Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi Ladies! Sorry I missed you all yesterday, but DH had the day off. We finally made it into Sam’s Club yesterday-twice-but we were lined up outside the building both times. We tried on both Friday and Saturday, but it was impossible. This is a community that really relied on that store. While I understand this is a business decision by Walmart, leaving interior Alaska without an option is so sad. At least Anchorage has a Costco, but Anchorage is 450 miles away. Unfortunately, Sam’s is/was Fairbank’s primary source for our local restaurants. As I have probably mentioned, outside of fast food, we have no chain restaurants (like an Applebee’s as an example) in Fairbanks....or anywhere outside of Anchorage. I think the end result is, unfortunately, going to drive up already outrageous prices for food for these businesses and many will go out of business. In a community like this, where there is no industry bringing people in, once a business fails, there really are no options for those people. It just breaks my heart....which, I know, is a weird reaction to a store closing. :) But that ripple effect is going to be painful for many. Again, I understand the business decision, but this little city in the middle of nowhere (literally) could have used a more human decision I suppose.....even if just a little more warning. Okay.....apparently I just needed to get that off my chest! Sorry!!

    Anyhow, I got some good workouts in this weekend. Saturday I did Jessica Smith Yoga Abs, and it is another two thumbs up for Jessica Smith! Sunday was XT Super Cuts, and I added on the ICE Muscle Meltdown Back. For cardio, I did X53 and some spinning! Yesterday was Muscle Meltdown Shoulders followed by Tabatacise and Cathe Live Cross Fire Quick Fix. Today I did Cathe Live Total Body Giant Sets (which is a really tough workout!) and Muscle Meltdown Chest. Because my heart rate was up for the strength training, I opted for lighter and more fun cardio and did Party Rockin’ Step 1.....which was so fun today.

    Thelma, great workouts! We were on the same page with Super Cuts on Sunday! I have noticed my kickboxing gloves are loosening up as well. I am glad yours are getting more comfortable. Hope you don’t get too much snow! We are in for snow and freezing rain today as well. We are in the middle of another ‘heat wave’ with temps in the 20s, but those are supposed to drop by 40 degrees again over the weekend. I didn’t mind being lined up yesterday in 20 degrees! We tried on Saturday at -15, but after about 15 minutes, I couldn’t think of anything worth we wondered off to get some hot coffee!

    Laurie, sounds like some great KCM workouts. I find it interesting those workouts are more challenging than her DVDs. I suppose it makes sense for marketing purposes. Sorry to hear about the snow and ice. People can be so not-so-smart when driving in those conditions. We are very warm right now, as I was saying to Thelma. But we are in for quite a drop next week. As things stand, we may be getting some of the coldest air we have had this season in the -30 degree range. I think the weather guys are looking at the cold temps in Siberia right now which may be headed this way. I don’t mind that kind of cold. Now when it gets to -40.....that’s a different story. But it doesn’t look anything like that right now. I hear you on needing something different from PHA Training. I did it last week fully intending on doing something different this week if we opted for another Circuit week. I enjoy it, but I am ready for a break.

    Tami, hope you are enjoying your time in LA! So sorry to hear about the trip to Mexico, but I hope your DH is healing.

    Edit: I just got an email congratulating me on my 9th Anniversary on MFP! Wow!! I can’t believe it has been that long since I started this journey.......

    See you tomorrow!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, no workout for me tonight. I had crazy day at work and all I could do when I got home was go to bed. It was another day when my mind wanted to workout but the body would not move. I was running around all morning and then the afternoon was spent in a 3 hour meeting that went till 5:30, then of course I had work to do! At least tomorrow I get to work from home due to the snow storm. It will start as snow tonight and then in the afternoon it will turn into freezing rain. DH told me the temps will warm up by the weekend so the snow will melt.

    Laurie, great job with the KCM workout!
    Yeah it looks like we just need to break the gloves in which is great.
    Did Rocket wear his booties today? We are expecting 5-7 inches tomorrow. I heard it will be the heavy kind. It really is hard to determine which way the plow is going to go into! Be careful out there!

    Hi Laurel, sounds like losing Sam's Club is going to hit the area pretty hard! Too bad you weren't able to get in there to do some shopping. I also think it is heartbreaking. It will affect a lot of people. All those workers will be out of a job too. It is sad. Does Walmart own Sam's Club? I didn't know that! Do you at least have a Walmart?

