Walking With Pedometers



  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Greetings! I walked 8.1 miles - 3 with dog, 3.25 on treadmill, 1.85 leisurely. Will also take the dog out for one more walk tonight. Enjoy your evening. (Thus far 18,444 steps)
  • leshawnturner
    Hey ladies!!!! This weekend was another busy weekend. I was going so much I forgot my pedometer at home but I did get moving this weekend including jumping up and down cheering at my nieces games and a 30 min strength and cardio workout. I'm wearing a dress again today and don't have a purse that I can carry to strap my pedo too. Plus I'm at work so it would look odd to carry my purse around all day. But I'll be wearing pants tomorrow so I'll know how many steps then!!

    Have a great one!!!!
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Good evening! Approximately 8 miles completed: 2 leisurely walking, Leslie Sansone's "5-Mile Fat Burning Walk," and just finished a mile of brisk walking on my treadmill. Have a great evening, talk to you tomorrow. :drinker:
  • leshawnturner

    I got about 8100 steps in yesterday. That's pretty good for me. Next week I will increase my goal to 9000. I'm slowly trying to get up to doing at least 10,000 steps a day. I'm almost there! I've been doing the firm workouts this week and they are a beast!!!! but I'm feeling stronger. I'll make it through a lot better when I don't get as lost trying to do the moves!! :laugh:

    Have a great one!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I got six boxes of apples and pears from a friend today so a lot of my steps will from the apple corer to the pot to the freezer :laugh:

    While the apples are cooking I'll try Richard Simmons, Leslie Sansone, or the stationery bike.

    This is a small but mighty group
    keep on stepping. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Went to bed very early last night very tired and slightly under the weather only completed 5 miles.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    3,000 for me today. seems like I just cant get any further. But will keep on keeping till I get it.
    <<<<<<hugs to all>>>>>>:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    OK, I'm in! I love my treadmill. I've been trying to do intervals on it ... 1 minute really fast, 1 minute easy pace, 1 minute really fast, etc. I do that for about a mile or so, (as much as I can take so far), then do a mile or 2 at a 4% incline, walking 3.5-4 miles per hour.

    I've got a really cheap pedometer that I don't like. What kind do you ladies recommend?

    And, what's a good number of steps to shoot for? I'm usually around 9000 and haven't lost more than just a pound or two since I started in August. Obviously a good number must be above 9000. But, man, more than 9000 for me would mean I don't have time to sleep! How does everyone else get in their steps?
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    OK, I'm in! I love my treadmill. I've been trying to do intervals on it ... 1 minute really fast, 1 minute easy pace, 1 minute really fast, etc. I do that for about a mile or so, (as much as I can take so far), then do a mile or 2 at a 4% incline, walking 3.5-4 miles per hour.

    I've got a really cheap pedometer that I don't like. What kind do you ladies recommend?

    And, what's a good number of steps to shoot for? I'm usually around 9000 and haven't lost more than just a pound or two since I started in August. Obviously a good number must be above 9000. But, man, more than 9000 for me would mean I don't have time to sleep! How does everyone else get in their steps?

    The latest model Omron, the HJ-303 should fit your purpose nicely since it has the highest degree of accuracy of all the Omron models. In addition, it will begin to measure your aerobic steps 4 seconds into your aerobic activity (as defined by a speed of 3 MPH or >). Other models don't begin to measure aerobic steps until you are at least 10 minutes into the exercise. Moreover, they tend to count steps erratically, and therefore, inaccurately. It is generally agreed that 10,000 or more steps daily is optimal for good health and weight maintenance. (10,000 steps are roughly equivalent to walking 5 miles.) If you are able to achieve 9,000 daily steps then another 1000 should be easy to squeeze in - take steps instead of elevators, park farther away from your destination, walk while on your phone.

    I, too, have a treadmill and use it fairly regularly in tandem with walking DVDs (Leslie Sansone). Nice weather calls for a walk around my neighborhood or the local outdoor track. Many malls also accommodate walkers by opening their doors at around 6 or 7 a.m., providing a few hours of uninterrupted walking before stores open for business. Given these options, it should not be too difficult to meet a daily quota of 10,000 steps. Finally, post on this thread daily. You have support and accountability - both which increase the probability you will meet with success. Good luck. :drinker:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    One final tip: Keep meticulous food records. I make it a point never to go to bed with a negative calorie
    count. I always make sure I've burned up whatever calories I've consumed. :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm dropping my goal of 14,000 steps a day to 11,000 now that I can't walk outdoors the way I did in spring and summer. I'm just as active, but the Leslie Sansone, "Sweatin' to the Oldies", stationery bikeand a lot of the other stuff I do indoors doesn't register on my pedometer like plain old walking. If my step goal is too high, I'll skip doing things that are really good for me in favor of walking up and down the hall just to get the steps.

    I made more applesauce today, took the dogs to the dog park, did two hours of line dance, rode the stationery bike, and got over 13,000 steps.......today was a great day.

