Calling all Cathe fans!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning was CTX Kickbox cardio only and Cardio Quick Fix that Cathe had created on her STS rotation. No running for me last night a) it was raining b) I want to make sure that the mice didn't create a new home in the treadmill motor. Would not be a good thing to turn that on and burn out the motor.

    Wow on the calories that Ultra Cardio Burst burned. Now I know for sure that I need to get that DVD. :wink: Do you have all of her new 30 min. workouts or just that one. I'm thinking of not getting the weight workouts, because after STS I just don't think I will need more weight workouts. :happy: :wink:

    I'm not looking forward to this winter, because they are saying we will be getting a lot of snow. :grumble:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning!

    Will have to get in my cardio workout this evening ….. for some reason Tuesday’s seem to be my toughest days to get up at my normal “workout” time. :yawn:

    I hope the mice don’t create a new home there too :huh: that would not be good! :noway:

    I know on the calorie burn with KC Ultra Cardio. Because of course it is the 2 different workouts. Definitely put it on your list! (I know you already have :wink:) I felt the exact same way on not getting a weight workout; only purchased this one of her new ones. I thought it would be a good cardio to mix into the bunch! With STS I don’t feel I need any other weighted workouts at this time.

    Currently my “wish list” consists of STS Shock Cardio and of course Insanity. :happy:

    Hope you have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Well because Cathe's site was down for maintenance, I didn't get my workout sheet printed off. :laugh: So I decided to get the Disc 17 Leg workout done tonight after work. I did get TaeBo Celebrity Fit Sculpt and Kettlenetics KB Elements done. I must say even with just doing the (learning) portion of the kettlebell workout my butt is sore right now. :wink: Still want to get in an actual KB workout maybe on Saturday.

    My wish list is most certainly Insanity. I have my eye on other workouts, but I will wait for reviews on them before I buy. :happy: DH didn't get home until almost midnight last night, so he didn't get a chance to look at the TM. Will get him on that tonight. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:

    Legs this a.m. (Disc 17 as well I believe) and then I also did STS - Abs workout (no equip.). :smile:
    Sounds like you got a good workout in this a.m. too ~ Let me know how you like Disc 17. To me the leg workouts go by so fast.
    Those workout sheets are so great, I try to get them printed out in batches as I go.

    Tomorrow will be cardio and since I missed yesterday I would like to get in a great workout!

    Good luck on your TM. I hope it is "mice" free! :noway:

    Have a great day - I'll chat with you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Got the Disc 17 Leg workout done, and a run in too after work. This morning was BC Premix #1 WOW! Cathe's Cardio Quick Fix, and Ab Circuit No Equipment. I love the leg workouts so far in Meso 2 (I've only done 1). I think this week of Meso 2 is going to be my favorite, I like the do three exercises rest, repeat.

    My TM is mouse free, they didn't make a home in it as I had feared. But now the motor area is all cleaned out too. :smooched: that DH of mine.

    What great cardio workout did you get done today? I should probably print the whole week off also, but this gets me into the workout manager so I can say YES I this the workout. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Laurie ~

    Excellent news on the TM being mice free!
    Do you workout in the a.m. and the p.m. then? OR get your runs in at evening time on the TM? That's excellent. :happy:

    Ultra Cardio Blast today .... yahoo! :wink:

    I don't have that one of Cathe's .. "Cardio Quick Fix" - is it a good one?! Silly question, I'm sure it's good but would you say a must for ones library ?!?!

    Tomorrow is Back & Biceps w/ hopefully an ab workout as well.

    Have a great day!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning was Disc 18 Back & Biceps, and all I can say is WOW. My biceps where worked to failure. I had to laugh when Cathe said don't use your shoulder as an earing. :laugh:

    The Cardio Quick Fix is something she created on her STS rotation. It is just 5 exercises done for 1 minute each, and you do 4 rounds for a total of 20 min. But it sure gets your HR up there. I mostly workout in the am, but if I have the time I like to get in something after work. With the way the weather has been lately, I have been getting in some good runs. I figure that as long as I'm out with the dog(I usually walk her right when I get home), I may as well get some exercise in for her and for me. She actually likes to run. She has a great stride. :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    Yes, same for me on the workout. Disc 18. :tongue: I know what you mean. At the end of that workout and the biceps they are definitely worked!

    I'll have to check that out. (Cardio Quick Fix).

    Tomorrow will be cardio and then Sun. a.m. I hope to get in a good stretch but will also be starting up my Womens Volleyball league so I have 2 matches! Looking forward to that. It kind of breaks up the winter a bit having an activity going on. :wink:

    Hope you have a great Friday and weekend if I don't chat with you again before Monday!