    Great workouts! I really love Jessica's yoga workouts! This is the one I tried on Saturday. it was a little workout and I loved it!

    Sounds like we're having the same kind of 'heat wave' weather! On Saturday morning we stared in the 50's. Then DH and I went out at around 9:15am by the time we got to our destination 1/2 hour later it was 42! So temps dropped pretty fast on Saturday. Yesterday was very cold and today a heat wave. Crazy! I don't blame you going to get hot coffee on Saturday after spending time outside in those cold temps!

    OMG! 9th anniversary on MFP!!! Congratulations!!!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    After work I did 30MTF Meltdown #2, which is the boxing workout. No workout this morning, I just didn't have a good night sleeping. Had the to warm to cold thing going on. I get a night like that about once a month. I will just get in my workout after work.

    Laurel, I really do understand what the people of that area will be going through with losing that Sams Club. That's what it is like in norther Wisconsin where my parents live. They have no industry besides logging, and my parents have to travel to get groceries (not 450 miles), but a good 25 miles to get something at a decent price. It was different when I was younger, but there wasn't employment opportunities for me there so I had to head to the big city. The brain drain, in that area, started happening around that time because of that factor. Awesome job on your workouts, you really got in some great workout combos. Jessica has become a real go to for me with the yoga also, love her personality. Congrats on the 9 year mark! I think Kelly is what I consider Inter/Adv area, where Cathe tends to be more Advanced. So when Kelly is in her basement, she is really taking it up a notch from her DVD's. With the gym equipment one, she increased her speed on her treadmill, so I did the same with the elliptical. In the future when I'm doing those DVD's, I have to realize that I can make them my own just like the instructors say. Sometimes with the DVD's I tend to just follow along. I also enjoy that Kelly talks through the workout, and tells you to do certain things like keep you abs tight. She said that she realized that she wasn't doing it so it was a reminder for us to do the same. The next day my abs where talking to me, so I realized that I need to do that with other workouts too. Hope those low temps aren't to bad for all of you.

    Thelma, Dang on being tired, but really do understand. Yep Rocket has had his booties on all week with the snow, and he really does love them once they are on his feet. He and I are getting much better at putting them on. It does help that his nail are short though. Thanks for the yoga link, I will be trying that one out in the future.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a tougher workout than I planned today, but I felt energized from a good night’s sleep so I just went with it. I am still working at building some muscle memory/endurance on the spin cycle, so I started with a 15 minute spin class from YouTube, then went into two Cathe Live workouts—Cardio Circuit Challenge Express and Cardio Strength Blast. Both are formatted similarly to X10 Fat Burning by alternating cardio and weights. The first workout placed a little more emphasis on cardio, the latter on strength. It made for a good 70 minute blend. I finished it with Muscle Meltdown Biceps.

    Thelma, sorry to hear about the crazy day yesterday. I don’t blame you for not working out at all. Hopefully your snow isn’t too bad. We woke up to a sheet of ice......everywhere. It actually got up to freezing last night and rained. And now the temperatures are dropping, with the high tomorrow expected to be about 5. So unless we get some snow soon (fingers crossed), we are going to be living with the ice glaze for awhile because they really are predicting some seriously cold weather next week up here. Every time I look at the forecast, it gets colder! I did that Jessica workout a couple of weeks ago and loved it too! It is surprisingly tough with just a little extra weight. Yes, we have a Walmart up here......thankfully! They just don’t cater to businesses like Sam’s did.

