Days of our Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    Marlana is a twin in real life. I don't know if they ever did a twin thing on the show about her....

    I just gotta say, this show needs a better wig selection. the one Nicole was wearing when she ran away with Sydney, and the one they had on Vivian the other day, were just HORRIBLE! Sheesh! they are definitely cutting the budget...
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232

    Remember Marlena's twins? THIS is when I stopped watching for a while, they twins were in some type of fantasy place and I was like WHO brought the writers from Passions over with this crappy script :laugh:

    and WHEN will Stephano DIE!!! I HATE HIM!! I HATE HIM!!! lol

    I thought Marlena's twins were Sammi and Eric! And wasn't Carrie their older sister? I missed a few years in there during the 90s...

    sami and eric are marlenas twins. didnt marlena have some evil twin sister or something???? lol i didnt watch faithfully when i was younger, i'd just watch when my mom watched it. she got me hooked! shes filled me in with details over the yrs.

    Marlena did have an evil twin she was in a hospital. I think her name was Sam but not positive. Somehow she got out and had Marlena put in her place in the hospital
  • msladyface
    heres a question....what happened to phillips baby?? remember how the embryos got switched with sean, belle, mimi, and phillip?? mimi didnt take the embryo but her mom had some surrogate carry the baby im assuming to black mail phillip for some money. it was just briefly when phillip was looking for the baby, a boy, but then they just dropped it. i never understood what happened. i thought it was mimi and phillips baby, that the surrogate carried. i woulda thought that phillip would want his son, his heir to the kiriakis throne..... does anybody know what happened with that?? and, todays episode was stupid again. why is anna doing what nicole wants??? it makes her look guilty! she should be denying it and telling nicole to f off and she should leave!!! im assuming this will be how the secret gets out (eventually) but its a really stupid storyline! i agree with the above post about needing new writers, storylines and people!!!!!!!

    I totally forgot about this whole thing! I don't know what happened with all of that - do I remember right that Mimi went a little crazy? Wow - the things they just sweep under rugs on this show. Maybe the baby will pop up sometime soon and break up Phillip and Mel! :laugh:
  • mrsbojangles
    Didn't Phillip and Belle have a baby? Claire? And didn't Phillip kidnap the baby to some stupid island?
    I must have missed that whole embryo Mimi part because the last I remember, Mimi had an abortion! LOL Where did Mimi go?

    Adrienne looks good! I am glad she came back to visit. Are these visitors in honor of Grams Horton's passing? Like all of a sudden Max came back for a few days, now Adrienne...??? I wish Max and Adrienne would stay.

    And I must have totally missed the whole Anna is Carrie's mother decade. When did that happen? I thought Carrie belonged to Roman and Marlena - their first child together!???? Anna and Roman had Carrie? WTH? LOL
  • msladyface
    If I remember right...Claire is Shawn and Belle's but they thought it was Phillip's? I may have that all wrong...I don't know how I'm supposed to keep anything straight on this show! LOL

    Marlena adopted Carrie...that was before my time, but I do know that. :laugh:

    If I haven't said it enough...I REALLY HATE CARLY! Bo is now saying he'll go to jail for killing Vivian? WTH? Bo is going against everything he believes for this swollen faced woman! I mean seriously, has he thought about Ciara, Shawn, Caroline, anybody besides Carly?? Ugh...seeing the two of them together just makes me want to throw things at the TV! :explode:

    I'm really hoping that Nicole doesn't ruin everything for Ari and Brady...I was loving them!
  • leavinglasvegas
    Thats right, I forgot about phillips baby. They just dropped it like a hot potato. It'll come back around.

    I know this was a while ago, but I thought it was so stupid/funny. When Vivian was trying to "murder" Melanie with the pillow in the hospital, I was LMAO! Melanie had oxygen in her nose. How do you suffocate someone with a pillow while there is oxygen in their nose? She was flailing around like it was working, lol. Only in Salem, I guess.

    I really hate Bo and Stephanie right now. They both make me soooo mad. Bo just drops his family for Carly and acts like its no biggy, and Stephanie is such a whiny, needly little wench, OMG she needs her *kitten* kicked! What happened to the tough, racecar driver badgirl? I liked her better when she was a skank.

    And I agree about Brady/Ari/Nicole. I like Nicole better as a drunk bad girl. I loved when she drank! I'm tired of her "soft" side. She needs a bad boy!
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member

    Remember Marlena's twins? THIS is when I stopped watching for a while, they twins were in some type of fantasy place and I was like WHO brought the writers from Passions over with this crappy script :laugh:

    and WHEN will Stephano DIE!!! I HATE HIM!! I HATE HIM!!! lol

    I thought Marlena's twins were Sammi and Eric! And wasn't Carrie their older sister? I missed a few years in there during the 90s...

    sami and eric are marlenas twins. didnt marlena have some evil twin sister or something???? lol i didnt watch faithfully when i was younger, i'd just watch when my mom watched it. she got me hooked! shes filled me in with details over the yrs.

