Calling all Cathe fans!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Laurie: I’m glad I’m not the only one on missing the ab workouts. :flowerforyou:
    My dogs can’t wait for me to take them in the eve’s when I get home. They love their walks! :smile:
    That’s great that you asked me about my recovery week because I was thinking of forsure doing a Yoga workout – I have the P90X as well and haven’t done that one since (it's sooooooo long). I have a Pilates workout that I really like too and then probably a few of cardio and a good stretching one will be my plan. So yes I am going to take her suggestion of “no weights” for that week. :wink:

    Hope you both have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I don't know if I'm going to hinder or help my STS rotation, but I'm feeling like I need a little more cardio. This morning I did a 25 min. run, and finally finished up the Yoga based abs workout. :wink: After work I will be going out with my friends, so I'm hoping I'm still up to getting Disc 5 Back/Triceps finished. We girls usually don't drink the night away, but one never knows how you feel after you have been relaxed. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi there!

    I think incorporating the cardio is good . . . . but that's me. I wish I had more time in a day to do more. In the meantime my goal is 3 days of the STS (ie: weights rotation) and then 3 days of the cardio. But still trying to also incorporate the abs workout after STS a couple days. This week my cardio yesterday was only my 2 mile walk (brisk walk) with "the dogs" so that wasn't part of my plan but they were so pitiful I couldn't resist & it was a beautiful evening.

    Tonight is Disc #11 Back/Triceps ..... tomorrow a.m. is cardio. I think I'm going to do the Ultra Cardio Blast from Cathe's Drill Max! :happy:

    Have fun tonight and enjoy your time with the gals!
    Talk to you soon ~ :flowerforyou: Tami
    BTW: Are you loving STS so far?!!??
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    Well Cathe had Cardio Kicks in the rotation, but I just didn't feel like doing that workout this morning. I subbed in KenpoX. I didn't get Disc 5 in, so will get that done after work. I'm determined to get this rotation done on time. :happy:

    Tami, Drill Max premixes are so good. :wink: Those doggies just love to go for a walk don't they? :laugh: I just dropped mine off at doggy daycare today, so that she gets herself worn out playing all day long. :laugh: I agree with you on liking STS! I have done P90X, and even though I have only been doing these workouts for a little while, I love that each of the workout is different. I got so bored with P90X after 60 days where up.

    Talk at you later,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Hi there! :flowerforyou:

    I agree on the Drill Max pre-mixes. Very good cardio forsure! What are some of your favorite cardio DVD's of hers? Do you have most of them?

    Last night I did the Back/Triceps Meso 1 - #11 and also the Abs "No Equip" - that was a great ab workout! :wink:

    LOL! On doggy daycare. I know mine would love that. But they play pretty hard between the two of them. On the other hand, getting them extra social skills would be nice sometime though! :wink:
    I got bored with P90X too eventhough I finished the program. Didn't really get the results I had hoped for but it was still a good program and definitely a favorite of millions out there. :ohwell:

    Hope you are having a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    Well I finally got that Disc 5 finished, and Disc 6 Legs. :wink: I used my tubing for the chin-ups/pull-ups, and found that I enjoyed doing the workout that way instead of trying to lift my body. Still would like to get a 30 min run and the Ab Circuit Pilates workout done after work. Should be a doable thing.

    Tami, I like how P90X worked too, but the repetition of the workouts got to me in the end. I sometimes have a hard time figuring out which sections are the same in these STS workouts. If it wasn't for Cathe saying something similar in both workouts, I wouldn't even realize it. :blushing:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie ~

    I will be doing Disc 12 of Legs this eve and one of the Ab Circuits. I really enjoyed the "no equip" ab w/o the other day so might do that one again! :wink:
    It's a really nice day here again so I know the "kids" (dogs) will be staring at me waiting to go on a walk when I get home. :wink:
    I'm hoping to do a tough cardio workout tomorrow (haven't decided which one yet) and then some good stretching on Sun. Next week is my recovery/rest week. I can't believe it. I need to get a "schedule" in mind of which workouts in which order. :smile:

    I was the same way on STS ~ didn't realize it was the same necessarily on certain exercises. :blushing: To me they all feel "new" but different. It's great!

