Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning!

    I don’t know how you get out there on those snowy roads :huh: …. When we have snowy/icy roads I am slipping and sliding like crazy. :noway:

    It was a nice feeling to wake up a little sore this a.m. (right where the chest muscle meets the shoulder).
    Cathe’s Cardio Timesaver was my workout this a.m. Felt good and tomorrow is Plyo legs. Can’t wait! :happy: I have really looked forward to that one.

    I will be hoping (in advance) for good roads so you guys can make it to your parents ok for Christmas!
    Our drive is only about 35 minutes but we do go over a snowy mountain pass. Usually pretty easy drive unless it is really bad weather.

    That’s exciting about Shock being sent out this week! I will be able to incorporate it into the Meso #3!! YAY :drinker: Will you be using any of the workouts with your Jillian rotation?

    Hope you have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning was Disc 35 Plyo Legs, and Ab Circuit Yoga Based Abs.

    So how did you LOVE Plyo Legs! :laugh:

    Cathe announced that Shock Cardio will be shipping Friday! So I'm going to patiently wait for my shipping notice on Friday. :wink: I just might be able to get in some of those workouts next week for my recovery. I'm thinking that I can put some of those Hiit workouts in Shock Cardio, in place of Shred or BFBM when it comes up.

    Our township road crew really did a great job on our roads for this storm. We have some spots that have ice, but otherwise most of the road is dry. I don't know if I will run outdoors tomorrow, because this morning was below zero. :noway: I will not run in that cold. :noway:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie :flowerforyou:

    I did LOVE Plyo legs! :noway: :wink: Eventhough it was tough I really liked it. Burned some calories forsure. :happy:

    That's exciting news on Shock Cardio ~ I will be anxiously awaiting my e-mail as well!!
    That would probably burn the lungs a bit on that cold of days for your runs .... BRRR. We are having snow/rain so our roads are very icy right now.

    Depending on how my legs feel in the a.m. I will get in a good cardio forsure tomorrow and maybe an Ab workout! :tongue:

    Hope you are having a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    All of the Plyo Legs are tough, some are easier than others. I think the last one is probably the toughest. Glad you LOVED :love: that workout though. Are you going to do that one again next week?

    This morning I went outside in 10F with no wind :happy: to run W2D3 of GW28K. Cami was a handful on the third 8 min. interval, because she caught a sent of deer. It had to be deer, because she doesn't usually act the way she did unless deer are in the area. :mad: Overall my run was good, but I think my left arm is going to be a bit sore all day today from me trying to control my dang dog. Might have to invest in some type of training collar that I can use when something like this happens. Don't know if it will help though, because she is awful when her prey drive is activated. :frown:

    How did your legs feel today? :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~

    The legs & butt were feeling it this a.m.! :noway: YOWSA. But I di power through JM BFBM workout, (I got up a little later than normal). Once I got warmed up it was good …:wink: feeling it on the stairs in our office bldg.
    Yes, next week will be the same Plyo as well. I’m thinking next week will be better for soreness because I will have had a week of weight training again instead of recovery week, vacation week, etc…. I think that might be the difference. AND they are just tough/good workouts! :happy: I am curious to see the other leg workout (eventhough I don’t have the squat wrack). Did you preview that at all? My weighted vest did come in at WalMart. I just need to go pick it up.
    I’ll keep you posted on my love :love: for the Plyo workouts … since they are going to get tougher!

    I can so relate (again) on the whole dog situation. I have had the muscles in my neck pulled before from them jerking all of a sudden to go smell something. Have you ever heard of those harnesses called a “halty”? They look like a halter for a horse kind of and they put pressure on their nose that makes them not pull. My friend has one and loves it.

    Tomorrow will be Shoulders & Biceps ~ if I get up early enough I will try to get in an Ab workout as well.

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning :drinker:

    Well I'm officially finished with Disc 36 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps. Of course now that means that I'm finished with this rotation of STS. :drinker: Now I'm looking for what DVD's I want to try out for my recovery week. :laugh: Will be waiting patiently for my Shock Cardio to arrive, so I can try out those MMA workouts. :wink:

    I have not previewed the Squat Rack workouts, but I would think that the weighted vest would be a great way for you to use them. I think I saw some of them using the vests and not having a rack. Did you get the 10 or 20 lb vest? I probably will invest in both of them, because I could use those on other leg workouts of hers. I would rather lift lighter weights on my shoulders than heavier with the squat rack. :laugh:

    I will have to check into the halty, because I don't want to go through another run like that.

    No huge plans for me this weekend, but today I'm on vacation and plan on getting the rest of my Christmas shopping finished. :huh: Have to be back around 4:30, because my oldest needs a ride from school. :grumble: I better get my butt going, and use the energy that these three cups of coffee gave me. :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: Otherwise cookie baking is on the agenda.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Congrats on finishing up STS! :drinker: It’s always great to finish a program but kind of sad when it is so much fun like STS! Are you happy with your results?!??
    Yes ~ can’t wait for those to arrive as well. I am excited to chat about them too. :smile:

    That was kind of what I was thinking (part of my motivation to purchase the vest). I have the 10 LB vest and was thinking between that and then the dumbbells it would work for having a heavier load :noway: & then maybe incorporate those workouts as well OR even for other leg workouts. :wink:

    Today was Shoulders Bi’s & Tri’s. I enjoyed it ….. ALL these workouts are so awesome.