    Welcome Susy, this is a great group. I hope you'll check in with us often.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Wow! You both are experts! Lots of good information, and you've both lost lots of weight! Good job! One thing I've found is a problem for me is the choice to not walk outside when the weather's nice. I know the latest research says we need about 15 min. of sun to absorb the much needed vitamin D, and I know the fresh air's good for me, but, the reward of seeing the calories add up on my treadmill is too much to pass up. I'm hoping that if I get a pedometer that counts used calories, I'll opt to walk outside more often.

    Plus, I live in a pretty flat area, and I usually use a 4-4.5% incline on my treadmill. It sure burns up more calories than walking flat, not to mention, works on some muscle groups that tend to get flabby on me (dupa!)

    So, do I walk outside instead of inside on the treadmill? If so, do I walk a lot more to make up for lost calories from no incline? The problem with that is that it'll take up so much more time. It's sunny today and I should probably head out there for a walk before going to work, but, I can get so many more calories burned up in this short available time if I do the treadmill with an incline.

    Thanks for all the much needed advice!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Has anyone ever used that Omron pedometer that comes with the software? I'm wondering if having colorful charts and stuff would be a good motivator? Or does it just sound nice, but isn't very practical?
  • leshawnturner
    Hey folks!!! I'm still getting in about 8100 steps. Welcome Susy!!! This is a great group!!! I'm still trying to get up to 10,000 steps too. Hopefully by the new year I'll be there. I've still been doing my Leslie Sansone and the Firm. I'm not losing any pounds but I'm losing some inches so I'll take it!!

    Have a great day!!!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Hey folks!!! I'm still getting in about 8100 steps. Welcome Susy!!! This is a great group!!! I'm still trying to get up to 10,000 steps too. Hopefully by the new year I'll be there. I've still been doing my Leslie Sansone and the Firm. I'm not losing any pounds but I'm losing some inches so I'll take it!!

    Have a great day!!!

    I'd love to lose lots of pounds, but, truthfully, I'd take losing 5 inches off my waist over any amount of weight loss. My waist is the worst part of me. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Everything I read says that you can't choose where the fat leaves first. If you keep on losing weight sooner or later it will leave your waist. I've lost enough weight to be able to feel my ribs but I still have "thunder thighs":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Susy, if you look at your outdoor walk as a health measure (getting sunshine to enhance your mood and attitude and vitamin D) instead of a calorie burner, then you might be more inclined :laugh: to go out. Just like logging onto MFP helps my attitude but doesn't burn calories, I do it because I need to keep my brain focused.

    I'm off to line dance----a calorie burner and a chance to see friends :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Everything I read says that you can't choose where the fat leaves first. If you keep on losing weight sooner or later it will leave your waist. I've lost enough weight to be able to feel my ribs but I still have "thunder thighs":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Susy, if you look at your outdoor walk as a health measure (getting sunshine to enhance your mood and attitude and vitamin D) instead of a calorie burner, then you might be more inclined :laugh: to go out. Just like logging onto MFP helps my attitude but doesn't burn calories, I do it because I need to keep my brain focused.

    I'm off to line dance----a calorie burner and a chance to see friends :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbiecat, Obviously you know what you're talking about ... look how much weight you've lost! Wow!

    And you're right about the motivation to go outside. I need to look at the other benefits other than calories. But, I'll tell ya, watching those calories add up on the treadmill is such a motivator! And I just want to lose weight so badly! I feel like walking outside is going to slow down any chance of burning calories. I know I have to rethink it. Especially when Mr. Sunshine is glowing and is so tempting. But .... geez ... a good 4% incline and I can work off so many more calories! SEE!!! I'm hopeless! :tongue:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Has anyone ever used that Omron pedometer that comes with the software? I'm wondering if having colorful charts and stuff would be a good motivator? Or does it just sound nice, but isn't very practical?

    I own that pedometer, Omron HJ-720ITC. Nonetheless, since I got my HJ-303, I've never gone back to the model with software. The newer one is much more accurate, it contains a 2 week memory, clock, is much less cumbersome and more secure (and comfortable!), measures calorie burn, steps taken on a specific trip. (Let's say you take 10,000 steps daily, but 45 minutes are spent on a treadmill. It will tell you your daily total as well as how many steps were taken just on the treadmill.)
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Has anyone ever used that Omron pedometer that comes with the software? I'm wondering if having colorful charts and stuff would be a good motivator? Or does it just sound nice, but isn't very practical?

    I own that pedometer, Omron HJ-720ITC. Nonetheless, since I got my HJ-303, I've never gone back to the model with software. The newer one is much more accurate, it contains a 2 week memory, clock, is much less cumbersome and more secure (and comfortable!), measures calorie burn, steps taken on a specific trip. (Let's say you take 10,000 steps daily, but 45 minutes are spent on a treadmill. It will tell you your daily total as well as how many steps were taken just on the treadmill.)

    So, the software wasn't a big deal? Not missing it? No sense in getting it if I wouldn't stick with the software for long. I guess I'd really rather opt for accuracy than pretty graphs. Thanks for the advice.
  • leshawnturner
    My pedo had me at only 6000 steps yesterday but I know most of my movements from my workout was counted (FIRM). So I think I had a good day really. This weekend I'm going to experiement with getting 9000 steps in. Hopefully it won't be too hard. Wish me luck!!