    Laurie, this hallowing out of rural America is scary. How you describe Northern Wisconsin mirrors what we have seen in our few driving trips across the country over the past several years. I think that’s why this has me so sad. Fairbanks hasn’t hallowed out yet. Actually, for a little city in the middle of nothing, it is remarkably vibrant. But in the nine years between our time up here, it really struck me how ‘stuck’ it is. Virtually nothing had changed.....and that was good in one hand because there was no decline. But there was no growth either. Something like this could tip the scale in a negative way. I really hope not. The Air Force is supposed to be bringing in new F35s in the next couple of years, and you see ‘welcome’ signs for that everywhere. But it is only going to bring in a few thousand people. When a community is counting on that to give it a spark, you know it is on the edge. So.....we’ll see what happens. Thank you for your words. It must be hard for you to see your home town experiencing the same thing. Anyhow, great workout last night. I am sorry to hear about the bad night last night, though. I am having that kind of night almost every night now. I am trying to stay patient and just tell myself it is ‘natural’, but sleeping without covers when it is -20 doesn’t seem ‘natural’. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was able to workout twice today! In the morning I did a Jessica Smith's Low Impact 1 Mile Walk and tonight I a Pop Sugar Cardio and Toning workout.
    We ended up getting about 4-5 inches of snow today.

    Laurie, great workout last night! I hope you were able to sleep better last night. Glad Rocket is still loving his booties!

    Laurel, awesome combo today! I'll have to check out the spinning workouts in YouTube!
    OMG with those cold temps and the icy conditions up there! Be careful and bundle up ! So glad you at least have a Walmart there!

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in my workout after work with Kelly's RAW Boxing & Sculpting workout. I really enjoy that one, and it still makes me want to get a heavy bag. One of these days that may happen. :D This morning I did 30MTF Build & Burn Cardio Core, this one is getting to be one of my favorites.

    Laurel, WOW on those workouts, you really got in a lot of variety. Looks like you are getting a lot of different workouts in before we head into the next 4 week section. That really doesn't sound fun with the ice conditions, and then the plunging temps. Not that I want anyone to have more snow, I will hope for that to happen. ;) I used to have the hot/colds more often, so I'm hoping that I am moving on from that aspect. I love having covers on me when it is cold, just very comforting.

    Thelma, Nice that you got in two workouts, I'm sure that was nice getting in that short workout to start you day. We are suppose to get warmer temps, so our snow is probably going to melt again. I had a great nights sleep last night!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Another good workout today. I started with Cathe’s live workout from this morning which was Jabs and Kicks. She took the combos from Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp and built them up a bit to make it a longer workout. The three combos and a short heavy bag segment lasted about 50 minutes, and it was fun! I followed it with Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp (no warm-up) and Legs. While none of the workouts by themselves are super intense, the combo was pretty tough! Good stuff.

    Thelma, great workouts! Glad you got a chance to get two in on your day of work from home. Hopefully your snow will melt quickly. We are actually getting snow as I type! I am so glad because it will cover that ice a bit and make things a little safer next week.

    Laurie, great workout! I am with you on wanting a heavy bag. Maybe someday...... :) . I am definitely trying to get as much in this week before moving on to more ‘set’ workouts next week. I have really enjoyed these five weeks. While I naturally trend towards doing rotations like the one we are starting next week, this month has definitely proven to me that I can do circuit workouts and still keep and build strength. This is the first time since I did STS nine years ago that I have done something for this long that didn’t utilize heavy weight/split sets, and I am SO glad we did this! Sometimes I need a smack upside the head to get me out of my rut. Mind you, I enjoyed this month far more than a smack! ;) The weird thing about my hot flashes is I only seem to have them in the winter. At least that was true for the past three winters. Hoping that proves true for this year.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I had a super hard work day today. I left my house at 7am and got home at 7pm. When I left work I was braindead and I knew I couldn't workout. Thankfully on my way home somehow I got a second wind so I did RWH Low Impact I. That's all the intensity I could handle.

    Laurie, great workouts! I hear you on wanting a heavy bag. I actually had the opportunity to get a free one from someone in my town who was simply giving it away. It was too big and heavy and you needed to be able to hang it somewhere. I don't have that kind of space so it didn't make sense for me to get it. I sure would love one those heavy bags though.
    It was really nice to be able to get a workout in the early morning and one at the end of the day. I think our temps are going to warm up too.