    Take care,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Disc 19 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps is done, and another goodie! :love: Cathe did say something funny that made me laugh, but I don't remember what it was right now. :laugh: Hope to get in a run after work. Saturday the only thing I got in was a run outdoors, it sure was cold out but not raining so I felt really good. :wink:

    I used to be in a volleyball league! Oh how I miss playing. :smile: I played in a summer league about two years ago, but that really screwed up my knee. Wonder why jumping in the sand would hurt more than jumping on a hard court? :huh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    Disc 19 for me too. :tongue: Definitely a goodie! I think my workout card was set a little high in the weights ... I had to go down a little as the workout progressed.

    Saturday I did Imax 2 and then yesterday was volleyball - ended up playing 9 games! We play 4 on 4 so it is a lot of action. :wink:
    I would say playing in the sand is definitely hard on your knees ... your feet stick and your knees go a different direction. :huh: Sand volleyball is a workout, that' forsure!

    Cardio tomorrow.

    Hope you have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Today was BFBM. Didn't get my run in after work yesterday, so will try to get it done tonight. Got caught in a traffic jam, so got home late. Then had to get my oldest to her drivers ed class.

    9 games of volleyball, bet that was a good workout. I like playing with only 4 people. I have played that grouping for the last few years. I didn't play this last summer because the sand courst hurt my knees to much. My brother hasn't called this year if they where playing on the hard courts. One of the places they played was shut down last year. :ohwell:

    I think the weights I had where perfect, because when Cathe started to struggle with her weight was just about the same time that I would start.

    What did you pick for your cardio today? :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning!

    Today was BFBM workout for me too!! LOL!! Haven't done that one in a while so it was fun! :wink:

    Yes, the 9 v-ball games was a pretty good workout. Sometimes there are times when either team is doing better and depending on the rallies will depend on how hard we are working! :laugh:
    That's great that we have that in common too. I hope they find a new venue for you to play inside and you get to play again.

    Tomorrow will be Legs Disc 20. Looking forward to it.

    Also I thought I would tell you ..... I ordered Cathe's Shock STS workouts! Yahoo. I am really excited. I realize they won't be out for a while but thought I would get it while it was on the "pre-order" sale!

    Have a great day!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    LOL about our workouts! :laugh: Disc 20 Legs is done, and I did manage to get in a run last night. So I'm feeling my hamies right now! :wink:

    Cool on getting the STS Shock Cardio! I saw the pics yesterday of the no equipment Hiit, and I'm having a better feeling about my purchase right now. I'm not much for complicated step, so if there is at least one or two workouts in the Hiit that I can do I will be happy. Depending on how the Athletic Step workout is, I might be able to do that one too. :happy:

    Ok now I have to ask if you played basketball or softball? I came from a small town, so there was nothing else to do but play sports. :happy:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~ :flowerforyou:

    I bet your legs were feeling it after that run last night and then legs this a.m. :wink:

    Yes, Disc 20 for me too. I liked the workout - it went by really fast being a shorter time frame and it was another good one! :smile:

    I am absolutely the same way on step workouts ~ in fact, I was going to mention that to you - that I was wondering about the "choreography" so to speak :noway: and how complicated it might be but thought I would wait. LOL! That was actually my hesitation but after looking at the photos online and reading the description of the whole system it sounds like only 1 of the workouts is potentially more complicated than the rest. Is that what you think as well?!?! :smile:

    YES! I have played softball pretty much my whole life .. since I was 9. This is a smaller town and softball has always been a pretty big part of my summers forsure. Actually how my husband and I met! :smile: Basketball I only played in Jr High and then I ended up focusing on volleyball and softball; played "club" volleyball instead of basketball in the winter.

    Again not only our love for working out and a vast collection of DVD's we seem to have very similar backgrounds/interests ~ I love it! :laugh: :laugh:

    Hope you have a great day!! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Today was 30 MTF Kickboxing #1(used 1lb weighted gloves), and Ab Circuit Stability Ball. I wonder if I will ever be able to do those one legged pikes on the ball.

