Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning & Happy Friday!!!! :drinker:

    Michelle: Sounds like we are all on the same page for our library of DVD’s. I also have P90x, Chalean Xtreme, Taebo, Jari love, Jillian and of course Cathe. Another workout instructor I really like and I know Laurie will agree is Kelly Coffey-Meyer … she has some good ones too! In my next rotation I will be doing a Muscle Endurance rotation of Cathe’s that I will be incorporating Boot Camp and her Muscle Endurance DVD as well. :happy: Don’t you love it when you feel the workout the next day …. In a good way of course! Keep up the great work!

    Last night I went to the Strength Class w/ my friend from work and then this a.m. I had STS Disc 33 – Shoulders Biceps & Triceps. Eventhough it makes it a little tougher on me in the a.m. to do the evening & then early a.m. workout I am really enjoying it! I actually feel more energized vs. more tired. :noway: :wink:
    Tonight I am going Spinning again! Tomorrow I think I will attempt Athletic Step :blushing: :grumble: again and some ab work and then on Sunday a good stretch (by Cathe of course) and volleyball.

    Hope you all have a great Friday!!
    Talk to you soon, Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Well I don't know what was going on, but i couldn't connect to the site. :grumble: This morning was an off day for me, so I got in Stretch X. Should do that workout more often. :laugh: Just don't really think of stretching, but I'm glad I tood the time. My legs really needed it. :blushing: Probably from all that running. May still get in a workout after work, still need to try out that new Jillian workout. Last Chance Workout.

    Michelle, My collection sounds a lot like yours. Except I don't have anything by Chalean or Jari Love, we didn't click. :wink: Gave all my DVD's to friends. :laugh: LOVE Billy though, but I don't think he will be putting out anything new. Did you know he moved to Japan. :cry: Yep Tami is right Kelley is very good, and she has some workouts called 30 Min to Fitness. The Kickboxing and Bootcamp are the ones that I have, but still need to purchase that Cardio one too. :laugh: I enjoy more of the Cathe workouts that don't involve to much step. :wink: Cathe really does make some great total body strength workouts. Muscle Endurance is one of the best. I also really enjoy Power Hour, MIS, Muscle Max... :laugh:

    Tami, You really have been bringing it this week, and I'm sure that stretch will feel really good. I'm taking a que from you and getting that workout done tonight. That new DVD can't sit there still in it's wrapper anymore. :laugh: DH and DD enjoyed the movie at the Imax. I have to say that I'm ready for the running to be over with, but I'm happy that I am attempting this goal. After I finish Insanity, I'm going to start running again. Trying out another interval running program called Freeway to 10k. :laugh: Will be incorporating that with my next STS hybrid round. I'm finishing up the last of my running with some Barry's Bootcamp and the Cindy Whitmarsh 10 Days to a Better Body workouts. I am going to be doing the Insanity rotation as is. After that I'm hoping my running times will be faster.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Was on this morning posting my eats, so thought I would just give an update. I did do that Last Chance workout last night, and you would think that because it is a BL workout it would be easy. The circuit training portion of the workout was on par to Shred 2 or 3, and it was tough. Jillian said it was Hiit, but the 3rd & 4th circuits where kicking and punching, so my HR went way down on those. Overall I really like the workout, and it was fun. Some of the form that the contestants used was really horrid, but because I have been exercising to DVD's for years, I knew what the right form was. A beginner my do these wrong and get injured though. :noway: The upper body 10 min. portion is really tough, she does some plank flys that really work your core. :wink:

    Hope you all have a great weekend, I'm done with NMTZ & Shred 1 this morning. :drinker: On to another cup of coffee, and then doing the dishes that I put off last night. :sad: :blushing:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I did an aerboxing type workout with Kathy Smith and Michael O and it was great. My heartrate monitor had me at 900 calories for 50minutes. I also did Billy Blanks Amplify Full throttle yesterday and it was so much fun that I ordered another one that incorporates the buns and abs...I just ordered Cathe's Shock Cardio ..4 dvds which includes the Hiit, Cardio core, Circuit blast and Fusion. I will use those in my rotation with Muscle endurance and Bootcamp. I would love to do a 3 month rotation with Cathe to see what fabulous results I can obtain:bigsmile: ...

    Off to log some meals which includes an additonal 900 cals for my workout.

