Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good afternoon Laurie!

    So you are going for the Insanity soon!! :happy: I am still holding out on it but definitely on my "To Do" and wish list. :blushing:
    Can't wait to hear how you are liking it when you get going on that. :wink:

    I did a short pre-mix of Cathe's this a.m. and I am going to a class after work at the community center so that should be good. There is cardio and weights involved. It's called Group Strength. I did this one last week with her too.

    Tomorrow is Shoulders, Biceps & Triceps - Disc 33. I'd like to get in an Ab routine as well.

    Hope you are having a great day!

  • jmec
    jmec Posts: 8 Member
    It looks like you ladies have a great conversation going on here. I can't believe there aren't more people on here that love Cathe!! In my opinion, the other dvd's just don't compare:laugh:

    I too just got my shock cardio. I did MMA Boxing yesterday and I just started STS this week (2nd time around). LOVE IT!

    Erika...I love body max 2. It gives you a lot of different options...and your heart rate will soar!!

    Have a fabulous day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member

    Didn't get that run in last night, but I'm going to get it done tonight. :wink: This morning was NMTZ, and right now my back and shoulders are really sore (in a good way of course). :smile:

    Tami ~ LOL on Instanity. I will be happy to be the experiment on that rotation. After that I'm going to be back at STS/Insanity/Shock Cardio. :laugh: I think I will be able to come up with a great rotation using all of these workouts. Might even get frustrated, because I won't be able to use them all. :wink: Your "for fun" workouts sound really good, do they have a trainer coming in to do those at the center? My wish list is so very long. :blushing:

    Jamie, I am just as surprised as you that more Cathe fans don't participate in our discussions. Tami and I had fun doing STS together. I have not tried the MMA Fusion workout yet, but the other ones I really really liked. I found those Ab sections had different exercises that Cathe doesn't normally do, and I really enjoyed those also. Are you doing the 3 month or 6 month of STS this round?

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies-

    Well, I decided to order Body Max 2, Bootcamp and Hiit. I should be getting them sometime next week...can't wait! I also ordered Insanity, so I'll have to slowly incorporate that in too.

    I''ll be back once I get the DVD's and try one!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Laurie: I’m glad you’ll be the guinea pig for me! :laugh: I bet when you complete that and start your new rotation w/ STS we will most likely be about on the same schedule again or close too! I definitely want to do another round in the future. Incorporating Shock into it for the full time this next time. :wink: I did find that rotation last week by the way, it looks great!

    Yes at the community center they have trainers leading these classes. I kept hearing that they had some really good ones going on & the instructors were good. The girl we had last night was great, I really enjoyed her. So finished that up last night and then early a.m. workout was Shoulders Biceps & Triceps (Disc 33) …. My shoulders were spent! We did a bunch of shoulder work in that class last night so I had to really push this a.m. :noway:

    Jamie: That makes 3 of us forsure! :drinker: I know there are so many people out there that LOVE Cathe like us and her workouts truly don’t compare! I just received my SHOCK workouts not too long ago and so far I have done 2 of the HiiT workouts – 40/20 & 30/30, Cardio Core Circuit and the MMA Kickboxing. They are fabulous workouts, I’m really excited about doing them and incorporating them into STS! I am currently finishing up my last few weeks of the 6.5 mo rotation of STS. I am already (as you have probably read above) planning my next rotation soon. :happy:

    Erika: Those are great workouts! I will be doing some more endurance based training with her BootCamp, part of STS and Muscle Endurance for my next round of workouts before doing STS again. :happy:
    You and Laurie HAVE to keep me posted on Insanity. As I mentioned before, that is on my wish list and just quite haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Not sure why?!?!? :blushing:

    Hope you are all having a great Friday! :flowerforyou: Talk to you soon.
  • jmec
    jmec Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just doing the 3 month rotation right now. I'm hoping to be pregnant soon and I didn't want to commit to the 6 months and not be able to complete it. I think I would like to try the 6 month sometime too though. I'm still amazed that even though I lift weights regularly...starting STS again makes me feel like I haven't lifted for months. As Cathe would say "my triceps are still talkin' to me!" I also forgot how many dang push-ups are in Meso #1:laugh:

    oh, and did any of you see that YouTube clip of Cathe's first step video?? Hilarious! Thong leotards, tights and all. Cathe is a bit more "peppy" too. I'm glad she's toned it down:tongue:
  • feelalive1

    I'm a Cathe fan! Today was my first day logging my food on myfitnesspal. I've been doing WW Online and do good and then binge....I seem to starve even adding extra activity points. Today from logging my food, I realized I hardly eat any fat and barely got my protein in by having to think about it. That probably explains why i always feel hungry - I'm a lowfat carb freak::ohwell: !!