    What a great day for you – finish up your program and begin vacation! Sounds like you have a fun day planned. Enjoy!

    I’ll be checking in with you soon. Have a fabulous day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Hard getting up this morning when you know you only have two days of work. :smile: But I got in 4DS Bootcamp cardio, 30MTF Kickboxing #2 and also the Core/Ab workout on that DVD. Yesterday was Week 3, Day 1 of GW28K, and Saturday Drill Max Leg Blast, plus Ab Circuit Med Ball Abs. :smokin: I really need to get in some stretching, so hopefully the family can survive on their own tonight so I can get StretchX in. I have LOT's of leftovers in the fridge, so they shouldn't starve! :laugh:

    Got the major portion of my shopping finished, just have some odds & ends to get. Cookie baking is almost finished, and hopefully will have the cut-outs finished by tonight with decorating on Wednesday.

    My "must have" exercise items keeps getting longer and longer. :laugh: I think DH got me a squat rack for Christmas, at least I think that was one of the hints he gave me. But I still will probably get that vest! :wink:

    Most of the Meso 3 workouts are the same exercise, just with different % and reps. But it still doesn't feel like its repetative. :wink: I'm happy with my results, was surprised that my waist didn't change though. My upper body is great, and I think another round of STS will improve it even more. But I think waiting a bit before I start another round will be a benifit.

    Have a great day!

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    I'm with you on the countdown to Christmas and short work week! I did pop right up this a.m. though ..... STS seems to motivate me to get up and get that workout in! :happy: Also, after not working out this weekend I couldn't wait! Today was Chest & Back - Disc 26. Went good and I could feel it afterwards.

    Sounds like you have put in some great workouts over the weekend and today ~ that's so great! :drinker:
    As I mentioned, I did not get ONE workout in over the weekend :blushing: :blushing: I met a friend for coffee early Sat a.m. and then headed straight to the mall for shopping. I was gone all day and yesterday was kind of the same but also house cleaning. So productive but bummed that I didn't get those workouts in that I had planned.

    That is so exciting your DH is getting you a squat rack (maybe?!?!) how thrilled you must be!! I love it that he is "hinting" about it. Sometimes they get so excited about a gift with their "hints" they give it away. One year my husband asked me what time it was every day for like a week .... just off and on. Guess what I got at Christmas. Yes, a new watch! LOL! :laugh:

    I got my notification about Shock Cardio shipping!! :smile: :smile: Very excited. Says it will be here on Dec. 30th.

    I hope you have a really great day! :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Me again! I was just looking online (Collage) and it has clips of all the new Shock cardio - :smile: I can tell one of those step ones is going to be tricky. But my-oh-my do they ALL look good & tough! :noway: :smile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    I have Shock Cardio! :drinker: I have not done a workout yet, but I'm planning on starting with MMA Boxing tomorrow morning. You are right, that one does look tricky, and that just might be a shelf sitter for me. Or I might find someone that likes complicated step more than me. :laugh: This morning it was snowing so I was a wimp and ran on my treadmill doing W3D2 of GW28K. Managed to get in 4.5 miles in 50 min. 10 of those minutes are warm-up and cool down.

    I'm already looking at the clock, and I have not been here an hour yet! :frown: Going to be a long day. :wink:

    I think I hauled in my squat rack last night! :laugh: I'm so excited, that I just might have to try out those STS workouts. :laugh: I'm glad that our DH's are so happy with what they give us for Christmas. DH always surprises me with a Santa though. :smile: He always manages to find me the perfect one for the year. I don't know where we are going to put any more though, it is like Santa coming out from everywhere! :laugh:

    :frown: To bad Shock Cardio will take so long to get to you. :frown:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    WOW! I'm so jealous that you got it already. That's awesome. :happy: :happy: Laughing about the "shelf sitter" workout. I think that one will be the same for me.
    Let me know how you go on MMA Boxing! Can't wait to hear.
    That's really great about your squat rack. Keep me posted if it is an item that I need to put on my wish list. :blushing:

    We had snow this a.m. too but just a little skiff ... supposed to snow tomorrow so maybe a white Christmas afterall.

    This a.m. I did Ultra Cario Blast - BOTH :noway: It felt good though, burned a lot of calories. Now tomorrow a.m. will be STS - Plyo Legs. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami, :smokin:

    Tried out that MMA Boxing, and all I can say is WOW! :love: The warm up really gets the blood pumping, then she has a punching segment. These punching segments reminded me of the punching in KPC. After the first punching section, she follows that up with a upper body blitz (basic jabs, upper cuts, and hooks). Next is a lower body blitz, and these segments really get the HR going. These blitzes consisted of jumping in a cross pattern (both left and right), fast feet switch (my favorite), and jumprope (I used an imaginary one :laugh: ) The ab segment was really good, and even had a weighted mason twist in it. Done slow and controlled. Some of the moves where different than what Cathe normally does, but each exercise seemed to flow well. I used weighted gloves, and can really feel my shoulders/arms right now. :noway: :blushing:

    I love having a white Christmas, so I'm hoping that you get enough to have one too.

