Days of our Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    I really wish a couple of my favorite female characters would turn themselves around. Granted, Bo kissing Carly was unthinkable, but Hope just refuses to take any responsibility in this mess - and everyone is lecturing Bo - not Hope. She moved out for the 20th time - makes me crazy! Also, Stephanie. She came on as THE girl to be with and now they've made her into a puppy dog following Nathan around. I was so happy when she left him at the jail, but looks likes she's gonna go back to him. Get a backbone!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I missed Days today because I was working on my house. :sad: I lost track of time, so I am going to catch it on the soap channel tonight at 10. :happy:
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    i cant believe that ej's behind the kidnapping!!! that caught me by surprise........but i shouldve known!!
  • leavinglasvegas
    i cant believe that ej's behind the kidnapping!!! that caught me by surprise........but i shouldve known!!


    OMG! I've missed that last two episodes! I knew I should have got a Tivo!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    yes, it happened on todays (fri) show. i couldnt believe it!! i dont have tivo.. i have cable thru att and record it on the dvr. i wonder what the plan is. like, is he pist cuz sammy kept it from him so now he wants to keep sydney from her........but its not like he can run away with her, what about johnny?? who knows whatll happen (raef will probly save the day!!) and who knows how long this will go on for!!!!!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I think I'm confused because he was all mad at Stefano because he believed he took the baby and I thought Anna took the baby to get back at Stefano....?????

    I'll have to watch fridays ep online in a little while.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    well thats what the story seemed like but then they revealed that ej is actually the 1 behind it. not sure why, im assuming its to get back at every1 for keeping the truth from him. raef is always suspicious of ej so hopefully he'll figure something out. todays show was boring!! bo and carly slept not liking her, this story line needs to be over with!! carly isnt very attractive, cant wait for her secret to come out!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I was really irritated at the Carly/Bo/Hope SL, but.......

    I was a fan of Bo and Carly way back in the day. I'm excited to see them back together. I'm hoping the secret is a good one and this SL is leading somewhere interesting.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Vivian! I'm just dying for a good old fashioned Vivian/Kate knock down drag out fight! If anyone is going to bring Kate to her knees, Vivian will. I have a feeling she is going to use Phillip to do just that, just like she did back in the day! Ha! I love it!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Carly was on a long time ago and I didn't like her back then. I don't like her with Bo. I wonder if E.J. is doing this to get Sammy back. Thinking he will save the day when he thinks he has put a wedge between Sammy and Raef with Sammy having to keep the seceret of the ransom note. He seems to be jelious of Sammy and Raef.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    after watching todays show it does seem that ej wants sammy to lie to raef so when raef finds out he will dump sammy and then ej will be the hero when he finds sydney and sammy will go back to him. and yes he does seem jealous of sammy and raef. he must want sammy back. i like raef better...hes better looking, lol.....and ej can be a real *kitten* sometimes. i cant wait til sammy finds out he was behind this whole thing!! but ****, that probly wont happen til this summer!!! lol
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Don't know what to think of this show right now I though it was Mia that was Carly's daughter but it turned out to be Melanie maybe that is a good thing because she has a conniver and will be able to hold her on against Vivian and Kate.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Is it official that she is Melanies mother? Dang it! I always miss the ep where they give information!

    I thought it was going to turn out that way. I'm curious where the writers are going with this tho. I loved the scene with Mel yelling at Carly!
  • leavinglasvegas
    Brian Dattilo's contract ends in February and they are not renewing! Ugh! I loved Lucas!

    Also Dylan Patton is being replaced with Chandler Massey. I hate when they replace actors mid S/L. Can't they send Will off to rehab or back to Switzerland with Carrie and Austin then bring him back with a new actor? O well. I've never liked will anyway. Even the child actor that played him years ago was terrible in my opinion. It was more the direction then the acting, I'm not tryin' to dog the kid or anything.
  • msladyface
    I am so glad I came across this thread!! I'm probably one of the biggest Days fanatics you'll find! haha I've literally been watching everyday since I was 7 years old with my mom and grandma!

    I'm hating the whole Bo & Hope crap...Hope went too far with the last move out into Victor's but Bo should never have crossed that line with Carly. I'm hoping they can work through everything and Carly can just deal with her crap without Bo! Hope and Bo are Hope and Bo - PERIOD!

    I'm kinda hoping that EJ is doing all of this kidnapping stuff to get Sammy back - I have an unhealthy love for that relationship. I loved Luis on Passions, but not enought to let him come between Sammy and EJ lol

    I'm sick and tired of Stephanie at this point. I loved her back with Max and all, but after her split with Phillip and now with her chasing Nathan - she's just annoying and frankly quite *****y.

    I'm sick for Maggie - I know Mickey hasn't been around, but I just can't imagine Maggie without Mickey...:frown:

    Mia needs to make up her mind with these boys...I absolutely love Chad - I think he's adorable. Kinda glad that this Will is being replaced...he's a pretty terrible actor.

    Sorry - I talk like these people are real - My fiance makes fun of me everyday!

    So nice to have people to "talk" about Days with...:bigsmile:
  • anika_marie
    So is Carley Melanie's mom? or Mia's?? i'm confused?? and i wonder who is the father??

    I agree msladyface! I think Sammy and EJ belong together!!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    I'm wondering who the father is also was trying to remember if Billy and Bo or Carley and Bo was first. Still like Hope with Bo better. Will never made much of an empression on me so I'm glad they are replacing him. Melanie is Carley's daughter she told Bo that her daughter Melanie hates her. Vivian thinks its Mia.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Bo was with Carley first when Hope was taken by Stefano back in the late 80 early 90's, he was with Billie after Carly was buried alive and brainwashed by Vivian into loving Lawrence and moved off to Europe with him, then he met Billie and right as they were getting married, Hope came back into the pic. I think I have the sequence of events right, but I know for sure Bo was with Carly before Billie.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Thats how I remember it. Hope, then Carly, then Billy then back to Hope, now back to Carly. LOL Bo gets around. Ha!

    And OMG, Stephanie is so on my last nerve! Can't she go back to race car driving and grow a pair or something, geez! Waa waa waa all the tme for poor princess Stephanie.......:sick:
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    im sooo glad will is being replaced!!! hes soo ugly and cant act!! i hate his hair!! now, i always thought mia was carlys daughter because of that day when she found her on the pier and was talking to her and hugged her. i thought she said she hugged her daughter..guess i was wrong. i was super shocked when she said it was melanie. makes sense tho, melanie only grew up with her dad...that guy named Trent Robbins (i think) and he turned out to be Max's dad too. i think Carly's ugly....i dont know why Bo is so obsessed with her. and EJ is pissing me off with the kidnapping crap. i like the end of todays when ej and sammy were on the pier with the briefcase full of money and raef comes walking by "hey what are you guys doing here" cant wait to see what happens with that! oh - and that robberyt/murder attemp on arianna was soooo lame!!! lol!!!
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    My sister is a big Raef/Sammi fan... I LOVE Sami and EJ!!! I think they need to be together!! forever!