    Laurel, that sounds like such a fun combo! Great job!
    It really was good to get those two workouts in yesterday. I think our snow is going to be melting too and I it doesn't look like we'll get snow in the near future. Strange that you only get hot flashes in the winter. Now I'm thinking if I got them in the summer time? Mine are pretty much under control but I do get when I go crazy with sweets. Sugar totally triggers them for even if I take my calcium, magnesium, zinc supplement.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    When I got home yesterday, I did a Jessica Smith 30 min. walking workout. It was a nice way to wind down the day. This morning I started off with a JS 1 Mile walk and then went into Kelly's 30MTF Build & Burn Kettlebell Kickbox Fusion. I'm going to do a total body weight workout when I get home. I'm thinking something from Kelly's LIFT workout, either the Olympic LIFT or Powersculpting. I will decide that when I get home. :D

    Laurel, Nice workouts, it really does sound like we where on a kickbox trend. I'm tending to steer myself toward those more frequently. I just enjoy punching. :D That is the same feeling that I had with this type of rotation, it just is something that the muscles needed for a change of pace. I'm getting ready for the next phase though. Interesting about the hot flashes in winter, wonder if it has something to do with the vitamin D with less sunlight. Now that I'm officially in menopause :p we will see if the my body decides to do something totally different. I sure hope not.

    Thelma, Great job getting in a workout even though your brain was telling you no. That can be the hardest part. If I got a heavy bag it would have to be one of the ones that Kelly has in her meltdown workout. The space issue is a factor also, just have to get the useless treadmill out of the basement and I could probably have one. :D Interesting on the sweets and hot flashes, that is interesting.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a weird blend of workouts today. I started with another beginner spin workout from YouTube, but when it was done, I felt like more spinning. That’s a first.....and it makes me happy! So I did another relatively light 20 minute spin workout. Then I did Cathe Live Smokin’ Upper Body Blast. This workout is similar to RWH Upper Body Circuit in format but not really in feel. She alternates cardio blasts with weights, but this workout is more strength intensive. It really surprised me how tough some of the upper body segments were. But since she focused more on the muscles, my heart rate didn’t really stay up so, for me, it wasn’t really a true cardio workout. So after it, I took a break and did a few things. And then I went back and did Cathe Live Mixed Impact HiiT and Abs, which was short but gave me the feel of having done some uninterrupted cardio, which I wanted.

    Thelma, I don’t know how you find the energy to workout after your long days. Great job! Sugar definitely triggers my night sweats too. One positive side effect is it makes me really think about how much sugar I am eating! I can’t find my Calicum, Magnesium, Zinc supplements up here. I still have to check Walmart, but so far it is a no from both Safeway and Fred Meyer (and Sam’s). If I can’t find it this weekend, it will be I suppose.

    Laurie, great workouts. I could probably do some form of kickboxing or boxing every day if I let myself. I never seem to grow tired of it. Interesting thought on the Vitamin D. My sister who just visited was encouraging me to take Vitamin
    D, and I probably should. Oddly, I think the winter hot flashes might also be tied to the fact that I just naturally consume more calories in the winter. I definitely noticed this last year and am noticing it this year.......after the holidays when I clean my eating up again (and not just sweets, but all food), they get better. This has been my worse year for far. So the lack of Vitamin D actually would make a lot of sense too. I would think if you are already in menopause and your body hasn’t won’t. You give me hope!

    Enjoy the weekend. We are headed into a deep freeze with the high on Sunday around -30. Sounds like it will be a good day to crochet a warm blanket and watch football!


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. I was doing well until Saturday afternoon when I started to feel that my eyeball was hurting. It turned into a horrible headache. I can't remember the last time I had a headache but I couldn't even stand my headband. I took an Aleve but it really didn't help. It seems my body wanted me to sleep. Thankfully it went away but it really lasted a long time.
    My workouts: on Friday I did KCM 30MTF Slim Sculpting I, Saturday Jessica Smith Pilates and Yoga Stretch and today I did a Jessica Smith low impact workout and KCM 30MTF Muscle Up Lift 2 Be Fit Chest/Back.
    We are going to have warm temps this week. On Tuesday we will be close to 50.

    Laurie, fabulous workouts! Sounds like you have the space for a heavy bag if you got rid of the treadmill! Next time you have a hot flash think back at what you ate that day. I've read that coffee and hot foods as in hot pepper hot can be triggers too. Interesting thought on the vitamin D!

