Calling all Cathe fans!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning was Jackie Warners Power Circuit Training: Total Body Circuit, and 30 Day Shred #1. I did manage to get Shred #1 done after work yesterday also. The Jackie Warner DVD is a pretty good workout, and my muscles really get toasty.

    Dang that cold sounds pretty bad. Really hard to do cardio when you have to stop for a coughing fit.

    From what I can see the Hiit workouts are really good. I enjoyed the MMA, but I don't know if I will get to the step workouts. :laugh: They sound so complicated. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well I made it through my first SHOCK workout! I am thinking I picked one of the tougher ones because it was! YOWSA. :noway:
    I did the Cardio Core workout. Only had to stop & cough a few times.... I think I've got this cold kicked finally! I won't lie, I did have to hit the pause a few times and get more than a "sip" of water & to sort of preview what was next helped. Would that be considered stalling?!?! :blushing: :wink:

    Sounds like you got quite a few workouts in. That's awesome!

    Tomorrow will be Plyo Legs. :happy: OH and tonight I am going Spinning with a friend. I'll let you know how "springy" my Plyo workout is in the a.m.!

    Hope you are having a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning! :happy:

    Today was a run on tm, and I finished W5D2 of GW28K. Little warmer out this morning, but I'm still not ready to run outdoors when we are in the single digits. :laugh: And besides Cami saw some deer in our neighbors back yard, so she wouldn't have been fun to run with. :grumble: After work I would like to get in Shred #2.

    I have heard that the Cardio Core workout is really good. :drinker: Glad you got that cold kicked, and I think that good old exercise will help get the rest of it out. :wink:

    Ok so how was plyo legs after spinning class? Did you bounce all over the place? :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie ~ Good afternoon!

    I didn't get a chance until now to get on here. But at any rate ...... got Plyo in this a.m. and at the very end when we did the flying jacks I was thinking come on legs!! :laugh: So I did feel the effects of the Spinning last night and waking up early to do Plyo! But it was all good and I really enjoyed the spinning class. Will probably try to coordinate that on more of my weight days than cardio. :wink:

    Let me know what you think when you try the Cardio Core workout! I'm going to try one of the MMA workouts I think tomorrow a.m.

    How are you liking your new rotation of workouts you are doing!??

    Hope you are having a great day! I will chat with you tomorrow.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning! :flowerforyou:

    This morning was 30 Day Shred 1&2. Last night I was sleeping by 8pm, and hauled my butt to bed at 9. :yawn: I think that my vacation allowed me to wake up later, and getting up at my normal time finally caught up with me. I have to remember that when on vacation I should really try to get up at or around my normal time. :noway: :laugh:

    I have not tried spinning, but it really does look like it would be a good low impact workout. I have not tried the MMA Fusion workout yet, but really enjoyed the other two. I read some of the posts on, and they wanted more intense workouts. Sometimes I think these people don't remember that these where made to work with STS strengh, and that long intense cardio is not what Cathe was shooting for. When doing P90X I thought KenpoX was really a light workout, but then it worked with the whole "system". There I guess that was my rant for the day. :laugh:

    I am actually liking my new rotation. I don't know what it is about Jillian, but her workouts really are what my body needs. But I know that I just can't keep doing the same thing, so I know that incorporating these type with STS might be just the combo I need. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Sounds like you needed the sleep ..... I know how that is on the "vacation mode" and getting up later. :noway: The early to bed last night probably helped to catch up a little bit. That's awesome you are enjoying your new rotation . . . . I have done her workouts in the 30 Day Shred .... they are good. I didn't do them as a rotation or anything but definitely like them.

    So today was MMA Kickboxing .... it was good. I enjoyed it. There are 3 circuits with short cardio bursts at the end of each. It was a good workout and at the end it had a short ab circuit that I really liked. That's funny how people comment, not knowing the "info" sort of behind SHOCK. Although the Core Circuit one I did the other day .... that's a heart pounder! :wink:

    Tomorrow is Shoulders, Triceps/Biceps :smile: I think it will feel good.

    I'll check in with you tomorrow! Hope your day has been great! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    GW28K W5D3 was done on the treadmill, because I was not going to run in the snow. :noway: Would like to get in 30 Day Shred #2 after work.

    Try the MMA Kickboxing and Boxing workouts with weighted gloves (if you have them), that really helped me up the intensity of the workouts. I was just on the Ask Cathe forum, and some of them are commenting on not having a cool down. I don't know if Cathe could ever please everyone. Those type of things just don't bother me, if I need to cool down more I pause the DVD and take a breather! :huh:

    How has your experience been with STS so far, are you getting results?