    Talk to you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    Got my run in on Friday after work, and the Ab workout. Saturday was TaeBo Get Ripped #1, and another run. Should have been a good girl and got in a stretch on Sunday, but hubby and I went to look at refrigerators. Our 20 year old fridge is leaking water, and it is starting to warp our hardwood floors when we don't catch the puddle in time. :mad: Probably getting a freezer on the bottom with French doors. I really liked those the best. :happy:

    This morning was Disc 7, and will get in a run and the med ball abs done after work.

    Tami, So what have you decided to do for your recovery week? I also enjoyed the no equipment abs.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Monday Laurie ~

    My weekend was pretty “low key” on exercise. Maybe it was having recovery week on the brain I guess. :noway: Just one day of cardio w/o Sat. then yesterday was kind of a lazy day after meeting a friend for coffee in the a.m. and then a late lunch w/ another friend. Which was great ~ but always kick myself for not getting the workout in prior when I have a day like that. :grumble:

    My recovery week is going to be: Mon eve: Cardio w/ Ab work, Tues a.m.: Pilates, Wed a.m.: Cardio w/ Ab work Thurs a.m. : Pilates Fri a.m.: Cardio w/ Ab work - Cardio will be Various DVD's. (ie: Jillian Michaels Banish Fat w/o, Step KickBoxing w/o and one of Cathe's). :flowerforyou:
    That's my plan - hope to stick to that schedule; if anything I will alternate a workout here or there if I don't feel like one or the other. But basically cardio and Pilates. Might try to incorporate a good stretching DVD too.

    That's great that you are a runner too. I wished I enjoyed running more ~ it seems to offer great results for people. How are you feeling with STS? Enjoying it? etc.....
    Good luck with the new refer. We went through the same process last year and got one with the freezer on the bottom - love that feature! :wink:
    Talk to you soon!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    My run last night was on the TM, because I just don't need to exercise in the rain/wind/cold. :laugh: But dang was it a great run! This morning my cardio was Tony's 1:1 Plyo Legs.

    Tami, I like your rotation for recovery. You are getting a great mix of workouts in. So far I'm feeling pretty good with the STS workouts. I had been doing endurance weight work before I started this rotation, so that probably helped me. I'm guessing the next two Meso cycles will be the test for me. :wink: So many people have said that they like the freezer on the bottom. Sure makes sense to not be bending all the time. I'm excited to get the thing ordered now. :happy:

    Have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie ~

    Hope you are having a good day! Yes, I feel really good with STS too; I'm loving the program. :wink:
    I did Chalean X prior to this but I'm enjoying this a lot more. It is more of a challenge for my body - which is what I needed.
    I think I may be making a little progress on some inches but haven't weighed myself or anything. It's hard to lose when you only have around 5-8 lbs. It's kind of frustrating but I am in it for the long haul always and know eventually something will trigger my body to change a bit!
    Do you eat all of your exercise calories, etc.... like they say to do on here? I have been but sometimes I go under and feel like that may help but maybe that's just me. :noway:

    Yes, I wanted to plan to stay busy on my recovery week and offer myself a variety of styles of workouts so I think this will be good. Pilates today.
    Good job on the run and Plyo. How do you like that workout of Tony's? I almost ordered that once but then didn't. :indifferent: I didn't know if I could just order the one workout or had to do all of the One-on-One's.

    I'm glad we are MFP buddies and I have you to check in with! Thank you. Let me know how I can help you along your journey! :smile:

    Talk to you soon!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Hi Tami,

    Disc 8 Back & Triceps is done. I will get in a run and ab circuit weights & plates after work.

    I didn't get CLX, because I just didn't click with her in Turbo Jam. In fact I gave all my TJ's to a friend of mine, because I knew I would never do them again. :noway: I'm feeling Monday's workout in my shoulders a little bit. All those push-ups where probably to blame for some of it. :wink:

    I sometimes eat all my exercise calories, and really try to get in at least 1500 calories per day. I enjoy eating, so have to watch what I put in my mouth. My girls are on a health kick, so the munchy foods have not been around our house. I think the hubby is going through withdrawls though. I actually have gotten him to eat the Eddy's Slow Churn Ice Cream with 1/2 the fat. :happy: You can see what I'm eating, because I have my journal open.

    Tony's 1:1 plyo legs is ok! There are two points in the workout that he coughs and has to spit! :noway: At first I was kind of grossed out. :blushing: He expects you to do a warm-up, because he goes right into the workout. The best way to describe it is a mix of P90X Legs and PlyoX. I think that you can order just specific workouts. I did have a subscription, but cancelled it. Some of the newer ones he is putting out for vol. 2 look pretty good though. Heard that they had chapter points so you could skip.

