Walking With Pedometers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am so glad glad to see are back in town. miss you. I am walkin once a day around the block. Hope to get it up at ;east 2 times befor thr real hot weather shows up/

  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I've missed the group! I really enjoyed checking in with you ladies often, and need to start doing that again. Your encouragement means a lot to me, especially as my husband continues to drop the weight, and what he insists is only "an update" on his progress, feels more like a jab at "why can't YOU seem to lose any weight?" I know I shouldn't look at it that way, but, it's so easy to feel discouraged in the first place. Then, to have someone else losing it so much more easily, it just multiplies the discouragement.

    So, thanks for the encouragement! Warm weather ought to help, too, as I LOVE getting outside in the sun and warmth! C'mon sun!

    Here's to friendship and encouragement! Love you ladies! Let's get out there and walk walk walk!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: so far all my walking today has been unpacking the car from our trip and moving furniture in the house so we can sweep, wash, and wax the floors while the pets are still being boarded........I'm so glad to be home.....tomorrow I'll be back to my old routine starting with line dance class :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, are you using your pedometer again now that you're walking more?

    :flowerforyou: Susy, ignore your husband and get your encouragement from us :bigsmile:
  • julster324
    julster324 Posts: 44
    I am going to try to join up. I need a different pedometer for everyday walking because i seriosly never sit down(except when the computer sucks me in). I use the nano pedometer for dog walks but its not really easy to wear all day etc. Does anyone have the Nintendo DS personal trainer? I think it has something you just put in your pocket and it tracks everything.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    bump so I can find again:wink:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    fewer than 6000 steps today, but a lot of my two hour line dance steps don't register on the pedometer....and I did yoga, pilates, and the exercise bike. :bigsmile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Holy Cow! You are one workin' woman! You go, girl!

    Yesterday I had over 14,000 steps! That's not happened in awhile! It was a busy day! Mostly because it was so nice out. Speaking of which, the sun is calling my name this morning. I'm headed out for some walking!

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  • OhioDan
    OhioDan Posts: 13
    Im brand spanking new to this group so let me relay a little bit about myself. The company I work for has instituted a walking program as part of their "wellness" push and part of this initiative includes a step challenge. Those involved were issued an Omron HJ-72OITC Pedometer. I really like it and its fun to track your progress with the software.

    Our corporate office tried this last year and the only involvement I had was to make fun of the people involved. SInce I can stand to drop a few pounds myself, I thought I would shut up and start walking this time. So far my progress has been good but we are approaching the midway point and it's seriously testing my resolve. It's so easy to find a million excuses NOT to do it but that's when I find it the most beneficial. First prize is $550 toward a bicycle or exercise equipment. I would really like to win so Im trying really hard. You chart your own progress so I have no idea how I stack up against others in the competition.

    I went to a local park at lunch yesterday and met another guy walking as part of his company's wellness push. He asked me about my pedometer and I googled it and found this site.

    Everyone's comments here are helpful and motivating. Great job and keep up the good work! I used to exercise a lot more and I hope to get back to that point. Unfortunately, I am probably the worst eater ever in terms of diet and timing so I hope this program can be kind of a springboard to a better lifestyle. However the bad side of me (we'll call him "Bad Dan") rationalizes my poor eating habits with the walking figuring it will all even out. I feel a lot better since I started walking and it's gotten a lot easier too.

    I woudl really like some big numbers but lately I have really busy so it's been more and more difficult to block time for it. I will post my numbers as the days go by. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment as necessary.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Dan, There's something motivating about a pedometer.......just carrying it in your pocket and knowing how many steps you've walked seems to be an encouragement to try to beat your own records, or at least walk a few extra steps when you might otherwise be sitting around. sometimes I walk up and down at night while the TV is on to get a few more steps before I go to bed.....tonight I volunteered to walk the dogs just so I could get some more steps.

    :flowerforyou: I took the dogs to the dog park and walked so much while they chased birds, that a man who was throwing a ball for his dog, asked me how far I'd walked....I told him it was more than a mile So far today I have over 11,000 steps :bigsmile:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Hi All! I didn't read the whole thread, so IDK if this has been mentioned, but iPhone has a pedometer app that is only 99cents. It's called footsteps and is pretty great! Accurate and motivational. You can use it while you listen to music. :flowerforyou:
  • OhioDan
    OhioDan Posts: 13
    Thanks for the motivating words, they are appreciated. I'm much more of a nightowl than morning person so I tend to walk more in the evenings. Im fortuante to live a walk friendly city so that helps. I find myself walking for errands that I would have driven in the past.

