Others eat like crap and lose weight, WTF?!



  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Its says you joined may 2012 and you have lost 32lbs since than? Is that correct?
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!

    He has an amazingly true point :D
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    watch the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" and you will instantly feel better about your clean food choices. I personally wish I could eat cleaner, but as a law student I can only afford so much produce! So be proud of how far you have come, stick with it and you will go even farther!!

    AWESOME documentary... Another good one is "Food Inc." you will never look at your food the same way again...
  • IcePrincesss89
    That's me I get it from my dad. we both have awful diets and eat the worst stuff (donuts, fast food, soda...everything) and we stay relatively skinny
    but my dad has cholesterol issues and with my last blood test my doctor told me I had high triglycerides (bad-fat)
    so losing weight or being a healthy weight doesn't necessarily mean that a person is healthy...
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Yah some folks can eat lots of crap and lose weight. I am not one of them. *shrugs* Doesnt mean I am doing something 'wrong'.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The people who lose a lot of weight while eating mostly junk food are usually the people who have a lot of weight to lose to begin with. There is a point when macronutrients matter very little compared to simple calories, when by cutting calories you're going to be losing mass no matter what you're eating.

    There are also people who just have a different genetic makeup, different metabolism, etc. and comparing yourself to others isn't really going to help you meet your goal. If eating healthier food is something that makes sense for your health AND makes it easier for you to lose weight, then I'd say that's a better goal than trying to lose weight on McDonald's alone.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm the same way, I eat well and have had very slow loss despite working hard. But there is an easy solution, and it's one I employ. Don't look at anyone else's diary. Eat what is good for you and works for you. Let everyone else do what works for them. Just know that you're doing right for yourself.

    Yo go girl
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    different strokes for different folks. find what works for you.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I guess I wonder why people care what someone else is eating? Why on Earth does it matter to you if someone else chooses to use their 1200 calories on 2 double cheeseburgers and a McFlurry? How is it hurting you? It isn't. It sounds to me like you're feeling frustrated about being at a plateau and are searching for a reason to kind of lash out about it.

    I understand plateaus - I hit one for over 2 months and was so frustrated. I found that by loosening up on myself and raising my calories - I lost again.

    Instead of being upset that someone else is eating this or that, focus on what you can do to break through this plateau.

    BTW, I eat M&M's everyday in my Greek yogurt, I eat frozen tv dinners sometimes (like last night where I was delayed at work until 3:30am and ended up working nearly 12 hours), I eat cookies everyday. Yet, I have awesome blood work results to prove that even with the "crap", I am healthy. I lost nearly 60lbs and I've kept it off since Sept 2010.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but these types of posts are why people keep their food diaries private. Who wants to be judged for their food choices? It is my body and if I want to eat M&M's and cookies, I will.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!

    This guy said it!! They may be losing weight in the waistline, but their heart, lungs etc etc will soon be suffering! Just keep doing what you are doing. It's obviously working for you, seeing that you have lost weight the right way.
  • MichelleLee73
    I feel your frustration. Just yesterday, my husband and I were at Costco. I see this couple in line at the check stand next to us who obviously must LIVE at the gym in their tiny tight little gym clothes looking so fabulous and as I'm standing there in all my chubby glory with my cart full of fruit and veggies and multi-grain everything, I'm looking into their's with nothing but junk in it! Hot Pockets, Cup of Noodles, Frozen orange chicken and frozen burritos... and at the bottom... 3 cases of Gatoraid. I was angry inside... I just keep trying to tell myself this is all going to pay off someday, but I hear you... it's disheartening sometimes.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I have the same problem! I got tired of being frustrated over this and am seeing a nutritionist at my gym this evening for my initial appointment. This is my last hope to finally see if I can shake it up. I even went vegetarian for two months and that didn't help either.My doctor ordered metabolic tests and everything came back normal. It's just mystifying because I eat healthy, watch calories, etc. and work out. I recently entered menopause and that's when everything came to a halt. Up until then I was losing weight consistently. Wish I could help you. All I can say is that I take comfort in knowing I am treating my body well and eating healthy and exercising. Being in good health is what keeps me going. So keep on being good to your body.
  • gorewhore13
    gorewhore13 Posts: 49 Member
    I have seen fat, sick and nearly dead I started juicing because of that. Food inc is on my netflix que. Thank you everyone for the encouraging words :D guess I needed to hear that this stuff.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I feel your frustration. Just yesterday, my husband and I were at Costco. I see this couple in line at the check stand next to us who obviously must LIVE at the gym in their tiny tight little gym clothes looking so fabulous and as I'm standing there in all my chubby glory with my cart full of fruit and veggies and multi-grain everything, I'm looking into their's with nothing but junk in it! Hot Pockets, Cup of Noodles, Frozen orange chicken and frozen burritos... and at the bottom... 3 cases of Gatoraid. I was angry inside... I just keep trying to tell myself this is all going to pay off someday, but I hear you... it's disheartening sometimes.

    For all you know they could have been buying it to donate to a food bank - never presume something is what it appears to be!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yours wont come back and youll look better naked at the end.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I eat like hammered s#!t and have lost 65lbs this year. I know if I ate better my loss would be more, but I like to eat and I am going to.

    You are from Texas??? :) You love to eat meat huh? Haha. I used to live there. Texans love them some steak. It was great, but I came back to crappy old AZ.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I eat like hammered s#!t and have lost 65lbs this year. I know if I ate better my loss would be more, but I like to eat and I am going to.

    What are your cholesterol numbers?
  • MichelleLee73
    I feel your frustration. Just yesterday, my husband and I were at Costco. I see this couple in line at the check stand next to us who obviously must LIVE at the gym in their tiny tight little gym clothes looking so fabulous and as I'm standing there in all my chubby glory with my cart full of fruit and veggies and multi-grain everything, I'm looking into their's with nothing but junk in it! Hot Pockets, Cup of Noodles, Frozen orange chicken and frozen burritos... and at the bottom... 3 cases of Gatoraid. I was angry inside... I just keep trying to tell myself this is all going to pay off someday, but I hear you... it's disheartening sometimes.

    For all you know they could have been buying it to donate to a food bank - never presume something is what it appears to be!

    Well, food banks don't generally accept frozen foods, but ok... You would think if the food is being donated and they advocate a healthy lifestyle, they wouldn't be donating crap like that to hungry children. lol I think sometimes it just is what it is.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Well, food banks don't generally accept frozen foods, but ok... You would think if the food is being donated and they advocate a healthy lifestyle, they wouldn't be donating crap like that to hungry children. lol I think sometimes it just is what it is.

    I was thinking it's likely either of two other possibilities...
    a) She eats very little
    b) She is constantly working out

    Neither of which I have any envy for, personally
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I had a chocolate dipped Ice cream cone from McDonalds last night. First time I've been to McDonalds in 2 years. Oh and I was under my caloric goal

    It was delicious. :)