Others eat like crap and lose weight, WTF?!



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I eat clean 75% of the time, and it's great to be able to live life and not be miserable in some crash program of deprivation.
    I don't do any kind of diets.
    Eating healthy 90% of the time is actually quite simple. I eat lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fruits and veggies.
    Simple deal.
    And once the lifestyle becomes habit, it gets easy.
    And once per week?
    I blow it out and eat whatever I want - FREE DAY!:drinker:

    If you're on some miserable, low calorie diet, so be it.
    I'll take my way over that road to nowhere.
    Life is to be lived!
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I drink a soda a day (that I'm trying to wean off of - thanks step dad for putting them in my lunch as a child). I have snack food from time to time. I'm a human. Today, I think I overate. Oh freaking well. My ex-in-laws are coming into town in 3 days to visit my DD, my dad is dying from Melanoma (oh a sunburn can kill), and I'm supposed to be moving to Scandinavia in less than 2 months and getting remarried. So, screw all the people who want to sit up there and judge what I eat and what I do. Get a freaking life.

    If I just ate vegetables and fruits and unprocessed food and went on some sort of clean living diet, I'd be back to 2500 calories of Mountain Dew, chips, and chocolate in maybe a week?

    I lost 19 pounds (and up and back down) in the last year. It is good solid weight loss from just cutting back the calories and exercising more. I'm interested in lifestyle changes that I'll keep up with, not some fad diet, aren't you?

    What do you consider lifestyle changes exactly? Not being a wise guy, just curious as your post seems to be arguing both sides of the fence...
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!
    THIS!! ^^

    You're wrong.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    That's me I get it from my dad. we both have awful diets and eat the worst stuff (donuts, fast food, soda...everything) and we stay relatively skinny
    but my dad has cholesterol issues and with my last blood test my doctor told me I had high triglycerides (bad-fat)
    so losing weight or being a healthy weight doesn't necessarily mean that a person is healthy...

    AGREED!! I am not what anyone would call fat, i actually get very frustrated b/c i can't seem to mention my positive eating habits or exercise routines around my work friends,b/c apparently i'm not "fat" enough to weigh in... however, i have 19% body fat and that is not healthy to me. (grant it it's not obeise either)

    I know i would not have the will power to correct myself if my health got out of control so i stay on top of it & change things up. 6 months ago i couldn't run a mile... or even jog... now i can. i recently started bits of p90x and weight training & am already seeing the results (3 wks in) in the measuring tape, even tho not on the scale.

    i agree with the person above who said ignore thier diaries, do what works for you!! :)
  • jkeily
    jkeily Posts: 3
    Maybe your doing too much? You sound very stressed out and stress can interfere w/ weight loss. Just relax and live your life. Life is too short to be stressed. I'm sure you look just fine.:smile:
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    What isn't processed?

    Ummm and Avocado. Ummm a pepper out of my garden. Ummm fesh meat at the local butcher - how do you define "processed"? So you define "processed" as a person picking an Avocado and shipping it to a market? Intriguing...
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are. I get frustrated with no losing and end up eating too much of stuff I said I would not eat.

    To those who wonder why we care what others eat: It's not that I care; it's that we look at other diaries for ideas and examples and then see that others eat things or amounts of calories that we don't and still lose, and we wonder WHY we aren't losing like they are. It's true we are all different, but it doesn't seem fair that some can eat pizza and cake and Dr. Pepper etc etc etc and still lose and I'm eating lettuce and radishes and cucumbers and can't seem to lose anything. Yes, apparently, I'm doing something "different" so it's not working the same for me. Yes, apparently, my body doesnt' work the same way. Yes, apparently, I lose the motivation and binge. Yes....to all of those things........it just makes me jealous and sad that I work so hard and can't find success and others can. AND, yes, jealously is WRONG and I"m happy for those with success. I just wish it were me!!!! So, it's not that I "care" what others eat, I just want to eat it TOO and lose as much!!!! LOL

    You said what I wish I had. Honest reply.in my opinion.

    Thank you for an honest and nice statement. Everyone's hard work will pay off, just the timing is different. :smile: Our journey's are just beginning! (and I might only be eating radishes and cucumbers by the end lol)
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!
    THIS!! ^^

    You're wrong.

    Please educate me! :bigsmile:
  • jimmeezwyf
    jimmeezwyf Posts: 140 Member
    You either make the choice for your insides to be a cesspool, or not...I'm not perfect, and I do eat junk here and there, but I want to be healthy for a long time and the only way to do that is making the right choices in food. Everything in moderation otherwise you will not succeed.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!
    THIS!! ^^

    You're wrong.
    Someone should tell that to Michael Phelps.

    Anyway, open ze diary if you want pointers.
  • 007GAL
    007GAL Posts: 6
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!

    EXACTLY!! Well said! =)

    For my two cents now...

    The people wo are eating the crappy food have one focus - losing weight/being skinny. They are obviously not concerned about their overall health and well being. You can be skinny and still have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol etc.

    Remember, you really are what you eat. Once i began eating clean, my body changed from the inside out. My skin glows and looks amazing, my hair grows like crazy and is thick and shiny, my nails grow like crazy and are hard, etc. I feel awake and alive and full of energy!!!!

    Keep on eating clean and working out. You will succeed and be healthy doing it!

