Walking With Pedometers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks to my wonderful friend, :heart: Faith :heart: , I have a Leslie Sansone videotape which means I can walk with Leslie in the guest room away from the center of the house so if hubby wants to make a phone call or ride the exercise bike and watch a movie, i can go into the guest room and walk. :bigsmile: It's a huge boost to my winter workout possibilities.

    It feels like winter here with a lot of wind. The lights dimmed a few minutes ago and I was afraid we would lose power. Hubby is out of town for five days and it feels a little lonely here. :sad: :sad: I lived alone most of my 20's and 30's so it's not like I don't know how to live alone, it's just that I'm spoiled rotten now :laugh:

    Today I heard Leslie say that a toned body burns calories more efficiently so that's another good reason for walking.

    :flowerforyou: Susy, in the years before MFP we used to have two huge bowls of spaghetti and tons of bread for dinner every Friday night. no wonder we stayed chubby :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thanks to my wonderful friend, :heart: Faith :heart: , I have a Leslie Sansone videotape which means I can walk with Leslie in the guest room away from the center of the house so if hubby wants to make a phone call or ride the exercise bike and watch a movie, i can go into the guest room and walk. :bigsmile: It's a huge boost to my winter workout possibilities.

    It feels like winter here with a lot of wind. The lights dimmed a few minutes ago and I was afraid we would lose power. Hubby is out of town for five days and it feels a little lonely here. :sad: :sad: I lived alone most of my 20's and 30's so it's not like I don't know how to live alone, it's just that I'm spoiled rotten now :laugh:

    Today I heard Leslie say that a toned body burns calories more efficiently so that's another good reason for walking.

    :flowerforyou: Susy, in the years before MFP we used to have two huge bowls of spaghetti and tons of bread for dinner every Friday night. no wonder we stayed chubby :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie

    My hubby's out of town, too. I was single through my 20's and 30's, too! And, I find the current alone time refreshing! When he's out of town, I can work out in the mornings and in the evenings. When he's not out of town, it's usually just the mornings after he goes to work, and before I go to work. When he comes home in the evening, it's all about him ... :blushing: ... so no workout in the evening ... or, at least no treadmill.:smooched:

    I ate a bunch of protein today for dinner, but had to skip lunch, or what I usually call lunch. My job goes right through lunchtime, so I usually eat a snack on the way to and from work and call that lunch. It's usually an apple or a mix of fruit and nuts. So, today, I brought an apple and when I bit into it, it was mostly bruised, brown, and mushy! :frown: So, I didn't eat it. I'm wondering how that'll effect my weight this week ... skipping mid day food and having a lot of protein for dinner. We'll see.

    On the bright side ... I drank 2 extra bottles of water today, and drank one less can of Diet Coke! woo hoo!
  • PatB52
    PatB52 Posts: 65
    I dug out an inexpensive pedometer that I'd purchased a couple of years ago. I had never gotten it set up because the instructions were obviously translated from another language (probably Chinese since it was made in China) and were hard to follow. It also required my having to convert my weight to Kg's and my stride to cm. It seems to work pretty well and from what I can tell, is pretty accurate. I had figured the other day how many steps I walk in a minute and multiplied that by the time I walk. The pedometer said I walked 6007 miles in 56 minutes today which was pretty close to what I had figured out mathematically. It also told me how far I walked (2.7 miles) and how long.

    I noticed that there is an audible click with every step, so I don't know if I'll wear it all day long. I'll probably just wear it when I go on walks.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I enjoy reading these posts so much, and it looks like everyone is moving in the right direction. Good for you, Susy, increasing protein while decreasing diet soda. Barb, I see that ticker of yours moving - continuously towards your well-earned goal (which is almost here!). leshawnturner, stick with your steps and stick with us. I know how difficult meeting your exercise quota is when you're busy at work and have all sorts of meetings to attend, but we are here for you - always!

