Walking With Pedometers



  • Hello!! Today is my first trying to do some steps after being sick most of last week. I don't know how many steps I took (left pedo at home) but I did walk around my office alot today plus did some Christmas shopping during lunch (about 45min of moving around). So I guess that's a good start or restart should I say. I am determined to get some cardio in tonight. Janet, I've been doing the 30 day shred this month too. This week is level 3 and I know it will be a beast (especially since I had to take last week off). I lost some inches but no pounds.

    Have a great day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: Janet, it's good to hear from you again. I'm glad you were doing some great exercise.......we've missed you

    :flowerforyou: leshawn, sorry you've been sick and glad you are feeling better and back posting.....walking around indoors and shopping may not be as intense as the 30 day shred but compared to all the people who are sitting and lying around all the time, it's fabulous.,.....I read in a magazine article from a woman who lost over a hundred pounds. "if you're moving, you're losing"

    :flowerforyou: Pes, you are moving all the time...I am impressed and inspired......I made a new rule for myself.......I have to walk with Leslie for at least 15 minutes before I can post on MFP :bigsmile:
  • Hey I know I got some serious steps in yesterday (don't remember how many) because I was all over Walmart, etc for hours doing my shopping. Today will likely be a repeat of yesterday but today I have on my pedo so I'll know how many steps I took. Great job everyone!!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Ended up w/ 6,233 steps yesterday + 20min TJ ~ I'll take it and so far today I'm at 4,193 and day 8 level 3 of the Shred is on for tonight + 35min of FIRM for some variety. Hope everyone's having a super day.
    Just wanted to check in at least once for the day!

    Will check back after my w/o later,
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    OK, I'm back ... I hope! I've been so busy! I've been getting in at least 2 miles on the treadmill each day ... usually 3, but I make myself do at least 2. Not nearly what you all are doing! Holy Cow! Makes me want to get off this computer right now and go on the treadmill. :smile:

    Pes, how's the work thing going? How are you finding the time to walk all those steps? Wow!

    Know what? I think I WILL get on that treadmill! See you all tomorrow! :happy:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    So happy to see you, Janet, Susy and LeShawn. Glad to see everyone is getting some exercise in. Tonight finished 8 miles or 18,182 steps. 2 1/2 miles of leisurely walking then 92 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill. From where I sit, 115 pounds (my goal, not Weight Watchers) seems like such a far distance, but I have to remind myself to take one step at a time. Have a great night everybody. See you tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :drinker:


    When I see how far you've come, I have a real respect for your ability to see things through. :smile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Good morning! I did end up on the treadmill again last night. You all are such an inspiration! But, I had a heck of a time trying to fall asleep afterward. I guess I didn't cool down enough or something.

    I haven't done any exercise videos in a million years. Seriously, it's been a long time. If I were to add an exercise video to do in addition to walking, what would everyone recommend? There are so many out there, I figure I can benefit from everyone's experiences and opinions. Thanks!
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning! I did end up on the treadmill again last night. You all are such an inspiration! But, I had a heck of a time trying to fall asleep afterward. I guess I didn't cool down enough or something.

    I haven't done any exercise videos in a million years. Seriously, it's been a long time. If I were to add an exercise video to do in addition to walking, what would everyone recommend? There are so many out there, I figure I can benefit from everyone's experiences and opinions. Thanks!

    Hi Susy,

    What a nice avatar, how pretty you look! So glad you got yourself on that treadmill last night. I know it's difficult with everything going on, but you will feel better overall for exercising. The best possible DVD I can recommend is Leslie Sansone's "Walk Away The Pounds Ultimate Collection - 4 Complete Workouts on One DVD." It is on sale now at Target for $10, and here's why I love it so . . . I have a number of exercise tapes, but for walking, no one does it better than Leslie Sansone. She's been doing it the longest of anyone and has created so many tapes, you are bound to find what you are looking for, from the neophyte to a seasoned walker. The ultimate DVD rocks because it gives you the option of completing anywhere from 1 mile to 10 miles (if you chose to do the 4 workouts back to back.) A stretch band is also included since one or two of the workouts incorporate some light strength training into the walking routine. The last workout on this tape is 4 miles and is called a "Super Challenge." This is my all time favorite workout in her entire collection. How can anyone go wrong with up to 10 miles of walking workout and light stregth training, all for $10? Faith
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Thanks for the information. There are just sooooooooo many videos out there!

    I'm starting to feel like a fat burning machine! :laugh:
    OK, maybe that's going a little too far, but, with my hubby out of town, I've been able to get on the treadmill a lot this week, and am feeling like I'm actually getting some results. My wedding band is actually feeling a little loose these days! It's been a while since I was able to say that!

    However, hubby comes home tonight and will be home for the next 3 weeks. Eek! I hope I don't lose the momentum! :ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susy, I learned about Leslie Sansone on this thread and now I have three of her workouts ( two of thanks to a generous gift from a friend :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ) I love them. Sometimes I do only a mile or 20 minutes or whatever amount of time I have available. Leslie shows you ways to make the walk more strenuous or less strenuous and sometimes adds arm movements to up the calorie burn. they are so great for indoors when the weather outside won't let you walk (or late at night when it's dark outside) I know what you mean about finding more time to exercise with hubby out of town.

    :flowerforyou: Faith, how are things going with your job?:flowerforyou: Just take it one day at a time and you will reach your goal. I started at 183 in January and am at 117 now......you can do it too.:bigsmile:

    We went to a holiday open house this afternoon and I followed my party rule of putting my energy into talking to people instead of focusing on the food. I had a few cashews, four whole wheat crackers with homemade salmon spread, and some fresh veggies with no dip :bigsmile: this evening hubby and I are watching a movie and taking turns on the exercise bike.

    My silk undershirt arrived today and it's beautiful and warm......also the size 4 jeans I ordered came and they fit perfectly so I ordered more.

    hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68

    Wowie wowie wow! You've done an incredible job losing weight! Holy cow!

    And what will power! No wonder you've done so well!

    I can't imagine getting down to 117! I was that more than 20 years ago ... imagine!

    Right now, I'll settle for anything in the 140's. I've got a little more than 35 pounds to go. One pound at a time, right?

    Well, I'm headed down to the treadmill for one last push before hubby gets home and screws up my routine! :laugh: I've got about an hour before he gets home from the airport. Let's see.... an hour = about 4 miles. That's a good way to head into the weekend.

    Happy walking, all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    Wowie wowie wow! You've done an incredible job losing weight! Holy cow!

    And what will power! No wonder you've done so well!

    I can't imagine getting down to 117! I was that more than 20 years ago ... imagine!

    Susy, for the first five months of my weight loss journey I refused to eat in a restaurant, go to a party, or do anything where I couldn't control the menu because I didn't trust myself in the presence of food temptations........gradually I've added food related events but I always eat something before i go so I'm not starving when I get there, look at all the food before I get a plate, and make a point of going up to people and starting a conversation so i have something to occupy me instead of eating....it helps, too, if many of the people at the event are obese, it reminds me of why I don't want to eat. :laugh:

    I think the last time I weighed 117 I was in sixth grade......nobody is more surprised that i am, that I've been able to lose this weight :bigsmile:
    hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi girls! I got tied up and failed to post a couple days ago but walked over 7.5 miles. Today only completed 5 miles or 11,396 steps. I had difficulty motivating myself to lift weights, so I contacted my personal trainer, met with her yesterday and got back in the saddle. I had to go to some job trainings, but actual full-time begins tomorrow. Susy, you hang in there and I'll bet you end up surprising yourself. What a great start to the weekend on your treadmill. Barb, I'm curious, how tall are you? You never fail to amaze me. Take care, talk to you tomorrow.:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: today was my Isagenix cleanse day so i thought I took it easy but I have over 17000 steps today including walking around walmart for an hour, 30 minutes at the dog park, lots of dog walking and chores, and 20 minutes on the stationery bike.

    :flowerforyou: Pes, I'm 5' 3" tall and i attribute a lot of my success at losing weight to Isagenix along with fierce determination and prayer.

    we had a few snowflakes today......just enough to be entertaining.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I am spent! Working, walking 6 miles then following the walk with a full body strength training session. I am so tired I wish someone could breathe for me. Goodnight!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    14,715 steps today.. include 1 hour zumba & raked leaves. Lost another 1 lb today.
    Usually my body lose about 10 lbs then it will stop for a while. I lost 4 lbs... I hope I can another 6 lbs by the end of this year, almost 3 more week.
    Tomorrow I will do 1 hour weight lifting, 1 hour zumba.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I got 18000 steps on my cleanse day so I guess I didn't kick back as much as I thought I would

    Today my line dance group performed at two different assisted living places and that plus walking at the dog park and the stationery bike has me over 15000 steps just before bedtime.:smile::smile:

    I had a big pig out with Kashi cereal tonight so I probably won't be able to exercise off all my calories unless I decide to walk with Leslie until the middle of the night
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Greetings! Is there life out there?! I have fallen so far off of the wagon, but today, I attended a training and only worked for 6 hours. I actually walked 12,126 steps today or 5.3 miles. If you're out there anyone, please make yourself known. :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,136 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: A few days ago my sweet hubby announced that he had misplaced his pedometer but he was sure it would turn up, when it didn't turn up by today, he ordered a new one and a new one for me too........what a sweetheart

    I've been doing Leslie Sansone a few days a week and keeping my steps over 11,000 which is my current goal.

    Right now I have only a little over 8000 steps so I'd better get busy :laugh:

    I fell off the wagon today and ate two cookies but fortunately the rest of my day was pretty low calorie.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi all,

    Today I only completed 2.8 miles but I also completed a full body weight lifting session with tons of lunges, squats, push-ups, crunches and upper body exercises. I also must add that since working FT, I don't have time or energy to do everything I'd like, but I continue to conscientiously post everything I eat, so if I don't get all the exercise I want, I don't eat as much. As long as I continue to lose and stay in reasonable shape, that's ok. :drinker:


    What pedometers did you and your husband order? I am planning on sending off your DVD within the next 48 hours. With work, the holidays, etc., I haven't had a chance to get to the post office.
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