Petite girls r u struggling w last 10 pounds??? 5'1" - 5'3"



  • nmalek1025
    nmalek1025 Posts: 72
    How about juicing for about 10 days? You can only exercise about 30 mins I believe during the days you juice but it will help you lean out and lose those pounds. If i don't lose my last 10 pounds by my half marathon from clean eating and working out I think I'll juice for two weeks and then do the Jaime Eason plan to get toned. Just a thought!

    This is the link my friend gave me for the juicing.
  • crysta911
    crysta911 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'3, and I'm up to 119, and normally stay about 116. Make sure you give yourself a free day once a week. It actually will help you lost weight and boost your metabolism. I'm up right now from a girls weekend trip ;) Good luck!
  • mrsogden259
    Have you heard of the new leaf training system? They had it at the gym I was going to before we moved. My husband is in the military, I am 5'2 and can easily gain 20 lbs with every move. this time I was determined not to. So, I hired a trainer and she had my body tested while it is exercising to see where i burn fat and when I burn carbs as fuel. You wear a mask and run on a treadmill one day and sit in a chair and do not move with the mask on another day. They then will make a complete caloric and exercise plan tailored to you. The jist is that you train your body to use fat as the main source of fuel for a longer period of time before it flips to carbs.
    The first week I lost 2.5 lbs! During the move I did gain 4 lbs back....but it beats 20 and now I know what to do! Good luck and I hope this helps!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I feel like I've been struggling with the last 10 lbs for a while! Recently, I've been taking a more serious approach to my eating habits and trying to get a good exercise routine going. I've heard a combination of cardio (to lose the fat) and strength training (for lean muscle) works best. Also, I've heard HIIT is best for those last few pounds.

    Feel free to add me for support and motivation, I'm always looking for friends with similar goals!
  • mrsogden259
    oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I lost the 4lbs in 3 weeks and am staying on track!
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Same thing with me! It took me forever to go from 130 to 120. But staying steady now. I focus on waist measurement now instead of weight.
  • mathen2
    mathen2 Posts: 134 Member
    I am 5'2" and I have tried to go below 120 lbs, but somehow I end up back on 120. So I assumed my happy weight is at 120.. I was trying to lose those lbs because I wanted to get rid of the flab around my middle. But I guess I have to continue my cardio and tons of strength training. I have accepted the fact that weight is not the indicator of a healthy body, its more about the loss of inches
  • wiglett
    wiglett Posts: 53
    last ten!?!? try the last twenty! I lost 24 lbs in three months. . now. . im stuck! my diary is open if you want to peep!
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    i'm having a bit of trouble losing it, yes. exactly 10 pounds away from my UGW and its going pretty slowly... but slowly is better than not at all
  • rebie531
    rebie531 Posts: 1 Member
    Same here! 125 used to be my "heavy" weight now it's my goal weight. And has been for a long time. Gets harder with age, I think, too. I do agree that lifting weights is where it's at. Whenever I'm on a weight routine it really does help everything look more compact even if the scale doesn't move much.
  • momof2TONI
    momof2TONI Posts: 116
    I'm 5'3" and 60 years old so my age makes it harder to lose also. A year ago I got up to 170 so I got busy and lost 30 pounds. It took about 8 months to lose that weight. I never could get below 140 so I got discouraged and stopped watching my calories. I quickly put 10 pounds back on. The last couple of months I've been exercising and counting calories again. I managed to lose 2 pounds but again the scale is 'stuck'. I really don't want to give up again but it's so discouraging at times and every stinking pound shows on us short people.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Yep same story. The great thing is that I have been lifting heavy for a few months and I can fit into jeans I wore when I was 10 lbs lighter. But I won't be happy until I hit the 120's
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    It really all depends on what your goals are. I am 5'3 and have finally learned some important lessons after 25 years of various diets. Don't pay attention to the scale, it isn't important at all. I am 135lbs right now and I go between a size 6 and 8. At this same weight 10 years ago I was a size 12. Heavy weights make all the difference regarding looking toned and in shape. I like P90X weight DVD's for structure, and also do compound lifts in addition. I alternate it with cardio I love that makes me feel good (swimming and running). I have also learned that you will kill your metabolism if you don't raise the calories as your getting close to your goal, do it 100 calories at a time. Or the other opition is either zig zagging your calories on various days, or spiking your calories to double your BMR every 7-10 days to prevent your body from establishing a homeostatis. This is now how I eat, not a quick fix "diet" but a way of life for me now. It works good for me because I can eat more on the weekends. I originally had a goal of 125lbs, but honestly, I don't care anymore about the scale because I like the way I look being that I am healthy, not thin. Also keep in mind that your body is going to fight against going against a set weight for you body type and part of the journey is really acceptance of that. I have put my focus now on upcoming events (triathlon, tough mudder), which helps a lot from distracting from the over focus on weight. I am not saying this to be judgmental at all regarding those who focus on weight, I have just been there for too long and realized it didn't make me happy.
  • marylazenby
    I am 4'11" and weight 133. I have just started using MFP this week. My hopes is to shed twenty pounds (and maybe a little more) . Since having my child I have done well to lose the weight except this last 20 lbs. This program seems wonderfully user-friendly. I had been using My Plate and often found it frustrating when logging in food and such. MFP is so wonderful to use, and to have a community of people to talk with, I am so thrilled. Please feel free to friend me. I think it's great we can openly encourage each other because some days we all need a good kick in the rump.
    Mary Sanders Lazenby
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I'm 5'3, my goal is 150 pounds (which I have been at forever). I've tried to lose 10-15 more pounds for literally 8 years, the only way I can do it is eating 1,200 calories -- which isn't sustainable for me. When I got to 135 people asked me if I was sick - my face basically sunk in, so I decided to eat more (1,600 calories) and see where I leveled off -- that was at 150. It used to bug me cause I am technically overweight at 150, but I wear a 8 and my measurements and body fat are in normal ranges.

    It's entirely possible that your body just wants to be at 120. Just because we're shorties and can go lower doesn't mean we should.

    Good luck.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    oh, and my diary is open and would love additional adds if you need support :-)
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    OMG, I needed to see this topic tonight. I am 5'3 and weigh 139. Goal weight is 135 and I have been stuck at 139 for 2 months. I run, I walk, I cross-train and no change on the scale. I am open to suggestions.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Thank you for this thread, feel so much better seeing that so many other petite girls are in the same boat. I'm 5'2.5 and down to the last 10.2lbs. Plateud at 123lbs for all of June, finally seeing some loss this month and am down to 120.2.

    Going to start insanity and up my calories a bit and see if it doesn't kick things into gear.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I pretty much wrote my rollercoaster struggle on my profile. I won't write the whole thing down except to say I went up to 135 in Jan and struggled from Jan to May to lose 10 lbs. I 'd lose a pound or two, gain 3, lose 4, gain 5...etc.etc. 2 steps back, 1 step forward. I could not seem to escape 135! Talk about frustrating!

    And then in May I did something extreme.

    I started exercising less.

    Focused on strength training. Dropped the cardio COMPLETELY. Slowly but surely the weight started dropping. 135 on my 5'3 frame does not look good. To some people. they would tell me it was fine. But to me it was not.

    I like the weight where I am now. I am trying to be more focused on shape and less on the number on the scale. So far,it's working. I am currently doing the Venus Index workouts which I love.

    Here's to us petite shorties! We can do it!
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    if you hit the gym everyday, maybe it's muscle mass?? i know it's cliche, but muscle weighs more than fat :)