Calling all Cathe fans!



  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    Today was Jari Love's Ripped 1000...whoa, that was a fun one! I like it!! Still sore from CE on Monday a bit, so it was tough, but I worked through it. Gotta get some Yoga in tonight so I can loosen up my muscles!

    Laurie--Hope you survived the snow...we just got done with it yesterday...I think we got 10 inches, but I LOVE snow, so don't mind!

    Tami--That's pretty funny that we all did KCM workouts yesterday! I LOVE her, and LOVE the Cardio Blast workouts. I can't wait to try her others.

    Michelle-I hope your knee is feeling better!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Week 10, Day 2 of Gateway to 8k. Only one more run left, and I'm thinking of doing the last run on Saturday so that I can run outdoors. Tomorrow I'm still planning on TaeBo Bootcamp 2, and since I'm not running on Friday, then I think I will have to do some kickboxing. Just have to decide which one I want to do. MMA Boxing? :love: Hiit? :bigsmile: Maybe I need a little help! :laugh:

    Tami ~ I highly recommend Cindy Whitmarsh's Less is More Cardio. :love:, and Bikini Ready. I usually am out of breath with these 20 min. workouts. My boss let me out about 20 min. earlier than I usually leave. :huh: When I got home I couldn't get the truck up the driveway, so left it in the street and started up the snow weapon. I was putting the snowblower into the garage, and her comes DH. I made him bring the truck into the garage. I was covered in snow anyway. :laugh:

    Erika, What kind of yoga instructor do you like? I'm partical to Kristin McGee, and Eoin Finn. Of course I really do like Tony in YogaX and his One on One Fountain of Youth.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Week 10, Day 2 of Gateway to 8k. Only one more run left, and I'm thinking of doing the last run on Saturday so that I can run outdoors. Tomorrow I'm still planning on TaeBo Bootcamp 2, and since I'm not running on Friday, then I think I will have to do some kickboxing. Just have to decide which one I want to do. MMA Boxing? :love: Hiit? :bigsmile: Maybe I need a little help! :laugh:

    Tami ~ I highly recommend Cindy Whitmarsh's Less is More Cardio. :love:, and Bikini Ready. I usually am out of breath with these 20 min. workouts. My boss let me out about 20 min. earlier than I usually leave. :huh: When I got home I couldn't get the truck up the driveway, so left it in the street and started up the snow weapon. I was putting the snowblower into the garage, and her comes DH. I made him bring the truck into the garage. I was covered in snow anyway. :laugh:

    Erika, What kind of yoga instructor do you like? I'm partical to Kristin McGee, and Eoin Finn. Of course I really do like Tony in YogaX and his One on One Fountain of Youth.

    Have a great day!

    I don't really have a favorite...yet. I'm still trying to learn to "like" yoga. I make myself do it, although it takes quite a bit for me to get myself to actually do it. Right now, I have Power Half Hour Stretch by Tony Horton, a couple ChaLEAN Extreme Yoga workouts and several Yoga/Pilates DVD's by Ellen Barrett. I like her style, but her workouts are usually about 45 minutes long. I'll have to research some others as options...
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This week has been a non-schedule week...just doing full body circuit using body weight or a medicine ball. Today was Body by Jabe which uses a medicne ball for the entire 44minutes. It was great and kept the heart rate at max. Yesterday I did Jackie warner's Power circuit and I could feel it in my abs as the last 3 circuits are ab focused, this workout goes by quickly which is great but I think that the next time I will repeat the 1st half so that I can hit my lower body twice. Unfortunately ExerciseTv does not allow the pre-mixes that are exclusive to the dvd.

    My knee feels a little stronger so tomorrow is my Cardio kickboxing as I need my KB fix :love: plus the lower body needs the work! I

    Laurie- I did see the Less is More cardio so maybe I will use that after Power Circuits on Friday. I tried a 10 min burst by Amy dixon after circuits but my lower half was not moving as quickly after Jackie's workout:bigsmile: Next time. With all of that snow how will you run outside on Saturday?Be careful!

    Ok I'm cleaning the bathrooms today so I'm off to finish up the housework!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :flowerforyou:

    So today for me ended up being a Pilates workout instead of Cathe's Butts & Gutts. So much for my plan. :blushing: It felt strange to do such a calm type of workout. :laugh: It was Pilates for Weight Loss, I think by Kristin McGee. So it does have some more upbeat cardio type movement but just a few little bursts. :wink: Tonight will be spinning again.