    I know one of the step workouts is complicated, I watched a youtube of Cathe demonstrating some of the step moves at the Florida road trip. I know for sure I will not be doing that workout. :noway: I was confused just watching that! :laugh:

    It's kind of spooky that we have such similar interest. Maybe I'm just talking to myself! :laugh: :laugh: I never enjoyed playing basketball, it was just something to do during the winter. Of course hanging out with my friends was another advantage. :laugh:

    My butt was really sore this morning, and I think it was from that leg workout. Last night my inner thighs where sore, and I'm thinking to myself, "Oh ya those dang plie squats. :laugh: During the kickboxing workout this morning, I noticed my legs are looking better. I wonder how her combo of cardio/strength will be in a rotation. I'm wanting those MMA workouts to be filmed. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Hi Ladies! I don't know why but I find it so motivating to pop in & read what ya'll have been up to even though I'm not doing STS! I could've almost bet money that both of you had pre-ordered Shock Cardio! I'm holding off...I really only want the MMA workouts (I have a heavy bag in my workout room). After Insanity, I will never need another HIIT dvd! And I'm kind of over Cathe step & I don't like using bands so....I'm going to wait (for now!) I have decided to use 4day Split throughout December (done w/Insanity on Thanksgiving). Just bought it last week when it was the weekly special.

    Anyway, wanted to let ya'll know that month 2 MAX workouts w/Insanity definately change it up from month 1. First they are longer, 47-60 minutes. The MAX workouts also are a good combo of things, not just straight-up cardio drills. There's lots of balance moves. Also one disc has maybe 200 push-ups or something crazy like that (not in a row). And the other disc has lots of leg focus with explosive leg moves & squatting down. There's only one disc I haven't done yet (I ordered the deluxe package so I have a sports conditioning dvd that I can swap out for a workout starting next week) & its a workout people seem to really like. But I'm ready for Insanity to be over!!!!!! I miss weights!!!!!!!! Insanity is a fantastic calorie burner though. I will miss the amount of calories I burn in such a short time.

    Congrats on the great job every day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    I did Kelly Coffey Step Kickboxing this a.m. :smile:
    I know what you are saying on that Stability Ball “one legged pikes” – :noway: weeble-wobble!!

    I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that is challenged/confused by some of the choreography at times. :noway: :grumble: :laugh: Yes, if that one is too complicated it may not make the rotation for me; I’ll have to find that on You Tube to check it out.

    It isn’t just you ~ it’s crazy but great at the same time all of our similar interests.

    You know what ended up being sore on me was one of my hamstrings …. Going up and down the stairs yesterday at worked I could feel it getting tighter. This a.m. after I warmed up, etc. it felt pretty good but definitely felt it! Maybe those sit & stands, not sure!?!?!

    Hope you have a great day – :flowerforyou:

    Biloxibell: I am glad you are popping in on us & get motivation as well!
    Thanks for the update on Insanity! Still wanting to incorporate it into my STS workouts one of these days. Glad to hear you are enjoying it! I think that is how I would be too just doing Insanity alone ... I would miss the weights. Talk to you later - good luck with the rest of Insanity!!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Disc 21 Back & Biceps done, and boy was I struggling on those bicep curls at the end. :wink: Still would like to get in a short run, and some stretching after work.

    Ok you worked out with Kelly also! :laugh: I don't have that particular workout of hers, because the word step is in it. :laugh: :laugh: Oh yes those one legged sit-n-stands, just wish I could get my leg as high as Cathe. Mine is just off the floor, and my butt is hitting my chair harder than it should. :blushing:

    Biloxibell: Thank you for giving us an update, I think I'm ready to handle this new challenge. I love the 4DS weight series. I have not done either of the step workouts in the series, but the kickboxing and bootcamp are great. I have been second guess myself on my pre-order, because the ones I want the most are the MMA and I still like some aspects of her cardio. :wink: Like Tami I'm ready for a STS/Instanity combo. :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    Yes, Disc 21 done for me too this a.m. and I am with you on the struggling bicep curls at the end!! YOWSA! :noway:

    Legs are feeling good today ... hamstring that was tight included. So I am glad. :smile:
    Tomorrow will be a cardio workout - probably one of Cathe's. Volleyball on Sunday & hopefully a good stretch.

    Hope you have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    This morning was Disc 22 Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and since this workout was only 43 min. I managed to get in a short run on the treadmill also. :drinker: Workouts are all done, so I'm feeling good. Saturday I ran outdoors for my longer run, and then also got in Billy's Bootcamp Basic Training. Can't say that this one was a favorite, he used the Billy Bands in this workout. I don't have those so I just put on my weighted gloves. I thought it worked ok. :wink: This workout will probably be a good one for a recovery week. Sunday I wanted to get in a stretch, but I was busy cleaning the house. :grumble:

    I think I might have my DH on the exercise bandwagon. He is willing to try out Tony's 10 min. Trainers. This is like a first, because I know that exercise is a four letter work to my DH! :bigsmile: I think 10 min. is about all DH can handle right now. :laugh:

    How was your weekend? Did you win in volleyball? :smile:
