Calling all Cathe fans!



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning,

    Yesterday's aerobox had me asleep by 12 last night. This morning I woke up with some serious quad soreness in the right thigh, could be the bob and weave from aeroxing or the new Kickbox dvd, Total Cardio Kickbox that I borrowed from the library. Nice quick simple routine.

    On the schedule is MMA fusion or a 30 minute quick routine as it is rainy here and the 3 year is looking to play on the Wii.

    Off to entertain:bigsmile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    This a.m. was Disc #35 - Plyo Legs. It went by really fast and I felt I did better than last week on everything, so must be stronger! :wink: Tonight I am going Spinning after work.

    Laurie & Michelle - here is the link to that Endurance Rotation on Cathe's site:
    I will be making modifications as far as the Cardio goes because I will be doing one of my DVD's instead of walking/running outside. Also, I don't have ALL of those workouts & want to incorporate shock. I may even change my mind and do an STS/Shock Rotation. :blushing: Since I am loving the SHOCK workouts so much. :happy:

    Erika: Glad you weren't as sore today. :laugh: That's pretty funny about your family finding you in the midst of butt kicks!

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Update: I did MMA Fusion and it was a great workout to fit in midweek. It was not too intense but it burned over 500 cals. The first section used boxing moves with drills, the 2nd circuit was difficult to manage b/c it involves this move where you roll to your back and then come up on the right foot (I missed the placement so time will tell). Some plyo moves were incorporated which kept the heart rate at max. The last portion were floor moves which focused on the core and allowed the heart rate to settle quite nicely.

    Overall it was a good routine and I will use it weekly. Just when I needed to catch my breath things settled down nicely. 2 thumbs up!!!!:bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    This morning was Cathe's Hiit 40/20...WOW!!! First DVD ever that I've had to modify to keep up. This one kicks butt!! Loved it!! Followed that up with some Abs and Yoga...ahhh....

    I think I have Body Max 2 on the docket for, I love Cathe!!!

    Have a great one!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Get me an IV stat:noway:

    I just completed Cathe's Hiit...OMG 30/30 was max heart rate at your best. Now I'm familiar with Hiit and has probaby taken a month and a half from intervals...well never again:bigsmile:

    For now I will keep 30/30 for my Thursday morning rotation until March then its off to 40/20 ladies! For now its lots of water and recuperation for Friday's Muscle Max and kickboxing.

    Off to the library. Maybe some abs tonight:wink:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a Cathe day today, by doing her Bootcamp DVD. That is just one great workout. I remember when I first tired Bootcamp, and how I couldn't get through the one minute of cardio. :noway: Like those dang Terminators!! :laugh: I just needed to adjust the amount of weight I used, because my legs could handle 45 lbs vs. the 35 that Cathe & Crew where using. :wink:

    Erika, LOL about the family thinking you where crazy. I have done walking lunges outdoors, and have wondered what my neighbors thought. :laugh: Glad that you enjoyed 40/20. I think the weight work in BM2 is great, and if you like that one her Bodymax is wonderful also. Not that I'm trying to spend your money. :laugh:

    Michelle, Now I will need to make sure I get MMA Fusion added to my rotation at some point. So many workouts so little time. :wink:

    Tami, That rotation really does look good. I would have to sub for Step Blast (or any other step workout). :laugh: I would be interested in how your body feels with no rests inbetween the STS workouts. I think you could quite easily sub the cardio in that rotation to put in the SHOCK workouts. The interval runs is where I would sub the Hiit, and any steady state cardio would be good to put an MMA workouts. Might change my mind and try that version after Insanity. :wink: Did you look on her rotation forum to see if anyone created another STS/Shock Rotation, besides the one Cathe had? Sometimes there is a poster named fitnessfreak that does some really good rotations.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Laurie ..... I will look. I would definitely like to do a SHOCK rotation so I will check it out. Also, I agree on the substitution of different "step" workouts or maybe a HiiT workout on those days. :laugh: Due to my choreography challenges & I don't have all the DVD's they mention. Thanks for the ideas. :wink:

    Today I did MMA Fusion - it was good. I enjoyed it and I did get a little tripped up a couple times on the rolling backward, come up, kick out, etc. But not too bad. The 2nd time around will be better I think.