    Here it is 1:51 in the morning and I just finished my walking. (Now make it 1:52 a.m.!) How do you spell compulsive? I went to Weight Watchers tonight and discovered I lost 1.5 lbs. this week. Slow and steady wins this race. When I returned from tonight's WW meeting, I had exactly 5 miles completed. I pulled out Leslie Sansone's "4 Mile Super Challenge" thinking that will enable me to complete a total of 9 miles today. When I was finished and glanced down at my pedometer, I was so disappointed to see it had only measured 2.95 miles completed, so I jumped on the treadmill for a couple minutes to bring the reading up to an even 3 miles. So I am reporting I completed an 8 mile total or 18,501 steps. (I told you I was compulsive!) Have a great night and an even better day tomorrow.
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Holy cow, Pes! That's incredible! Congrats on your weight loss! And keep up the walking! But, hey, get some sleep, too! I know part of the reason for my big sudden weight gain 4 years ago was stress and no sleep. (I had just gotten married to a man with 2 of his own children who live with us, and sold my house, bought a house together ... you get the idea ... stress, stress, stress!) So, be sure to get some sleep!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I couldn't help myself, and I weighed myself this morning. I was sure I gained or at least didn't lose because I ate so much protein last night at dinner. But, I lost a pound! Go figure! I know a pound can be justified by just about anything ... I could weigh myself tomorrow and get a totally differnt reading, but, listen, a pound is a pound is a pound. And, at this stage of the game, I am encouraged by losing a pound.

    So, I'm back to the 4 pounds I had lost last week, before gaining 2 over the weekend at the wedding and a trip to the mall eatery. :grumble: So, it's like I'm back to ground zero, and now I have to lose my 2 pounds or so for this week. And it's already Thursday! :sad: But, I'm going with what I've learned this week: more protein. For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs with leftover baked ham, and some cheese sprinkled over it. And, a little bit of cottage cheese on the side.

    Come to think of it, when I've lost weight, I've eaten a lot of cottage cheese. Hmmm .... I think I'm off to the store later today to get more low fat cottage cheese!
  • leshawnturner
    Susy - congrats on your weight loss!!! A pound is a pound no matter how you lose it!! :bigsmile:

    Pes - thanks for the encouragement!! Today my goal is to get up and move around for at least 5 min every hour. I think I can make that work.

    Ladies everyone is doing a great job!!! Keep up the good walk :laugh: !! Hey, where's Caliecat??
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member

    So, I'm back to the 4 pounds I had lost last week, before gaining 2 over the weekend at the wedding and a trip to the mall eatery. :grumble: So, it's like I'm back to ground zero, and now I have to lose my 2 pounds or so for this week. And it's already Thursday! :sad: But, I'm going with what I've learned this week: more protein. For breakfast, I had scrambled eggs with leftover baked ham, and some cheese sprinkled over it. And, a little bit of cottage cheese on the side.

    Come to think of it, when I've lost weight, I've eaten a lot of cottage cheese. Hmmm .... I think I'm off to the store later today to get more low fat cottage cheese!

    It's all but impossible to gain 2 pounds in the course of a weekend, much more likely it's water weight. Protein does make you lose. I remember years ago, a physician told me I was hypoglycemic and directed me to lay off sweets and eat lotsof protein. The weight just fell off (also think about Atkins Diet which is predicated upon eating massive amounts of protein). For your own sanity, Susy, try not to weigh yourself more than once weekly since your weight will fluctuate from day to day. Sounds like you're doing fine!.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    ........or, if you're going to weigh yourself more often, do it regularly (same time, same clothes (or no clothes) and keep track of the results so you can see how your weight fluctuates as it gradually goes down.......and don't record any new weight on your ticker until it's been gone for a week

    :flowerforyou: someone at line dance wondered how may steps we take in a class so I kept track and shared the information pointing out what I learned from all of you that a pedometer doesn't always record lateral steps so the number is probably much higher.
    2 hour line dance class today 4762 steps

    we have rain again today so there will be walking with Leslie and dance with Richard in the house today.:bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Good morning. Tied up all day and walked about 2.2 miles of leisurely walking. Finally got on mytreadmill at 1:30 a.m. and walked very briskly for 3 miles., leaving me a total of 5.2 miles today.
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I completed another 1.75 miles for a grand total of 7 miles.
  • leshawnturner
    Hey folks!! So my getting up and moving around every hour yesterday didn't go as well as I planned because I had a lot of reading to do. I didn't get up and walk around, I spent a lot of time getting up and stretching because I was getting stiff. Today is about the same, but I will try to at least walk around the office for about 5 min (hopefully I won't drive my co-workers crazy while doing so :laugh: ). Have a great weekend ladies!!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Hey folks!! So my getting up and moving around every hour yesterday didn't go as well as I planned because I had a lot of reading to do. I didn't get up and walk around, I spent a lot of time getting up and stretching because I was getting stiff. Today is about the same, but I will try to at least walk around the office for about 5 min (hopefully I won't drive my co-workers crazy while doing so :laugh: ). Have a great weekend ladies!!