    Laurie: I will definitely check that out! I'm glad your DH showed up to help you out. Go for the HiiT workout on Friday!!
    Michelle: Glad your knee is feeling better. Sounds like you are getting in a good variety of workouts this week. That's awesome.
    Erika: I know what you mean on the learning to like Yoga. When I did P90X I finally did learn to enjoy the Yoga workout. That is a good one but haven't re-visited it since. I do think Yoga is great for the body, I just get kind of bored. :wink:

    Hope you have all had a great day. I will check in again tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I remembered that I needed to get our dog to her weekly doggy daycare, so I changed my bootcamp to kickboxing. I went for 4DS Kickbox cardio only, and I used my weighted gloves. After work I'm planning on Hiit! :noway:

    Erika, I didn't really enjoy yoga until P90X. :wink:

    Michelle, I'm probably going to have to put screws into the bottom of my running shoes, there are still some places that are covered with snow. Enjoy that Less is More Cardio. I agree that Jackie really moves quickly, but after you do the workout a couple of times, you have everything ready for her quick changes. :wink: The premixes on the DVD are different than the full 40 min. workout. It looks like she uses some of the same exercises, but she doesn't fly through them.

    Tami, Kristin McGee is such a great instructor. I don't have her Pilates, but really enjoy her yoga. She has not made a new yoga workout in quite a while. :frown: Butts & Gutts with spinning would probably have made your legs to sticks of jello. :laugh: Good option to do Pilates. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was kickboxing on an empty stomach which was a bad move:grumble: Unfortunately I had been up for over an hour and I bonked at the 30 minute mark and started to have the shakes. Needless to say I stopped and nibbled on some fruit and then my protein. So it seems like I may have a pm workout planned today:tongue:

    Yoga-Unfortunately P90x did not create a love for the workout and although I have several dvds the workouts are just too mellow for me to truly focus:bigsmile:

    Laurie- I'm having fun with ExerciseTV b/c I'm the type of person that becomes bored easily. Chalene and the X were great programs but I definitely require variety. Hiit hmmnn I want to do that one also but then I try to rewind and figure out which exercise caused the knee to shift and then the desire to jump magically fades away again:laugh:

    Tami- Yes I'm actually enjoying my self-imposed recovery week b/c the knee is definitely not easing up with the occasional twinge so these full body circuits are entertaining and less impactful along with being a great calorie burner.:bigsmile:

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Billy Blank's Bootcamp 2. First time I have done this workout, and was surprised at the slow pace that Billy took. :huh: Not his usual type of workout, but sure gets the abs, legs and upper body worked on this one. It was a good total body weighted workout.

    Michelle, The Hiit workouts have been something that I have avoided because of that same reason. I just don't know if the step is going to cause my knee problems. I was going to try out the Hiit Pyramid one, but of course to many things to do last night when I got home from work. :wink: I usually am working on an empty stomach in the morning, but I'm working out way to early for me to get something to eat. Have put a banana in the stomach, just to see if it would make it upset. That is about the only thing that has worked.

    Tami, How are you doing?

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Rest day for me as those back to back circuits finally caught up to me DOMS:bigsmile: Last night while hubby and I were catching up on shows I engaged in a great stretch routine, I also used Tony's frog and pigeon from P90X:laugh: My body needed that one for sure as my chest muscles were stiff from those staggered push-ups on Body by Jake Total Body Xtreme!

    So today I'm excited to rest as this weekend my workouts will be a bit more taxing in preparation for potential Valentine calories.

    Jari Love is my go to girl on Sunday and Aeroboxing on Saturday...both of these burn over 800 calories:love:
    As we will be eating Italian on Sunday I need all of the help I can get:wink:

    Laurie- The Hiit was great but the pain came afterwards so unfortunately I can't even offer a potential knee hazard. It could be the squat move that she does over the step or the tuck jump, I was enjoying the fact that my heart rate was at max and trying t breathe so maybe that delayed the pain:laugh: but a few hours later it was ugly so just be careful and have fun, maybe a knee brace or wraps as a precautionary step may help!

