Why did you gain weight?



  • tymoore122
    tymoore122 Posts: 10
    same here....all better now.
    I ate more calories than I burned.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 478 Member
    I had kids and then I got lazy I guess. I liked food, but I now realize that no food is going to be as good as the feeling of being comfortable in my own skin. I started to realize that I used to be so very active and was able to just eat whatever, and still be ok. I didn't over eat until I got married the second time, but then I discovered it was making up for what I was seeing as was missing in my life with my now ex husband. I got out and after a year or so began to understand this about myself. So here I am.
  • cassie1441
    cassie1441 Posts: 14 Member
    I gained weight from 1st pregnancy twins! lost weight which caused 2nd pregnancy lost weight again then lost job so gained it back and here I am again!
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    I have always been big... I was the fat kid in Kindergarten. The Hypothyroidism I was diagnosed with at 12 did not help any... I would try to eat right and exercise, and half the time would end up gaining and not just in muscle lbs... Finally gave up, esp with my sis around who could and did eat anything she wanted and still rail thin. But now is time to try again as an adult and try for a better life and better health!!
  • courtney3988
    courtney3988 Posts: 999 Member
    I gained weight because i was depressed i was always made fun of at school they always seem to find something wrong with me. :angry: I am also a emotional eater i could be bored i would eat. I been working on that thou since i lost the amount i have i try not to but i do catch myself once in awhile when bored looking in the fridge :embarassed: then i go do something else.
  • brendaschmitt1
    Stress, and injured neck and running to food for comfort.
  • katiekrusher
    katiekrusher Posts: 143
    My busy schedule and just plain laziness is how I put the weight on. Also, I am amazing in the kitchen and whip up the best desserts..that would be gone in 1 day...
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    1. Didn't put the fork down
    2. Didn't care what was on said fork
  • Lampy00512
    Lampy00512 Posts: 117
    I was pretty normal until my close friend and my great-gram (we were very close) passed away within a 3-week span of each other, when I was 12 years old. I just couldn't handle it, which made me lose interest in softball, dancing and riding my bike. I basically became a lazy couch potato and munched on junk food, and it got worse when my grandpa and brother started giving me crap about my weight for the next 4 years. My brother would make fun of me, and my grandpa would tell me I'm fat and gonna die even though I wasn't really FAT-fat (168LBS was my heaviest). Nice, nice :grumble:

    It's all good now though :wink: When I saw the 168, that's when I woke up and realized I have got to snap out of it.
    NEVER AGAIN! :noway:
  • yogamom16
    yogamom16 Posts: 114
    Having 3 babies. I have no self control when I am pregnant. I ate cupcakes and donuts almost everyday. lol During my 3rd pregnancy I gained about 60lbs.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Because I wasn't training and I ate too much.

    Yeah I could go on about my hip injury, but I could have still done something non-impact like go swimming or upper body weights , but I chose not to, I chose to watch TV instead.

    That's why.

    No excuses.
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    Depression...working at a barbeque restaurant.... and zero motivation
  • spookcakes
    I started gaining weight when I was a kid due to a traumatic incident. After that, I stayed around 170lbs, up til a few years ago when I started my new job. I've been so busy with it that I stopped eating in the mornings and afternoons. Some times, I'd go without eating or drinking til about 9pm! And when I did eat, I was eating a lot of unhealthy foods. D:

    I'm losing a bunch of weight now because I'm eating every meal, drinking a lot of water, and actually eating well.
  • brittany17love
    brittany17love Posts: 66 Member
    I got pregnant and I just stopped caring about my weight after I had my daughter. A year and a half goes by and I am finally ready to get back into shape again.
  • lemasney
    lemasney Posts: 67 Member
    So MFPers I was wondering if you're willing share why you gained weight?

    For example was their a traumatic event in your life, an injury, just didn't care at the time, had kids, etc.

    I gained weight because of low self-esteem. I have been kicked out of college 3 times for bad grades. The last time it happened, I hated myself. I gorged myself on comfort foods and sat around on the internet, and I never exercised.

    Low self esteem, lack of motivation, alcoholism, love of food, no exercise, no counting, no support. I could go on. Glad I have MFP now. Add me if you want support.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    A link to my blog, which gives you a bit of an inside look into my situation.

  • italiankrystal26
    I have been overweight most of my life. Was never sure why. Just for some reason I preferred to play or work over sitting down to eat. So I ended up gaining weight.Due to only eating around 800 calories... For the past 5 years I worked harder at losing, had to learn to eat more food, in order to lose.

    After losing 60lbs. I had gotten sick and had to have a byopsi done to see if I had cancer. But the dr cut too deep and cut my carotid artery.... After dying, being brought back, and recovering from that. They discovered I had (Sarcoidosis) and put me on a high dose of
    prednisone! (80mg) for 3 months to try to send it into remission... So in that time frame, I actually ended up gaining almost half the weight I had lost back!

    So that is why I joined this site.. To kind of keep track of what I'm eating, exercising, and to get and give support :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    I was always a big girl, not super obese but I was overweight as a kid. I found eating a way to deal with my emotions. I had severe depression and would'nt talk to anyone about it. Next thing I know I get all these heath problems and need surgery's, thats when I lost it all and did not care anymore. I'm glad I realize what it's doing to my health and my self esteem now and that I want to change it.
  • aslaurais
    aslaurais Posts: 14 Member
    I gained for a few reasons; 1). Got pregnant, had baby and didn't go back to working out like I had previously done. I had some depression afterwards too. 2). Stress from work -- I always turn to food (mostly sweets) when I'm stressed and anxious.
  • monst76
    monst76 Posts: 25
    IDK Guess I was lazy, uneducated about food and proper food choice, never thought I could change, Mcdonalds was easy. Poor self worth & feeling sorry for myself because I was 450+ lbs the list goes on and on. You know to be honest I really Don't know what changed in me, Guess I was just tired of all the BS and said Im changing for me. Right now Im down 116lbs and Im not stopping til I have another 116.