Should I give up



  • SithChicky
    SithChicky Posts: 74
    I was just reading some of these posts, if you feel as if you're gaining overnight, talk to your doctor! Sounds like water retention, and you need to watch it carefully, it could mean bigger problems than just gaining a couple of lbs.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    Sounds like a total attitude adjustment is needed. I do agree though that visiting your doc wouldn't hurt.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Sounds like you have started off half-hearted?? say you don't log in consistently??

    Make a decision...DO YOU WANT THIS?!?
    If YES then give it your all.
    We WILL support you.

    This is not a bi-weekly is a complete life style change.

    Now get up and get to it!!!!!
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I think the sentence "I log occasionally" said it all~ log everything. and don't give up. It's a journey not just a race. I didn't log like I should have on vacation and thought I made smart choices- and came home with a 5 pound gain. Logging keeps it real~ hang in there.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
    Well Ill put it like this

    short and sweet

    you want this you have to dedicate yourself and do it there is no one that can do it for you

    :flowerforyou: best of luck
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I log occasionally.

    Logging occasionally is not giving weight loss a real effort. You can't give up because you haven't even started. If you want to give weight loss a real chance, I mean if you really, truly want to lose that excess weight, you will make the effort to log every day without fail, without excuses.

    You can do this, you just need to have a stick-to-it attitude. It's all about your mindset, and from your post, you're looking for an easy way out -- some tea or some pill that will make the weight loss happen so you don't have to make a real effort, but there's more to it than that.

    It's counting calories, it's making better food choices, it's keeping your body active.

    You CAN do it, you just have to keep telling yourself that so you truly believe in yourself and stop letting those little voices in your head hold you back.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    No one is destined to be overweight. It is a choice *most* of us make because we are too lazy to do anything about it. And yes, that was me too.

    The way I see it is you need to stop making excuses. Why don't you log all the time? Why don't you get up and move? DOESN'T MATTER. YOU'RE NOT. Menopause? PLEASE. There are plenty of fit women who've been there, done that. Why are you different? YOU'RE NOT!

    You need to want it. Bad. Do you want to be fit and healthy and feel amazing or do you want to feel like crap for the rest of your life? The choice is yours. Don't give up. PUSH. It's worth it.
  • sjweld
    sjweld Posts: 14 Member
    I did not read all of the other advice but here is mine (may be a repeat of what's already here)

    1) do NOT focus on weight, rather focus on health and small goals.
    2) wear your fitbit all day w/o thinking about it, what is your normal activity? Customize your daily goals to slightly increase this activity. If you walked only 1 mile, set your goal at 1.5 or 2, not the default of 5. As these small goals get easier to obtain, raise them a little bit.
    3) LOG EVERYTHING you eat!
    4) See your doctor for a good check up.
    5) at the start of each day, mentally or on paper, list 5 reasons you want to be healthier
    6) Never give up on yourself!!!
  • _EmmaStrong_
    _EmmaStrong_ Posts: 648 Member
    You HAVEN'T given up, yet! The mere fact that you are still here at MFP and asking for advice, attests to the fact that you are still commited to your weight loss. That is an achievement on it own. An achievement you need to be proud of. Without knowing how many calories you are consuming, it's hard to tell you whether to lower you intake, or not. You need to log everything you eat or drink and open up your diary to keep yourself honest and let your friends see it. That is the only way we can help you.

    You've only gained 5 pounds since December - that's not bad. Your weight can fluctuate that much in one day. So, don't beat yourself up over that. You can do this - you have already proven that this is what you want for yourself by coming here and asking for advice. GOOD FOR YOU!

    Eat as healthy as possible - find out how many calories you need to lose the weight you want to weekly
    Find an excercise regimen that you enjoy and do it at least 3-5 days weekly
    Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    Log, log, log EVERYTHING (keeps you honest with yourself) if not here, keep your own journal

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Sounds like you have started off half-hearted?? say you don't log in consistently??

    Make a decision...DO YOU WANT THIS?!?
    If YES then give it your all.
    We WILL support you.

    This is not a bi-weekly is a complete life style change.

    Now get up and get to it!!!!!

    ^ that.

    log obsessively. even slips and splurges.
    if you have no data, then you wont know wtf is going on.
    if you make yourself aware of what you're doing, success will follow.

    step one is saying you WILL. don't skip that's an important one.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    maybe you should unlock your diary to see what your eating and calories.
  • czuniga03
    czuniga03 Posts: 99
    I log in everyday, I get some sort of exercise daily, and log everything I each and I've lost 6 lbs in 3 1/2 weeks.. persistence is the key! How bad do you want it?
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    the answer is no.

    Even if you have to try to "star t over" each day then do that. Try to be better about logging your foods so you can see the error of your ways and make changes. Try small exercises and do stuff you like - do you like to swim? do you like to bike ride? do you like taking walks?

    You CAN do this - start with baby steps.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    I'm 53 and have been menopausal for what seems like 10 years. I understand your frustration! I went through the same funk you seem to be in, but really wanted to lose some weight and get back into shape. So, this is what I did.
    1. Log in EVERY DAY. Keep track of all meals and exercise.
    2. Make some friends of MFP. They really do help!
    3. Give yourself a kickstart on the weight loss. I recommend the South Beach Diet or the 17 Day Diet, but there are others that work, too. What these did for me is to clean out my system of sugar, bad fats and carbs. The first phase generally takes about 2 weeks (or 17 days, obviously, in the 17 Day Diet). They also then slowly introduce good carbs and fats - a whole new way to eat.
    4. Start an exercise regimine slowly. I started with just walking 20 minutes a day, and as my fitness level increased, I increased the time/distance.
    5. Once you've gotten used to walking every day, start some sort of strength training with your cardio. I love pilates and yoga, but you find what you enjoy.
    6. Measure yourself in addition to weighing. You'll be amazed that the inches will fall faster than the scale numbers.
    7. Don't give up. We all have days where we fall off the wagon. Get back up the next day and keep moving. You can do this!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Good for you for reaching out! Sounds like you need motivation. I have been on this rollercoaster a few times and this last year for some reason has stuck. I am 3 pounds away from my 58 pound weight loss goal- for my 42nd birthday, which is in 9 days. I think 4 things helped me the most, so I'll share them with you: I started on and tracked my nutrients and found I was lacking vitamin D, calcium, B-12, and iron, so I started taking Centrum Silver +50 for women which increased my energy ALOT! Then I went on a site that figured out my resting calories and figured if I eat within 200 calories of the amount of my resting calories (and recalculate them every 5 pounds I lose) that with mild exercise I will lose weight. This is ALOT MORE calories than I realized I could eat AND IT WORKS! I also track my calories every day when I am having a hard time and I joined a gym I like and work out every day (I had to build up to it). Oh, and I make myself eat breakfast. Please do not give up - sounds like you are too hard on yourself! Try to commit to a couple of small goals and build up a little at a time. Maybe your first 2 goals should be to commit to tracking your calories and exercising a certain amount of days a week. Good luck!
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    Nothing any of can say is going to make you give up or keep going. If you want to do it. You will.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    I am absolutely overwhelmed by the MFP community ,I can't thank all for so much of support. Well,a little about me I have been on these boards from last December. I eat within my 1300-1400 calorie limit.Predominantly carbs, dairy. I have read most health books there is, read most advices comments on this forum.My TSH, iron and all blood work are normal . I just feel stuck in my weight, call it brown fat,plateau . I cannot do heavy Jillian type exercises can only do walking.The only time I felt during my menopausl time that my weight truly budged was when I was in a residential weightloss /naturopathic weightloss center called Jindall in India where the fast you or put you on a vegan diet. Off course such drastic measures leads to a rebound and I am back at my set point weight.Forgot one thing I also use the fitbit.

    Thanks again for all the support. I truly am looking into the Mayo clinic diet book which was suggested in this thread.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    There are MANY DAYS I'm unproductive but I just can't give up--we may feel that way at times but hang in there. I've been at the same weight for a while now (go up and come down from time to time) but find a "motivation" and once you do that, set a plan of action and STICK TO IT. When I stick to my "plan", I lose. When I don't I either gain or remain at a stand still. You can do this. I agree with some of the other comments, it sounds as though you've already given up but don't; you can do this!:wink:
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    2) wear your fitbit all day w/o thinking about it, what is your normal activity? Customize your daily goals to slightly increase this activity. If you walked only 1 mile, set your goal at 1.5 or 2, not the default of 5. As these small goals get easier to obtain, raise them a little bit.
    What is a fitbit? Is this like a pedometer? Have you found one that is reliable? I've had a couple in the past, and I followed the calibration instructions carefully, but the step counts were so ridiculously off as to be useless so I tossed them.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Never. Give. Up.