    Laurel, interesting combo on Friday but great job! I keep forgetting to checkout the spinning workouts in YouTube!
    It really is hard to workout after my long workouts. I don't know if vitamin D will help with your hot flashes but you should really take some. I take D3 400IU. D3 is good for the absorption of calcium. The reason why I only take 400IUs is because I take 1 Caltrate and 1 calcium, magnesium, zinc. Check Walmart for the supplement but if you can't find it there Amazon will have it for sure. How warm do you keep your house in the winter. When my hot flashes were more frequent (before the c/m/z supplement) I had to keep the house cold. DH had to bundle up inside the house in the winter. I think we kept the house at 58/60 during the day and 54/56 at night. COLD for the winter. So even I had to bundle up in layers that I could quickly remove in the event of a hot flash. LOL
    Iced water is something that I always have with me. Did you ever get that stainless steel bottle I suggested before?
    Drinking iced water in the middle of a hot flash gives me a huge relief.

    Hi Tami!
    Have a great week ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Enjoyed a very relaxing weekend, it was so nice not to have to go anywhere. Saturday I did GHUTV Yoga Flow 2, we also had a pair of foxes in our yard. Rocket wanted us to let him out to investigate, uhmm NO! Sunday I did 30MTF Muscle Up L2BF Cheat & Back, I then followed that with her RAW Cardio Finisher. This morning I started out with the warm up and step portion of X10, I then did 30MTF Muscle Up L2BF, and then did the cool down stretch from X10. That came to a total of 45 min. since I skipped the warm up from the 30MTF workout.

    Laurel, Great combo of workouts! I like that you are slowly getting into the spin bike. I don't know what I would do without youtube and all these instructors. In fact I keep finding new workouts that I want to try all the time. Not enough time in the day for them all. :D You are probably right on the amount of food consumed, and the hot flashes. I did have a few more during the Christmas time than what I usually experience. I think the exercising really does help with them also. My brother experienced a vitamin D deficiency last year, so when that happened we all where made aware that it may be something that we needed to look at. Stay warm with those temps. :o Walmart does sell the supplement, it may not be the Natures Made brand though. At least they sell them at our Walmart.

    Thelma, Nice job with your workouts! How did you like the Muscle Up workout. It doesn't seem like anything until the next day, at least that's what it's been like for me. Sorry to hear that you had to endure that headache, really does sound painful. Even if coffee caused my hot flashes, which I'm pretty sure they don't since I drink quite a bit of it, I would just have to endure those hot flashes. I LOVE my coffee. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! We had a nice, quiet weekend here. It didn’t get quite as cold as they were predicting....yet....but we are predicted to be below -10 for at least the next 10 days. The trade-off for having it -15 right now instead of -30 is snow. DH and I shoveled on Saturday, and it was painfully cold. But we have another few inches again, so I will be headed out on my own today to see what I can do. I will just have to keep thinking about the hot shower and tea I will have when I get back in. Hopefully that will motivate me! This ‘seasoned’ body does not really like those really cold temps. :D

    Did some good workouts this weekend. Saturday was Bob Harper Yoga for the Warrior. <3 Yesterday I started Slow and Heavy with Chest/Back. Cardio was Cathe’s Greatest Hits workout. Today was S&H Legs and Shoulders followed by Cathe Live Hi/Lo Cardio and Core.

    Thelma, I am sorry to hear about the headache! I don’t get nearly as many headaches as I used to either, thankfully. That one sounds very painful. Great workouts over the weekend. I did find all the supplements I need at Walmart this weekend. They had stacks of Vitamin D! Guess that makes sense up here! I keep the house cool.....about 65 degrees. Colder than that and DH is miserable. At night, the heat in the bedroom is set at 50. I sleep very warm even without the hot flashes and don’t want any heat on if I can avoid it. I do have a stainless cup. I read about cold water, and it does help. The other thing I notice is to control my breathing. Deep breaths really help as well. Enjoy those warm temps!