    I'm 35 with 2 young boys and would love to lose 33 pounds, but would be super happy if I could do 25. I'm fairly active...I just love to eat :happy:

    I recently did the Cathe 12 week beginner rotation to get used to stepping. She only uses 3lb weights, so I upped that a bit. I'm doing the Body Blast rotation now. In February I plan on starting a series of lower body rotations that Cathe has posted over the years: Feb - lower body solution, Mar - lower body bonanza, Apr- body fat legs and glutes, May - Rock Bottoms, and June - Butt's and Gutts. I sit most of the day at work, and my lower body really needs a boost! I'm hoping to be showing off some hot upper thighs and glutes at the neighborhood pool this summer :bigsmile: .....not that I really want my neighbors checking me out, but I'd love to actually feel comfortable chasing my boys around.

    Today I did Cathe's Step Blast. Monday is Legs and Glutes.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Nice to see so many more Cathe fans! :wink:

    This morning was 30 Day Shred 2&1. Yesterday was W7D1 of GW28K. Saturday was an off day, but Friday I manged to get in a run on the tm after work.

    Tami ~ How are your shoulders now? :laugh: Can't even imagine how they felt after your "for fun" workout and then STS! :noway: I will be looking forward to starting that next STS rotation, with all this great cardio I have to put with it. Before your next STS rotation, will you do the 1RM's again? Cami went running with me yesterday, and I think she had just as much fun as I did. She didn't even try to stop and sniff until I was at my walking point. :laugh: Hopefully we will be able to get out to run again next Sunday, but I'm picking a different route than we took yesterday. Way to much traffic. :ohwell:

    Erika, Great choices you made. You are doing Insanity also, so cool. Are you doing the rotation that comes with the package, or creating your own?

    Jamie, I saw that workout, and I even have some VHS tapes of ones like Step Heat that she is still wearing that sort of outfit. :laugh: One good thing about getting through the first Meso round, is that you don't have to do those dreaded push-ups. :laugh: That is one exercise that I am not a huge fan of. :noway:

    feelalive, Welcome to MFP, and to our Cathe thread! :drinker: I think that this site is great, and it really opens your eyes to what you actually eat. I to was a carb junkie, and realized that I needed to get in those good fats and protein. Funny how getting that right makes those food cravings go away. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning~

    I went ahead and took Saturday off as well. Friday night I went spinning and was feeling a bit tired after the end of my “double days” week, good tired but thought I should take a rest day. :blushing:
    My shoulders are doing fine ~ thanks. Good thing because I had my next volleyball league start up yesterday so we played the usual 6 games. I also took the “kids” for a walk. It has been a while for them and they absolutely LOVED it. They were sniffing and pulling and running … it was great.

    Jamie: Very funny on the video clip. :laugh: I did see that & yes I agree on the difference w/ her teaching then and now! That was probably just the way to instruct then …… Meso #1 and the push-ups, I know you think WHAT more push-ups!??! :noway: Keep up the great work. My next rotation I am going to do is her Endurance Training which includes Meso #1 into it …. Back to the push-ups.

    FeelAlive: Welcome & so glad you came to this thread as well! :wink: Sounds like you are doing a fun rotation ….. I’m sure it will get you right into shape for this summer.

    Tomorrow will be one of the SHOCK workouts. :happy:

    Glad we are all here together and enjoy sharing our enthusiasm for working out ~ Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Well, I got my step over the weekend and did the Basic Step DVD by Cathe that came with it. I LOVE easy to follow, not too perky, and gets the job done. I was very impressed. Can't wait to get the other DVD's and dive in!

    Laurie-I don't have my Insanity set yet, but my plan is to make up my own calendar with that thrown in here and there. I'm interested to see how it goes! I'll probably start in February.

    I'll report back when I get my other Cathe DVD's!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was W7D2 of GW28k, and I ran that on the treadmill. I would really like to get in Jackie Warners Power Circuit Training: Total Body, or try out my new Jillian workout Last Chance Workout done after work. It has an Upper and Lower body section in it. :smile:

    Tami ~ Love your pick by the way. :smile: I think you deserved a day off also. That is the way I felt about my day off also, since I had been doubling up on some of my days too. Didn't feel guilty at all. :laugh: You are really getting in the workouts, and of course your volleyball. Have you tried out all of the new SHOCK workouts yet. I really need to incorporate those into a rotation, but don't want to overdo things. I'm not supergirl! :laugh: Glad the "kids" had a great time on their walk. I so want to get another german shepherd, but I think I have to wait until the girls are out of the house. :laugh:

    Jamie, Glad you had a good time with Basic Step, and I'm sure that you will have even more fun when you get your new DVD's. I have not done a step workout in a while, because my knee was having issues with the twisting. :grumble: Someday I'm hoping to try them out again. Figure an Imax is probably doable. :smile: I will be starting the Insanity rotation in February.