    This is going to be a tough weekend and following week to walk for me because I have out of town guests coming tomorrow, and leaving NEXT Saturday. I'll be cooking and preparing Thanksgiving dinner next week. I don't know how much walking I'll get in. BUT I'm starting to really feel like I'm steadily losing weight and sooooo much don't want to stop!

    So, listen, Leshawn, ... you and me ... let's get it going this weekend, OK? :smile: Let's get up and move, no matter what, OK? Reading or no reading, guests or no guests, let's walk at least a little this weekend. :flowerforyou: Saturday AND Sunday. I don't know if I'll get much time to check back here, but, at least by Monday, I'm going to check in and read your post about how much you walked, and I'm going to post how much I was able to get in. The goal is, just walk. Get in however much we can manage, but, let's get in some walking this weekend! :flowerforyou:

    Pes .... I'll challenge YOU one of these days, too! :wink: But, it's going to be a long time from now when I've worked up to having the energy of the energizer bunny .... like you! :laugh:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member

    So, listen, Leshawn, ... you and me ... let's get it going this weekend, OK? :smile: Let's get up and move, no matter what, OK? Reading or no reading, guests or no guests, let's walk at least a little this weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Pes .... I'll challenge YOU one of these days, too! :wink: But, it's going to be a long time from now when I've worked up to having the energy of the energizer bunny .... like you! :laugh:

    First, let me say Susy, you have a great attitude. Maybe it's a challenging time coming up, but at least you're not throwing in the towel. It's not always possible to do what we'd like, after all, life has a way of intruding sometimes. Let me also say that I will be returning to work on Monday. (I was on leave to take care of elderly parents.) I have a full-time postion with an hour's ride in each direction. Yipes! Believe it or not, I am not the one to beat - look at the earlier posts and you will see that Barb was putting in an impressive 23,000+ steps daily!

    (Today I walked 9 miles; 5 mile walk with my trusty terrier, 2 miles on the treadmill at 4% incline and a little over 2 miles walked leisurely (supermarket shopping, etc.) Enjoy your weekend everyone, but if you get the opportunity, check-in at the soda shop and let us know how you're doing. :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The biggest challenge should be to continue to "beat" ourselves.......In the great weather I was taking long walks, now that I'm more housebound, the numbers are dropping.....I set a goal for myself and sometimes have to walk up and down the hall at bedtime to meet the goal....having a goal for myself gets me out of the chair when I'd like to sit and goof off.:laugh:

    I don't have a job to go to so I have more chances to be active.

    Let's all keep on keeping on and never, never, never give up
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Let me get this out of the way, yesterday I actually ate about 200 more calories than I walked - and I only walked 4 miles. Tonight I walked 8 miles (or slightly more). 3.6 miles walking leisurely, 3 miles from Leslie Sansone's "Start Walking at Home Advanced," and 1.5 miles on the treadmill. I am concerned about getting in enough steps since I am returning to work tomorrow. I'm setting my alarm early and will take a 45 minute walk with my dog before work. Have a great week!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Pes, Have a great day at work......it will be a huge shock to your system after all your wonderful days full of walking.:sad:

    I've had a couple of active days since hubby has been out of town...I had to do all the dog walking and with no one home to talk to, I had more time to ride the exercise bike and walk with Leslie.:bigsmile:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    I am struggling to stay on track. Since returning to work, I come home very tired and although I am able to adhere during the day to my diet, I consume too many calories in the evening. I am not even achieving 10,000 steps daily and have gone to bed two times this week with a negative calorie deficit - something I swore I would never do.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Pes, Tomorrow is a new day.......you'll get back into your old routine soon and have your energy back......never, never, never give up,:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • leshawnturner
    HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :drinker:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    A Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving to all!!!