    Laurie, great workouts! I don’t blame you for not wanting to play with the foxes though! Especially with Rocket! My oldest sister had Vitamin D deficiency as well. I didn’t think about it much in Florida because we were outside year round. But I am glad she reminded me of it last month. I don’t want to go down a road I can prevent going down for sure. And I am with you on the coffee and hot flashes! It is all a give and take I say. :)

    Tami, hope you had a nice week away!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    edited January 2018
    Hi Ladies ~ Quick check in and I will try to catch up more tomorrow. :) My trip to L.A. was very nice (not Mexico hot sunny beach and sunshine) but it was very nice to see my mom and sister along with my darling nephews and their new dogs and my mom's new darling puppy too. I was able to ride my sister’s Peloton bike and do some online classes with that, which was super fun for workouts and I was so glad that was able to happen. I also went on an amazing hike on Thursday to Topanga State Park. It was nice to spend some one on one time with each and my mom is again, very tiny because she is just bored with eating by herself and cooking for herself, etc. so we had another conversation about that. I get it that it changes when they are elderly but she still needs to keep her energy level up, good nutrition of some kind. I talked her into at least getting some Ensure drinks to have on hand and slug down when she doesn't feel like eating. She is also going to start a dog training class soon with her little Yorkie so hopefully she can meet some friends and at least meet for dog walks, tea, etc.

    Arrived home on Saturday afternoon and DH’s feelings of guilt and missing me were apparent. He had the house all clean, laundry done and snacks out on the counter; he had ran to the grocery store to get items to make us dinner. So sweet and I told him how much I appreciate it. He is doing fine and the arm has definitely simmered down, antibiotics are all through now so he will wait and see but this a.m. it looked like it was almost gone; he was feeling car sick he said though so I don't know if that is a side effect or just a bug he caught due to being on heavy antibiotics. Such a freaky thing to have happen …… yet again another crazy anomaly of events that just happened to him.

    I did do Cathe’s Strong & Sweaty Ramped Up Upper Body Xtreme #3 premix yesterday. I knew we were probably starting our new 4-week section but wasn’t sure what workout to do. No workout this a.m. but I will go to BootCamp tonight. Will start up with Strong & Heavy tomorrow a.m.

    I will try to read through as much as I can and get more caught up tomorrow. You guys are doing amazing as always with the workouts!!!

    THANK YOU all for your nice messages about my disappointing news .... it was very supportive and nice to hear from each of you. ;) I just felt I needed to let you guys know since you were all cheering me on with my countdown to the trip.

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, tonight I did KCM 30MTF Muscle Up L2BF Legs/Glutes, Jessica Smith Power Mile, Treadmill, Stretching. This is after I had successfully had talked myself out of working out because I was exhausted. Once I got to the basement I realized how short the KCM workout so I decided to do cardio.

    Laurie, great job with your workouts! Is the RAW Cardio Finisher a paid workout?

    I am liking the Muscle Up workout. I did think the back/chest was too short. I liked the leg workout a lot and I did use heavier weights.
    I couldn't survive without coffee. I drink iced coffee every day. I discovered cold brew coffee last year and I've been making my own powerful brew since. I don't think coffee is a trigger for me but sugar definitely is.

    Laurel, great workouts! Sounds like you're doing all the right things for hot flashes at home. We have an electric blanket that has dual controls. This way DH can be warm and I can stay cool. You're right about controlling your breathing when you get a hot flash. An ex-coworker told me that the way she controls hot flashes was by staying calm. I am wearing sweaters again for the first time in years this winter. So it gets better and now that you are going to be taking the calcium, magnesium, zinc supplement you'll feel better. That stuff is miraculous. I used to tell DH that was killing me when he turned the heat up! Poor guy! LOL. They just have no idea what it feels like to have a hot flash. The only reason why I survive at work is because of the strong coffee I drink. I endured an hour meeting today!

    Tami, welcome back! I'm glad you had a great time with your family. Those Peloton workouts do look like fun. Every happens for a reason and I think you needed to see your mom instead of going to Mexico Tami. I hope she will start eating better. Is she living in a retirement community? They usually have all kinds of activities for seniors. Hopefully, she will make some friends thanks to her Yorkie.

    AWWW on your DH! I'm glad he is doing better.
    Great workouts! Just in case you need help with this part of the rotation.
    Here are the ideas from Laurel:
    Slow/Heavy Chest and Back
    Slow/Heavy Legs and Shoulders
    Slow/Heavy Triceps and Biceps
    Fit Split Legs
    Fit Split Push
    Fit Split Pull

    from Laurie - KCM's Muscle Up L2BF:
    "I'm planning on doing the premixes that she has for Chest/Back about 19 min., Legs & Glutes about 19 min. and Shoulders Arms & Abs about 39 min. Then I'm planning on using the Fit Split workouts for the next three days. I'm hoping to do the cardio from the FitSplit to add to the workouts"

    I am going to do Laurie's version because the KCM workouts are shorter.