    Have a great day!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi! Just popping in to say hello & see what ya'll are up to. I did Cathe 4DS all through December & I really, really liked it. I know there's mixed reviews on it, but I found it to be enjoyable. It was perfect for around holiday season b/c they fit in everything in a short amount of time. I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid & on weight days I have actually been doing the cardio from 4DS alot. Its short & doesn't require as much energy as say an IMAX or Bodymax.

    I was also wondering if you've done MMA Boxing by any chance? I have a heavy bag & never use it. I see that MMA Boxing has a heavy bag section. I have read enough reviews & watched enough clips that I don't think I will be ordering any of the others.

    Laurie, if you have knee problems please get some good cross-trainers for Insanity! That's the one body part that gets hit really hard. So much explossive jumping, side-to-side movement, & everything is just done at such a fast pace. There's nothing else like it though. Although I got kind of bored during the rotation, I am LOVING doing the Insanity workouts just twice per week. I hope you enjoy it. I am expecting my newest Beachbody product, Brazil Butt Lift, any day now....

    Take care, Kara
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou: Thanks on the photo ~ that’s my sweet girl Emma and I this summer. I love her sweet smiling face ~ Golden’s are so funny that way w/ their smiles. :happy:

    So this a.m. I started with SHOCK Athletic Step …. Thought since it wasn’t too “dancy” in the description I would be right with the choreography. Ummm :noway: :noway: :blushing: NO. I can’t believe how stumped I get on footwork; specialness! :blushing: Have you done that one yet? I think if I attempt it again soon I will pick it up a little better. But after about 25 min I decided to do HiiT 30/30 instead since I was running out of time. So it ended up being a good a.m. workout thanks to 30/30. :wink:

    Last night I went to the Turbo Kick class. It was good. Knowing the routine this time helped.
    Tomorrow will be Plyo Legs – Disc 32

    Hope you have a great day!
  • jmec
    jmec Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just glad that I'm past the those drop set pushups on Disc #4. At least I can start out on my toes. Sadly...about half way through those, I'm dropping to my knees. By the end of disc#4...I'm almost falling on my face doing the last set of push-ups. It's really quite pathetic.
    I did the new Step Moves from Shock Cardio this morning. I haven't done a new step dvd for a while so I forgot that I spend a lot of time saying "huh?" while I'm trying to figure out the foot work. I did feel like it went by fast. I know these workouts are short. Have you ladies done most/all of the new ones? Do you ever feel like you didn't do enough? Like somehow you need to tack on another 20-30 minutes? ....sad. Who in their right mind would think that? ...just look what Cathe does to you:laugh:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning, :flowerforyou:

    This morning was BFBM, still amazes me how many calories that workout burns. :love: Didn't get in that weight workout last night, because I had to take the youngest to the doctor. She is ok, she & I just needed some reasurance on "female issues" she is having.

    Tami, LOL about Athletic Step, no I have not attempted any of the step workouts. I'm going to say that your experience is what I usually have to endure. I stand at the back of my step looking at the TV like Cathe just sprouted two heads. :laugh: Glad you had a back-up workout to do. I like that Cathe has made some shorter/intense workouts. Most of hers are over 40 min., unless you use the 4DS series of course. :wink: Really great variety in workouts, and glad the Turbo Kick class was better for you.

    Kara, Thanks for the info, and I am all over those cross-trainers. :wink: I like the 4DS series also, and really like the kickboxing section in that one. I have done the MMA Boxing, but not the bag section. I don't have a bag, but I would think that I could use my weighted gloves, and pretend I have a bag. :laugh: Overall I liked that workout, but I wore my weighted gloves to make it harder. When I was finished my upper body was toasty. She would do a boxing section, and then get your HR up by inserting a cardio section. There where three of these all together. Personally I LOVE anything kickboxing/boxing, so I probably am not the person to ask. I would compare the HR factor to KenpoX. Have fun with Brazilian Butt Lift.

    Jamie, I can only do about 10-12 toes push-ups at one time, so totally understand getting to those knees. But then you are getting those arms/chest to failure if you are falling on your face. :wink: I have not tried all the new DVD's yet, don't know if I will actually even try out the step ones. I am a klutz, and have a very hard time learning new workouts. I remember trying out a new DVD from a different instructor, and the warm up had me standing there looking at the TV. I took the thing out of the player, and did something else. :laugh: i'm usually happy with a short workout if it got my HR up in the zone for at least 20-30 min. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I'm new to the site and excited to see some exercisers who are Cathe fans along with the other greats such as Jari, Jillian and Chalean out there. I finshed P90x last year but I have decided to commit to Cathe for a 90 day rotation in order to shift the scale. Hoping to join in although I do realize that this group has been at a it for a while.