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    You are having some frigid temps there right? BRRRRR I would absolutely be on the TM instead of outside.

    Thanks for the suggestion on that ~ I will try that with the Kickboxing one next time. :wink:
    Aren’t people funny …… she comes up with some fabulous new workouts and people pick them apart! :grumble: I am with you on that ~ the little things don’t bother me either, just have a little cool down on your own.
    I have to get on there today and check out the rotation with SHOCK that you told me about.

    I feel like STS is giving me results (it’s gotta be – right?!!?) I was hoping to lose some LB’s along the way and that hasn’t happened :cry: :grumble: :cry: BUT I feel tighter and maybe more definition so that is something. I definitely love the program and can’t wait to do more and other rotations. Another words, just keep plugging away and eventually the right combo of exercise (including cardio) will give me the results I am wanting. :tongue:

    Today was Shoulders - Disc 30 (? - lose track of the disc #'s) Tomorrow I am going to try out another SHOCK workout . . . not sure which one yet.

    Hope you have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami

    This morning was 30 Day Shred #1, and Jackie Warners Power Circuit Training: Total Body Circuit. Good workout, and I my shoulders are really toasty. :wink:

    Saturday I did NMTZ, Sunday I ran on the treadmill during the Packer game, and got W6D1 of GW28K done. During the time I was running was when they where doing the best. Then they had to go a tank right after I finished my running. :noway: :sad:

    How many more weeks do you have left of STS?

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello there! I am visiting from the Turbo Jammers board. I have seen a lot of talk about Cathe's DVD's, but never tried one. Has anyone here done Jillian Michaels or ChaLean Extreme or Jari Love? Does it compare to any of those? I'm looking to add a new instructor to my rotation to switch things up, and love how Cathe uses the step.

    Any feedback is appreciated. I am looking for something that is going to get my HR up there (currently can get it up into the 150's with the DVD's I have, but looking to push it a bit more).

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie! :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like you had some good workouts this weekend!

    I did the 40/20 HiiT workout. I really liked it. Those will be good ones. TOUGH :noway: I think the HIGH intensity but length of them are perfect. I will try the other couple hopefully this week. :wink: Have you tried all of those yet?
    This a.m. was Disc 31 Shoulders & Chest. Felt good, I like that workout; not having a barbell and doing 90% max can be a bit of a challenge in itself just getting the dumbbells up! I believe I am on my last 3 discs? So this week and next …. Unless there is one more set of 3. Can’t believe I am near the end. :cry:
    It has truly gone fast. I need to figure out what my next “rotation” will be so that I have a plan.

    I hope you have a great day! BTW, I like your photo! :happy:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello there! I am visiting from the Turbo Jammers board. I have seen a lot of talk about Cathe's DVD's, but never tried one. Has anyone here done Jillian Michaels or ChaLean Extreme or Jari Love? Does it compare to any of those? I'm looking to add a new instructor to my rotation to switch things up, and love how Cathe uses the step.

    Any feedback is appreciated. I am looking for something that is going to get my HR up there (currently can get it up into the 150's with the DVD's I have, but looking to push it a bit more).


    Hi Erika ~

    I have done Jillian, ChaLEAN and also Jari Love. Kind of a DVD junkie! :laugh:
    Definitely Cathe’s cardio will get your HR up! I promise. I would say for the above 3 that you mentioned she would be closest to Jillian. She has a great style and leads a tough workout. If you like step workouts she has some amazing ones. If you want to check out some of her videos to get an idea you can view a lot of her videos on or the Fitness channel (ie: You Tube).

    I hope this helps. Definitely can’t go wrong if you are looking for a tougher workout to try! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    This morning I got in W6D2 of GW28k on the treadmill. I don't think that I will be running outdoors until at least Sunday, we are suppose to warm up today. DH headed out of town for work, so I don't even know if I will get my run in on Thursday as scheduled. Maybe I will need to leave it until after work on that day. I would love to get in 30 Day Shred #2 after work tonight.

    Better check your discs, because I thought that there where 36 total. :wink: But then again I could be way off on remembering how many there where in the set. :laugh:

    I'm not sure how I feel about the photo, makes me look so serious. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Hello there! I am visiting from the Turbo Jammers board. I have seen a lot of talk about Cathe's DVD's, but never tried one. Has anyone here done Jillian Michaels or ChaLean Extreme or Jari Love? Does it compare to any of those? I'm looking to add a new instructor to my rotation to switch things up, and love how Cathe uses the step.

    Any feedback is appreciated. I am looking for something that is going to get my HR up there (currently can get it up into the 150's with the DVD's I have, but looking to push it a bit more).