    Erika & Michelle: I am laughing out loud :laugh: ~ the part about IV Stat! Don't you love Cathe though. Those HiiT workouts are so great. Tough but you feel like you really accomplished some serious cardio in a short time period. :wink:

    Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to spinning last night ~ all of the "passes" were taken when I got there. I was really bummed. But tonight is Strength and then tomorrow a.m. is my last STS workout. Will be figuring out a good recovery week for next week and then have my Endurance/SHOCK, etc. rotation all worked out be fore the 15th! That's my goal.

    Hope you are all having a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today I finished up Week 9 of GW28K. :drinker: Don't think that I will be getting anything else in today, I'm taking the girls to get their new track shoes. Oldest will be starting her indoor season soon, and both have been complaining that their feet are hurting with their current shoes. :frown:

    Tami, I'm going to contratulate you right now on getting your STS rotation finished! :drinker: After doing a program that long it must be so strange to think of changing your rotation. :wink: Dang on not getting so spin, it sounds like the class is getting popular. I think that is why I have not tried MMA Fusion yet, when I saw the rolling stuff! :embarassed: I was afraid I would really trip or fall over. You have to know I have fallen! I really do have two BIG feet! That is really my problem. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~ :flowerforyou:

    Well I have to say I feel a bitter sweet feeling of proud and sad all in one! I finished!! Like you said Laurie, to have been at something for over half a year and now it is finished. I do know that I could just keep going with STS, but realize the change is important. At any rate, I am glad my next rotation will include pieces of STS and SHOCK then in May I plan on doing the Undulating rotation. :happy:

    Tonight I am planning on going Spinning. (Will stop and get a "pass" right after work so I can get into the 6:30 class). It will be a great way to end the week and day! BTW: My hubby commented to me he thought my pants were all looking baggy lately ~ :happy: it is always nice for someone to notice the effort and work you are putting into something. Couldn't have come at a better time! :heart:

    Laurie - speaking of shoes. Did you ever find some for your new Insanity rotation starting soon?!?!?

    Erika, Michelle - Hope you guys have a great day!
    I'll check in with you all soon.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    Cathe's Body Max 2 kicked my butt this morning (and gave me an awesome calorie burn to boot :bigsmile: )! I really like the different moves she does, and I'm a little uncoordinated on the step, so know I always have something I can work towards. It's so nice to have DVD's that I know I can grow glad you guys helped me pick out some awesome Cathe DVDs!!!

    I'm working on incorporating Insanity into my workouts :indifferent: (I plan to do 1 per week), but am not sure where to start. Laurie, are you doing the full rotation exclusively, or just incorporating it in here and there. I think I may attempt the fit test this weekend to get a starting point. I'm not entirely sure what workout to do after that though, being that I'm only doing it once per week.

    Well, back to work. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be another roll outta bed and drop to the floor kinda mornings. I'm already starting to feel sore...but, it's so nice!:smile:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I have to confess I've yet to do MMA Boxing.:blushing: I've been really tired this week for some reason & just doing my regular scheduled p90x/insanity workouts is tough (but I am doing them).

    Laurie: 15 push-ups in a row is great & the thing w/Insanity is that the most I think you ever do in a row is 16...but he does them FAST. I mean FFFFAAAAAASSSSTTTTT. But usually its just 4 push-ups whether in place or "walking" push-ups. The nutrition guide is pretty simple. I think we kind of followed it, but we were just coming off p90x & had liked that nutrition guide so much we really didn't follow the insanity one exactly. We basically changed our goals in MFP to reflect the 40/40/20 ratio that seems to be present in Insanity. We just tried to eat a balance of carbs & protein at each meal. I start Insanity round 2 in April. You will most likely be done by then! Oh & FYI, many folks seemed to really like the Under Armour cross trainers when they did Insanity. My foot is too narrow so they didn't work for me, but others loved them.

    Erika: I would just start off w/the Month 1 workouts and when Pure Cardio seems not so hard anymore, I would move on to the Month 2 MAX workouts. Pure Cardio has basically no breaks in it, so when that one gets somewhat easy you know you can handle the longer MAX workouts. So my very 1st one would be Plyo Cardio Circuit. Then do Cardio Power & Resistance. Then move on in week 3 to Pure Cardio. See how you like Cardio Power & Resistance. It may have too much strength work for you in your schedule & you may just not do that one. When you move on to MAX, I would build up to Max Interval Circuit. I now use pretty much just MAX Plyo & MAX Interval Circuit in my rotation b/c they are the ones that give me the best calorie burn. So once you get to the point of doing those 2, you may just alternate them each week. I do 2 Insanitys per week & month 1 I did plyo circuit & pure cardio each week for 4 weeks. Then Month 2 I am doing Max plyo & Max circuit each week. I also throw in on occasion the Sprorts Training from the deluxe package just 'cuz I really like it. Hope that helps a little? Its just my opinion. No real science behind it! :ohwell:

    Have a great weekend!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I hurt my knee yesterday and in all honesty it could be the tuck jumps, plyo jumps or anything from 30/30. Needless to say I have been limping along since last night and just listened to my body this morning. I opted to skip the MM as time was an issue and instead played Frisbee with my 3 year old after we returned from gymnastics class. It is elevated right now and I plan to wrap it and hit those legs muscles tomorrow. I plan to do Muscle max premix and some kickboxing. I may need to modify but I definitely will be guilt riddenn if I don't hit the weighhts tomorrow:frown:

    So its eating clean, drinking water and giving this knee some rest.....definitely a lesson that Insanity will have to wait until May 1st::noway:

    Enjoy your Friday:flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    I did not want to workout this morning but I got moving anyway. I think the thought of moving weights in from the garage was a major turn-off, so I turned on ExerciseTV on demand and did a Jeanette jenkins workout. I enjoyed that she used her HRM and kept us informed throughout the workout , she also combined lots of moves and kept the heart rate up throughout the hour. At the end she clocked in at 700 and I was 800 for the workout which was great.

    I also decided to try the Cardioke which is led by Billy Blanks's son. It ws a fun way to incorporate dancing and singing and something different to do.

    Now it is off to the showers and a date with my 9yr old daughter:wink:

    Here is to good eating this weekend:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Dang, but I was not able to get onto the computer at all this weekend. Just way to busy with DD's dance class and my nieces birthday party on Saturday, and Sunday was church and off to an all day meeting with our reenactors guilde. But I got up early enough on Saturday to get in Barry's Bootcamp Extreme 1000 and Belly Blaster workouts. This morning is my last week of running the Gateway to 8k program, and I ran the 5 miles in 50 min. so I was going at a 10 min. pace. :drinker:

    Tami, Yes I did get some shoes, but I don't like them so will be getting something different. I might try out the Under Armour or the ones you recommended. When you try on these shoes at the store, they feel ok until you workout with them. I don't like my feet to hurt, so I'm taking them back. :wink: Selections at the stores seem to be getting smaller and smaller. :huh: I love my baggy pants. :laugh:

    Kara, Thanks for the info, and I agree with you on the P90X food guide, I think I like that one better. :laugh: I tired out a few days of the Insanity one, and I probably will stick to P90X. Love the combo's in that one. :wink:

    Erika, Yep, I will do the Insanity rotation as is. I'm looking at the endurance factor, because I would really love to increase my running speed. Not that I'm heading for a marathon, but I would like to actually run instead of plod along. :laugh: I'm getting better, guess I want to run as fast as my oldest DD. Then we can run together, and she won't leave me in the dust. :laugh:

    Michelle, How is that knee of yours? Isn't it nice to have ExerciseTV? I didn't know that they had the new Jeanette Jenkins one on there. Might have to watch it, and see how it is.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    I did CE Lean Circuit 1 this morning, and will do some elliptical while I watch The Bachelor tonight. I think I have Cathe on the docket for later this week, and I think tomorrow is my first Insanity workout...I'm terrified! :indifferent: I'm just more scared I'm going to injure myself, so I'll have to take it slow!

    Laurie--I got the Under Armour Cross Trainers (mine are white and grey) due to advise from another MFP'er that has completed I think 2 rounds of Insanity. She said they are the best out there for lateral movement. I did notice they are wider at the upper foot area as well as from sole to top of the shoe, but they are comfortable. I normally wear Avia's, can't wear Nike, New Balance or any others due to arches, too narrow, heel slips, etc. Worth giving them a try!

    Michelle--Awesome job on the workout! I need to check out ExerciseTV much fun stuff on there!

    Have a good one ladies! I'm hoping to get out and play in the fresh snow with my kiddos after work for some extra exercise! :happy:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Sounds like everyone had a good/busy weekend!

