
  • p_e_wright
    p_e_wright Posts: 47 Member
    "Regrets, I've had a few..." and for me the song stops there.

    I would say marrying the ex but there was a lot of good that came out of that.

    There's a lot I wish I could go back and do again with what I know now, but it was what it was. I didn't always do the best with what I knew at the time, but to me the important thing is to learn from my mistakes and do better the next time. That's what I try to teach my kids. Mistakes are how we learn best sometimes and as long as we learn from them, mistakes are okay. Hopefully, we can avoid making the huge ones that alter the course of our lives.

    Can't live in regret, that's the past. Live with hope of a better today and a better tomorrow. That's something I keep trying to remind myself.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Not spending enough time with my grandma. She was full Native American. She spoke the language, lived the culture and beliefs. Wish I would have learned all of this from her.
  • Jenny111372
    Jenny111372 Posts: 87 Member
    This is more of a regret than a mistake but it kills me to this day..even 8 years later..my mom was dying..breast cancer that had spread to the bones and then finally to the brain..she was 4 hours away. My children were young..barely 2 and just turned 6..I was driving that trip every weekend with my kids to spend with my mom. Would go anytime she wanted me, needed me or something was wrong no matter the day or time. The weekend before she died I had took my kids and we spent the weekend. Came home that Sunday night because my daughter had school. That day she took a turn for the worse..I call my hubby home from work, drop the kids off with my best friend and off we go. I stayed with her that entire day and night and most of the next day. My best friend still had my kids so I was torn between having to take care of them and being with my mom. I made the decision I felt that needed to be made at the time..I told my mom I needed to go get the kids and I'd be back up the next day unless she needed me or wanted me and I'd drop everything and come. She told me to go take care of my babies. I get home and called to check on her and they said she was sleeping and had been since I left but they'd tell her I called and would call me if anything changed. I was glued to my phone for that previous month and the ONE time I decide to take my kids outside for a little walk I missed the call telling me she had just passed!! I have so much regret for leaving my mom when she probably needed me most!!! All the not so good choices I have ever made in my life or all the stupid things I've done or said can NEVER compare to the guilt I feel about this! Even as I type this..8 years and 3 months later..it still brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes! :(
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    This is more of a regret than a mistake but it kills me to this day..even 8 years later..my mom was dying..breast cancer that had spread to the bones and then finally to the brain..she was 4 hours away. My children were young..barely 2 and just turned 6..I was driving that trip every weekend with my kids to spend with my mom. Would go anytime she wanted me, needed me or something was wrong no matter the day or time. The weekend before she died I had took my kids and we spent the weekend. Came home that Sunday night because my daughter had school. That day she took a turn for the worse..I call my hubby home from work, drop the kids off with my best friend and off we go. I stayed with her that entire day and night and most of the next day. My best friend still had my kids so I was torn between having to take care of them and being with my mom. I made the decision I felt that needed to be made at the time..I told my mom I needed to go get the kids and I'd be back up the next day unless she needed me or wanted me and I'd drop everything and come. She told me to go take care of my babies. I get home and called to check on her and they said she was sleeping and had been since I left but they'd tell her I called and would call me if anything changed. I was glued to my phone for that previous month and the ONE time I decide to take my kids outside for a little walk I missed the call telling me she had just passed!! I have so much regret for leaving my mom when she probably needed me most!!! All the not so good choices I have ever made in my life or all the stupid things I've done or said can NEVER compare to the guilt I feel about this! Even as I type this..8 years and 3 months later..it still brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes! :(

    Your story brought tears to my eyes as well. I'm sure your Mother knew you loved her, you made the effort to be there for her until the end...she knew she was loved and was at peace with it....
  • Giving up on life.
    That's my biggest regret.
    I cut myself for about 4 months, and I will never regret that, the friends I had at the time barely spoke to me, they weren't there for me, and if I hadn't I'm not sure how I would of coped. But I regret that I allowed the past to affect me so much, that it tore me up on the inside and that I didn't just let it go. I fell out with my best friend, but I think everyone knows what it's like to have that friend who is like a sister/brother. Well she was that to me. And I had no one left, no friends. And I felt life was no longer worth living. I've done stupid things, and they never helped, I couldn't even kill myself and someone ridiculous reason I believe I can commit to this but I'll try my hardest and won't promise anymore because in reality, I'm not the person I crack up to be.
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member
    i subscribe to the "Everything happens for a reason" theory so i honestly can't think of anything i would have done differently. if i had, i might not be where i am today, and i love where i am today. :smile:
    I don't really believe in mistakes as they shape us and mold us into who were are today...but:

    ...here's my "but"

    I wish I never smoked that first cigarette. Such a stupid reason to, too.