    I also am glad that I have someone to check in with, and I'm sure that I will have some questions as time goes along. :happy:

    Have a great day,
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member

    Well this morning was kickboxing, so Criss Cross Cardio was my workout of choice. I did the premix so my total workout time was 50 min. I have not that particular workout in quite a while, so it was fun to get a revisit.

    No other workouts for me today, because I'm helping out at a cross country meet. Hope my DD does well.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie!

    Sorry to miss you yesterday ... sounds like you are doing great with your workouts. I absolutely understand on the push-ups from those shoulder workouts and how you kind of feel it for a day or so! There are a lot of them in STS.

    Is Cross-Cross cardio one of Cathe's or?!??!

    Yesterday I did the Jillian Michaels Banish Fat DVD - haven't done that one in a while and it was a nice "re-visit"! This evening I am going to do Pilates and tomorrow will be probably one of Cathe's "mixes" on cardio. Want to hit it hard tomorrow becuase I will be gone Sat & Sun. Going with my friends and hubby to fish on the Columbia River .... my husband guides part time (has been out of town guiding actually so we are meeting him where he's at). So that will be fun but no workouts. :grumble:

    Good luck at the cross country meet! Hope your daughter does good.

    I'll check in tomorrow before I leave! :flowerforyou:

  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi Laurie & Tami,

    Hope you don't mind me stopping in & reading about your STS journey. I LOVE Cathe. I have almost all of her workouts (some so old they are on tape, not DVD!). I just finished a round of p90x last month (great results, little boring, but overall liked alot) and am now doing Insanity from Beachbody. I will be done w/that on Thanksgiving. I don't really have much weight to lose (3-4 lbs at most) but could stand to tone up some more & get rid of a little tummy.

    It sounds like ya'll are liking STS. Do you feel it's worth the price? If you have to start w/meso 1 & then move through to meso 3...that's alot of $$$. And it sounds like ya'll do a mix of all types of cardio. Does she just leave it up to you to do whatever you want or is there a "cardio schedule" that spells it out? Any input is greatly appreciated. My hubby & I did P90x & are also doing Insanity together. Would a guy be challenged/enjoy STS? We were thinking of doing a round of p90x+ in the new year, but I'm very interested in Cathe's system.

    Thanks! And best of luck to you both!!! You sound like you're doing very well w/the program!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Hi Kara,

    Don't worry about jumping on the thread. :wink: I am only on Week 3 of Meso 1, so that is the endurance phase.

    Pros: I will tell you that I really like these workouts because each week the workout feels different. It may be the same footage, but Cathe rearranged the sequence so that it makes it different. I really love having the weight sheets ready with the weights printed on the page for me. No guessing. I always feel that I'm going to failure, and if I don't I know to increase the weights just like I would in the P90X program. This program to me is not boring at all. With P90X I couldn't wait to get to the recovery week. I enjoy the warm-ups in these more that in P90X. :noway: More variations in the ab workout, I love this fact. I don't know how many times I didn't do Ab Ripper X, because I just didn't want to endure that workout again. :wink: She does have MEN in the workout, so yes your hubby would probably do fine with this program.

    Cons: She does use the barbell and dumbells, but she also says that you can sub the barbell with dumbells. It sometimes takes me more time to get my weights adjusted than the time given, but I just use my pause button. Lots of equipment changes, she will go from sitting on the chair to a stability ball exercise, but again I find this variety to make the time go faster. I have heard that you would probably need some type of tower for Meso 2 and 3 for the chest work, because the weights are to heavy to lift without support. Personally I will probably lower my weights, because I don't know that I need to life that heavy for chest work.

    She does have rotations on her forum that are for all three Meso cycles, the basics are like this:
    Day 1: Weight Work
    Day 2: Cardio (Plyo type)
    Day 3: Weight Work
    Day 4: Cardio (kickboxing)
    Day 5: Weight Work
    Day 6: Cardio (this day she mixes it up with different types)
    Day 7: Off/Strech/Yoga

    I have tried the P90X+ workouts, and in that rotation the only ones I do on a regular basis are the kenpo and interval workouts. The other workouts in that program are just way to intense for me personally. I never finished the rotation, because my shoulder started to hurt.

    Hope I could help you decide.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Is Cross-Cross cardio one of Cathe's or?!??!