    Have a great day and weekend! Happy Valentines's Day:heart: TTY on Monday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies - :flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to drop in real quick and let you know I am here ...... forgot to tell you I was going to be gone. You probably thought I was MIA or something?!?!? Just out for a few days to see my mom! We have had a fun weekend together and headed back home tomorrow a.m. Looking forward to a good workout in the afternoon. When I am here our exercise is just a lot of walking. I guess a good way to end my recovery week ..... :wink:

    Hope you guys have had a nice Valentines Day! :heart: I'll check in tomorrow afternoon or forsure on Tuesday a.m. Starting my new "Endurance" rotation this week! :happy:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Sorry I've been MIA for a few days! I'm still here, just not logging my foods in MFP anymore (was getting a little too obsessed with the numbers!), so I'm not on as many times a day as I used to be!

    I did Cathe's Kick, Punch and Crunch yesterday...OMG! I had to stop 3 different times as I couldn't get my HR back down to a reasonable level to continue. Here I thought I was in good shape...guess I was wrong! This morning was Legs and Glutes...I'm afraid I won't be able to walk tomorrow! Have I told you all how much I LOVE Cathe's workouts?!?!?!? She rocks...definitely is creative with her moves, and I am almost always sore after her workouts, which normally doesn't happen to me, so I know it's working!!!

    Well, off to get my Monday started. Have a good one!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I offically stated my Insanity rotation this morning by doing the fit test. Felt pretty good that I was in the same range as the exercisers on the DVD. :drinker: Really enjoyed the 25 min. fit test, so am super excited to see how the other workouts are. I am going to get in some upper body workout done for at least the first month, so I manged to get CTX Chest & MIS Chest. That combo comes to 18 min. of chest work. I have MIS on a VHS tape, so I put CTX in the DVD player, and then go to the VHS tape. By the end of the week I will have to rewind to the chest workout.

    Saturday was my last run in the Gateway to 8k program, and I did get outside. Cami (dog) and I went a different way, and we sure went up a lot of hills, but it sure was nice to go down the giant hill. :laugh: Had to stop a couple of times, because Cami needed to mark the new territory along the way. :laugh: Sunday I did nothing but watch the race. Overall a very nice weekend.

    DH and I went out on Friday for Valentines :heart: , because of course we watched the Daytona 500 on Sunday. It was a great race, even though it was delayed because of a hole in the track. :laugh: During that time I got the dishes washed, and the floors swept.

    Got my new cross trainer, and they are way better than the other ones I previously purchased. My feet didn't feel any discomfort at all. :drinker:

    Michelle, Will watch my knees when I try out those Hiit workouts on the step. :wink: After Insanity I want to try out Aerobox again, because the last time I tried it I couldn't keep up with Michael. He is so quick in that workout, and I would really like to be able to do the jumprope part with a jumprope. :wink:

    Tami, Oh there you are, and I'm glad that you had a nice visit with your mom. Which reminds me that I didn't give my parents a call yesterday at all. :embarassed: What a bad daughter I am. Can't wait to see what you endurance rotation consists of.

    Erika, WTG on KPC. When you put your all into that workout, it is a good calorie burner. The punching/kicking combos in that one are so good. I think KPC is her best kickboxing workout. I think that you will have a great time with Legs & Glutes, that one will make your legs feel like jello. :wink: I take the weekend off from the computer, plus the fact that I'm so busy doing other things on the weekend. I just don't have time to input my food. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Ok Ladies-

    I need some input from you!! You all know I LOVE Cathe's workouts, but am still new to them. I have been doing ChaLean Extreme/Power 90 for the last 6 months. I thought one of you (Tami?) has done ChaLean Extreme and also Cathe's STS rotation. What I'm trying to determine is if the STS rotation is going to be more, less, or about the same challenge as ChaLean? I really want to kick up my strength training a notch, and wondering if I'm going to be just as well off with CE as I am with STS or if STS is really going to go to the "extreme"? Please let me know if you have any input...

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies :flowerforyou:

    Well after a day of getting back from my trip to mom's, laundry, groceries, etc.... I still have snuck in my workout :grumble: So my plan will be first thing tomorrow a.m. can't wait!!
    Will be doing Cathe's STS Disc #1 Chest/Shoulders/Biceps + HiiT 30/30! :noway:

    Erika: I am thrilled to answer this question! :happy: 100% ++ recommendation on STS. I did 2 rotations of ChaLEAN X and in as much that I enjoyed them they don't compare (in my opinion) to Cathe's STS. The quality & structure of Cathe's is so fantastic and it is way more of a challenge then ChaLEAN. I too wanted to pick it up a notch because I just wasn't feeling challenged w/ChaLEAN X and then bit the bullet and decided on STS! I was so glad that I did. :happy: Hope this helps and happy to answer any questions. I too LOVE:heart: Cathe and her workouts!!