    Tami and you usually eat your earned meals or stick close to the given meals. 1200cals seem so low but 2100 is just too much..I have been sticking to my BMR requirement and will usually eat approx. 1500 instead.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    TTY tomorrow,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies-

    Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I did Cathe's Hiit 30/30 workout this morning...WOW, I LOVED it!!!! Can't wait to try the others!

    Hope you all have a great Sunday! Thanks again for all the help with picking Cathe DVD's!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies, :smile:

    This morning was Barry's Bootcamp Upper Body, his Mission Specialists Advanced Upper & Abs. I had forgotten how tough these workouts are. :blushing: I was huffing and puffing, but was really going all out. They call these circuit workouts, and I suppose they are. I think they could easily be Hiit, it you just cooled down while Cindy was doing the tubing section. :wink:

    Finished up my Jillian 30 Day Slimdown Rotation, and my measurements changed on my hips, chest and a little on the waist. :drinker: Legs didn't change at all, but hey I will be happy with what I can reduced off my body. :laugh:

    Michelle, You got some great workouts. I have wanted to get some of those Billy Banks workouts with the bar, they sound like they would really work your upper body. I usually manage to be under or eat all my alloted calories. I am usually between 1500 and 1800 calories. I think that I have more energy when I eat at least 1500. Seems that when I go below that amount, I get really tired, and my workouts suffer.

    Erika, So glad you LOVED 30/30. :wink: I like your new pic, I'm guessing those jerseys are Vikings. :sad: I'm a Packer fan, but I'm sorry that the team didn't get to the SB.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning:flowerforyou: ,

    Laurie- What is Jillian's rotation? Hips are so difficult to decrease so way to go on some change:wink: I'm doing Muscle endurance this morning and would love to add some cardio but there is a load of laundry to fold so I will save that cardio and do 2 session split tomorrow.

    Off to grab some oatmeal and get started before my 1pm appt with Cathe. I definitely need some coffee first.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Well I didn’t get my stretch in yesterday but did have a lot of fun at my volleyball games. Was pretty relaxing in itself so that was good! This a.m. was Disc #34 of STS … so officially on the last 2 weeks of my 6.5 mo rotation. :wink: It was tough but I made it through and it felt good. Funny how those two addnl reps made it harder than last week. :noway:

    Michelle: I’m so excited for you that you purchased STS!!!! :drinker: I know you are going to love it. At some point we may all be doing some sort of STS rotation at the same time. :happy: You’ll have to keep me posted how you are liking SHOCK when you get started with those. I have found them to be just as I had hoped for! Really enjoying them and I’m excited to incorporate them into my future rotations as well.

    On the calories. I have struggled with what is enough or not enough. :huh: A common theme I think on MFP but I recently decided to not worry as much about my exercise calories as just sticking to a consistent number for a couple weeks and then changing it up. Currently I am at about 1400 – 1700 (1700 being on the days I work out twice). I’m trying to stay with what feels good to my body energy wise & go from there.

    Erika – I agree on 30/30 – LOVE it! :love: Let us know how you are going and how you like the others as well. Great to hear from you!

    Laurie: That is so awesome about your results with Jillian rotation! I bet you are thrilled. :wink:
    I have felt like things might be happening for me lately …… it’s probably the double days I have been doing for the last couple weeks. At any rate, I hope to continue and then do a measurement after STS is over to see where I am at. Maybe not the scale though … just measurements. Are you getting excited to start Insanity?

    Hope you all have a great day ! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Tami. yeah 6.5 months go girl! I did ME today with my HRM and it clocked in at 612 calories burned. I must say the sweat was running down the nose:bigsmile: which I love to see. Tomorrow I will do a double routine for cardio but on Saturday I will test drive 30/30 for sure. My HRM will let you know how that goes:laugh:

    I have a 20 year reunion right before our annual family Cruise so Cathe is the go to woman for maximum definition right now.I will zig-zag my calories at 1500 and cycle down my carbs on cardio only days.

    Laurie- Insanity was my official next program but due to knee and back problems, some of my buddies hinted that it may be an issue right now. Keep me informed of your progress on that one as it may be used 60 days out from my reunion to shed some fat.

    Off to get started on homework with the 9 year old.