    Hi Erika,

    Off the instructors that you have listed, I have only done the Jillian DVD's for a full rotation. Sorry to say Jari Love was one instructor that I couldn't get to like. With that said I agree with Tami in that Jillian is probably the closest to what Cathe is like as far as intensity in cardio, but different in her weight lifting. Jillian does most of her workouts in circuits with light weights, Cathe has a large variety of weight workouts from lifting heavy weights with slow count to lifting lighter with high reps. Usually Cathe focuses on one body part and then works that part and moves on to the next. As far as cardio, I would say look at her Interval Max or (Imax) workouts. Imax 2 is my favorite, and that DVD includes Cardio & Weights which is another great workout. If you want to incorporate weights/cardio then look at things like Bodymax 2, Drill Max, and Bootcamp (my favorite) this DVD includes Muscle Endurance which is a very good high rep weight workout. I have not tried all her new Hiit workouts, but have heard many good things about all of them.

    Hope this helps you,

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thanks Tami and Laurie for the feedback on Cathe! I think I'll give her a, just have to figure out what DVD's I'm interested in, but at least I have somewhere to start. I did check out some clips on so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm interested in.

    Thanks again...I might be a regular on your board very soon!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning!

    I hope you have some warmer temps coming.

    I know I am probably off on my disc #’s when I check in here…. I think you are right on the 36 total. Maybe this week I am on #31, #32, #33 :blushing: so I have these this week and next then 34, 35, 36 for the following two weeks. :wink:

    So last night I went to another class at our community center with my friend from work. We did Turbo Kick (which is basically a Turbo Jam routine). It was pretty fun. I’m enjoying getting in another workout in the evening once & a while but my home workouts are definitely what I love. These feel just like “for fun”.

    This a.m. I did the HiiT 30/30. ~ Another good one! Tomorrow will be Plyo Legs in the a.m. :wink:

    Hope you have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    NMTZ was my workout this morning. :drinker:

    We are suppose to get into the 30's today, so I can't wait for those temps to come. It was still cold this morning. :ohwell:

    Bet your legs are really working hard with the Hiit workout followed by the Plyo Legs. Just sounds like a great combo to get those leg muscles working hard. :wink: I really think that your "for fun" workouts are great, because they also give you an extra cardio burn. You probably don't dread going to them either. :laugh:

    Wow only 3 weeks left, I would be in panic mode wondering what I'm going to do next. Remember I'm a planner.

    Erika, Let us know what workouts you decided to purchase, and how you like them. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I've narrowed it down to:
    IMAX 2
    Body Max 2
    STS Shock Cardio: Cardio Blast
    Butts and Guts
    Upper and Lower Pyramid

    I need to narrow it down to 2, so I'm still deciding. I had one person that also chimed in with her recommendations (she owns all the Cathe DVD's), and they seemed to line up with what you were recommending too. I'll make a decision later today and place my order :smile:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~

    That’s kind of what I was thinking on the legs factor as well. :noway: Plus working those big muscle groups is definitely getting the HR rate up and burning some calories forsure! :laugh:
    Yes, I look forward to the “for fun” workouts at the community center.
    “I got my workout in this a.m. now this will just be a bonus” plus it is fun to have a friend who is just getting into working out there & we visit about workouts, etc. She has been asking me a lot of questions on working out and food choices so that’s fun too.

    Yes just 3 weeks ….. I was feeling a bit of the panic mode :blushing: after typing that out and so I got to thinking & I have decided to do some Endurance type training. After lifting heavy like this in Meso #3 to then go back to endurance I think that will be good. (ie: Meso #1 combo with SHOCK, maybe Cathe’s Boot Camp, Power Hour, etc. mixed in with some of the others). I’ll have to write it down into a schedule for the next month or two.

    Erika: Looks like you have narrowed it down to some great choices! :wink: Can’t wait to hear which 2 you pick and how you like them. Definitely keep us posted and join us here if you would like!

    Hope you both have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Today I didn't get my run in yet, hoping to get that done after work. Suppose to be in the high 30's. :drinker: But I did get 30 Day Shred #2 and the last three circuits of BFBM done. That was a great way to get through that dreaded circuit 6.

    I wish I had more friends around me that where interested in exercise. None of my sisters are into it either. :sad: I was thinking of incorporating Bootcamp into my rotation, but it just didn't work out. I'm going to do other workouts such as Barry's Bootcamp after this Jillian rotation. When I'm finished with GW28K then I will start Insanity. So my schedule has changed slightly. :laugh: I should be starting Insanity Feb 22.

    Erika, All very good choices, will be hard to pick just 2 I'm sure.

    Have a great day!