    I worked out Saturday a.m. and then played my regular 2 matches of volleyball yesterday prior to the Super Bowl festivities! :happy:

    This is my Recovery Week .... which feels so weird to be sort of "on my own" and planning out my workouts. So going to do some good cardio and Wed. I plan on doing Butts & Guts of Cathe's then spinning that night. I'm telling you all this in advance because it helps to keep me "planned out" for the week! :wink:

    Tonight will be Kick Boxing and tomorrow a.m. I have KCM - Ultra Cardio Blast (both workouts).

    Erika - That's good to know on the Under Armour shoes, I may be looking for another pair in the near future and have thought about giving those a try! Good luck with Insanity tomorrow ..... as Laurie knows, I am living through you all before trying it. It is on my list of "to do's" so can't wait to hear how you go. :drinker:

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    Tired this morning which is due to a few hours sleep last superbowl parties just restless children:yawn: Since I worked out this weekend, I don't mind the unexpected rest day.

    Laurie & Erika- ExerciseTv has so many categories from Abs, pilates, dance, cardio and a 30 day weight loss. There are over 75 videos to choose from including Jackie Warner from the Bravo tv show. I previewed that one and it is on my line up for Wednesday. I also previewed Body by Jake workouts which utilizes your body weight for most of his moves and seems to be a high caloric burn. I can honestly say that I just bought several of the dvds that are listed, so maybe from now on I will hold out on those purchases:bigsmile:

    My knee does feel better but yesterday's workout did require some modifications. I'm kind of nervous about working in my 30/30 again this Thursday, but maybe if I wrap the knee and include some inserts in my Shox, the impact will be significantly reduced. Right now I may have to revamp this week and make it a recovery week where I focus more on circuits routines such as Jillian's & Jackie warners workouts.

    Today it is swim lessons with both girls so I will review my workout schedule and make adjustments. For now I'm just taking one day at a time:wink:

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!

    Well, I bit the bullet and took the Insanity Fit Test this morning. Honestly, I was terrified as I didn't know what to expect. It wasn't that bad, and I did the same or better than the girl on the video doing the fit test, so I was pleased. I would say it's a lot like Cathe's Hiit, but you go for a minute instead of 30 seconds. Lots of explosive jumps! My knees are feeling a little sore (I usually never get sore knees), so I'll have to really watch it to make sure my form is good as I head into the workouts.

    I followed the fit test (25 minutes) up with Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Cardio Plyo...that was a fun one! So, all my plyo is done for the day!

    Hope you all have a great Tuesday!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I worked out with Kelly this morning also, 30 Minutes to Fitness Bootcamp Premix #1 (workouts 1&2 combined). Shoulders are really sore right now, but it was a fun time. :wink: Having a snow storm right now, and getting to work was not fun. Hoping I'll be able to leave early, since we are suppose to be getting snow all day long. :noway:

    Erika, Good to know that the Fit Test wasn't so bad. Thanks for the reminder to watch my form. :wink: Thanks for the info on the shoes. Will try those out.

    Michelle, I have tried the workouts that Cindy Whitmarsh does on Exercise TV. Really like her all cardio one, only 20 min, but sure burns calories. I really think that ExerciseTV is evil. :laugh: I try out those workouts, but then need to have them on DVD, because I don't like working out in my Family room. :laugh: There are only a few DVD's that I have said "why did I buy this", but overall I love all the variety that I have.

    Tami, Now I didn't plan on doing a Kelly workout this morning, but it sure is funny how we are tending toward the same instructor on certain days. :laugh: :laugh: Sounds like you have a great recovery week planned. This week I'm going through workouts that are called Bootcamp. :laugh: Will get my run in tomorrow, and then I'm thinking of TaeBo Bootcamp 2 on Thursday. I'm surprised how many workouts I have that are Bootcamp. :laugh: Have a few that are only 30 min., but I don't think I should torture my upper body by doing bootcamp workouts every day. :wink: I'm going to take a cure from you and prewarn what my schedule is. :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Sounds like we were all 3 on the same wave length this a.m.! I did Kelly Cardio Blast Plyo & Athletic Step! :wink: Tonight will be Spinning.

    Laurie: Hang in there with all that snow ..... Hope you get to leave early so you aren't battling the roads!

    I'm going to have to check out Exercise TV, although like you said Laurie ~ then I will want more DVD'S! :laugh: I know you have mentioned Cindy Whitmarsh before but I still haven't checked any of her workouts out yet.

    Hope you all have a great day!