    I ate a horrible dinner (hello Taco Bell chicken salad and large coke) but then went biking after that with the family. After that I went out on my own. As soon as I started out, my headphones broke (argh) BUT I found a $20 bill so that was cool. I got some decent (not great) numbers in and came home and had a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and a Reese's peanut butter cup plus a glass of milk right before bed. Not the best thing but I was happy.

    My biggest downfall is soda. I am nursing a 1-2 can a day habit. I hate coffee so I turn to my mistress coca-cola to get me through the day. I am trying to switch my addiction over to iced tea. Its hard with today's go-go-go lifestyles.

    I try really hard not to be one of those people that obsessively quantify their lives but this pedometer makes it impossible not to. I find myself calculating how far into the program I am (41.2%) and how mant days left (54 days). So far Ive dropped 7lbs. and it feels good but my late, bad eating habits are slowing my progress.

    I also find it difficult to walk in the rain and bad weather. I really dont have any exercise equipment at home (other than a 4 year old and a 1 year old) so that makes it challenging to keep my numbers up. But so far, Im able to meet and ususally exceed my goals. Are my numbers (and expectations) too low?

    Another problem is that I slack sometimes during the week a little and figure I will make up on the weekend. But the weekend comes and Im busier then during the week. We have not really had a great weather weekend so that makes it challenging too. Ok, Im done blabbing, time to get walking!

    Iv eread over some past reports and you guys are amazing! Congrats to those who are sticking to walking and your posts are motivating and uplifting! Thanks for posting and wish my luck for good numbers!

  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68

    Far be it from me to offer much advice, since I'm STILL trying to lose the same 30 pounds for the past several years. Down 10, up 15, down 20, up 10. However, I'm quite experienced at losing and gaining. :laugh:

    I'm a night owl, so I know what you mean about that being a bad time to eat. Everything gets quiet and calm, and suddenly I'm thinking, "Hey, I deserve something good for myself after a long hard day paying attention to everyone else's needs" and the reward is almost always something to eat.

    So, here are my tricks: first of all, I try to eat most of my food earliest in the day. I hate eating breakfast but I make myself eat something protein filled. Scrambled eggs with broccoli and cheese seems to get me through the day well. Lunch is a bunch of little snacks throughout about 3 hours since I don't have time to sit and eat lunch. I try to keep almonds on hand. I found some cocoa coated almonds! Woo hoo! Not chocolate covered, but cocoa powder covered. Not as many calories, it's actually healthy cocoa, and pretty satisfying to my ever chocolate sweet tooth.

    I eat a smaller dinner than breakfast, and try not to eat pasta. That leaves me bloated right after dinner, and wanting more food later. I hate that because I LOVE pasta. So, I try to eat any pasta I might have during my lunchtime grazing period.

    I do usually have a sweet snack a little bit before I go to bed. I usually take a chunk from one of those 85% cacao bars. I've gotten used to the bitterness. I feel less guilty while I satisfy that chocolate need again. And, again, it's a healthy-ish chocolate. I can't possibly give up chocolate, so this is my compromise.

    I also use my pedometer like a life-guide. I try to do more than 10,000 steps a day. I usually do about 7,000 on my treadmill. If I have a day where I've eaten especially too much, I try to get up to past 14,000 steps the next day. It's not scientific, but, it's sort of a mind set: If I overeat one day, have to pay the price the next day.

    Keep moving. That's what I keep telling myself. It's important to keep moving. THAT should be a lifestyle, not just to lose weight or win a contest. I try to keep moving.

    Good luck to you! Keep working at it! Don't make it miserable because then you'll not continue after the competition's over. Make it reasonable .... doable. Make it a life style you can keep forever. Then, no matter what, YOU win!

    Keep walking!,
  • jennb5255
    jennb5255 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to join this group and start logging my step with everyone. I found this topic a few days ago and have been reading the post. This has inspired me to go get a pedometer and get to walking. I spend a lot of my day walking through my house doing chores (with 5 kids it adds up quickly :laugh: ) and walking a lot at the ball park when my kids are playing. I started using my pedometer around 4pm and so far today I've already walked 2760 steps. I'm excited about joining everyone and can't wait until I am also logging at least 10,000 steps daily.

    Good luck to everyone and keep up the walking!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susy, your advice about how to curb the late night snacking is right on.....thanks for sharing all your good ideas in such detail....:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jen, welcome, I walk at the off leash dog park while my dogs play so I loved hearing that you walk at the ball park while your kids play.....I also get a lot of my steps from doing chores around the house......"if you're moving, you're losing"...sometimes I walk up and down the hall at bedtime to get my pedometer to over the next thousand :laugh:

    :bigsmile: I'm almost at 10,000 steps but I've done yoga and my stationery bike so I've gotten a lot of exercise :bigsmile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Welcome, Jen! I have to say, having the pedometer makes me more accountable!

    And, Barbiecat, I'm just like you. If I'm close to a round thousand number, you can find me taking the long way around the house to get to something, or using the furthest bathroom, or ANYTHING to get it past that next thousand. I don't feel so crazy now that I know there's someone else doing the same thing! It's not a lot of extra steps, but, there's something so satisfying seeing it go past that next thousand number!
  • jennb5255
    jennb5255 Posts: 33 Member
    My first day with my pedometer and I had 8497 steps!!! I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings since I'm going to be at the ball park most of the day watching my daughter play. I'm loving this pedometer already!!
  • OhioDan
    OhioDan Posts: 13

    Thanks for the advice on eating. I will fully admit though that the sensible eating train jumped the tracks and plunged into the valley this weekend. Weekends are pretty bad for me as I have other obligations that get in the way. That being said I was able to stick it out and get a few steps in yesterday but Friday was a bad, bad day. I wasnt able to walk during lunch and I was busy all the way until bedtime. I tried to make up for it but I was busy installing ceiling fans in the porch and it was a lot more involved than I thought. I did eat good sometimes but its the bowl of ice cream at midnight and the 6 oreo cookies right before bed that takes its toll.

    But you didnt come here to read about ceiling fans, did you? Let's talk numbers.

    Mon (5/17) 25447
    Tue 27163
    Wed 34185
    Th 28086
    Fri 6700 (ugh)
    Sa 29074
    Sunday 31417

    I am trying to maintain a 26000+ average but Im hovering at that point. This walking thing is starting to dominate my life. I have to make sure I block off a lot of time to keep this up. Im at the halfway point of the program and I hope I can see it through to the end. Another day, more steps,


    PS I got up early today and walked so Im at 12743 for the day (so far).
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    I am new to this thread and new to walking with a pedometer so I hope I can join?

    I just bought a go smart omron pedometer and I really like it so far. I got it by Friday 5/21 so I had the weekend to try it out :) I find myself trying to walk more now that I have it on me and that is a good thing. On Saturday I only got in 800 steps :( Then on Sunday I got in 1568 steps so I think that within time I will be able to get in lots more.

    The neat thing about this pedometer is I can download the information into my computer with the software it came with so I can see my progress and even print it out. I am excited about getting lots of steps in with it!!!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member

    Thanks for the advice on eating. I will fully admit though that the sensible eating train jumped the tracks and plunged into the valley this weekend. Weekends are pretty bad for me as I have other obligations that get in the way. That being said I was able to stick it out and get a few steps in yesterday but Friday was a bad, bad day. I wasnt able to walk during lunch and I was busy all the way until bedtime. I tried to make up for it but I was busy installing ceiling fans in the porch and it was a lot more involved than I thought. I did eat good sometimes but its the bowl of ice cream at midnight and the 6 oreo cookies right before bed that takes its toll.

    But you didnt come here to read about ceiling fans, did you? Let's talk numbers.

    Mon (5/17) 25447
    Tue 27163
    Wed 34185
    Th 28086
    Fri 6700 (ugh)
    Sa 29074
    Sunday 31417

    I am trying to maintain a 26000+ average but Im hovering at that point. This walking thing is starting to dominate my life. I have to make sure I block off a lot of time to keep this up. Im at the halfway point of the program and I hope I can see it through to the end. Another day, more steps,


    PS I got up early today and walked so Im at 12743 for the day (so far).

    I wanted to comment on your excellent walking. My goal is 20,000 steps per day and I thought that was high. You are absolutely super, blows me away.

    What do you do to avoid shin splints? I've gone to using my elliptical more to relieve the stress, but I really love walking outside , especially in the early morning at about 3.5mph, but I always seem to develop some shin splints when I do that, and I have been stretching out after.........Open to listening to your experiences with the matter.
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194