    Oh ya that DVD is going on my after Christmas buying list. Hope your legs where ready for the Plyo work this morning. :wink:

    Taking the DD's out shopping for their father today, and I saw something at Best Buy that I need to go buy! :laugh: DH is so spoiled.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie :glasses:

    That workout sounds awesome! :wink: I have the sense they are all going to be really good and at the same time really tough.

    My legs felt good this a.m. - thanks! She moves right along through that workout doesn't she!?!? :noway: :tongue:

    Sounds like you will have a fun day with your DD's and getting those last minute gifts. I need to do that on my lunch break today as well. I'm OFF tomorrow until Monday!! :drinker: We are headed over to my in-laws tomorrow for the afternoon/eve and then home on Christmas Day with my step son & his girlfriend. So it will be nice. Still waiting for some Christmas snow. :cry: Instead I think it is just going to be cold. Oh well, it makes for bright sunny days.

    I will check in with you soon - going to get a good cardio in tomorrow for the extra "holiday splurges" I may eat the next couple of days! :wink: But if I don't talk to you beforehand, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Enjoy your time with your family. :bigsmile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Got my W3D3 run in outdoors, and Cami got to see one of her best "as I walk bye" friends. We usually walk a certain route everyday, and Cami gets greeted by lot's of other dogs. Well Harley is a golden retriever, and I think they really really want to play with each other. :laugh: Well today Harley's owner was outside snowblowing his driveway, and he admitted that Harley wants to play with Cami. I told him it was mutual. :laugh: I don't know why but she has this thing for goldens. :wink:

    Have a wonderful time at your parents. We will be opening presents at home tonight with the girls, and they will be able to play with their new Wii all night. Then tomorrow we will be visiting with DH's family. Sunday we are leaving for my parents until Tuesday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

    Merry Christmas if I don't catch you tomorrow.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Hope you are having a great time at your parents!

    Christmas was good and I felt I ate less than I had expected so that was nice. Probably because I caught a cold right before and food just doesn’t taste the same. Was able to workout a couple of the days so that felt good.

    That is so funny that Cami loves Golden’s! :laugh: Since my sweet Emma is a Golden and I love them too. (I don’t blame her).

    Started up with Disc # 28 – Chest & Back this a.m. I was able to increase the weights for the full 7 reps. HEAVY but good.

    So I checked this a.m. and Shock will be here forsure on WED! :drinker: It is still on time for that day so I can’t wait to try one out hopefully Thursday for my cardio day.

    Hope all is well and you are having a great time! I'll talk to you soon. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami ~

    I'm back from visiting my parents. It was nice to see them, but I sure am happy to be back home. :wink: This morning I got on my TM and got in W4D2 of GW28K, since it was below zero up by my parents I didn't want to temp running on those snow covered roads. :noway: I still would like to get in NMTZ later today, have to catch up on my rotation. :laugh:

    The big box that DH got me was the Cathe Tower! I was so surprised! I thought for sure he would go for the squat rack, but I am totallly happy he went with the tower. Now I can do that chest work in STS without having to worry. :drinker:

    So have you received that Shock Cardio yet? I'm betting that you will incorporate it into your rotation.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :flowerforyou:

    Just checking in ~ missed my workout yesterday due to this darn cold I have going on. :sad: The cough would not stop. Was a bit of a struggle this a.m. with Plyo Legs but I made it! I always feel like the exercise helps even if I am not 100%!
    So yes, made it through Plyo legs. I see what you mean about the Plyo getting tougher each week! :noway: Enjoyed it though.

    I have been diligently checking on SHOCK Cardio – it should be here today. If the lungs hold up I hope to try out one of them tomorrow. :happy:

    Hopefully you are having a fabulous time at your parents – have a safe trip home and I will talk with you soon!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Well back to work for me, so now I should be able to rest up a bit. :laugh:

    This morning I got on my tm and ran W5D1 of GW28K, and after work will get 30 Day Shred #1 in.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that you have been struggling with a cold. Did you get your Shock Cardio? And of course did you get to try any of them out? Cathe has posted a 3 month rotation that incorporates the cardio with STS Strength. I have not checked it out yet, but intend to see how she uses the cardio with the strength. Wondering how she uses the Plyo work with the cardio in Meso 3. Yep that plyo work is tough, but effective. :wink:

    Have to get going on my workload. Vacations always get me behind.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    Welcome back!

    I did get my SHOCK Cardio! I was so excited & got them all unwrapped and ready to go. BUT due to my cold (weird, ongoing deep cough :noway: ) I have not been able to do much cardio. :grumble: I have kept up with the weight training but haven't done one of the workouts yet. I am hoping tomorrow to get one in. I took the weekend to rest up and I feel pretty much back to normal. :wink:

    Thanks for the info on the STS/Shock rotation. I will have to check that out! No kidding on the Plyo w/ Shock during Meso 3. Since that is what I am in I should check it out forsure!

    Good luck with work today. I will check in tomorrow! :smile: