Walking With Pedometers



  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    After Faith suggested the Ormon, I asked for it for Christmas. I love it! It's soooo much more accurate than the cheapo I was using!

    It was difficult over Christmas and New Year's for me to get much walking in, but, I didn't gain any weight, and when I returned to my treadmill, my body said, "Oh, yeah, I remember this" and got right back into the swing of things. Whew!

    Ivy, 3 miles is great for "sitting" most of the day! Wow! Wonderful! Isn't it great when you realize you're doing better than you thought!? :flowerforyou:

    Barb, you crack me up! I can just imagine what it looks like at the park. All those dogs running around, and a bunch of people taking it easy, and there you are on your "forced march!" I'll bet you're inspiring some people to get moving there! Especially with New Year's resolutions. So, in my mind, I'm envisioning a "Rocky" type scene with you speed walking along, and a group of people following you, inspired by you, and as you walk, more and more join in and tag along. :laugh:

    Faith, how are you managing everything with going back to work? I'll bet it's been tough trying to find time for everything!

    Ladies, thanks for all the motivation! I really don't think I'd be keeping up with things if it weren't for you. I look back on the 15 pounds I've lost, and while I wish it was more, I'm so grateful I was at least 15 pounds thinner for my super fun anniversary date on New Year's Eve. I'd have been stuck trying to find a dress that fit my heavier body, and you all know how THAT went in the beginning when I had to go to find something to wear to a friend's wedding. Finding a NYE dress was way less devastating! :happy:

    Next 2 goals: 1: Valentine's Day - 160lbs - that's 15 pounds to lose between now and then.
    2: I got a gift cert. for a nice hotel for hubby and me. I'll reserve it when I'm 145lbs. That's 15 more pounds
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    11,293 yesterday.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Averaging about 11,000 each day. Have stopped losing weight, though. I might have to up it. RATS.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: After almost two years of using the step counter on my phone, I have an Omron......the literature talks about how it doesn't pick up anything but real steps and I thought that was a benefit......instead, it doesn't count a lot of the movement in line dance and the Leslie Sansone videos. I've been carrying them both, one in each pocket of my jeans and the difference is huge. The phone reads 12,119 right now and the Omron 8984. I'm disappointed :sad: but I'll probably get over it. :smile:

    The dogs have been boarded already for our trip this weekend so there was no walk at the dog park. I walked them this morning, went to my usual two hour line dance class and did 20 minutes of Walk at Home. I'll get on the exercise bike later but the Omron won't count that as steps.:sad:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: After almost two years of using the step counter on my phone, I have an Omron......the literature talks about how it doesn't pick up anything but real steps and I thought that was a benefit......instead, it doesn't count a lot of the movement in line dance and the Leslie Sansone videos. I've been carrying them both, one in each pocket of my jeans and the difference is huge. The phone reads 12,119 right now and the Omron 8984. I'm disappointed :sad: but I'll probably get over it. :smile:

    I'll get on the exercise bike later but the Omron won't count that as steps.:sad:

    Hi Barb,

    I'm sorry you are disappointed with your Omron. The model you purchased was an improvement over the HJ-112, but I own the HJ-303 which I recommended because it begins to count aerobic steps only 4 seconds into the activity even if the pedometer is upside down or diagonal. Nonetheless, you would have felt disappointed by that as well since it too won't count backwards and sidewards steps. (I posted a while back that I contacted Omron and these facts were confirmed.)

    Hi Susy,

    To respond to your question: I may be working, but I am continuing to lose weight, and in fact, lost 2 pounds last week. When I went to Weight Watchers last night and got on the scale, the leader told me I was .8 away from my goal weight. Not 8 pounds, but in fact, under one pound. Again, that's their goal, but it's not mine. I want to go down to about 115-118. Yes, it will be difficult but that's life in the big city.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    Faith, :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm not so much disappointed in my Omron, just have to readjust my step goals......I've been working hard at not limiting my goals to steps, but also including other sorts of exercise........Having 10,000 steps a day on the Omron will be similar to 14,000 on my phone......that's why I'm carrying both of them so I can get some comparison. congratulations on your weight loss........if I listened to others' ideas of what my weight loss goal should be, I'd be at least 15 pounds heavier.:explode: .......instead I'm aiming for what I want..........as long as I don't go below a healthy BMI and am eating at least 12000 calories a day plus some exercise calories and eating healthy food. How tall are you? I'm 5'3" and weigh 115 and still have a few more pounds that I want to lose.

    :flowerforyou: Susy, keep on doing what you're doing......that weight will come off
    walk, walk, walk and eat healthy.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I walked 5.7 miles today (on treadmill at an incline) or completed 13, 034 steps. Yesterday I met my trainer at her gym and completed a weight lifting circuit, was on the treadmill and elliptical. Due to the various movements, I could not count steps. I hope to hear from you guys soon. Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody,
    Hope everyone is warm and ready for a fantastic week. Did lot's of walking over the weekend - Saturday went bridal dress shopping with one of my girlfriends - about 4 of us and we were all over the place for about 4.5 hours. I forgot my Omron so i had no idea how to log it!! Boy was I tired though!! Yesterday was a rest day for me - only 3000 steps::noway: : which i did while I was at Wally World.!
    An aside 5 laps around the inside of the office is about 1.25 miles - I passed the message on to my coworkers and we're keeping each other encouraged. Plan on 2 quick miles at lunch!! and 3 miles when I get home.

    Keep up the great work everybody and make it a great day!

  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning Everybody,
    Hope everyone is warm and ready for a fantastic week. Did lot's of walking over the weekend - Saturday went bridal dress shopping with one of my girlfriends - about 4 of us and we were all over the place for about 4.5 hours. I forgot my Omron so i had no idea how to log it!! Boy was I tired though!! Yesterday was a rest day for me - only 3000 steps::noway: : which i did while I was at Wally World.!
    An aside 5 laps around the inside of the office is about 1.25 miles - I passed the message on to my coworkers and we're keeping each other encouraged. Plan on 2 quick miles at lunch!! and 3 miles when I get home.

    Keep up the great work everybody and make it a great day!

  • jaki521
    jaki521 Posts: 8 Member
    I also love walking with my pedometer. Is there a place to record the steps I've earned in a day on the exercise portion of mfp? Also my accusplit eagle broke so I'm looking for a new pedometer - your favorites? Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    I also love walking with my pedometer. Is there a place to record the steps I've earned in a day on the exercise portion of mfp? Also my accusplit eagle broke so I'm looking for a new pedometer - your favorites? Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    I have an Omron HJ-720ITC----you can carry it in your pocket so you don't lose it
    it records sustained aerobic workouts as well as the steps you take during normal stuff
    it also tells calories burned
    I often record a walk using an approximation of time along with the calories burned according to the pedometer----it may not be exactly accurate but it gives me credit for exertion. If I do a Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home' workout I estimate the calories higher because of the upper body movements....if I walk uphill or on stairs I also estimate the calories burned higher.

    I logged over 11,000 steps a day even with being out of town and sitting at meetings and in the car----it was a challenge but I refused to give up.:bigsmile: :heart: Barbie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I also love walking with my pedometer. Is there a place to record the steps I've earned in a day on the exercise portion of mfp? Also my accusplit eagle broke so I'm looking for a new pedometer - your favorites? Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    Omron HJ-303 or Omron HJ720ITC
  • jaki521
    jaki521 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions!
    Barbie- your motivation is inspiring!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Walkers!!
    Checking in for 1/12 - walking w/ LESLIE scheduled for when I get home - 4 mi walk and possibly another 20min to that!! I logged 15,177 steps yesterday , 9477 of that were exercise steps!! On track with the food, too - goal this year : Eat breakfast like king, lunch like a townsperson and dinner like a pauper - if you get what I mean. More cals for breakfast, moderate lunch and very light dinner. I am also starting to eat breakfast food for dinner, started yesterday w/ Honey nut cheerios + 1 cup 2% milk. Tonight it's egg whites, turkey pepperoni, FF cheddar and minced onion w/ a lite whole grain english muffin. And that's under 300 cals!! Woo Hoo!!

    Hope everyone is on track and has an outstanding day,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hubby has gone to the movies and I have the house to myself
    2 miles with Leslie, 30 minutes of paperwork, 20 minutes on the exercise bike, 30 minutes on the computer and so on until my legs fall off or it's bedtime whichever comes first.....I get to catch up on TV I've recorded while riding the bike and doing paperwork......what a great way to spend the evening.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That, along with healthy eating is keeping my attitude and energy level really great.

