Something nobody knows about you........



  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    Upon reading an article about how Men that dont *kitten* are more attractive to women than men who do *kitten*...i chose to disprove the article by running my own expirement. The expirement lasted 60 days with me not playing with mr end of sixty days i decided to pet some tension out...only i forgot that i had chopped a bunch of habanero peppera earlier in the day. Mr happy apparently is allergic to habanero oil...and he had to get dunked in the kitchen sink.

    Thats just how I roll.

    Uh... milk. I will not address how I know that... but can assure you, should it happen again... milk will help.
  • LauraWall727
    LauraWall727 Posts: 17 Member
    Before I leave my apt in the morning for work I always walk back in my bedroom to make sure the iron is unplugged. The funny thing is that I’ve never left it plugged in.

    Holy cow my hubby makes fun of me for this!! We will leave the driveway and I ALWAYS say "did I unplug the straightener?" he always replies "nope... house is going to burn down.. " ahaha too funny
  • LauraWall727
    LauraWall727 Posts: 17 Member
    Hmmm... My weird quirk is that I always organize things.. slight case of OCD... I organize and straighten sugar packets at restaurants, candy bars and boxes in the stores, and all my labels in the fridge have to point outwards! If there is no organization my life and things are out of place, I mini-panic
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    in collge when i was fighting with my boyfriend ( he may or ay have not ben cheating.... think he was cheating) i put an empty can of tuna under his car, I saran wrapped his geo tracker and put vasaline on his door handles hehehehhehe......yea mean i know lol.....we got back together even after that
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    i love people.. i'm just horribly shy and have social anxiety (making it incredibly difficult for me to make friends).
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    when I take a pill I have to fill my mouth with water then toss it in. Someone noticed once and said I was completely backwards. Now I think about it every time I take a pill

    I've always put the water in my mouth BEFORE the pill. It's not backwards at all, just don't wanna taste the pill. :)
  • Newf13
    Newf13 Posts: 28
    Every time American Idol/America's Got Talent/The Voice have auditions, I consider going to them, but still haven't had the courage to actually go through with it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    when I take a pill I have to fill my mouth with water then toss it in. Someone noticed once and said I was completely backwards. Now I think about it every time I take a pill

    think is how everyone i know does it!
    the thought of tasting the pill makes me gag.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I love pain and getting bruises.
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    "Love" is hard for me, especially since a variety of emotions is very new to me. (it was only happy, depressed, angry previously). I do have a few passions, and I do love, but LOVE (in the romantic sense) is new/foreign/terrifying to me.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i smell everything.
    i bite my nails/cuticles. i don't know who might know this, i guess observant people?
    i pick at my scabs. i make myself bleed all the time and i won't even know it til i see a blood stain.
    i'm normally depressed, an insomniac, and have severe anxiety but i refuse to go to the doctor. amazingly enough changing my diet helps. ketosis ftw.

    maybe more. i don't know.
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    I have an irrational fear of moths. Cant stand them, I've hurt myself running away from them, I've called people4-5 suburbs away and asked them to come over to remove a moth from my house.. because as much as they scare me I dont want them killed... just removed from my presence... this started for absolutely no apparent reason in 9th grade when I jumped over my desk and ran out the classroom door to get away from a moth that flew around in the back corner
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    When I listen to love songs I like to imagine they are singing about me... cheesy I know. :blushing:
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    I have an irrational fear of leaving the closet door open in the bedroom when I go to bed.... I completely blame it on my brothers... they rigged our bedroom door so they could open and close it from their beds (I'm the youngest of five boys)

    I hear ya...after seeing Paranormal Activity, I can't hardly ever stick my feet outside of the blankets, lol. (Eventhough the "thing" came UNDER the blanket!!!! )

    I get that! I still have that irrational fear that I must not let my feet/hands dangle over the bed at night (monster under the bed fears as a kid? I'm not sure what exactly started it all, lol) and I absolutely HAVE to have the closet door shut.
  • melinadanielle
    I have an irrational fear of moths. Cant stand them, I've hurt myself running away from them, I've called people4-5 suburbs away and asked them to come over to remove a moth from my house.. because as much as they scare me I dont want them killed... just removed from my presence... this started for absolutely no apparent reason in 9th grade when I jumped over my desk and ran out the classroom door to get away from a moth that flew around in the back corner

    amen. i agree with you here. i am scared ****less of moths.
  • melinadanielle
    More often then not... I hold my cup with 2 hands like a toddler lol
    i do this too!
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I have an irrational fear of leaving the closet door open in the bedroom when I go to bed.... I completely blame it on my brothers... they rigged our bedroom door so they could open and close it from their beds (I'm the youngest of five boys)

    I hear ya...after seeing Paranormal Activity, I can't hardly ever stick my feet outside of the blankets, lol. (Eventhough the "thing" came UNDER the blanket!!!! )

    I get that! I still have that irrational fear that I must not let my feet/hands dangle over the bed at night (monster under the bed fears as a kid? I'm not sure what exactly started it all, lol) and I absolutely HAVE to have the closet door shut.

    For years and years, I was unable to sleep on my side unless my bed was up against a wall because the thought of something creeping up from behind me freaked me out. haha Also as a child, I slept with my blankets up to my neck because I was scared of vampires. haha I'm not scared of them anymore, but I still sleep like that. haha
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    when I take a pill I have to fill my mouth with water then toss it in. Someone noticed once and said I was completely backwards. Now I think about it every time I take a pill

    I've always put the water in my mouth BEFORE the pill. It's not backwards at all, just don't wanna taste the pill. :)

    I've always taken a mouthfull of water/whatever liquid then popped the pill in to swallow. I do it because the coating on the ouside of pills is completely gross (except for the round peach colored Advil for some reason...or maybe I'm weird) and also I get that "pill stuck in my throat" feeling if I don't!
  • vivie72
    vivie72 Posts: 127 Member
    I have to fall asleep on my stomach while rubbing the top of my foot on the mattress. I can't sleep without blankets even in the summer.
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have a genius level IQ and have no social skills. But, no one knows that because I mimic and predict the behavior of everyone around me. I use my smarts to fake social skills lol.

    This is My hubby and one son. They both do that! They have Aspergers syndrome. High IQ was a dead give away.