    Good night ladies!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout last night, just got home way to late. This morning I did 30MTF Muscle Up L2BF Shoulders, Arms & Abs, and I added on Patrick Goudea's Kickbox Burn. I did one round of this workout, so that is a 10 min. segment. I think that I will be doing something different next time with the L2BF, because this premix missed an ab exercise and a bicep. I can do without the added ab work. So I will just use the skip button for doing these body parts next week. Overall I really got some good DOMS from these workouts, so will be keeping the same weight and increasing on some that I did this morning. If I go up in the chest/back work it will only be by 1lb.

    Laurel, Great job with your workouts! Got to love the Yoga Warrior workout. Glad to hear that you didn't get the severe temps, but even -10 is cold. I will not listen to the weather people again, because they said we shouldn't get no more than 2 inches of snow last night. I walked out of the garage this morning, and the 5 inches we got sure didn't look like 2. :D Really slow ride into work this morning, but everyone was driving "well", and not doing anything stupid.

    Tami, So glad to hear that you had such a good time with your family. How nice that you where able to try out that Peloton bike. I keep seeing those commercials on tv, and now nordic track is doing the same thing. I think advising on the Ensure is a good thing, it is easy and gets the nutrients into her. I love that she is going to take her yorkie to training. Gives her a chance to get out and do something different. Hope that your DH continues to recover, and I hope that his stomach issue was just from the antibiotic. This stomach bug that is going around really sounds awful.

    Thelma, Great job on the workouts! That is one reason why I chose these shorter weight workouts, so that I could tack on some cardio. Sometimes I don't get my after work workout in, so I knew I would need to do something. I was surprised with these weight workouts, I had DOMS in my back and chest yesterday and today. I think it all comes down to using the right weights, since it is only eight reps. I used heavier weights than I normally would for a first try, so that my be a reason also. Today's workout I will have to up my weight on some of the shoulder work. I was surprised that I wasn't having issues with the 15lb weight I chose. I am going to try 20lb's next week, or just go up by a couple of pounds. I will be interested in what you think of the premix I did today. I wasn't happy that some of the exercises where skipped. I know that they wanted to keep the workout to a certain time frame, but I want that exercise! So I'm going to use the main workout and just skip to the portions that I will be doing. Yes the cardio finisher is on her paid site, she has added more workouts to that site than what she offers on youtube. I have tried cold coffee, and it just isn't something that I enjoy. My oldest dd loves cold coffee drinks, and tried to convert me. :D

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Laurel, I heard about an earthquake in Alaska. I hope you're no where near that area!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, Slow and Heavy is catching up to me! There is that not painful but still there DOMS I get. And then.....the tireds. I think I have mentioned before that I saw once on Cathe’s site that somebody referred to S&H as ‘Sleepy and Hungry’, and that’s the way it seems to work for me. So, anyhow, it took me awhile to warm up to the idea of working out today, but once I did, it felt good. I did S&H Triceps/Biceps followed by RWH LI HiiT One and Two premix. And I will be doing a repeat of Shovel Max from yesterday here in a few minutes. ;)

    Tami, welcome back! I am glad you had a nice visit with your family.....and got some good workouts in too. I bet the Pelaton is nice! I am glad you had a chance to talk to your mom, though, about eating. My mom went through the same thing. Even before she got ill, there just were few foods that appealed to her anymore. I hope your mom can find something to give her the nutrition she needs. I am glad she is going to be getting out with her puppy. Glad to hear your DH’s infection is doing better. I would think the sick feeling probably could come from a combo of the infection and the antibiotics. Or it could be a bug, of course. Hope he is doing okay. We are all on our first week of this next section in our rotation so you will be caught up in no time!

    Thelma, great workout for not thinking you were going to workout! No we didn’t feel anything from the earthquake up here. Apparently they felt it quite a bit in Anchorage, but we are far enough away there was nothing. Thank you for asking! Thanks for all your thoughts on hot flashes!!