    This is an old workout by Sherri Jacquelyn, and I think the only DVD she ever made. I really wish she would have continued making workouts, because this one really gets my HR up there.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Is Cross-Cross cardio one of Cathe's or?!??!
    This is an old workout by Sherri Jacquelyn, and I think the only DVD she ever made. I really wish she would have continued making workouts, because this one really gets my HR up there.


    Thanks Laurie ~ I wondered :happy: I hadn't heard of it. But since we have similar interests I wondered who put it out. :wink:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Laurie & Tami,

    Hope you don't mind me stopping in & reading about your STS journey. I LOVE Cathe. I have almost all of her workouts (some so old they are on tape, not DVD!). I just finished a round of p90x last month (great results, little boring, but overall liked alot) and am now doing Insanity from Beachbody. I will be done w/that on Thanksgiving. I don't really have much weight to lose (3-4 lbs at most) but could stand to tone up some more & get rid of a little tummy.

    It sounds like ya'll are liking STS. Do you feel it's worth the price? If you have to start w/meso 1 & then move through to meso 3...that's alot of $$$. And it sounds like ya'll do a mix of all types of cardio. Does she just leave it up to you to do whatever you want or is there a "cardio schedule" that spells it out? Any input is greatly appreciated. My hubby & I did P90x & are also doing Insanity together. Would a guy be challenged/enjoy STS? We were thinking of doing a round of p90x+ in the new year, but I'm very interested in Cathe's system.

    Thanks! And best of luck to you both!!! You sound like you're doing very well w/the program!

    Hi there ~ absolutely jump on in! :flowerforyou:

    I absolutely agree on the diversity of the program even if it is the same exercise or what not. You feel like you are doing new exercises because she keeps it at such a variety.

    I just completed Meso 1 and on recovery week. Meso 2 begins next week.
    For my weights I have the Bowflex SelecTechs so they are able to be re-arranged quickly; which helps but I don't use a barbell and so far have only found on a few "isolation" type exercises that a barbell would have worked better. I think it isn't sacrificing anything though. I had asked a few people who have completed STS before and they said they used dumbells only and that worked just fine for them too. ~ Like Laurie I just hit pause to get situated and then move on. For pull-ups I use a band (which one of the ladies in her group does as well).

    I have been implementing a mix of cardio - forsure 2 days a week but definitely wanting to increase it to 3. As Laurie mentioned she does give you a specific DVD recommendation for cardio or you can mix in your own; as long as you are incorporating cardio.
    I too did P90X once before (just did 1 round) I like this even more. I think both are great programs but yes, the Ab work is a nice diversity and you can pick & choose which one. I think your hubby would enjoy it - :wink: I was worried about the $$$$ and what the program would offer, etc.... but at this point, I am really happy I made the investment. I could see myself doing this again and again in the future. :smile:

    How are you liking Insanity???!! I have thought of maybe doing that after STS and then a combo of the two. :huh: Using Insanity as my cardio. Would love to hear about it as well.

    Let me know if you have any questions on STS - glad to help in whatever way I can or in the decision making process! Only 1/3 of the way through my rotation but will help with whatever questions you may have.

    Thanks for dropping in! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,458 Member
    Morning Tami,

    We really do have similar intrest in exercise workouts, because I have been thinking of getting Insanity also. :wink: At first my attitude was no way :noway: , it's just to insane for me. Then I did a full 30 days of 30 day Shred, and then ran with that also. I couldn't believe how much faster I was at running than I was before the Shred. So now I'm wondering if I get Insanity, then maybe it might help my DD's with their running too. Both my girls are in cross country and track. It sure couldn't hurt them between seasons. :happy: I want to do Insanity after this STS rotation also, so it would be the beginning of January. I just mentioned it to my hubby this morning, and he didn't even bat an eye that I wanted to get more exercise DVD's. :drinker: :laugh:

    This morning was Disc 9, Legs and I plan on getting in a short run in after work. My Saturday workout will be Kelly-Coffey Meyers 30 MTF Bootcamp, and the Quick Fix Cardio that Cathe wrote up on the rotation. That sounded like fun, so I kept that option in my rotation. Sunday I really need to get in some stretching, because my neck has been getting a little stiff. :wink:

    The meet yesterday was rainy/cold/windy, but my DD did a great job coming in 10th. I could tell she was really struggling with the cold, she just doesn't have enough body fat to keep her warm enough.

    Have a great day!