    Laurie: Excited to hear all about Insanity and how you like it! Good job on the fit test!

    I'll check in with you guys in the a.m.! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Thanks Tami! Just what I needed to hear! I'm going to keep an eye out for a deal on it (if there's such a thing!), as I think it's what I need!

    I decided sleeping in was more important this morning than working out...I'll have to get my workout in later today. Doesn't happen too often that I'm too tired to get outta bed, but I think I'm fighting the bug both my kiddos have, so figured sleep was best!

    I'll check in later with the workouts!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Have been in safety training all morning, and will have to go to the last session in about 15 min. :grumble: The one before lunch I almost fell asleep. :embarassed: :laugh: Anyway managed to get in Plyo Cardio Circuit, and all I can say is WOW! This kind of DVD is one of those that really lets you know that you have much more to accomplish as far as endurance. I'm just glad that I had company with the other exercisers that had to rest. :laugh: If I can get through this whole workout without stopping then I know I'm super fit. :laugh: After work/grocery shopping I would like to get in CTX Back & MIS Back, but if not I probably can get it done tomorrow morning.

    Tami, Insanity is Jillian on crack. Same type of athletic based exercises, just up about 10 notches. LOVE it though, because even though I had to rest, I felt great afterwards. Had to take off my glasses during the "warm-up" because there was just to much sweat on the lenses.

    Erika, I think that you would really like STS. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    Erika: I'm glad that was helpful. Definitely let me or Laurie know if you have any questions. I understand on wanting it to be on SALE as well. Don't know that it ever is but maybe you will find it! :wink:
    Maybe your body just needed the extra rest ..... sounds like you made the right choice!

    Laurie: :laugh: :laugh: Jillian on crack! That's funny. The glasses steaming up is a sure sign of good cardio happening! Sounds really awesome ~ once again good feedback! Keep me posted.

    Today was STS Disc #1 - wow, I knew all those push-ups were coming but it was still a killer on the arms! Then I followed that up with HiiT 30/30. Was a great combo.
    Tonight I am going to Spinning after work.

    Hope you are all having a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I didn't set my alarm last night, and ended up getting up an hour late. Good thing that dog woke me up. :happy: I still was able to get Cardio Power & Resistance done, and this workout was a little easier. Easier in that I didn't have to take as many breaks. :laugh: Same concept as yesterdays workout, but the circuits where done for two minutes vs. three. And he inserted a tricep exercise after the first round, and before the second. Again the warm-up I consider a workout still. :laugh:

    Tami, At the end of this workout Shaun had you doing 8 push ups then stand up and do (boy I can't remember the exercise! :embarassed: ), then back down for the push-ups ..... I couldn't believe that i was doing those push-ups all on my toes! :noway: Granted I was doing them fast, but still felt accomplished. :drinker: I'm impressed with your STS/30/30 combo, that had to be super fun.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Laurie: That's great you got your workout in eventhough you slept in a little bit! Sounds like Insanity is tough but fun for you?!? That's excellent! :drinker: Good on ya for the push ups too. I know when I get winded and my HR is up push-ups are a lot tougher!

    It was fun doing that combo yesterday. I will definitely keep incorporating the HiiT workouts at the end or into my rotation forsure! Disc #3 of STS this a.m. - Legs. Tonight will be Spinning again :tongue:

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Laurie- I see that you are going insane with your program. Don't forget to take measurements so that you can see the differences:wink:

    Tami- Years ago I did a Challenge from M&F which had us doing HIIT after our weight routines and that program created my best body ever in 12 weeks. I did use the jumprope for my HIIT as it was not popular back then and it was very effective.

    This week I'm continuing my circuits which utilizes the body and the medicine ball vs weights. It is a nice break but still gives a calorie burn in the 45min timeframe. Last week those staggered push-ups reminded me of P90x but the burn was definitely longer as I ached all weekend:tongue: . Laurie I did Cynthia Whitmarsh Less is More cardio last night and that was a nice routine for my extra cardio night.

    I'm missing Cathe so Friday morning I have Bootcamp on the schedule, tomorrow is a Body by Jake circuit.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
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