    Have a great night,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    Officially started my week of "double days" last night by going to the Kick Boxing class and then this a.m. I did Kelley Coffey-Meyer Ultra Cardio Blast. & STS - Med Ball Abs :wink: Both were good & I am planning on doing spinning tonight.

    Michelle: That's awesome on the calorie burn with ME! Don't you love it when you see all those calories being burned?!?! :tongue:

    Laurie & Michelle: Just a little something I saw to let you guys know ~ Jillian is coming out with a new Yoga DVD. Can't wait to see the preview on it. :happy:

    Hope you ladies have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was W8D2 of GW28k on the treadmill. Want to get the Barry's BC Lower Body, and Mission Specialist Lower done after work. Had a meeting this morning with my co-workers at I-Hop, and got one of there new For Me breakfasts. I'm stuffed right now. How could all that food be only 350 cal. :frown: Probably will be a good idea to get in extra exercise. :laugh:

    Michelle, The Jillian rotation was off the web page. It under their rotations section, and is called 30 Day Slimdown. It uses Shred, NMTZ and BFBM. I have a knee that acts up, but only seems to bother me when I try out step workouts. I do lot's of plyo/explosive type exercises, so I'm hoping Insanity will not aggrivate my knee. I was invited to a 100 year reunion. :laugh: That would be 100 years for the school I attended until I graduated from HS. They have invited all the graduating classes to attend the reunion. My parents/grandparent graduated from the school also. Have a great time trying out 30/30. :wink:

    Tami, Can't believe that I posted after you did. :laugh: Guess that early morning "meeting" has put me behind. :laugh: I have to be inspired by you to get in those double workouts. :wink: I was very happy with my results from the Jillian rotation. Even though I didn't have weight loss, those inches are so important. I saw that Jillian is coming out with a yoga DVD, and if I remember correctly she would downplay yoga on TBL! :noway: Will be interested in the reviews on that one.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Late start due to a major headache this morning! Finally tackled Billy's Amped Full throttle which clocked in at 844calories burned:love:

    Laurie- I don't own Shred but love the other two. I hate Yoga and Jillian and Yoga would be too much for me. I rather she stick to her Drill sgt type kick butt routines instead of commercializing her unique approach that initially drew her fan base:grumble:

    Tami- I will save my major doubles for closer to the endzone when I need it the most:wink: For now I will do doubles on Tuesday and Thursday and see what results I see in 4 weeks.

    It's lunch time for me and unfortunately I have not planned my meals last night. Hmmnnn a Muscle milk shake or something to chew on?:laugh:


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout was Results 10 Days to a Better Body Upper, and 30 Minutes to Fitness Weights Premix #3. That premix was Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders with Ab work inbetween each weight circuit. My arms felt shaky after I was done. :wink: Did manage to get in the Barry workouts after work, but don't know if I will attemt anything today. If I do it might be stretching or kickboxing.

    That meal yesterday kept me so full that I ate my lunch for dinner last night. :laugh:

    Michelle, I love Muscle Milk Chocolate :drinker: , so tasty. :wink: I totally agree with you on Jillian sticking to the drill sgt workouts. The Shred workout is very good, and all three workouts on the DVD are only around 25 min. I use them when I am short on time, but need a good total body workout with cardio. :happy: You are making me want those Billy workouts. :laugh:

    Tami, So what double torture do you have planned for today? :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    GM Ladies:flowerforyou:

    I did Jari's Get Ripped 1000 this morning which felt great to get my workout completed early. I forgot how tough those football drills on the step were and the heartrate was definitely at the 85% mark. Not to mention her push up party! Whew Megacalorie burn!

    Laurie- I bought mine from Amazon from one of their listed sellers so I will let you know my review upon arrival. The Amped Full throttle just really goes quickly so it is a great cardio workout for those days when you want the calorie burn without too much impact. A little gem that I just discovered is Kathy's Smith Cardio Knockout for 3.99 on Amazon. It has 3 workouts, two major kickboxing routines and then a 15 min Tai Chi Cool down. It is a great dvd and the 50 min Aeroboxing routine is worthy of more than that by far. I consider it my best buy for the year!

    I wish I had a chef to whip me up a great omelette right now. Hmnn I may cook that with turkey bacon and a LC bagel..Yup I earned it this morning.

