Joining a gym and very overweight



  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    i dont think no one looks, and its better that your trying at the gym then to do nothing, also check out the kids clubs, the one i go is open from 8-1am and then 4-8:30pm
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I think many of them will have more respect for you for taking control and doing something about your health. You may feel nervous the first few times, but once you keep going and get into a groove you may find that it's not a big deal. Besides, if you stick with it the people who go a lot will notice a difference in you!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I joined when I was 480 lbs. I could only walk on the treadmill (very slowly) for 5 minutes, lucky to get 2 minutes on the elliptical. Did very light weight on the strength machines. I wanted to get healthy.. so even though I'm sure people thought what the hell is she doing here I said to myself, screw them. I was going for my healthy, not to impress anyone. Now I go at least 5 days a week. I can do any cardio equipment for an hour, I do classes like boot camp & body pump.

    Don't worry about anyone else, just yourself. If people judge, they are the a**holes, you are the only one who gets hurt by not going.

    Also... I go every morning, to me its the best time of day. Get it out of the way before other things interfere. My (ex) hubby didn't like it but went anyway.

    Good luck.. you can do this weith committment.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    It's sad that people are like this ... an overweight friend of mine went to the gym for the first time,
    and a younger teenager said very loudly, Wow, look how fat that Mom is ... what is SHE doing here.
    she called me very upset. ... It's made me think about the not so nice in this world ...

    Now I need to suck up my fears!!!
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm so glad I came upon this thread today. Ha. I just re-joined my gym after months of not doing anything about my weight, and today I've been trying to psych myself up to go but all I can think is, "Gaaah, don't want people looking at meeee!" But this has actually helped me out quite a bit. I'm gonna make myself go... as a guy, I always assumed that the well-toned/fit guys are judging people like me who are a bit flabby without really any muscle at all, so I tend to avoid the weights despite knowing how beneficial they are to weight loss success. But I'm going to try and not let that stop me today....
  • VinoFonseca
    VinoFonseca Posts: 51 Member
    First day is hardest. I have 100 to loose and as another women commented, my boobs bounce all over! But when I really look around the gym over half the people there are looking to slim down. And the fit people are soooo supportive, helping with equipment set up and encouragement in classes, meal suggestions. I've only been going for about a month and I am amazed at how great envy one is. I joined a gym with a weight loss challenge. That way I have team members for encouragement. And if it's not enough for me to get there for my self, then I get to the gym for my team members.

    So go. You won't regret it.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Do it! Dragging yourself out of bed early sucks (I recently started doing it) but working out will boost your metabolism well into the day, and in my opinion that's better spent during the day than while sleeping or chilling in the evenings. Plus, from my brief experience doing it for the past 3 weeks or so you'll adjust to it pretty quickly.

    As for the gym, the advice to talk to people and tour a couple before you commit to one is fantastic. You're making a good decision and putting in time and hard work for your health, you should be treated with the respect that sort of dedication and effort deserve.

    For what it's worth I look fit (I'm not, genetics were just super good to me, but I'm working to get fit for real) and probably look like a potential judgemental b**ch to some people. In truth I'm terrified to join my local gym, I always feel like people are judging me for panting after only 10 min of cardio, lifting too little weight, or just generally "doing it wrong." I think a lot of people feel self-conscious enough not to notice others, and those who don't are too busy staring at themselves while they curl and benchpress. (Gymbros... not my fave group, sorry.)

    Long story short, anybody who is going to judge you harshly is a stupid, shallow person. Don't let somebody like that keep you from being healthy.
  • treimnitz
    treimnitz Posts: 51 Member
    I wouldn't worry about the "fit" people. Most of them are so busy exercising themselves that they won't even notice you.
    I'm one of those very fit people and I say good for you for wanting to make a change!
  • brentdaniels
    brentdaniels Posts: 127
    Just go. I go at 5:30 in the morning, and trust me no one cares what anyone else looks
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I joined a gym and frankly, most people don't care if you're over weight or not.

    The point of a gym is to get in shap right?

    In my gym I see all type of ages.

    Trust me, we have a whole bunch of elderly people working out. No one says a word to it.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    If there is a Planet Fitness near you, that would be a good choice. They are supportive of all body types.
  • BarbBlue
    BarbBlue Posts: 251
    I have joined a few gyms and never had any problems. Honestly, everyone at a gym is so concerned as to how they themselves look, they don't pay much attention to others. Plus, everyone has to work at this or the gym's would be empty!
    Good luck and get moving! Don't let that thought stop you! Good luck! You can do it!!!
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    Hey, I went to the Y weekly with my friend when I was barely beginning my weight loss. I was very overweight and worried too.