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.
  • mrsbojangles
    Bring Marlena back! It's not the same with out her. :brokenheart:
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I love Days of our Lives and I'm a big fan of Melanie. I think she's brilliant!

    The character I have a problem with is Max. He makes me have goose bumps everytime I see him.
    Why is it not a big deal to anyone that he only dates within his family? I know he's adopted but still. ick.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member

    I know this was a while ago, but I thought it was so stupid/funny. When Vivian was trying to "murder" Melanie with the pillow in the hospital, I was LMAO! Melanie had oxygen in her nose. How do you suffocate someone with a pillow while there is oxygen in their nose? She was flailing around like it was working, lol. Only in Salem, I guess.

    :laugh: :laugh: hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! i didnt even notice that!!! hilarious!!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.

    hmmmmm.......i dont remember this at all........ funny how stefanos always got ppl in chambers!!! lol!!!
  • mrsbojangles

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.

    hmmmmm.......i dont remember this at all........ funny how stefanos always got ppl in chambers!!! lol!!!
    I don't remember this, either. LOL But I don't put it past Days.
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Someones gotta remember.. lol
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.

    hmmmmm.......i dont remember this at all........ funny how stefanos always got ppl in chambers!!! lol!!!
    I don't remember this, either. LOL But I don't put it past Days.

    I remember the story Marlena was taking care of them while Stefano had her. He was in love with her that is why he took her but don't remember if they ever found out if they were her's but they let that story die just like the one with Philips baby.
  • mrsbojangles
    Do you like the new Will or the old Will? They are two very different actors and portray Will very differently.
  • msladyface
    I personally like the new Will...the old one was just awkward to me...but I'm hating Mia - at least now they all know what she's been up to.

    I don't remember the twins thing...I'll have to ask my mom next time I see her...she's probably got it recorded on a VHS somehwere! :laugh:
  • SweetieBsMom
    SweetieBsMom Posts: 16 Member

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.

    hmmmmm.......i dont remember this at all........ funny how stefanos always got ppl in chambers!!! lol!!!
    I don't remember this, either. LOL But I don't put it past Days.

    I remember this. Actually the Doctor in The Ugly Truth that Katherine Heigls character like was the "boy twin". His name is Eric Winter. I can't remember the girls name though. I can't remember how they came on the show but I remember when we thought Marlena was killing everyone, one of the people "killed" was the girl twin.
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232

    Noooo noooo remember there were another set of twins. They came on for a short period of time. Someone found them in some type of chamber where Stefano had them living. They ended up being another set of Marlena's twins, I thought.

    hmmmmm.......i dont remember this at all........ funny how stefanos always got ppl in chambers!!! lol!!!
    I don't remember this, either. LOL But I don't put it past Days.

    I remember this. Actually the Doctor in The Ugly Truth that Katherine Heigls character like was the "boy twin". His name is Eric Winter. I can't remember the girls name though. I can't remember how they came on the show but I remember when we thought Marlena was killing everyone, one of the people "killed" was the girl twin.

    Was that when Stephano had most of the Salem people on that Island that looked like Salem?
  • leavinglasvegas
    Someones gotta remember.. lol

    Are you talking about Cassie and Rex? They ended up being Kates and Romans I think. They came to Salem in some kind of pod that looked like it was from outerspace. Shawn and Belle were having a romantic date or something up at lookout point or whatever they call it and the pod crashed. First they thought they were Marlenas but they were actually Kates. They were born at maison blanche, Marlena gave birth to them, but she was just the surrogate. That was how Kate and Roman hooked up.

    Rex was Mimi's bf for a long time, he was the baby daddy of the baby she aborted. He left after they broke up over the abortion situation. (He was ssssooooooo freaking yummy, btw.) Cassie was a total biotch! She was very stuck up and I don't think she ever dated anyone. She was still on the show when Zack died, then she just disappeared.

    Is that what you are referring to?
  • tasha30
    tasha30 Posts: 248 Member
    Someones gotta remember.. lol

    Are you talking about Cassie and Rex? They ended up being Kates and Romans I think. They came to Salem in some kind of pod that looked like it was from outerspace. Shawn and Belle were having a romantic date or something up at lookout point or whatever they call it and the pod crashed. First they thought they were Marlenas but they were actually Kates. They were born at maison blanche, Marlena gave birth to them, but she was just the surrogate. That was how Kate and Roman hooked up.

    Rex was Mimi's bf for a long time, he was the baby daddy of the baby she aborted. He left after they broke up over the abortion situation. (He was ssssooooooo freaking yummy, btw.) Cassie was a total biotch! She was very stuck up and I don't think she ever dated anyone. She was still on the show when Zack died, then she just disappeared.

    Is that what you are referring to?

    YEEEEES I am so glad someone remembered. :laugh: so they were Marlena's? I dont remember, I just remember after a while they were sucked into some fantasy world and I dont remember anything after that. I didnt know the girl twin was killed. Wow..this is hilarious how they drop stories on us like this... hehehe