Walking With Pedometers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    The internet was down for hours this morning and I spent hours working on applesauce this afternoon so the computer hasn't gotten much attention.

    It was so windy at the dog park that I had to keep walking or the wind would blow me over:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yesterday was a line dance day so I got just over 14,000 steps, the same will probably happen today.:bigsmile:

    Let's keep on moving.:bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I was under the weather for a couple of days, felt better today and did ok. 3.2 miles leisurely walking,
    Leslie Sansone's "Advanced 3 Mile Walk" and "4 Mile Super Challenge" for a total of 10.2 miles. I hope everyone is doing well. :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    Today I went hiking with a group in South Mill Creek by Moab Utah. We took about 5 hours and hiked about 5 miles. The last part was the most difficult when we were coming out of the canyon, but it was a lot of fun and I made it!:bigsmile: Climbed over lots of rocks, across the creek a couple of times saw some very interesting Rock Art, and a cave. The hardest part was the last hill on a sand trail where many steps were 1 forward 1/2 back. It was a great cloudy day, so I ended up with just 2 shirts on, and 2 tied around my waist (it was cold when we started!:wink:) My pedometer logged about 10,392 steps. Ended up with a potluck at friends and then drove home in a snow storm ! Yea the rain and snow waited until we were out of the canyon:bigsmile: :wink: I use my elliptical most days, or walk around town, but today was extra fun!:love::heart: Love Hiking!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am still walking with my ped. But not making no progress, Just about 3,00 steps a day. I haven't given up yet. Marie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Today I went hiking with a group in South Mill Creek by Moab Utah. We took about 5 hours and hiked about 5 miles.

    Good for you! The 5 miles you hiked burned way more calories than a simple walk outside around the neighborhood. That's some feat!


    Please don't give up because every step you take is a move in the right direction. When you say "I haven't given up yet," it sounds as though you are discouraged. No matter what, please keep walking!
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend, but not so much you didn't exercise. Today, I took 19,347 steps or walked approximately 8.5 miles. 2 1/2 miles were walked at the park with my dog, she and I went for a walk after dinner for another 3 miles, rested for a few miles then jogged/brisk walked on treadmill for another 3 miles. I'm going to make a salad, relax , then hit the sack! It's a new week, let's make the best of it! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: shari, the hiking sounds great....I don't hike but there's a beautiful trail near me that goes through some beautiful wooded areas.....your hiking must be even better:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: marie, you're like the energizer bunny, you just keep going

    :flowerforyou: Pes, I don't know how to not exercise
    my dogs won't let me.....hubby was gone for two days with the car so I couldn't go to the dog park so I had to walk the dogs up the hill several times each day......and when I put on "Sweatin' to the Oldies" the dogs danced with me sometimes with their paws on my shoulders....your 19000 + steps is quite impressive

    I took a break from applesauce making today.......then hubby came home from his trip with another bag of apples:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat:heart: Must be a good year for apples. they don't grow down here. and for the next 6 weeks i can't have any. But love them. But we do gtow Pecans and we had a good year. Sammy and Jerry are still picking them up. We do get nice peaches in the early summer and late sprong. We don't have no Peach trees.

    I am still walking my usal route about 3,000 steps a day.. Its is getting daylight now. So I guess I will get up and get busy.

    Hello Pes. Shari.and all the reat of you.

  • leshawnturner
    Hello All!!!!

    I'm still moving around. I'm trying to get back in the habit of wearing heels at work so now I'm trying to force myself up and moving around a couple of times an hour. When I wear my heels I don't walk around nearly as much because my feet start to hurt. So I'm trying to still get my steps in this week but they will likely be lower than before while I adjust.

    everybody keep up the good work!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody,
    It's a slow day for me. It's been raining all day so no going to the dog park and no going for a walk. I walked the dogs outside twice today and hubby walked them the rest of the time. It's our nutritional cleanse day so we don't consume a lot of calories and I try to take it easy. I made more applesauce :laugh: and did laundry and we went to Walmart. Most of my steps today are from walking around WalMart.

    :flowerforyou: leshawn, I haven't worn heels in more than ten years so I admire you for wearing them.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you are an early riser like me. I have a flashlight in the pocket of my dog walking coat because I usually take the dogs out before daylight.

    :flowerforyou: Pes, you are the walking champ:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: shari, any more hiking? or are you exercising at home today?

    have a great evening and stay warm.........hugs, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Good evening, walking buddies. Today was relatively nice outside (61 degrees), so I walked on an outdoor track for 5 miles. This evening I completed Leslie Sansone's "Walk Your Belly Flat (3 miles). Despite the fact that I was drenched in sweat after the DVD, my pedometer read 7.4 not 8 miles. Ended up taking my dog for a walk and just got back from the supermarket. Therefore, today's total was 18,685 steps or 8.2 miles.

    Barb, days like that where you don't eat or exercise much are likely very good for you. While I might be walking a decent distance daily, I am also eating too many calories. I'm eating healthy, but too much. I never go to bed with a negative calorie deficit but last week at Weight Watchers, I only lost .6 of a lb. Such a small amount didn't even move my ticker. I think I may be insulin resistant and should drink less diet soda and less carbs. I'll see how that goes. :smile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Good evening, walking buddies. Today was relatively nice outside (61 degrees), so I walked on an outdoor track for 5 miles. This evening I completed Leslie Sansone's "Walk Your Belly Flat (3 miles). Despite the fact that I was drenched in sweat after the DVD, my pedometer read 7.4 not 8 miles. Ended up taking my dog for a walk and just got back from the supermarket. Therefore, today's total was 18,685 steps or 8.2 miles.

    Barb, days like that where you don't eat or exercise much are likely very good for you. While I might be walking a decent distance daily, I am also eating too many calories. I'm eating healthy, but too much. I never go to bed with a negative calorie deficit but last week at Weight Watchers, I only lost .6 of a lb. Such a small amount didn't even move my ticker. I think I may be insulin resistant and should drink less diet soda and less carbs. I'll see how that goes. :smile:

    Holy smokes! You walk so much! I've been maintaining 3-5 miles a day on my treadmill. I just don't have time for more. I haven't worn my pedometer because it's going crazy, cheap piece of junk. But, I also walk around at work a lot. But, I'm guessing, I'm still around 8-10,000 steps a day. I'm still having trouble getting to the 1200 calorie mark. I am not hungry and I eat plenty. I've got to be doing something wrong, because I am not losing weight. I did lose 4 last week, the most ever ! But, gained 2 back this weekend because I ate ... you know, food. But, I still didn't eat a ton. On Saturday, I went over my calories by about 190, and on Sunday I was slightly under my 1200 calories, although the food was mostly junk food from the mall eatery. What the heck am I doing wrong????

    Pes, you said something about being insulin resistant. Tell me more about that. I have always wondered about it myself. I have so many diabetic symptoms, but, my sugar levels are always around 80, so I'm way far off from being diabetic. But, every doc I see always tests me, certain that I'm diabetic. They see 80 and stop investigating. Tell me more about what you're thinking.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Holy smokes! You walk so much! I've been maintaining 3-5 miles a day on my treadmill. I just don't have time for more. I haven't worn my pedometer because it's going crazy, cheap piece of junk. But, I also walk around at work a lot. But, I'm guessing, I'm still around 8-10,000 steps a day. I'm still having trouble getting to the 1200 calorie mark. I am not hungry and I eat plenty. I've got to be doing something wrong, because I am not losing weight. I did lose 4 last week, the most ever ! But, gained 2 back this weekend because I ate ... you know, food. But, I still didn't eat a ton. On Saturday, I went over my calories by about 190, and on Sunday I was slightly under my 1200 calories, although the food was mostly junk food from the mall eatery. What the heck am I doing wrong????

    Pes, you said something about being insulin resistant. Tell me more about that. I have always wondered about it myself. I have so many diabetic symptoms, but, my sugar levels are always around 80, so I'm way far off from being diabetic. But, every doc I see always tests me, certain that I'm diabetic. They see 80 and stop investigating. Tell me more about what you're thinking.

    Hi Susy,

    Here is my understanding . . . some people are overly reactive to the effects of insulin. For instance, those who have normal reactions can consume sugar, and their bodies will secrete enough insulin to burn up the excess insulin and stabilize blood sugar levels. Hence, blood sugar remains on a relatively even keel. For those of us who may be overly reactive to the effects of insulin . . . we consume sugar, there is a delayed reaction in the secretion of insulin leaving us in an initial diabetic state (blood sugar too high). When insulin is finally secreted, too much floods the system, causing blood sugar to plummet. When this happens, certain symptoms such as shakiness, irritability, confusion (blood is starved of nutrients) and extreme hunger ensue. Due to the overreaction to sweets, artificial sweeteners and carbs, people with this condition fare better with diets high in protein that don"t wreak havoc with insulin levels. When carbs and sweets are consumed, they should be paired with protein in the same meal to offset the negative effects. I hope this helps.:flowerforyou:

    In response to your question regarding what you are doing wrong, the only thing I see is that there is not enough precision in your record-keeping. You don't say in your post whether you are maintaining a food diary. For instance, "eating junk at the mall" could mean anything from eating a couple of hundred calories over your allowance or consuming a Cinnabon smothered in sugar. Without keeping records, you are at the mercy of your judgment and memory, which could be very tricky. Also - and I can't stress this enough - without a decent pedometer you are left to guess how many steps you take daily. You would do better to keep an accurate food diary and invest in an accurate and dependable pedometer: I recommend the Omron HJ-303. Your health and weight are too important to be left to chance. Also, keep posting here and discuss your progress. Good luck.
  • leshawnturner
    Hey guys!!!

    Its funny that you guys are talking about insulin resistence because I just did blood work for that today. My job is offering a health screening and wellness program and I signed up. I'll get my results back in about 1 week. I'm usually well within the normal range on my blood sugar but I would be interested in learning about if I'm insulin resistant. I'd also like to have my thyroid checked but I have to find a new doctor first. I'm still walking and moving around. I did the 30 day shred agian today (day 2, level 1).

    Keep moving folks!!! :tongue: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: Susy, Keeping accurate records of what you are eating and how much exercise you are doing is the first step to success. Next, try to keep your eating clean (avoid sugar, artificial sweeteners, processed food, fast food, caffeine, alcohol, and various other empty calorie foods). Next try to be consistent with your eating and exercising
    do healthy stuff every day. Take baby steps toward a new healthy lifestyle. And never, never, never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    You ladies are so filled with information! I'm so grateful!

    I have been keeping a food diary. It's actually the initial reason I joined the site. I figured I must be eating calories that I'm not thinking about because I've always felt I don't eat enough to "diet" and cut back on food, yet I'm 182 pounds. There have to be some hidden calories somewhere that I'm just not counting. So, I've kept the food diary for almost 2 weeks now. I've been down to the nitty gritty with it, counting everything. Well, except the skim milk I drink with dinner. I had been forgetting that the first few days. But, each day I am almost always under my 1200 calorie limit. After so many people suggested I was in starvation mode, I've upped my intake to eat my exercise calories, but I'm always below that.

    I've been logging all my treadmill work into the exercise diary. Without a pedometer, I don't count anything else but the distance, time, and calories that my treadmill gives. I usually walk 3 miles in the morning, and if I'm up to it, 2 miles in the evening. I do that 5 times a week, sometimes 6 if I'm willing to do it on the weekend. I DO have to get a decent pedometer.

    About the insulin resistance, I don't know if that's my problem, because I don't usually get hungry. I do get exhausted mid afternoon. I have to pee a lot, and I'm always thirsty. That's why docs have always just assumed diabetes and given me a blood test. But they're always baffled when my sugar comes out very normal. (the only normal thing about me!) But, I HAVE noticed that if my calories come from sugars like candy, breads, and pasta, (and I eat whole grains) I tend to gain weight pretty quickly. If my calories come from fats and proteins, I tend to lose weight. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE pasta! I can give up sweets pretty easily, and breads if I have to. But, pasta? EEK!:noway: So, I go with the wheat pasta and still gain. Rats.

    I just thought that the way my body gains with sugars, maybe it had something to do with that insulin resistance you were talking about. How does that get tested? I know it's not a regular glucose test like for diabetes.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    But, I HAVE noticed that if my calories come from sugars like candy, breads, and pasta, (and I eat whole grains) I tend to gain weight pretty quickly. If my calories come from fats and proteins, I tend to lose weight. However, I LOVE LOVE LOVE pasta! I can give up sweets pretty easily, and breads if I have to. But, pasta? EEK!:noway: So, I go with the wheat pasta and still gain. Rats.

    It looks like you found your answer already. :laugh: I don't eat pasta, bread, sugar or anything made with flour.. I eat brown rice sometimes and oatmeal with applesauce or kashi cereal with almond milk as a bedtime snack and occasional Wasa oat crackers. Otherwise I stick to lean meat, veggies, and fruit. What you eat makes a difference, it's not all about calories.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Believe it or not, I just finished my final mile - and it's almost 1:30 in the morning! Here's the breakdown: 2.5 miles walking leisurely in mall, 3.5 miles at 4% incline on treadmill, 1 mile at slower pace several hours later on treadmill, a final mile Leslie Sansone's "Fast Start - 1 Mile Walk." Total steps = 18, 506 today or 8 miles even. Good night all.:grumble:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Barbiecat, I think you're right, I just don't want to face reality! I love spaghetti with sauce from the tomatoes from my garden. Hard to believe that it could be considered a bad food for me, but, yep, the pasta does me in! Sure, I can compromise with more sauce, less pasta, but, really ... that's what spaghetti's all about! LOL But, gotta get down to business and face the facts. Protein is probably the way I need to go. Rats.

    Pes ... you walkin' crazy woman! You are an inspiration! Holy cow!
  • leshawnturner
    Hey folks!! Today's my off day and yesterday was a slow day for my steps (I had a lot of work to do at my desk). I got in about 5,000 steps yesterday. I have meetings tonight so I'm going to try to get in my steps before then. I start my Christmas shopping this weekend so I'll likely be getting in all my step for the next couple of weeks!! :tongue: You guys keep up the good work!!!