    Blah blah blah we all love our significant others. That isn't what the OP asked. If you are straight, you are attracted to the opposite sex. If you are homosexual, you are attracted to the same sex. If you like blondes, you can love a brunette. Physical attraction is a biological response and (for many of us) has nothing to do with love. Just stick to the OP without all the "you're so shallow".

    ^Thank you. Don't know why everyone has to be so freakin' diplomatic and PC. No-one cares - you're allowed to have PREFERENCES AND ATTRACTIONS.

    Why be so divisive and assume it has to be one way or the other. I think many people in committed relationships struggle with the tension between what their spouse looks like and what he or she prefers in someone else physically. I will tell you that I find a lean sculpted feminine physique with medium to large breasts, chiseled abs and powerful calves very attractive. I think women in high heels with tan and toned legs is very sexy. Having said all of that, my SO, like me, struggles with weight and I find her far more beautiful than anything I just described. Physical attraction is not just about external physical attributes and your callous attitude tells me that either you have never truly been in love or are unhappy in your current situation. I can say definitively that you could offer to take my wife's personality and put it into a fitness model's body tomorrow and I would decline. I love my wife for EVERYTHING that she is despite also being physically attracted to a body type different from hers!
  • Onemoodycuss
    Onemoodycuss Posts: 95 Member
    Funny I don’t have a “type” so to speak. But I do have other “Must Have” requirements.

    Well said.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Blah blah blah we all love our significant others. That isn't what the OP asked. If you are straight, you are attracted to the opposite sex. If you are homosexual, you are attracted to the same sex. If you like blondes, you can love a brunette. Physical attraction is a biological response and (for many of us) has nothing to do with love. Just stick to the OP without all the "you're so shallow".

    ^Thank you. Don't know why everyone has to be so freakin' diplomatic and PC. No-one cares - you're allowed to have PREFERENCES AND ATTRACTIONS.

    Why be so divisive and assume it has to be one way or the other. I think many people in committed relationships struggle with the tension between what their spouse looks like and what he or she prefers in someone else physically. I will tell you that I find a lean sculpted feminine physique with medium to large breasts, chiseled abs and powerful calves very attractive. I think women in high heels with tan and toned legs is very sexy. Having said all of that, my SO, like me, struggles with weight and I find her far more beautiful than anything I just described. Physical attraction is not just about external physical attributes and your callous attitude tells me that either you have never truly been in love or are unhappy in your current situation. I can say definitively that you could offer to take my wife's personality and put it into a fitness model's body tomorrow and I would decline. I love my wife for EVERYTHING that she is despite also being physically attracted to a body type different from hers!

    I think you have digressed, somewhat. Nobody is denying that you can't find your spouses more attractive than your preferences, nor is anyone saying attraction and love are completely, and always, exclusive from one another.

    The point is; we are all human beings. We all have preferences and attractions. There is no need for the PC army to come out, guns blazing, talking bullcrap about how much they love their SO for who they are, and how shallow the OP is etc.

    I have a type. My ex wasn't really my type. But I still loved him. That's obviously how love works. You love that person so they are uber attractive to you.

    ETA: Wait, I just re-read your comment. "Physical attraction is not just about external physical attributes and your callous attitude tells me that either you have never truly been in love or are unhappy in your current situation." - my callous attitude?! What the hell are you talking about? You seriously have missed the point, it's gone way past you and over your head. Sigh.