How many kids do YOU want? :)



  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I always wanted 3. It was a miracle I got my second & now the only way I'll get a 3rd is if the guy of my dreams has a little one.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    we have 8. we have 6 boys and 2 girls. I would really like another girl but I don't know if that will happen or not. Whatever God gives us I will be happy with.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    is it too late to say none? J/k, I have 4, and they're great!
  • xdoublerainbow
    xdoublerainbow Posts: 51 Member
    Both my fiancee and I want two or three but we'll be happy no matter what :) We've even talked about adoption a little bit already.
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    i just want an even number...
    hopefully ill get a boy and a girl and ill be done.
    or maybe ill have twins and ill be done all at one time!
  • tortor17
    tortor17 Posts: 14 Member
    I really want 2 or 3, but I have none now.
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    Big fat zero for me. I'll stick with my dogs.

    I have two stepkids though.

    Haha! And the Hottest Granny Award goes to... :)
  • bonsaiblossom
    bonsaiblossom Posts: 133 Member
    I dont have any and i dont want any, if im in my 40s and suddenly decide i want kids then i will most likely adopt
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    We have 3. All girls. They are brilliant, everything I ever wanted when I was younger and thought about what me children might be like. They have compassion, make amazing decisions and I couldn't possibly be more proud of them. At only 14, 11 and 10 they inspire me every day to be a better person. I am in awe of my daughters. Nothing ever will compare to being a mother.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    We have 3. All girls. They are brilliant, everything I ever wanted when I was younger and thought about what me children might be like. They have compassion, make amazing decisions and I couldn't possibly be more proud of them. At only 14, 11 and 10 they inspire me every day to be a better person. I am in awe of my daughters. Nothing ever will compare to being a mother.

    Awesome anwer! You are a great mom!
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    We have 3. All girls. They are brilliant, everything I ever wanted when I was younger and thought about what me children might be like. They have compassion, make amazing decisions and I couldn't possibly be more proud of them. At only 14, 11 and 10 they inspire me every day to be a better person. I am in awe of my daughters. Nothing ever will compare to being a mother.

    Awesome anwer! You are a great mom!

    Awe Thanks :)
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I always have wanted 3 kids. I have a daughter thats 10 months old. I decided i might just have 1 more and thats that. If it was up to my husband, we would have 4 at the minimum. ... NOT going to happen lol
  • 3. Two boys & one girl :)
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    None, and I'm right on target!
  • nalfavi
    nalfavi Posts: 174 Member
    I'd like two, but this is coming from a person who has never had a child or had to take care of one, so I'm guessing after my first (if I even have one) I'll probably stop there once I know what it's like xD Right now I'm happy with my one furbaby :)