torturing your children...



  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    We have a donation box. If I've asked my son (6 1/2) to pick up his toys and he decides to play with them instead, I'll start picking things up and putting them into the donation box to be given to Goodwill at the end of the month.

    He can earn them back if he keeps his room picked up but if by the end of the month he's still refusing to clean up, away goes the toys. I've only had to donate once.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    If they fight together, call each other names etc....they are made to give each other a hug as well as sit and hold hands until I feel they have been loving enough (lol I love this one)

    My mom loved this one, too. As many times as she had to use it, you'd think me and my brothers would be more affectionate with one another as adults. Nope. We get along most of the time, but hugging each other is very awkward. LOL
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I have 3 teens. I have texting and calling blocked (except for certain numbers) the hours while they are at school and beginning at their bedtime. We eat dinner as a family almost every night and no one is allowed on their phone (including my husband) while we eat. Also, TV is off while we eat. 11 o'clock bedtime during the summer because my kids were becoming vampires, up all night and sleeping all day.

    edit: My two sons refused to keep their room clean so I took their door. Now they have to get changed in the bathroom. They can earn it back, but only cleaning when I yell at them is not the way it is going to happen.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    My daughter loves to slam her bedroom door. She has had it taken away. lol

    LOL love it! I always tell my kids that bedroom doors are optional! They can get dressed in the bathroom. :)
    CORTNEY5 Posts: 87 Member
    In reading through this thread, I just realized: we are our parents.... GASP! When did this happen!??? :noway:
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Tried a few of these with the triplets today. They are really looking forward to Daddy getting home tonight!!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    For my teenager - I have, for years, threatened to chaperone a dance. She knows that I WILL dance in public and I would most likely be wearing something that declares exactly who my child is.

    For my younger ones, there is counting, as well as restrictions from beloved activities. They will also be subjected to the threat of public embarrassment through my own silly actions - making the boys give me a kiss - you know, the usual "oh my God MOM, you are SO embarrassing!"
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Okay my kids are older 12 and 14. My punishment is "harsh" in kid language. I make them listen to my kind of music. You know the music from the 70-80-90's. Mawuahh ha ha ha ha *evil laugh* The power old cd's have and the amount of joy...*ahem *I mean parental guidance I am giving them, makes the groaning, moaning and eye-rolling all worth it. O_o

    The funny thing about this is .. (at least with me ) when i got to be in my late teens - early 20s.. whenever I heard music my dad listened to .. I was like "oooh this is a classic turn it up !!!"
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I never needed to have my electronics restricted because I preferred being outside as a kid, and I loved reading (actual books) before bed.

    My sleep habits were my own business as a teenager because I maintained a 4.0 throughout high school/community college and got myself up if I needed to get up. I started community college at age 15 and the only reason I was ever late for classes is because I had to rely on my dad to drive me and he's always late for everything.

    I'm not saying I was a perfect kid, but jeeeezzz I was never that much of a lazy brat. I've done my own laundry since the age of 14, I learned how to cook and bake when I was 8, and I mowed my family's 2-acre lawn once a week as a teen. Before I was 17, I did volunteer work. At 17, I got a job and worked 1-2 jobs while in school after that.

    My internet time was restricted when I was 11-12 years old (and I didn't care -- I think I played NeoPets on dialup), but after that I was free to do what I wanted.

    I never did anything "grounding worthy" until I was 18. My mom "grounded" me for 3 days, but it lasted one -- because we sat down and talked it through.

    I don't remember a lot of the punishments and things from when I was really little --- I guess my parents did a decent job though :)
  • stephanieb72
    stephanieb72 Posts: 390 Member
    I have a 13, 15 and 2 year old. During the summer the older two are always on the go. Take me here, take me there, I need money for this and I need money for that. I work from home so they would just come into my office and say "don't you remember, you are supposed to take me _________" . Now I make them fill out request forms with all the details before I agree to it lol! I also implemented a mandatory family night. No electronic devices are allowed. Games will be played by ALL. No amount of bad teenager attitude will get you sent to your room. Suck it up and play the game because I have to deal with "your" attitude about EVERYTHING 24/7. Also, name calling gets their cell phone taken away for 2 hours. Oh and there has been dog poop picking up as punishment too ;)
  • mindidily
    mindidily Posts: 196 Member
    My boys are still little (one is almost 3 and the other is 11 months) so definately some good ideas here for later in life!

    I also do the counting thing. Boy does he move fast once the count begins!

    He's going through some trying times (terrible two's and all...) and I've finally found that threatening to take away outside time is what gets him to listen. He doesn't care if I turn off the TV or take his toys, but tell him he can't go out and suddenly he is the best listener in the world.

    Time outs get to him too. And since he is still so young, it's only a couple minutes. But you'd think I stole his entire Saturday...
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    My 3 year old is obsessed with her flip flops, as soon as we get home she wants to wear them and even sleeps in them. I don't understand it, but she's 3 so it makes sense to her. If she is misbehaving/won't go to bed, etc I tell her I will take her flip flops away and throw them in the trash. Eh, it works.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    *rubs hands together* so many great ideas, not enough children....
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    I haven't read all this, but its REALLY making me realize I need more rules in my house!!!

    I torture my poor son by making him brush his teeth and take his allergy medicine. Really, that's all! The kid gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and he's a total monster, so maybe I need a few more rules... Off to think!

    (Oh and he hates it when I combine the words to the theme songs of his favorite shows, it makes him angry, that's why I do it, lol!)
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    Bwahaha I love this thread. My dad would torture us when we misbehaved by making us write sentences. If I hit my sisters, I had to write "I will not hit my sister" 200 times.

    And if I spit at my sisters, I had to spit in a 1/2 measuring cup until it was full...GROSS! and I HATED that. I never spit again after that!

    These are great! I am going to start both of these!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    my parents and i have a really great relationship. they never once punished me. never grounded me or spanked me. and were always open to talking things out. if i wanted to stay up till 3am and text, that was my choice. if i went to a party, i would call my mom to come pick me up and give me a ride home. if i said i really didnt want to go to school that day, she would call me in 'sick'. they trusted me, and i never broke that trust because i respected them. i always got my crap together. when i slid off the rode last winter i cried because i thought they would be mad (wrecked the whole side of the car hitting a pole). they said "we can only be mad at you, because of the fact that you are okay." she let me drive her car for 5 months untill i could pay to fix mine. i got a job at 15 and helped them pay for bills and stuff and still managed to pass highschool with all a's. my oldest brother dropped out of highschool and recently moved back in with my parents. he has NEVER kept a job and is in his late 30's. my other brother had a baby, dropped out of college, and now works at walmart. they both had punishments growing up along with nagging to do homework and curfues etc. i on the other hand, am the first one in my family to go to college and kept a 4.0 my entire first year. my mom and dad are my best friends <3 im so happy i tured out to be the person i am. i hope when i have children i can be the same way. but on that note, i am in school studying child psychology and guiding behavior. there are ways to 'control' a child without being crule.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I like to hide and jump out and scare them.
  • msgremmy
    msgremmy Posts: 88
    i wish I could bump this a few years into the future to use some of these on my future kids. Love it!

    As a nanny, I definitely counted-- one toddler really responded, and the other took it as a dare. My parents never had rules for me or even chores... I turned out okay. haha
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    I sing. Sadly, my son has declared that, while my singing voice is indeed terrible, it does not rise to the level of a sonic weapon that should be banned by the Geneva Conventions.

    ...was that a DW reference? lol.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Haven't done this yet but a great idea from a FB post the other day :)