    I agree with the two people I quoted; I believe mistakes shape us and mold us into who we are today, and I have always *strongly* believed everything happens for a reason. But when it comes to smoking, I honestly can't think of a good reason for that happening, at least at this time in my life. Maybe once I quit, the reason will present itself to me.
  • Taking a summer teaching position believing that I'd actually be teaching...only to find out 4 days into it that all I'm doing is babysitting....I did not go to college to babysit....I'll go back to enjoying my free summer and do some real teaching in August!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    1. Going to college a. I have student loans I can't pay back, and b. 2 degrees useless degrees
    2. Having a baby

    This is your biggest mistake? Or is the sentence not finished?
  • angelicarubi
    angelicarubi Posts: 148 Member
    well lots but you learn from them so guess its a good thing.
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    My biggest mistake was not listening to heart. :)
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Probably losing my virginity to someone I wasn't in love with.
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Not leaving the ex sooner.
    Thought for the kids staying was best. It wasn't.
    She is still a cheating pothead and drunk. /rant

    remove the pot and I would have thought you married my ex too!!
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    This is more of a regret than a mistake but it kills me to this day..even 8 years later..my mom was dying..breast cancer that had spread to the bones and then finally to the brain..she was 4 hours away. My children were young..barely 2 and just turned 6..I was driving that trip every weekend with my kids to spend with my mom. Would go anytime she wanted me, needed me or something was wrong no matter the day or time. The weekend before she died I had took my kids and we spent the weekend. Came home that Sunday night because my daughter had school. That day she took a turn for the worse..I call my hubby home from work, drop the kids off with my best friend and off we go. I stayed with her that entire day and night and most of the next day. My best friend still had my kids so I was torn between having to take care of them and being with my mom. I made the decision I felt that needed to be made at the time..I told my mom I needed to go get the kids and I'd be back up the next day unless she needed me or wanted me and I'd drop everything and come. She told me to go take care of my babies. I get home and called to check on her and they said she was sleeping and had been since I left but they'd tell her I called and would call me if anything changed. I was glued to my phone for that previous month and the ONE time I decide to take my kids outside for a little walk I missed the call telling me she had just passed!! I have so much regret for leaving my mom when she probably needed me most!!! All the not so good choices I have ever made in my life or all the stupid things I've done or said can NEVER compare to the guilt I feel about this! Even as I type this..8 years and 3 months later..it still brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes! :(

    I was with my mom when she died (from pancreatic cancer), I heard that last breath and I regret not being there enough although my son and I lived with her majority of her final diagnosis. I'm so sorry you live with that regret but hope you forgive yourself for it. You were caring for your kids as she would have done for you. <3

    My regret? Not seeking and accepting help earlier in my life.
  • MrsAlcalde
    MrsAlcalde Posts: 261 Member
    Attempting to live life without God, life was hard and hectic, I now can look to Him for guidance and direction, I make better choices and I am at peace
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    #1 -- My one and only ex (if you can call what we had a relationship). It was built on smoke and mirrors and BS ... I was too inexperienced, too young and too desperate (I was even heavier then) to stand up for myself when things didn't seem right to me. I overlooked glaring red flags (disappearing acts, employment status,a Jekyll/Hyde temper, credentials that didn't check out and the "roommate") just to show the world that I could get a boyfriend too. In my mother's immortal words, "He wanted a fool" and he hit the jackpot with me! :brokenheart:

    Almost 20 years later, if everything online about him is to be believed, not only he is still deceitful (my father, who never met him, famously referred to him as a "false prophet") but he has stepped up his violence game! I could go find him and show myself off (I was already heavy when I met him and had gained about 80 pounds since then the last time I saw him) but I would rather not invite that kind of trouble into my life.

    #2 -- About eight years ago someone I knew before came back into my life by chance and we've become great friends since then. I realized over the last couple of years that I am crazy about him. I have not pursued for a lot of BS reasons -- professional goals (his and mine), our distance from each other, and my great fear that he'll reject me outright. :embarassed:
  • Wezlfuss
    Wezlfuss Posts: 122 Member
    Leaving a volunteer job with super nice people without even telling them or saying goodbye. Long story short: I have this really weird social phobia, and it kicks in at the stupidest times... e_e

    I hate wondering what they must think of me now, and I feel like if I sent them an apology message now, they'd just think I was making up excuses for ditching them.
  • laneikqua
    laneikqua Posts: 29 Member
    Staying with my ex as long as I did.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    1. Going to college a. I have student loans I can't pay back, and b. 2 degrees useless degrees
    2. Having a baby

    I sincerely hope your child never sees you posted they were your biggest mistake.
  • Medea81
    Medea81 Posts: 69
    Biggest mistake? Lets see, where to start?
    I had a free ride to college, forgot I took a class, didn't go to class, failed class, lost free ride... (how someone forgets they took a class... I just don't know)
    Running my car out of oil... I found out I had really dirty transmission fluid (my dipsticks were reversed, eh, you live and learn, and buy a new car since the rod went through the engine)
    Getting myself into such financial straits that I had to file for bankruptcy at the age of 30.
    Staying at the job I'm at now because I'm too scared to do anything else.
  • k1mberlyr
    k1mberlyr Posts: 6 Member
    Good for you