    Planned on Bootcamp this morning but early errands befor ethe rain get heavier has siderailed that option for now. Off to clean bathrooms and burn some calories that way instead. :wink:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Michelle ~ :drinker: Glad to have you join us! It's fun to share in our enthusiasm on the workouts. Which rotation are you doing of Cathe's?!?!

    Laurie: Firstly, I’m glad your daughters ok. :smile: I knew you would understand my dilemma on the step confusion. :grumble: Geesh! Again I will say I am so glad I’m not the only one. That one is definitely “doable” I just need to revisit it again while it is still sort of fresh. Maybe I will get it after the 2nd or 3rd go!
    This a.m. was Plyo legs – week 2 of Disc 32. Did Spinning last night so my legs were definitely feeling it but it was good! I saw the mention of some good cross trainers for Insanity. I recently purchased a pair of the Adidas Mega Bounce … I really like them, good cushion.

    Jamie: :laugh: As you can see from my confusion with Athletic Step I don’t know that the Step Moves is going to make it out of the case! So far I have done: HiiT 30/30, 40/20, Cardio Core Circuit, MMA Kick Boxing and my 25 min. attempt at Athletic Step. I am hoping to re-visit that one this weekend! Also, tomorrow I plan on doing one of the MMA workouts. So getting through them and REALLY like the workouts. I know what you mean on the time frame; I can see where combining them w/ an STS workout on some days would work great OR even a SHOCK workout by itself and then an ab workout. :tongue:
    Yes, that is the mindset Cathe gives you ~ I agree!

    Hope everyone has had a great day ~ I’ll check in tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies! :happy:

    This morning I finished up Week 7 of Gateway to 8K on my treadmill. Only three more weeks left of the running. :wink: Still would like to get in Jackie Warners PCT: Total Body and Shred #2 after work. Tonight is going to be a busy evening, with a hair appointment for the girls. My DH and oldest DD are going to see Avitar at the IMAX. For some reason that movie just doesn't interest me at all. :yawn: :laugh:

    Welcome Michelle ~ I agree with Tami, glad you have joined us. Bootcamp is a great workout. :wink: I think this thread is for all those ladies that have a wide variety of workout DVD's. Of course I have the whole Cathe collection. :laugh: I'm one of those that tried out the gym, but it would just not workout with my schedule. And then it was always so busy at the place, that I could never get a weight workout done the way I wanted to. :grumble: I guess I'm just a solitary exerciser. :laugh:

    Tami, I think it would probably take me about 3 or 4 times going through that workout to figure it out. I would really like to try out that Core Circuit, maybe I should trade Shred #2 with that one. :huh: I will check those shoes out, I'm going to try on a bunch and see how it goes. I have been looking at the internet for recommendations also, just to make sure that I'm headed in the right direction. Will be bouncing in the store for sure, and probably doing some side to side movements also. :laugh: Still need to get a new pair of running shoes also. I bet your legs where feeling it just a little, but what a great combo.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~

    Laurie: That’s awesome that you are getting in your running program ~ are you looking forward to it being over or will you start another one after it? Will you be doing your running & Insanity do you think in February? Hopefully you get in your workout tonight while your family is gone to the movie. :wink: I haven’t seen that either. I think that will be a DVD rental when it comes out for us; I’m the same way on that movie.
    Definitely give Core Circuit a try when you feel like it ~ I am looking forward to that one again. It’s tough, but good! :tongue:

    Laurie/Michelle: I agree on the “solitary exerciser” mention. I am too and have had the same experience. It was about 15+ yrs ago when I decide to NOT be a gym member for my workouts; other than now doing my “fun” evening classes @ the community center. I couldn’t ever get a true workout in at the gym & I just love having a library of DVD’s/programs to try etc….. Again, glad to share this passion with you guys!

    Last night I went spinning again so I decided this a.m. I would sleep in and get my workout done tonight. :wink: My hubby is out of town so plenty of time this evening + it gave me a little extra rest. :blushing:

    Tomorrow a.m. will be Disc 33 (2nd week) Shoulders, Triceps & Biceps.

    Have a great Day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    2bLean- my hubby was out of town last weekend which was a great time to relax, hang out in pjs and just be lazy.:wink:

    Laurie- I have a collection to include P90x, Chalean Xtreme, Taebo, Jari love, Jillian and some Cathe. Cathe's will hopefully grow in the future but those long workouts were a turn off years ago and I hate step classes. I did do Bootcamp yesterday after cleaning the bathrooms and I'm feeling that core today:smile:

    I'm doing a rotation that includes circuitt and full body workouts in order to shed some weight. We spent the holidays at Disney and although we were in a condo the hectic pace with the kids were not that great for eating clean. Afterwards we went to my mom and then my in-laws in Alabama...

    My body hurst and it feels great....Stretch max with Cathe later...tomorrow is Muscle Edndurance.