    My new Skechers Shape-Ups love walking with Leslie.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I reached my Weight Watchers goal tonight! Although it isn't my goal at least it's a start! Now the real work begins, I have a big event slated for April 10th and want to lose since many pictures will be taken (and placed on the internet). Although I haven't been posting on this thread, I have been maintaining my daily food diary here, and it is paying off. I want to find a less demanding job which is also closer to my home, so I have energy to do something else other than work all day. I have also been working out with my trainer on Saturdays, doing mostly interval training involving keeping the heart rate elevated by moving quickly between weight lifting to the elliptical, back to weights and then the elliptical, etc. I leave the gym tired yet energized to take on the rest of the day. I want to start posting more regularly soon and miss hearing from you guys. If anyone of you is reading this, please take a moment to tell us how you're doing and bring your progress up to date.:drinker: :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are headed out of town for a long weekend trip, primarily to an event that has to do with our business, but since we're so far away from the airport, we drove over this afternoon right after my line dance class and are spending the night in a hotel near the airport. In the morning the hotel shuttle will take us to the airport and we'll fly out at 10 AM. the hotel has a great fitness room with two treadmills, and eliptical, a stationery bike and a great all-purpose workout with adjustable weights that does everything. Hubby and I walked around the hotel then worked out for an hour and then went to the restaurant for a healthy dinner (except for the ice cream he ate for dessert :laugh: )

    We brought a blender and Isagenix shake powder so we can make two meals a day in our hotel room and only have to eat in a restaurant once a day........I don't want to let go of my good habits.

    I'm carrying two pedometers these days----the Omron in my left pocket and my phone in my right pocket......the phone step counter is more sensitive to lateral and miscellaneous steps so it always has a higher number......so my goal is 10,000 steps a day on the Omron. I am only one pound away from my goal and I'm determined to get there and stay there.

    :flowerforyou: Peschuntz, good luck on finding a job you like closer to home.....I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Check this out . . . <a href="http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/walking/SM00056_D">Walking for fitness? Make it count with a pedometer</a>
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have been sort of MIA for more than a week........our trip was fabulous but we were staying in a hotel that charged $14.95 a day to use the internet:sad: .....there was a public computer in the lobby but we were busy and I used it only to print boarding passes for our return trip and to check to make sure there were no urgent e mails......this was the first time since I started MFP in February that I didn't keep track of food and exercise.....of course, I was at an Isagenix event and ate mostly Isagenix shakes and bars with only a few restaurant meals to get me off track and the hotel had a great fitness center with bike, treadmill, and eliptical so I got a surprising amount of exercise. My weight the night I got home (Monday) was seven pounds higher than it was this morning so it's clear that the sodium I consumed at restaurant meals made a huge difference.

    I am officially announcing that I reached my goal this morning .:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've lowered my goal twice since I started and this is the real one.......my plan for maintenance is to increase my calories by 100 this week and see what happens, then add 100 more next week and so on until I think it's right

    So how are the rest of you doing ?
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: I have been sort of MIA for more than a week........our trip was fabulous but we were staying in a hotel that charged $14.95 a day to use the internet:sad: .....there was a public computer in the lobby but we were busy and I used it only to print boarding passes for our return trip and to check to make sure there were no urgent e mails......this was the first time since I started MFP in February that I didn't keep track of food and exercise.....of course, I was at an Isagenix event and ate mostly Isagenix shakes and bars with only a few restaurant meals to get me off track and the hotel had a great fitness center with bike, treadmill, and eliptical so I got a surprising amount of exercise. My weight the night I got home (Monday) was seven pounds higher than it was this morning so it's clear that the sodium I consumed at restaurant meals made a huge difference.

    I am officially announcing that I reached my goal this morning .:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've lowered my goal twice since I started and this is the real one.......my plan for maintenance is to increase my calories by 100 this week and see what happens, then add 100 more next week and so on until I think it's right

    So how are the rest of you doing ?


    Congratulations for your incredible feat! What discipline and stick-to-it-iveness! You must feel like a million bucks physically and emotionally. I've missed posting (although I continue to keep my daily online food diary here). I want to get in really good shape by April 10th, for a major event I'm attending as well as arranging. Many pictures will be taken, and unfortunately, placed on the internet. I have continued meeting my trainer every Saturday morning at her gym for an intense work out involving weight lifting and the elliptical. The problem has been coming home and feeling too tired to do anything on my own. This morning though, I set an alarm for 5 a.m. and did an entire weight lifting routine. I felt great when I went to work. I put 3.2 miles of walking in at work and another 2.3 on my treadmill this evening, for a total of 5.5 miles (12,519 steps). Barb, you are such an inspiration, congrats again! WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU HIDING?