    Excellent comments!!
  • tripn404
    tripn404 Posts: 109 Member
    no one can really help you ... until you make your food diary public
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I think I'm focusing too much on society's ideal woman's body too. I'm want to be that hot chick in a bikini, it sounds superficial but it's honest. I'm am stronger and I have built my endurance up day after day. This whole weight loss journey can be really frustrating and discouraging at times. I feel better then I use to and I love to sweat and pant and be exhausted after a workout.
    One day you will be that hot babe turning heads.
    Stay on course, and don't let anybody talk you down from your goal by saying you're fine like you are or because you're beautiful inside...blah...blah..blah...
    Your goals are your own, and you can reach them if you keep pressing and never turn away.
    Good Luck!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    What isn't processed?
    Lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and whole grains.
    If man makes it, don't eat it.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    What isn't processed?

    Ummm and Avocado. Ummm a pepper out of my garden. Ummm fesh meat at the local butcher - how do you define "processed"? So you define "processed" as a person picking an Avocado and shipping it to a market? Intriguing...

    Avocado unless it's from your own tree?
    Freezing of avocados is being studied along with that of individually Quick Freezing (IQF) of other fruits and berries. Although earlier conventional methods of freezing by frigid air or plate methods have proved satisfactory for meats, vegetables, and fruits immersed in syrup, two problems are inherent in freezing individual sections of products such as avocados or other fruits that are to be eaten uncooked. One is the formation of large ice crystals in a slow freeze, and the other is discoloration upon thawing. The ice crystals result in a breakdown of texture, while the discoloration, besides its lack of esthetic appeal, is accompanied by off-flavors. Very rapid freezing results in smaller ice crystals and better retention of texture, but discoloration upon thawing still remains a problem.
    In recent years, rapid freezing by nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or freon has provided a means of texture retention. In our experiments we have used freon, a colorless liquid at low temperatures that boils at approximately -22°F. Its use has been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration. To improve color and flavor retention, we have dipped the fruits in an antioxidant solution of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and malic acid (a naturally occurring acid in fruits and vegetables) prior to freezing.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    body weight does not equal good health!

    There are many folks who can eat a ton and "never gain weight" - however what is taking place on he inside is super destructive - high cholesterol, high BP. There is also a growing phenomenon in this country now known as "skinny-fat" - that is, a person's weight is perfect according to the scale, however their body fat % is off the charts unhealthy.

    Eating tons of junk and being healthy is a myth - don't buy into it. Some may have the metabolism to burn the calories - yes, but they are not improving their health.

    Eat healthy - focus on lifestyle changes and you will see the weight come off - I can attest to it!
    THIS!! ^^

    You're wrong.
    Someone should tell that to Michael Phelps.

    Anyway, open ze diary if you want pointers.

    Sounds like he is singing a different song these days to me...

  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    What are you cloths telling you? are you losing inches? I also try to eat clean unproccessed food. I am losing about 1 lb a week. However that is my goal. I will be measuring soon, so I can tell what kind of fat I am actually losing.

    Good luck I hope you start losing again soon.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Why do the comments on these types of threads always turn into "they're not healthy on the inside and stupid to eat crap" semi-bashing? :huh: Don't hate.

    If someone can eat junk and lose weight, more power to them. Making blanket statements like their "insides are destructive/dying" (and drama queen much?) is ridiculous. And yep, I eat junk a lot and have lost and my doc loves my insides. :smile:

    Exactly. I'm in excellent health, my "insides" are great and I eat plenty of "crap". Stop hating and worry about yourself.

    Sorry but I don't agree and it is misinformation - no one is bashing anyone who eat's junk food occasionally - we all enjoy something decadent. The whole discussion focuses on the fact that the OP was frustrated that her friends eat nothing but junk food but still lose weight. Sorry, but debate me if you will this is not a healthy way to live, does not work for most people and for many people could be pretty dangerous to their health. I don't see how those are "blanket statements".

    If you eat nothing but junk food and your doctor gives you gold stars - great for you and shame on him. it does not mean the OP should give up on eating healthy and trying to improve herself. Plus a news flash for ya - your ability to continue that way has a limited duration... Should we smoke too?
    She never specified a quantity. The OP never said they eat ONLY processed or "crap" food, just that they eat it. How do you know any of these people are just eating crap all day? Maybe they eat one processed item occasionally.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I technically started my weight loss journey 3 months ago and have only lost 6.4 lbs :cry: I walk on the trail every day and I portion and measure my food.
  • HildeDanmark
    HildeDanmark Posts: 65 Member
    I drink a soda a day (that I'm trying to wean off of - thanks step dad for putting them in my lunch as a child). I have snack food from time to time. I'm a human. Today, I think I overate. Oh freaking well. My ex-in-laws are coming into town in 3 days to visit my DD, my dad is dying from Melanoma (oh a sunburn can kill), and I'm supposed to be moving to Scandinavia in less than 2 months and getting remarried. So, screw all the people who want to sit up there and judge what I eat and what I do. Get a freaking life.

    If I just ate vegetables and fruits and unprocessed food and went on some sort of clean living diet, I'd be back to 2500 calories of Mountain Dew, chips, and chocolate in maybe a week?

    I lost 19 pounds (and up and back down) in the last year. It is good solid weight loss from just cutting back the calories and exercising more. I'm interested in lifestyle changes that I'll keep up with, not some fad diet, aren't you?

    What do you consider lifestyle changes exactly? Not being a wise guy, just curious as your post seems to be arguing both sides of the fence...
    It isn't, you just have some reading comprehension issues.
    Lifestyle changes are eating less calories and exercising more. What are they to you?