torturing your children...



  • vcreinert
    vcreinert Posts: 83
    Is there a Dear Abby in the house? NO, this is a diet blog.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    My kids are canines. And yes, dogs can pout. I won't let my Bullmastiff get in my Dane's kennel (and vice versa). Same with food bowls. No getting on the bed unless the puppy blanket is on there (new comforter does NOT need puppy destruction). Hugs are requested, not given (my Dane likes to jump up and give hugs...this is now by invitation only)

    And the one they hate the most? Being on a tie-out cable inside a fenced yard (it's not tall enough for me to trust letting them loose). My big boy will go all the way to the end, tug twice, look back to make sure I'm watching and then tug again. Then he whines and does a little yip, which makes him sound like a Pomeranian despite his Bullmastiff pedigree.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    well, I enforced one of my rules today. Our 11 and 9 year old got in trouble and grounded on Saturday - No pool, no friends, no telephone, they are not allowed to stay home while I run into town to the grocery store. On top of all of this, they had to do all my usual Monday chores by themselves, while I sat and put my feet up today. They had to tear apart the kitchen, scrub counters, empty and reload the dishwasher, sweep and mop the floor, and then dust and vacuum the livingroom. They also had to take care of all the recycling and trash cans. This is a two hour job for me - it took them 2 1/2 hrs to get it done. They apologized for their actions, but they still have 3 more days of grounding.
  • NatashaK29
    NatashaK29 Posts: 137
    My children (3 year old twins) HATE, HATE, HATE it when I count... giving them a short time frame to do something in. I give them a chance to follow direction, and if they dont within a reasonable amount of time, I start the countdown. The faster I count, the faster they move. I like to experiement with speed. They always scream "NO!! DON'T COUNT, MAMA!!" as they are scrambling. Lol. I love to see how fast they can move.

    Sooo funny! I used to do the same thing and they hated it. I still count sometime and it really gets their attention.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Recently we have started turning the electricity off in their room via fuse box at a certain time at night. At that point, all portable devices come out of their room as well. (The fuse we flip does not affect their lights or AC unit). They are NOT allowed to turn it back on the next day. Only parents can touch it. Do not ask to have turned on until you have completed your chores and have eaten breakfast.

    Do not ask me to take you anywhere until these conditions are met.

    My kids do the laundry and kitchen and their rooms. The youngest cleans their toilet since he was the sprayer. (Parents have plenty of chores left over--don't worry).

    Do not hang clothes up sloppy or you will redo it. Do not put dishes away improperly or you will redo it.

    I do most of the cooking but I do pay my middle child, who shows an interest, for every meal he offers and cooks.

    My youngest can go outside when he finishes his chores but he must report where he will be and check in every hour. (Too many times of having to search for him for too long that lead to this rule).

    During the school year, electronics can be earned after dinner and bathes if homework and chores have been completed and verified. Before dinner, outside play is earned after chores and dinner is verified.

    I basically limit how often they have after school activities. Routine is very important and my kids need more support in getting their school work accomplished. Now that my oldest is finally able to handle both school and other activities, he gets a little more leeway here as long as he keeps up his grades and homework. During the summer, they can sign up for more.

    My oldest is 16 but due to recent and past actions, he can only go places that have parental or staff (teen center) supervision. I will check. Having said that, I do allow him to have an active social life, particularly on weekends and in the summer.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I like that idea and may have to cause a ruckus by enforcing it on the nephew who lives with us.

    the no technology after 10 or the swearing at the dinner table? LOL something about swearing in front of adults all of a sudden makes them clam up.

    The no technology, though he does have an xbox in his room. *sigh* (Not our doing)
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Recently we have started turning the electricity off in their room via fuse box at a certain time at night. At that point, all portable devices come out of their room as well. (The fuse we flip does not affect their lights or AC unit). They are NOT allowed to turn it back on the next day. Only parents can touch it. Do not ask to have turned on until you have completed your chores and have eaten breakfast.

    Gods I wish I had this power!!|
    Damn poorly wired house
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I once told my nephew that the reason Texas Chainsaw Massacre was scary was because it was based on a true story. I went into detail about how they never caught the guy, but the FBI has been tracking some guy they THINK is the killer in the neighborhood.

    I also bought him a Chucky doll a few years later and put it in his room while he was sleeping :)

    I love that kid! haha
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Both kids, boy and girl, have to close the toilet. Not just the seat, the lid too. If I go into the bathroom and the toilet is open, I make them come back in and close it.

    Also, in grade school I used to punish them by taking away all electronics. They had to go outside and play! We had a lot of fun when they got punished.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Bwahaha I love this thread. My dad would torture us when we misbehaved by making us write sentences. If I hit my sisters, I had to write "I will not hit my sister" 200 times.

    And if I spit at my sisters, I had to spit in a 1/2 measuring cup until it was full...GROSS! and I HATED that. I never spit again after that!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    making them brush their teeth (youd think i was murdering them)
    they have to charge their own 3dses (and find them, when they inevitably lose them)
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    I once told my nephew that the reason Texas Chainsaw Massacre was scary was because it was based on a true story. I went into detail about how they never caught the guy, but the FBI has been tracking some guy they THINK is the killer in the neighborhood.

    I also bought him a Chucky doll a few years later and put it in his room while he was sleeping :)

    I love that kid! haha

    I'm laughing! he'll definitely grow up with a very interesting sense of humor! ;) nice!
  • Suzannejl
    Suzannejl Posts: 212
    apparently my youngest(10!) was hiting and/or biting her siblings! (13,16) I told them all that what ever she does to you you have permission to do it right back in equal, not excessive, force. We don't have that problem anymore and they all have birthday's this month. ;-)

    I also don't give allowances. They know how much a chore costs. If they want something, they go do the chore then ask to get paid. This week my son "needed" more equiptment for his electric guitar($60). I pointed out a 64 square foot of weeds behind our pool that needed to be pulled. It took him all day in the 100 degree weather. At noon he stopped, when I had to leave for an appt. He called and asked if he could get paid. I asked if the job was done? No job, no pay! He finished by the time I was home! Don't worry about the heat, he had the hose running on the weeds, and was in an out of the pool. ;-)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    My children (3 year old twins) HATE, HATE, HATE it when I count... giving them a short time frame to do something in. I give them a chance to follow direction, and if they dont within a reasonable amount of time, I start the countdown. The faster I count, the faster they move. I like to experiement with speed. They always scream "NO!! DON'T COUNT, MAMA!!" as they are scrambling. Lol. I love to see how fast they can move.

    Ha! Mine too! They hate it do much I realised recently I don't even have to count. I can just hold up my index finger and shoot the look. By the time the second finger goes up they're in full scramble.

    I limit their time on electronic devices and they act like I'm killing them. I swear...
    Unplug children! Go outside! Run and jump and be silly with me.

    My son is obsessed with minecraft. I have a rule that he must talk about something other than minecraft at dinner. Oh. and we always eat at the table together unless we're having a fun dinner night.
  • Okay my kids are older 12 and 14. My punishment is "harsh" in kid language. I make them listen to my kind of music. You know the music from the 70-80-90's. Mawuahh ha ha ha ha *evil laugh* The power old cd's have and the amount of joy...*ahem *I mean parental guidance I am giving them, makes the groaning, moaning and eye-rolling all worth it. O_o

    Funny thing is they will love it when they are adults and remember those times you tortured them with it - I feel that way about old country music that my grandfather tortured me with ;)
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I don't have kids but my mom made us eat at the table as a family every night, couldn't watch tv during the day so she made us play outside, only could watch g-rated movies til we were 18 (hahaha), bed at 8 pm (even when we were teenagers lol), never had cell phones (I got my first one when I was 25 after I got married), couldn't have a bf (my older sister was a rebel and snuck out to stay out with her bf when she was a teenager so my sister and I never dated boys) til I was 23 when I met him online and married him a year later at 24 years old.

    I have a dog furbaby, 2 goat kids, and a kitten :)
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    My children (3 year old twins) HATE, HATE, HATE it when I count... giving them a short time frame to do something in. I give them a chance to follow direction, and if they dont within a reasonable amount of time, I start the countdown. The faster I count, the faster they move. I like to experiement with speed. They always scream "NO!! DON'T COUNT, MAMA!!" as they are scrambling. Lol. I love to see how fast they can move.

    I count too, they have to 3....I rarely get to 3. I take away the DSi, no fishing trips, all of the most favorite things when they are acting up. They are really good boys 80% of the time.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    My kids are teens and they are only allowed to swear while playing video games (but they don't have headsets so nobody else can hear them!). I don't really see the problem with swearing in the privacy of your home, and I feel like it creates a sense of compartmentalizing stress. They cuss when they get frustrated, but that's the end of it. It doesn't go anywhere else once the game is off.
  • Tashmayes
    Tashmayes Posts: 244 Member
    My 2.5 year old hates when i now I do it really loud! :)

    My kids hate my singing too. They aren't fond of my dancing either.

    I can`t wait to pull it out when they are teenagers!
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    I hide the cord to the PS3..... but E is 15 (been just me and him since he was 4, hes my best friend) and sometimes I do it just for fun lol