    Off to get some breakfast!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Oh my Ladies,

    My Shock cardio dvds are here and I'm reviewing Hiit for tommorow:noway: It has been a while but I can do this. Plus I left a note on Cathe's FB page and she answered me:love: LOL

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    I was so bummed I couldn't check in with you yesterday. Our work internet has changed and we are "blocked" from various websites now. MFP was one of them for me :grumble: so I will have to do my check-in's before or after work.

    At any rate yesterday was Disc #35 - Plyo Legs & then last night I went to Spinning! It was a good day of cardio & legs forsure. :tongue:

    Michelle: That's awesome your DVD's arrived! I haven't done the Jari's Get Ripped in quite some time but I do remember the football drills you are talking about. Great job on the workout & calorie burn! :drinker:

    Laurie: So yesterday was Plyo & Spinning .... I'm just about to get started with Cardio Core Circuit and tonight will be the Strength class. :happy:

    Hope you both have a great day! :flowerforyou: I'll check in tomorrow ..... early a.m. again.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Results 10 Days Lower. Had to get the dog to doggy daycare, so that was all I had time to finish. After work is W8D3 of GW28K, and 30 Minutes to Fitness Weights Workout #1 (Back, Chest, Legs). Dang cold here today, and it is suppose to be colder tomorrow. :noway:

    Michelle, I have that Kathy Smith workout, and love all the workouts on that one. I wish that Michael Olajide (in the Aerobox) section, would have his workouts cheaper. I have heard that his Aero workouts are all very tough. Congrats on getting your Shock Cardio DVD's. Now you have to decide what to try first. :laugh: The Billy workouts are on my looooong wish list. :laugh:

    Tami, You go girl! Dang you are doing an awsome job getting all those workouts done. :drinker: To bad on getting blocked, I'm just waiting for that to happen here. With a union, I don't know if it will happen. They can use the internet on their breaks, so crossing my fingers. I am only on during my break time.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    GM ladies,

    I woke up woth back pain, additional bloating and the beauty of aging and womanhood this morning. On my schedule is a double routine which I may have to shift to Friday as my body is asking for a light day or just a lazy day. After looking at your schedules, I feel guilty for taking a day off considering both of you work outside the home:embarassed:

    However I will acknowledge that our 3 week vacation to Disney and my mom's definitely shook the routine up a bit so I will listen to my body and go accordingly.

    Laurie- I'm saving the Cardio Core Circuit. MMA Fusion, Hiit 40/20 & Circuit Blast for the next 4 week rotation which starts in two weeks. I really want to try the Fusion but I'm practicing patience and subbing that one in for kickboxing.

    Off to plan meals as no exercise equates to only 1210 cals:sad:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I haven't done any other Cathe workouts, but it's scheduled for my near future! :happy: I wanted to order a couple more DVD's to round out my collection, and had you ask you all about them. One is the Kick Punch and Crunch does this compare to a Turbo Jam or Tae Bo workout? Just wanted to make sure it wasn't too similar (I have all of the Turbo Jam/Turbo Kick Fan workouts), and enough of a challenge. The other is Jari Loves Ripped 1000 workout...I saw some discussion on here about it. Is it harder than Ripped to the Core, as I have that one and get a pretty good calorie burn from that one. I would like to add one more Jari workout and I thought that one might be good.

    Thanks for the help (again!). Can't wait to try out some more workouts...hopefully this weekend. Also got some new Kelly Coffey-Meyer workouts that I want to try too!

    Hope you all are having a great day!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Wow, you've added alot of new faces! I knew there were more Cathe fans out there!

    Just wanted to confess that I caved & ordered the MMA Boxing. It should be here today. I'm mostly looking forward to the heavy bag work so I hope its good. I must say, everytime someone mentions how much they love the HIIT workouts, I think "maybe I do need those". I just don't know after doing Insanity how many more HIIT workouts I really need. Can you really ever have too many? :wink:

    Erika, glad to see you ordered your Cathe dvds! I love KPC!! One of my favorites, but I've never done Turbo Jam so can't compare. I can tell you that I have all of Jari's & Ripped 1000 I really like. Its different than the others in that you do cardio for a minute (I think its a minute?) & then do the weight work & it repeats along like that. I will say I loved Ripped 1000, but hated Extremely Ripped 1000. Although the Extremely really, really burned some calories, I found it dreadfully boring. Just my thoughts...

    I hope when I start Chalean in April that I have more time to do Cathe!!

    Take care! Have a great day!