    All the trainers were very friendly and helpful. Our Y had an area enclosed by a wall so those more shy could exercise in there in a little more privacy. After awhile, I felt comfortable enough to move out to the regular part of the gym.

    Go for it:)
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I've always tell people to only get a gym membership after you've proven to yourself that you can keep the routine.. (saves money too if you end up never going to the gym).. Walk 30min everyday for 30 days.. once you can do that. You know you can keep the routine, plus you then can "earn" your reward of a gym membership.

    This is VERY good advice!! I just said the same thing to someone else. It's summertime, weather is great.
    Im going to start by getting up in the morning and walking outside .. if I can do that until Sept, I will join!

    Wish me luck!!!!!!

    Awesome!! :)
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 86 Member
    You just need to jump in with both feet. That is what I had to do. I did not workout or join a gym because I was to big. I talked myself out of it everytime the thought came into my mind. I continued telling myself "I have to loose some weight BEFORE I can workout". Well guess what, I never lost that weight. I too felt very embarrased because of my size.

    I finally stopped by a local gym that I drove by everyday called Fittess Connexion (Opens @ 5:00 am Closes @ 8:00 pm). It is a facility for women only. I thought I would just stop in a look around & it was the best thing I have ever done for myself in my adult life. They offer child care & offered a 16 day free trial which included one 30 min session with a personal trainer. I met with the trainer (and she was not one of those skinny, young girls, she was a 49 yr old very fit woman with endless knowledge). I was so afraid I couldn't do it or I was going to hurt myself. She took it pretty easy with me & new exactly how much I could do. The ladies that own the gym along with ALL the other women that workout there are absolutley the best. They have helped me if I needed it & left me alone when I need that. I am one of the largest women that works out there but I am not judged by anyone. I am the one who had been judging myself.

    I have been going to Fittness Connexion since March 28th 2012. I have lost 28 pounds in 3 months time, but more important I am already a new person. I feel so much better physically & mentally I cannot even put it into words. I am looking forward to how I am going to feel when I get to my 102 pound weight loss goal.

    Darling, do this for yourself. It will be the best thing you have ever done. You can do this!!
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    There are some people in Gyms that have been fit all their lives, and then there are those that have had problems and are changing them,
    those people know where your coming from and will respect you just for turning up.
    Bite that bullet...
  • pipski76
    pipski76 Posts: 2 Member
    I had the same issues about going swimming till BIG friend of mine pointed out why i was there... to get fit! And to remember im not there for a beauty competition! so i pulled up my big girl panties and off i went! I only go once a week till i feel i can cope with a bit more x
  • Mmmporkrinds
    Mmmporkrinds Posts: 192
    On the rare occasions I go to the gym, I don't pay the least attention to the size of other gym-goers. You're doing it for you, right? So you can focus on the experience for you. A) what others might think doesn't matter, and B) they won't be thinking anything bad anyway. So I reckon just enjoy it and go for it. Hope it goes great!
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi all you have to think about is why you are going. Your subject title says it all. You are overweight and you are now doing something about it, which is great, take it from someone who has been there it will be worth it in the long run, dont worry about it. You will notice the difference in a couple of weeks take it from me good luck
  • Dangerdede22
    Dangerdede22 Posts: 33 Member
    I was so afraid to join the YMCA, I was afraid everyone would judge me but they don't! They guys working are really encouraging, people are usually into their own work out to pay attention to everyone around them. You have to think everyone started somewhere, great advice given to my husband from one of our Officers. My husband is trying to build up muscles but was afraid to ask how to use the machines. Luckily one of the officers from our fire department was there and my husband told him of his dilemma."EVERYONE STARTS SOMEWHERE."..... Now you and I both being overweight its intimidating to work out, I hate seeing the little skinny girls in there but then I think, they are here to continue being skinny, how do I know they never have had a problem with weight? My cycle instructor is a skinny girl, but it took her a long time to get to be that skinny. I love how supportive the staff can be and you can meet some awesome people. I will say if you take a swim class be aware lol some of the older ladies were a little too friendly lol one looked at my chest and sighed "ah too be young again"..... it was awkward t say the least. I love going to the gym and really enjoy myself, I think you will too!