    Laurie, I am glad you are enjoying those KCM workouts, though that is strange about the premix. But Cathe has some premixes that sound similar, and if they share the same producer......But at least you have come up with a solution that will work. I am with you and weather people. There was no call for snow yesterday. It started snowing at 8:00am and didn’t stop until well into the evening. And not once did I see a report that actually reflected the fact it was snowing! I was thinking I should go knock on somebody’s door and have them step outside. That would definitely have resulted in a better weather report! They are still saying the temps are going to be -30 tonight. But this is the fourth day they have said that and have only been close once (Saturday), so we will see.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Last night I shifted gears a little bit and headed home instead of BootCamp. Found out DH was at a meeting so while he was gone I quickly got in the Fit|Split Bootcamp + Abs premix. I love that abwork she has in this new series. I hit snooze again this a.m. ……… it’s hard coming back from a different wake up time. I was up at 6-6:30 each day on my vaca but not 4:30. LOL Try again tomorrow; hopefully by Saturday I will be caught up with you all. :(

    Thelma: Thank you for posting the workouts ~ very helpful! :) I think I found my notes that I had printed prior to vacation but this is great. Excellent combo you did and way to add on a bit. Her workouts can be shorter forsure but great for when you don’t have the time. I think you are right on “everything happening for a reason” definitely all the way around. DH would have been miserable and it was really great to be with my mom and see her along with my sister and nephews. I do hope my mom follows through with the Yorkie Training Classes. Will be great for both of them.

    Laurie: Way to go with the workout! Sounds like you put in some extras to make it work for you. Yes, that Peloton bike is AMAZING! I loved it. I think I could talk DH into one of those if I really tried but not sure that I would ride it enough at home unless I gave up my gym membership. If he would ride it then definitely. But there are so many others out there that are good and not that much $$$. I think DH does have a bit of the flu bug; he felt the same way today. Hope he is better soon and not worse forsure. He’s had quite a week.

    Laurel: Sounds like S&H is doing its job for you! So funny, you have always said that about this style of workouts making you Sleepy & Hungry. LOL Fabulous job with your workouts! Yikes on your weather by the way. BRRRRRRR Hopefully you are staying warm and love the Shovel Max workout. Great job! As I told Laurie, I think it is a bug with DH just because of his symptoms; he isn’t worse today but hasn’t felt like leaving the house much. Yesterday he had to go to a meeting and was fighting feeling sick and awful, poor guy. Hopefully tomorrow is better. Glad you guys were not in the area of the earthquake. Yowsa.

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,562 Member
    Hi Ladies, I was too tired to workout tonight but I did do a Jessica Smith Low Impact workout this morning since I worked from home. I was up a good part of last night stressing about work. I started working at 7 am because I had an eye doctor appointment at 1. I left the house at 12 and got back at 4 pm. I then proceeded to work till 7:30. I just wanted to go to sleep at that point.
    I am going to do tonight's workout tomorrow night.

    Laurie, great job with the L2BF workout. Too bad the premix is missing a couple of exercises. I put together my own worksheets based on the info in and KCM horrific workout sheets. I also might go up a little on the back/chest workouts. I always start a little lite with a new workout.
    I definitely like the idea of the shorter strength workouts so I can do some cardio. I definitely had pecs DOMS. On the back exercises I could've gone heavier. I might go up a lb on the leg workout too. I think going with the full workout and fast forward through the sections you don't want to do is the way to go too. I'm so glad I got used to the ice coffee because I do enjoy it. I use a stainless steel mug so the ice doesn't melt.

    Laurel, awesome workout! I hope to be able to do S&S some day. How long was the Shovel Max workout?
    It was like seriously icy here this morning. Thank God I didn't have to go to the office. People in my town were complaining about not being able to get out of their driveways due to the sleek conditions. Lots of people fell and got hurt needless to say. This happened this morning in MA

    So glad you aren't anywhere near the earthquake site! BTW, another thing that I used to do for night sweats is to have a stand fan blowing directly at me. One with a remote control too! That seriously helped with the night sweats.

    Tami, good job with the BC workout! I do like the ab work in the Fit Split series too. It's hard to get back to a routine when you've been in a different time zone!
    You're very welcome on posting the rotation ideas! Your DH would've been miserable in Mexico for sure.

    Good night ladies!